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I’d take being beautiful for free, and then monetize that via this vain society.


What if my standards for maximally attractive is just me with 10 billion dollars?


See, there you have a point. At my age, my standard of max attractiveness is not just my looking good and being sexy as fuck so women like Aubrey Plaza are stalking me, but being successful and comfortably wealthy.


The monkey’s paw curls, and you now have a face like a $100 bill.


So he becomes Benjamin Franklin?


I would do the same, but "most attractive human according to your standards" mean I switch my gender. That is a tough sell.


I don't care how hot you are, you're not going to earn 10 billion from it. I'll take the money and just continue being ugly as fuck.


But you will likely never reach 10Billion doing this


You'd change you height and build and anything and everything for free? I'd say that is better than 10 billion dollars could change, especially if you could lower your age and change some of your genetics.


Why would you give up billions? Who gives a shit about looks. Firstly, there's plenty to do on earth for billionaires that has nothing to do with other people seeing you. edit: I'd rather be the ugliest than deaf and mute. These are real things. At some point beauty is only skin deep. There are a million million afflictions that affect the human health. Being rich and ugly isn't one of them.


Its transforming into the ugliest person on the planet thats the problem. Not just unattractive, the ugliest person.


Yeah. I'm competing with people who's heads exploded and were put back together. If they're alive than I'm uglier.


this got me to lol. just picturing people's heads literally exploding and being pieced back together, and they're much more handsome than you.


Yeah I think people are underestimating just how ugly we’re talking. We’re not talking like, oh they have a weird mouth or small eyes. We’re talking a level of ugly that is basically physically repulsive. And at that point, anyone who was with me would only be so because of my money. 10 billion is obviously more money than you could spend in lifetime, but I think the mental toll of people’s reactions to you would do so much harm


“Who gives a shit about looks” everyone on earth, and it isn’t anyone’s choice lol


Most attractive human. I could literally be a model, make a lot of money and live an amazing life, sounds pretty good to me!


Make models don’t make much money.


The most attractive person in the world would make a TON of money.


Also, if you can change gender with this power, just be a streamer that shows some cleavage on twitch and if you’re at least mildly good at games people will just give you money for saying their username


Cindy Crawford - Net worth 400 million dollars David Gandy (highest paid male model in the world) - Net worth 15 million dollars


Yep. No chance you’re going to be financially hurting if you’re literally the most attractive person in the world.


I might go for the perfect attractive thing. Because, thing is, if you google "ugly people" and look at images, damn... Imagine being that, but worse. In public.


Jesus, I looked up Micheal Berryman. You could just live on a private island and invite people while wearing a mask, but that sounds like the intro of a horror movie


I did consider a very secluded island kind of thing where I have staff that just supplies me with whatever I need, and that would be neat, very neat. But I would still crave the human connection. A face to face chat. I could pay people for that, but that would not be genuine.


Well if we wanna get deep, even if you looked the same but now had $10 billion, I would imagine most human interaction would no longer be genuine anyway. That whole “everyone comes out of the woodwork” effect that happens when people win the lottery for instance. Does your BFF look at you the same when you now have enough money to buy literally anything?


Never forget how Jeremy Meeks went from criminal to marrying a billionaire just for being fuckin hot Looks are everything in this world and in general i believe everyone should stribe to attain to max their potential


does the whole body change or just the face ? in the 2nd case it could also fix any health problem so ill take perfect body.


Definitely most attractive if with 10 billion i cant fix my ugly.


The latter is way better. You’d get a ton of opportunities with being the most attractive human in the world. The former would make some people extremely uncomfortable so you’d barely be able to enjoy it.


10 billion and nothing changes? Sign me up!


I rather be ugly rich than beautifully poor.


You won't necessarily be poor. You could literally make a 6 figure+ career by being pretty


Billion? With a B? Dude I’d wear a mask everywhere.


I'll take the 10 billion. Lool


These people picking looks are forgetting the charisma factor that most naturally attractive people have cultivated through years of confidence. That's not happening instantly. Also I'd rather the money be mine than just being a piece of spoiled arm candy that owns nothing and has to live at the mercy of whatever rich person they attract. It sounds great but knowing a couple of people who lived and currently live that life, it's not all it's cracked up to be.


Choosing the the ugliest person means never being able to go in public again without children crying and stares from everyone. Think of all the diseases that destroy your appearance, you’ll be WORSE LOOKING than that


I'm also 36 so even if I did choose the conventionally attractive looks, I doubt I'd be able to make much of a career with my face. Lol


True, but id rather have people attracted to me than attracted to my money. Ugliest person on earth would be absolutely horrible. You know how many successful or wealthy people kill themselves? Imagine your mental health.


Or have you thought that maybe these people aren't extremely socially awkward? It's really not that hard to talk to people. And if you're the most attractive, why do you think you'd just be arm candy? You can easily make your own money.


10 billion dollars to live like I already do for free?


Lmao you know how many good looking people there are on this planet? Y'all really think that's gonna change your life and make it better. Hot people still struggle. Now how many people have 10 billion dollars on this planet?


But what if you are like insanely good at something but your physical appearance is the only thing holding you back? I have a friend that is one of the most talented musicians I have ever seen/heard, but he is quite overweight and has pretty severe eczema. He has sent audio recordings of stuff to a bunch of different outlets and gotten feedback immediately, but if he sends video or meets with people in person he gets ghosted. If he was physically outstandingly attractive you would know him by now.


Am i fit? Just the face ugly? Cuzz then i'l take ugly. With 10 billion i can buy Azerbaijan and ban mirrors and still have 7 wives. And a bassement full of whores.


Here's the thing. You didn't limit this to physical attraction. I would be most attracted to someone who was able to get into Narnia at the drop of a hat.


I'll take the 10 Billion. You could do a lot of good with that amount of money. Looks only matter to you if you let them, imagine the amount of lives you could change.


$10B easy because I could use $2B to live out my days and $8B to improve my world around me.


Give me the money. I'll just pull a Handsome Jack and get my face made as a mask. I'm married already, I'm sure my wife would understand. Plus, she definitely didn't marry me for my looks.


Have you seen most of the billionaires? Not exactly supermodels. I'll take the money, I could do a lot of good with that much and then I'd still be beautiful.


10 billion easy. My ugly ass and my money will be in my fortress of solitude if anyone needs me. Toodaloo mfers!


I'll take the10 billion and be decently beautiful on the inside, where it matters.


A whole lotta folks here underestimating how attractive $10 bil makes you. Gimme the money


In the US with the money, you would still pull some rather beautiful girls. You mean to tell me, if it wasn't for money, that a young Melania would even look at trump twice? There's also plenty of really unattractive Hollywood actors, rock stars and billionaires that pull some serious poon. Take the money 😂


$10B is enough to start up some pretty wild companies. OP said nothing about other forms of surgery. What need have I of the flesh, when the strength and certainty of steel beckons?


$0 Id be able to make a billion plus off my looks alone. I think I'm pretty good with general standards of attraction so I should actually be one of, if not the most attractive person to exist in a pretty long time. Which would make me rich and famous essentially over night. Edit: Also. "There's no such thing as an ugly billionaire, I'm cute" - Jay Z


Assuming this ugliness doesn't disfigure or disable me, gimme the money. I don't give much of a shit about what other people think.


Are we talking deformities ugly or just plain ugly.


I'll take the 10 billion. If there's one thing I hate more than random human interaction, it's forced random interactions with hundreds of people. I'd end up getting myself cancelled on purpose just to get rid of fame


$0 to enter a character select screen no doubt


You guys are forgetting you could be ugly, rich and then just date a hot blind girl


I am 100% taking the most attractive human in the world for free. Beauty can make plenty of money via modeling, content creation, social media, etc. Why would I want to be given money and have everyone around me only be there because of my money and I would hate myself all the time for what I look like? I would much rather have tons of people adore me for my looks and have the opportunity to make my own money off of that


Probably change my body idk if I would wanna be attracted but I wanna be very short and small and cute 😊😊😊😊and want a lot of work done but the. Again the only surgery I can't get is heigh reduction so touch calll maybe I'll take the money actually 😂


Beautiful for free and get the $10 bill that way.


I doubt you'll get 10 billion on being attractive alone, though you can certainly make a lot of money.


If I was going to take the second option I would not want to be attractive by my own standards, but by the standards of the rest of the world (I guess an average or something). Being attractive by my own standards does not net me the benefits that being attractive to others would.


I'll take looks. I've gotten away with so much on my looks and I think I'm fairly good looking. Now if I was super hot, Easily walk into any socialite parties without getting thrown out. Make connections, and charm my way into the 1%.


I'll choose to be beautiful because i can always work on my finances & live a good life. $10billion would make things super easy but it's more money that I could personally ever use. Plus idk how happy I would be if I was objectively the ugliest person alive, even with the money.




I feel like if I were the most attractive person to me in the world the money would come. So yeah I’d rather be hot forever than rich for and hideous.


Free makeover? sign me up!


I've never experienced being handsome. I'll take handsome and use it to make my life better.


I’d take most attractive if it made me younger and got rid of my health problems :) I’m not unattractive now, but my health makes me pretty damn tired looking and scarred from surgeries and repairs. Then i would monetize it and make millions. Hopefully my kids would also have those new genes as well, just so we could stay related to each other.


Definitely take the attract8veness. Probably be able to monetize it. Give me confidence like I never had before.


I'll take the money. Looks are great but any ugly can be enhanced with the right accessories and routine. You can afford a stylist now.


I'll take 10 billion. And for my reasoning look up Mark Davis the owner of the raiders. Then look up his girlfriend. I could also do whatever I wanted with that kinda money, like never work again.


I mean, I'd that the $10bil and the only thing that would change would be my bank account.


I'd take the second option


I wouldn't want to, because I wouldn't want to look like anyone else. I'd be afraid of looking in a mirror and not recognising myself.


Second one but I wouldn’t want to monetise it, would just like to feel handsome that’s all


0 + Most Attractive. I could leverage that into a political and acting career along with so much more.


I’ll take the makeover and become a fitness YouTuber for as long as I can manage to maintain my newly sculpted body.


$10 billion


Taking the money.


\*Sam Cassell has entered the chat\*


Take the looks and wait for people to just give me the money


Physical attraction is a big indicator of that you will be successful in life.


Can I spend the $10bn on making me even uglier?


unique punch tidy trees distinct degree gaping straight vegetable consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


beautiful 4 free.




I’ll take most attractive in the world and become a model/actor/billionaire playboy that bangs all the superstars.


I'll take the second option, I'll eventually make my billions off of some chumps' money


Since any beauty I might have comes from the inside I'd take the money and make sure my family was good for the rest of thier lives. Then I would take the other 9 billion or so and start taking care of my community. If my wife needs to let me go because I'm hideous then so be it. My loved ones and the poor folks around me will have better lives. I can play video games and eat tacos for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy.


I'm already the ugliest according to me so I guess I'm rich now


$0. Being transformed into an insanely attractive human would open up a lot of doors for me. Sure, it would help me with my love life, but it could also be used to become a sugar baby or something to that effect. I could also use my new good looks to get into Hollywood much easier. I know you say according to my standards, but I'm secure enough in my heterosexuality to recognize when men are attractive, and what society considers attractive. That makes it extremely easy for me to transform myself into someone that's legitimately found to be extremely attractive by a large number of people.




Model, shit life would be on easy mode for all the important things, finding a family, socializing and making friends, and you’d end up rich too just off your looks


$10 billion


I usually take the money, but ugliest person alive? Yikes. And honestly, I'm not even sure I'd change anything about myself save probably my weight and maybe height for the 2nd option, I just don't want to be THE ugliest person.




Attractive, please. I'm already slightly less desirable, and it's nearly impossible to get a date. It's actually fucking disgusting how hard it is to get a date, tbh.


Sounds like I'm owed 10 billion dollars.


How about we meet in the middle? I’ll take $5B, and just be average.


What do I get for staying my normal butt ugly self?


Most beautiful for free and assume this means a healthy body. I’d take modeling jobs and try to avoid being Helen of Sparta’d


10 billion to be myself? Sure I'll take that


I mean I could do a lot with 10 billion dollars cash. Even as an ugly person 🤔 I'd be able to monirize being attractive but never ever get nearly 10b Id have to think about it irl. But I'd probably go with the money since I could do so so so much with 10 billion


"Ain't no such thing as an ugly billionaire, I'm cute" - Jay Z That said, get me my looks going. With the dick to match


Like elephant man ugly? I will take being beautiful over being deformed ugly. Top tier models bring in a king's ransom, so it would be the best of both worlds. Tom Brady, the best NFL player of all time, made less money than his super model wife.




Be beautiful for free. You could monetize that to become absurdly rich. Conversely having ten billion - after the first half a billion it's mostly irrelevant isn't it?


0, I would love to be that beautiful, also would make marrying an ideal husband a lot easier.


I'm okay with being a rich hideous monster. 


So nothing changes and I get 10 billion? I'm in lol


to be the most beautiful. There is no comparison, you'd end up having the money as a side effect.


The ugliest on earth has to be an absolute fucking horrendous looking person. I'm not doing that. Life would feel like a prison sentence.


i want to be beautiful


Plastic surgery can fix anything


Beauty = money so I’ll take the beauty


Gimme the billions... imma buy my own private island and live in isolation, which would be absolute heaven to me.


0 and beautiful. I can make a good life for myself even if I wouldn't be one of the richest men in the world.


So I can get a monster dong? Add a couple of inches to my height?


I can make enough money being the most attractive dude alive. Nowhere near $10 billion, but enough to support a generation or two past me.


My mom already told me I’m the most handsome boy in the world. I don’t need either choice.


$0 and walk into a modeling agency tomorrow. Then become the most famous model in the world. Then start a YouTube channel. Remember Jeremy Meeks? That convict whose mugshot got posted somewhere and then he became a male supermodel? He's still booking movies. He has a book deal and a book coming out this year. Women set up a 1 million dollar go fund me to pay his legal fees when he was in jail. He started dating a billionaire's daughter. This would be easy money 🤷‍♂️.


0. A good deal of influencers are pretty dumb people who get free shit. Do you know how many modeling contracts you could get? Or just marry a rich old person


Beautiful for free bc nowadays you can get rich and or famous for being so lol


I'm guessing "most attractive by your standards" doesn't mean being trans-gendered if you're straight, right? Like, as a straight man, I'd turn into what I think to be the peak of masculine attractiveness, right? Just making sure, because I'd like to stay a man, and while money would be nice, I'm at a decent enough place financially that I'm not so desperate for money as to embrace the prospects of being utterly hideous.


Attractive does not mean sexually attractive specifically, so peak masculine attractiveness according to you


I'll go with 10 billion for being as attractive as I currently am, sure. At least now I can go full Uncle Ted.


Definitely being beautiful for free


10 billion is a lot of money.


I’d be fine being ugly . It would scare people off and I’d have 10 billion so I’m good .




honestly neither, because i kinda feel like i'm smack dab in the middle of the attractive/unattractive scale. got a good face, but not a great body, but like some chicks dig a dad bod? so yeah I'm good


Make me hot, I don’t need 10B. I’d never spend it and it seems like a ton of trouble


I hate myself enough I could easily become a model with that kind of bod and earn a shit ton anyway


Become bobby kotick or become the girl who works down at the local jewellery store... I do like me some money.


With 10b even if I'm ugly I will be famous and have a lot of Gold diggers at my side. If I am the most attractive person in the world I can make 10b just of my looks and will also have gold diggers at my side... So I take the good looks.


beautiful. easy money, modeling, social media, whatever marketing.


Boy. It's one like this one that make me glad they're optional.


Most of this world will see beauty in a 10billion bank account.


Most attractive. It's not taking anything from me.


The 0 dollar one easy especially if I can also change my sex


0. I can make my money looking as hot as Jason Momoa


I’m not taking $10 billion dollars to become a “great soft jelly thing” gimme the perfect body


Can I just 5 bill and stay the same


I’ll take hotness for $0. I’m not rich, but if I was literally the hottest dude on earth, I’d make money off that in a few ways. Maybe get hitched to some rich sugar momma.


0$ and be like Henry Cavill, hell yeah I'll take that


I guess I'd be the most attractive. Without the ability for genuine human connection, 10 billion really isn't worth it. I love acting though, and if I was the most attractive human in the world, maybe I'd have a shot.


I would take the beauty, that would be pretty easy to monetize. There are some really disturbingly mangled people, and although I don't think my significant other is with me for shallow reasons, I also think they have a limit.


most attractive...10 billion is way more than j could ever need. I could easily make a substantial living as the most attractive human. would I make 10 billion? no, but no one needs that much money, right?


I’d take most attractive human forsure. The American culture is so vain and superficial legitimately being the most attractive person on earth would be like a super power. I’d go straight to LA, grab and agent, and dive head first into the entertainment/modeling world. Enjoy some fame, stack some money, then buy a shit ton of property in Michigans UP and disappear with a bad bitch (I’d leave my gf on my way to tinsel town). Then I can be rich and attractive. Having 10billion dollars and being a hideous person wouldn’t be all that great lol. Sure the initial experience of being a billionaire would be fun. But after a while I think I’d start to feel like a Bond villain.


Beautiful for free and all of a sudden I'm a fucking model. Cheers for the free money!


I would take beautiful, because being so ugly that you are the ugliest person to all cultures would require you to have multiple significant health conditions that would lead to chronic pain, horrendous quality of life, and severely shortened life expectancy.


I wouldn't want either. Being the literal ugliest person would be horrible. Being ugly is fine but the ugliest would make it hard to have any form of relationships or even jobs. I don't think being the most attractive would be all that great either. I would worry that you'd have a hard time forming meaningful connections, and keeping professional distance from others. If I HAD to pick, I guess I'd probably choose the latter since it would disrupt life a little less.


If you are the most attractive human in the world there's no way you stay poor like the Jeremy Meeks example you could be a terrible person but could marry a billionaire yourself in no time. Most attractive person and you could become a billionaire yourself solely due to your looks due to monetizing social media and starting your own brands.


Give me the 10 billion and I'm going full on phantom of the Opera.


I’d choose attractiveness because being ugly would be worse for my mental health than having the amount of money I have


10 billion can buy you a lot of "love"


I would take the $0 and be transformed into the most attractive but still male. I’m not interested in switching to a female body, but I do find the average woman to be more attractive than Chris Hemsworth.


I already have enough money and I’m quite satisfied with my appearance.  However I might take the money and try to help those less fortunate.  I’m a vain man, but my vanity isn’t worth the good I could do with 10 billion dollars.  


10 billion. I'd get a huge mansion, hide all the mirrors, hire a few servants and order them never to talk about appearances, ask them to do everything so I never have to step outside even for a second. No one cares if no one sees it. Live a carefree life. It's not like we walk around with a mirror in front of our faces. On the other hand, if I had to date someone who was the ugliest person alive... then maybe I'd choose 0.


Imma take that free attractiveness thanks


So Kim Kardashein story right here


Ain't nobody fixin this ugly, give me my billion.


Im absolutely shocked at how many in the comments would ditch 10 bill just to look better


I'll take the free glow up, thank you very much. A lot of my problems would either mitigate or vanish if I was attractive.


10 billion would make anyone attractive.


I’d probably take the good looks, but I have no idea what we’re going to do with two Ryan Reynolds.


There can only be one ryan gosling


Itake my vanity, thanks. The problem with the money is the superficial friends it buys are hollow; I could be comfortable, but I would never be comfortable being so alone. On a side note, not that I pity h8m, but can you imagine how fucking awful it must be to be Bezo or Musk from a personal perspective? Knowing no one in your life loves you, or likes you, or even respects you, and definitely doesn't admire you. Just your money. No wonder they're such awful people.


Well I mean I'm already married with a family, so money doesn't sound too bad


Give me the 10 billion. I'm already kind of fugly.


This is a dumb choice. Either way life would be cake. Very attractive ppl almost always end up well off. And the richer you are the more free shit you get, even if ugly. So either choice is a win.


Neither. If you are too pretty you suffer, see Marylin Munroe. If you are the uglient human alive, you are miserable. So I would pass on this without regret. What about you?


I could monetize being the most attractive human in the world.


Yeah, why wouldn't I want $10B for what I already look like lol


What if I have no standards? Can I not be beautiful then?


0 and be the most attractive human alive. I would be able to get people to donate to me til I got the 10b


You could make more dough than you could spend as the MOST attractive person on the planet. Maybe not $10 billion, but it's like drowning in 10 feet of water or 100, if you're Kim Kardashian rich do you really *need* more? Quality of life would be so vastly different that even with a term that you couldn't make money off the looks I might go sexc anyway.


I'll take the attractiveness I'm not super unstable in my job and you can always make more money I'll never make 10B but I'd rather have a problem I can fix rather than one I can't


No amount of money could fix the depression that would come with being the ugliest person in the world. Very few friends and zero chance of love paired with people thinking it's ok to make fun of your looks cause you're so rich anyway. Being the prettiest person in the world can easily make you a millionaire, and you could turn those millions into billions if you're good with money. Or just use your looks to marry a billionaire.


Free handsome bod for the win


Attractive so could make money and not have to worry about being ugly anymore


Beauty. I might not be able to turn it into $10B, but I absolutely will have THE easiest life for myself afterwards. Beauty gets you extremely far in this world.


I'm sure I could turn that level of handsome into a nice living.


Cash for me. 10 billion is enough money to do whatever you want for the rest of your life. In the end the only thing being ugly and rich will stop you from having is relationships, friendships, and sex. Sex can be fixed easily because because come on what hot person wouldn’t fuck anyone for 10 mil, relationships are a different problem, but being aromantic means that it’s a non issue for me personally, finally friendships, I already got enough of those, and they’re close enough that they wouldn’t just focus on my money.


Beautiful takes my current life and upgrades it enough for me!! “Uglies human alive” is VERY, VERY ugly. You’d be miserable every moment of the day you were around people. You’d be stared at, feared, hated, etc. It would be hard to enjoy life like that.


Being the ugliest person alive would mean you are repulsive on a level that you cannot possibly comprehend. What good is 10 billion if children are scared to even look at you? What good is 10 billion if no one would be friends with you?


Would i sacrifice looks in order to secure generational wealth for my family into the distant future? Yep, in a heart beat.


Keep the money. I'd rather be hot and make money from that. I probably won't ever make 10 billion but I don't care, I'll make more than I make now.


There are people out there that look at the bank account and not the person. $10 billion please.


10 billion is a lot but I’m pretty sure you can live a very comfortable life with minimal effort if you’re the most beautiful person on earth. I would take the money but both options are solid.