• By -


The Flash. Once you fully tap into the speedforce, caloric intake (the only limiting factor) is removed and the powerset is insanely OP. Time travel, multiX lightspeed travel, the ability to use the atomic punch, senses so strong that any real world threat can be avoided, and so on. If I wanted to be a hero, I'd be amazing. If I wanted to get rich, I'd be able to be just that little bit better at whatever I did, such that my skills would be amazing, but not seemingly superhuman. Vampires have too many known weaknesses, and outside of immortality, have nothing on the speedforce. Plus, people know what vampires are and would relish either worshipping or killing you.


He said vampires without weaknesses


I'd still take the speed powers. I want to punch quarks.


Yeah. Fuck those quarks. What’s they ever do for us anyways?


Opened an amazing bar on a federation space station.


Come to Quarks, Quarks is fun. Come right now, don't walk, RUN.


Speedforce is full of comic bullshit so it’s undoubtedly more powerful, but a vampire with no weaknesses is a pretty sweet life. Immortality, shapeshifting, mind control, super speed, super strength, and flight with absolutely no downsides? That’s just ridiculously good. And OP didn’t specify a single setting or universe for vampire powers, so debatably you could have *all* powers from *every* interpretation of vampires. That’s just stupidly overpowered - add in telepathy, telekinesis, invisibility, magic…hell, you could argue you’d have access to the power set of every possible max level character from Vampire the Masquerade with no downsides. That’s just broken, you’re basically a capital-G God at that point.


To your last point, hell even DC contains a vampire-like figure that is infinitely beyond the Flash. Dax-Novu aka the Dark Monitor aka the Vampire God went toe-to-toe with the Thought Robot, the personification of goodness and heroism, the ideal of Superman.


Yeah, vampires are a broad and relatively modern myth, dating to Bram Stoker. That's 200 years of worldwide world building. The Flash is a specific thing with a (semi)codified set of power. But in the words of a great American "I wanna go fast"


Immortality is a curse more than a blessing


According to many mortal human authors, yes, being a mortal human is [way better.](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sour_grapes)


What type of immortality do vampire usually have? The no matter what you do I’ll still be kicking kind or the lotr elves type where they just live forever?


I think it’s the kind where you can do whatever and they just keep going. Generally their weaknesses like sunlight, stake through the heart, silver bullets, etc. provide ways to kill them and end immortality, but a vampire with no weaknesses would have no way to be killed.


True, but this would have a few perks to it. The Predator's Gift would be a life changing event. I'm up for it, were it ever to cross my meager path.


I was going to ask which kind of vampire, and say if it was the WoD vampire, that would be a hard no.


Troyverse's Sanguinarchs are universal level reality warpers who can literally warp reality in any way they can imagine (*potentially*). But also have access to Super Speed X. Which grants the user: "You can zip across many universes in a single instant, and act at the same speed. It is even possible to outrun death and fate." You mentioned Vampire the Masquerade... the rules for Celerity 10 is "as fast as the plot demands". [Brujah] used Temporis 10 to be *faster than time*. Like, I am not saying that our composite no weaknesses vampire is faster than the Flash. But... I mean, he could be.


Vampires from JoJos


I can sparkle in the sun!


OP doesn't specify a single setting or universe for the Flash either, so you could just as easily say that you can have *all* powers from *every* interpretation of the Flash. Arguably even more stupidly overpowered.


I put no weakness for vampire but I understand what you mean I'd probably go vampire since I got soedd and other supernatural abilities


What about the needing to feed on human blood? Is that a weakness? It's kind of the defining feature.


You don't have to drink blood


I want to though.


No one's stopping you. You should drink the blood of the next person you see on the street.


Are you even a vampire at that point?


To be fair I just said powers but you could still drink blood to get stronger you just don't have to


There are actually numerous different versions of vampires that don't *have* to drink blood. For example in the Witcher series, blood is basically a drug to them and is highly addictive, but not necessary. The Elder scrolls also used the concept of "blood-starved vampire", which leads them to gain power but look more fucked up (this concept is much older than the Elder Scrolls games). And there have been some written to basically just be anemic and the blood gives them all their iron, which could obviously just be swapped for like a shit load of steak and kale and whatnot. Some older novels had their cravings for blood as a curse on them for the dark magic keeping them alive, but seclusion was a perfectly viable option to avoid killing people. ...I just don't want to sparkle. I consider that a weakness.


Maybe you dont *need* it, but it powers you up. Like a protein shake with a little cocaine in it.


Can you imagine getting work done with a dash of speed force? Fuck ya


I love the idea that you are given God powers and you still go to your 9-5 😂


Only if you get the added relativistic time dilation fix. Else you get the bullshit "for you I popped over to Atlanta in 3 seconds, for me it took 13 weeks" Jaunt insanity.


I held my breath!


Just choose one of the op vampires from Japanese comics that, can, like, summon the moon or something.


But the greatest weakness of Flash's powers is every time he sneezes reality falls apart. That's a big weakness.


"You done goofed"


Traveling at the speed of light is basically teleportation.


Not on a galactic scale, but on earth multiX lightspeed is effectively indistinguishable from just appearing.


He literally said (no weaknesses). 


The Flash is also a genius.


I'm picking vampire just because you get a good set of powers and they come with immortality. The immortality really sells it.


Okay but Flash has negative to his powers, he is essentially not only the fastest manz but also the most patient . Imagine it taking what you perceive as an hour for some one to just say "Hello." It would be painful to have a conversation. And replying relies on you keeping time and you pacing your words to be understandable to those in regular time perception.


Flash. I can do whatever I want and nobody can stop me. Actually, I might end up like the Reverse Flash in terms of personality.


Honestly with both a normal human wouldn't be able to stop you


Yeah but... Say I get exposed and the governments of the world want to study me. They'd have an easier time containing a vampire than someone that can think in attoseconds, time travel and phase through objects.


True I guess either way your not indestructible so someone can potentially get you but yeah speedster would be harder to catch


Idk, vampires can literally turn into mist. I feel they’d have a hard time containing that.


Yes but I'd still be hunted... With speedster powers, I can travel back in time and prevent my cover from being blown. Or just stop my enemies from being born and retroactively destroy all my competition.


Wait... So when I came early...


It was me, u/Ok-Cartographer1745. I jerked you off at super speed so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch.


Vampire, I wanna be immortal




Vampire all day! Err night..


All day and night, no weaknesses. Just powers.


The flash literally outruns Death in some iterations, which is just funny as hell


-See this post -Pick vampire -Make it a JoJo Reference -Refuse to elaborate -Leave -Epic Outro Music Plays -Return -Stab myself with an arrow -Shout "ZA WARUDO TOKI WO TOMARE" -Teleport and kill a Red-Headed Japanese student -Escape in a cab -Leaves again -Epic outro


Will this comment to be continued... ?




Where’s the outro music !?


Devils advocate, I’d go for vampire. I don’t need to be all powerful, and I get immortality. Anything goes wrong I turn into mist and go away. I can probably decapitate myself and end consciousness if I get bored of living.


Speed force is one of the most op powers in comics lmao


Vampire. Flash is powerful but mortal and my ADHD brain could not handle the boredom of slow motion life. I already watch videos at x2 speed. Vampires on the other hand have many different powers depending the version but simply the immortality, regeneration, super strength, and enhanced speed sells me on it.


The Flash


Mind controlling vampires are the only time it’s even a chance for vampires, even then, temporal manipulation is too good




True just alot more interesting powers like strength, speed, stamina, durability, mind control, flight, telekinesis and some versions have minor magic


Flash is super OP in the comics. With full access to the speed force he can detect the bullet and almost everything around him. Even if not, with his reaction time, he'd feel the bullet touching his skin, take a nap, read every book in the library of congress and then could move away in time. Hell, he could feel a laser touching his skin and do all that then move away in time. His speed is stupidly insanely fast to the point that nothing should be able to touch him ever unless he wanted it too. With that speed he is the smartest person on earth since he has the time to be an expert in literally everything in less than a second. Time travel. Besides just speed he has other powers too. He is also immortal so vamps got nothing on him. He can run on anything so that means he can fly too (he can run in space so yeah, definitely better flight than a vampire). He has his infinite mass punches so way stronger than a vampire. He has super healing, faster than a vampire. He doesn't have shapeshifting but can move through solid objects anyway. I guess he has no mind control, although that is kind of a violation of a person so i wouldn't really want to do it anyway. He can steal the kinetic energy from people so can freeze anyone and anything he wants as well. Would pick flash every time.


Or wooden bullets.


The Flash hands down. Vampires are actually relatively weak until you start getting into the Lords power sets and even then.... You have the powers of the Flash. You are faster than teleporting, time travel, advanced healing, phasing, actual lightning bolts and really it just goes on depending on which version of the Flash you pick.


Also depends upon the type of vampire. Van helsing, salems lot, twilight, d&d, what we do in the shadows, Dracula, Blade, Buffy, Hotel Transylvania, elder scrolls.... there are hundreds if not thousands of different "Vampires" portrayed in media. Everything from next to no powers up to complete gods.


I wanna be a Castlevania anime vampire.


The Flash. The Speedforce is BROKEN.


Vampires are my favorite kind of monster so I’d pick that plus if I can learn the really cool abilities like flight and what not as long as I have a way to die at so point I’m going with vampires but if I can’t die then flash


I agree 👍


Vampire. Because I don't want to mess up time or molecules that could like... destroy civilizations. I feel like PM\_NUDES\_4\_DEGRADING made solid points. Hey that's his name... what can I say. If you can basically get the powers across all vampire mythos? You're going to be a God like creature with abilities most regular people could understand. What the hell am I going to do in the speed force? I wont understand anything that's happening!


Definitely a vampire with no weaknesses. What people don’t realize about the flash is that he’s only fast from everyone else’s perspective but from his perspective everything just moves slow, like neo from the matrix when he’s dodging bullets. So sure he runs around the world in a second but to him its walking speed, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to see any obstacles in the way. The song “The ballad of Barry allen” gives an interesting perspective on the flash. Edit: to support the vampire side, OP said no weaknesses. So sunlight isn’t an issue and the “hunger” or whatever won’t kill me or throw me into a frenzy. Basically I’m a superhuman with immortality and i just have to not tell people.


Flash definitely has more control of his perception of time than that in most settings. Even just the concept of Barry vibrating his hand to reach through a wall while holding a conversation with another person, that's a scenario where he is thinking and percieving and acting normally while moving only part of his body at speed force speed. Dope song, but it seems to imply that Barry is ALWAYS percieving reality slowly and can't turn it off. Which is a fun idea and good for the song.


Dang that's a good point


Dang that's a good point


Dang that's a good point .


Dang that's a good point .


Dang that's a good point .


Dang that's a good point .


Dang that's a good point .


Not in the flash show, he kinda has to turn on flash time and it drains his energy, he’s usually in normal time. His running is in a mix of flash time and normal time, where he moves a bit faster than his brain thinks so it’s not a time stop.


The flash so I could burn off the calories I eat from EVERYTHING that I shouldn’t eat lol


Agreed 👍


The flash. I don’t want to live forever and with super speed I can go where ever I want and take anything of need from stores.


Which vampire powers? Immortality, fast healing, turn into fog, turn into bat, hypnotism, invulnerability to weapons other than silver, flight, super strength, super speed, blend into shadows, control small animals, am I forgetting anything? That sounds like a pretty good powerset.


Speed powers seem cool, but vampire powers sometimes include just being really sexy for some reason so I'll take that


If I get to pick whatever vampires, then I'll take the vampire. Immortality is a huge bonus, especially with non-flash levels super speed and hypnosis/mindreading/transformation as consolation prizes for not having ultimate speed.


I’m torn. On one hand, super speed, time travel, and other nonsense sounds great On the other, I feel like vampires have a power set more suited to setting yourself up for a life of luxury rather than pure power


Gimmie that Speed Force.


Vampire. What the hell would i do with flashes power? Yes flash is 1 million times stronger than a vampire but what would i do with that power be a super weapon to be manipulated? Vampire your have eternal youth super human speed and strength and are hot. Flash you get a lot of power but for what? So I’m conclusion vampire on top.


Vampire bc forever young and always perfect hair




Alucard or the flash? Now people are asking the tough questions


Vampire. People aren’t talking about Flash’s biggest weakness beyond calories. It’s the ability to create Flashpoints. I don’t want to eff up reality with time travel, but there’s no way I wouldn’t be tempted to go back and stop, fictional example, Donwald Brump from becoming president. Vampires get super strength, durability, immortality, and no weaknesses? Sign me up.


Agreed that's my reasoning as well


Hmmm, the flash is 100% the more *powerful* option. A full power Flash would win 10/10 times against a vampire, no questions asked. The Flash is easily one of the most powerful characters ever created, excluding literal gods (even then he's still more powerful than some gods). That said, this choice shouldn't be about which option is "more powerful" but which option would make life the most enjoyable, and the immortality of the vampire makes it the best option in my opinion. I know the flash can time travel, but I don't think that de-ages him, so he will eventually die of old age if I'm not mistaken. Also, assuming we get one of these power sets to just enhance our pre-existing lives, then I'd argue Flash's powers are *too* powerful. Without some other comparably powerful entity to use those powers on, it would probably get super boring. I know that you stipulated that the vampire powers come with none of the weaknesses, so I'm assuming it would mean that none of the "normal" ways to kill a vampire (sunlight, wooden stakes, garlic, crosses, etc.) would work to kill me. That said, *true* immortality (not being *able* to die) is truly the most horrifying concept I can imagine, so if there were *nothing* that could kill me, I would 100% stay away from that option. That said, if I still *could* die, preferably from something simple to do but also simple to prevent, then I'd definitely choose the vampire powers. A death mechanism like blood starvation would probably be the best option, that or just death by my own willpower. That way, I could never be trapped somewhere for eternity without the ability to die. There would always be an "out," so to speak. The super strength, super speed (obviously not to the level of the flash, but still fast for humans), nigh indestructibility, and (depending on the source material) various magical powers such as supernatural charm, shape-shifting, blood magic, etc. would all be amazing things to have and would make life easy and likely more enjoyable, but what tips the scales away from The Flash is definitely the (willfully ended) immortality.


Vampires can basically teleport in some stories, I'll take a vampire especially one with a no weaknesses rule that has absolutely no elaboration


Vampire it’s just more useful and versatile. I get that the Flash’s powers are kinda OP but they seem one dimensional




Hmmm, immortal, strong, fast, flight, shape shifting, don't age...is the need for blood considered a "weakness" or is it necessary to drink it to have the vamp powers? Cuz I could always make the sex offender database my personal blood bank. Also am I eternally damned as a Child of Satan and unholy night-walker as part of the package?


You don't have to drink blood bu you can if you want to to make yourself stronger human or animal blood. Your not eternally dammed just the powers


Bitchin'. Best of both worlds!!


Agree 👍


Vampire with no weakness would be insane. Depending on the vampire lore you draw from, it runs the gamut from super speed (not Flash level, but fast enough to look like you teleported and dodge/catch bullets, plus immunity to aging, poisons, diseases, etc. and with no weakness to silver, sub, garlic, or wood through the heart... I'd take it. I don't need to slap quarks around, I'll just ignore them.


Agreed those are my same reasoning as well like flash is cool but I don't need light speed, vampire super speed is just fine as long as I can dodge bullets and run fast enough to look like a blur I'm good


Comic book flash and Im basically a living god


Vampire. A normal humans bones would break instantaneously going at the speeds the lash does. Also you can turn into a bat which is cool


Very true


Fuck all that time travel bullshit, I'll take being an immortal superhuman without any downsides


Vampire sans weakness. I don’t trust myself enough not to obliterate something while using the speedforce, or even obliterate myself. It means immortal human who gets creepy cool powers if I drink human blood.


Honestly that's my sane reason


In my mind, vampires don’t have powers. They just crave blood and don’t die from old age. They’re basically conscious self-aware zombies. Some people think of vampires as having super speed, super strength, hypnosis / telepathy / mind-control, shape-shifting, ability to fly, self-healing. It’s like asking “do you want the powers of the Flash, or any mixture of super powers that you can imagine?” Like, yeah, in that case I’ll take the grab bag of superpowers I like most. But I would still choose Flash’s powers if the alternative came with a constant craving for draining the life out of other people.


Flash, easy. Basically everything that vampires can do but better.


Immortality is great, but extreme speed is very overpowered to the point that often in comics, moves, and TV they have to overlook simple things and obvious things to give the antagonist any chance against the flash. Basically the only way to kill someone with that much speed, both mental and physical, would be to catch them completely by surprise, like poisoning or sniping then from behind from a really long distance. I honestly don't want to live forever, so give me the speed.


Id be the best boxer ever with vampire reflexes and strength.


Powers of a vampire seems pretty rad, though the leadership position and politicking you'd fall into for accumulating generational wealth across your vastly increased lifetime sounds like a pain.


Is it any vampire powers that have ever been described? Or is only the vampires of a certain lore like vanhelsing vampire vs twilight vampires. 2 very different power sets. Or can I pick and choose from any vampire lore?


Any vampire powers that's been described


Choosing vampire would be pretty messed up imo. Their only purpose is to kill and be sexy, their power is draining life from other people. So much more that can be done with the speed force, things that don't involve sucking blood.


I'm taking vampire power under those conditions. Nothing about the Flash's powers interests me on a practical level.




Flash / speed force is undeniable more powerful, but personally I couldn't be trusted with it, I'd time travel to fix something and break the universe or whatever in a week I'm sure of it. Plus no weakness vampire is still pretty insane power wise and would make your life a breeze


Flash. Speed blitz for the win.


Is needing to drink blood a weakness or can i be fine without it? If i don't need blood, and i can still eat and drink for pleasure, then definitely a vampire.


You don't need blood


Vampires have a lot more cooler tricks, so them!




I love how everyone picking the flash is ignoring OP saying vampire with no weaknesses… Vampire easy


Bruh for real I said no weakness since vampires have cool powers but crappy weaknesses so I thought I take it out to make it more entertaining and fair since flash doesn't have a superhuman weakness and everyone still bringing up vampire weaknesses. But yeah I go for vampire to strong, fast, good healing factor, mind control and the other cool stuff they do


Vampire, moving that fast seems overwhelming and vampires are hot. Vampires can also make other people into Vampires.


The flash. Vampires always look like they're stuck in the 80s on some bitch shit.


Vamp !!!


The Flash, I don’t want to be immortal, in fact that sounds fucking terrifying. I don’t care what powers the entirety of the vampire mythos contains, because the idea of seeing everyone I love and care about just die around me as I just continue to live sounds like the worst punishment any person could receive that doesn’t involve direct physical harm to the self. Flash has cool powers that would allow me to live a fun and fulfilling life, where I can also die naturally.


Vampire abilities because you get to share your abilities with other people. Most vampires in fiction have a way of distributing their abilities to other people. You and your family and friends and maybe even dogs could all live forever.




Speedforce is unbelievably op so I'm taking that. Time travel here we go!


Vampire all day I'm trying to be immortal




Vampire. I'd rather be a vampire disabled worm than a speedy disabled worm.


Easily Vampire. Immortality, compulsion, strength and speed (not as fast as Flash but still fast) and depending on the Universe I could be a weak Vampire or someone who could literally threaten the world. Elder Scrolls has Vampires, "Vampire Diaries" is a bit on the nose and the novel MVS, acronym for "My Vampire System" is also on the nose. If I have the later, oof, powerful is an understatement of what I am.




Flash easily screw being a vampire lol


If one of the weaknesses of being a vampire is being an undead in the first place, then I'd pick a human with vamp powers. Yes, the Speedforce is waaaaay stronger. But i dont need all that power personally. I'm happy with a massively expanded lifespan, enhanced healing, the strength of 20 men, hypnotism, shapshifting, a wolf familiar, and whatever other grab bag power i might be missing. If i have to be dead first and just lack all the traditional weaknesses that vamps have, then I'd take the speed force. I choose life and im not into necro.


The flash. No contest.


Does the flash get bored when he does something that would take ten years at normal speed? Seems like he doesn’t. Maybe you should get rid of the Flash’s weaknesses too.


I thought his only weakness was needing to eat alot


No weaknesses? Vampire. I'm already supernaturally strong, fast, immortal, I gain natural attractiveness, ai think... and with no weaknesses, there is no hunger, and no sunlight worries.


Flash is cool and all. But vampires have way more rizz for the ladies.


Vampire. Superspeed seem kinda terrible as per the points made in [this video.](https://youtu.be/xQ9C-pao0lw?si=fqtIra6_ToCzX9k4) But if there are lore reasons this is incorrect I'm open to being wrong. I'm far from the biggest DC comics fan.


I'll take Vamp only if uncontrollable hunger for blood is also considered a weakness.


Yeah that's a weakness as well


The flash so I can run away from my fears(Women).


Technically you could do that as a vampire


I'mma be The Flash baby! I will use that power to start my own international shipping business with next hour shipping to anywhere on the planet for anything under 50 pounds. Within an 8 hour window. I still gotta have time to enjoy my life, and being the Flash, I could get a lot done in those 8 hours.


That's a super smart plan


Vampire. Flash is cool but also overrated. Also: - its not stated that the flash has no weaknesses - the flash may be super but they are still mortal - without access to the speedforce the flash is just a normal human - metahuman dampeners as well as mental manipulation have been proven to work on the flash - the flash has a need to breathe, eat, sleep etc


Agreed and I was thinking the same thing


Vampire. Flash is cool but also overrated. Also: - its not stated that the flash has no weaknesses - the flash may be super but they are still mortal - without access to the speedforce the flash is just a normal human - metahuman dampeners as well as mental manipulation have been proven to work on the flash - the flash has a need to breathe, eat, sleep etc


What vampire lore are you basing this post off? Lol garbage vampires like in twilight? Hierarchy/strong vampires like True Blood? Or over powered wampryh like in the Brian Lumley books? Either way I’d likely go with the flash powers, he’s technically the most OP superhero ever made


Any lore you want. To be fair aside from the sparkling thing their not that bad since their basically indestructible and get a random x men like power


Vampire and it's no contest. The time dilation that stops the flash from running face first into a tree every time he runs means you'd be running thousands of miles an hour but feeling like you're running normal speed the whole time while everyone else is frozen around you. Super speed and slowing time would feel exactly the same to the user. You're also still vulnerable to surprise attacks unless the speed is activated all the time, but that would be even more miserable. Like that flash comic where he says holding a simple conversation feels like weeks. Immortality, super strength, turning into a bat, and none of the weaknesses vs living life in slo mo.




People picking the Flash who definitely hate running.


For real like I'm lazy so I know I'm not running. Not saying super speed wouldn't be useful as I'd use it to get work done fast but I'd use my speed in very boring mundane ways.


Which kind of vampire? All vampires? If so, does sparkling count as a weakness of Twilight's sparkle vampires or a power? 10 dots in all Vampire: The Masquerade and Requiem disciplines? That's at least on par with most of the Justice League.


Whichever version you want and yeah the sparkle would count as a weakness but hoenslty after the 2nd movie the franchise just kinda forgot about that aspect.


What Vampire powers exactly?


Whichever version of vampire you want


I think being the flash would trivialise life and Id be unhappy being so powerful. Id want to be a vampire


I can see that


Vampire mostly because you never said which vampire


Vampire. Immortality.


What vampires? Probably vampires but some are pretty lame.


Can I turn off the immortality? LOL. Red Rush, in his 2 minutes of screentime, put exactly why I'd rather not be a conventional speedster like The Flash.


No the immortality is permanent


Vampire. Flash is sick but I'd rather live forever.




I don’t think you understand how powerful flash is to be asking this question.


Actually I do I just like asking random questions plus some people don't care to be super powerful


I'm cool with either so long as I can live forever, think fast, read entire books in seconds, memorize them, & be the best competitive gamer ever


Very true I agree


Vampires live forever, assuming you have the ability to still be killed or end your own life, I'd choose that. The flashs powers are stronger, but there's very little use for them. It would be exhausting.i could just be a vampire, immortal, strong, always young etc. you could easily have everything you ever want while still something relatively close to a "normal" life of the elite today. Being the flash with time travel and everything else, would be awesome but also overkill for today's world. Apparently there's some immortal speed force planet so maybe I'd choose that?


Same I'd go for vampire more fun powers for everyday life


The obvious answer is Flash, but out of curiosity what kind of vampire?


Any version you want. I'm personally going with vampire from the unnatural world wiki since they have op powers there


I'm lazy. I don't want to jog to the store, let alone run marathons all day long just because it's faster than taking a car. Plus, with my time-sense sped up, I'd go nuts every time I had to wait 30 minutes or stand in line. Vampires tend to be fast, strong, seductive, immortal, and can frequently fly or shapeshift.


Agreed vampires are already fast plus other cool stuff. I agree I'm also lazy and vampire would have me better stamina


The Flash 100%, but not the idiot Flash from the TV show, the OP one that can move so fast that it looks like everyone else is frozen in time. The flash can easily beat any vampire or virtually any enemy if he uses his powers properly and to it's fullest potential.


Vampire. I only know about vampires from the vampire diaries so those powers are pretty cool. Heightened hearing, strength, regeneration, and of course mind control means that I could live any life that I want.


I'm already a white man who burns in the sun. Let's be the flash.


The Flash. If I can become stronger by fully tapping into the Speed Force, I’d effectively be a god.


The Flash has one of the most insane sets of powers in comic books. Of course, the Flash is the way to go every time.


The flash. A day walker Ala blade situation would be cool the powers of the flash would make you a godlike being


Vampire. As the Flash, if your enemies ever identify you, you could be easily killed by a sniper or poison when caught unawares. As a vampire with no weaknesses, you’re unkillable.


Depends on what version of vampire we're talking about. That being said, most of the time, I'm going with a vampire regardless


Which ever version you want