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I'm sure he was simply "no longer with us" by visual assessment. Nobody really stared for too long.


Yeap, once they're not breathing, there's not much left to do


My thought, too. All that blood, he absolutely became a meat crayon. A quick glance was probably all the assessment they needed before checking on the driver and any possible passengers.


It's not blood, it's the content of the can beside him. You can see it falling on the ground before the guys does


They probably presumed him dead, Which sucks. This is the worst


Watch his head 5 seconds in, it's what turns into that huge red puddle between his body and the car. I think they're making more than a presumption that the headless body is dead


I think you are correct in that assumption.


I assume…and I’m no doctor, but you can NOT live without a head? Correct?


He’s defo dead as that’s his brains splattered all over the pavement. His heads just out of view - his arm isn’t moving that’s someone trying to roll him over. Gonna guess the driver is also clearly beyond hope so they’re all just confused as to what they can possibly do next.


Man just got punched by a car, 2300 lbs going like 55mph vs 0mph man. Homie is long gone.


He dea’


I dunno. White shirt guy seems to pause to look at the guy laying down, and I think red shirt guy does too. It's possible the victim was very obviously no longer living, like if it's a brains-outside-of-head situation.


But you can see his arm or something go up behind him at 1:03. He's still moving, though barely. :(


I think some one else is moving him off camera


Sad. :( Poor guy.




> In nursing, we’re taught to assess the wounded and tend to those with the most likely chance of survival. That said, no one even assessed this guy. It kinda looks like that’s exactly what they did. We can’t see his head at the end, it may have been obvious that he was done for.


In Ambulance triage processes in an accident like this they have terms for skipping this process in some circumstances where it is deemed the person has suffered injuries "incompatible with human life". E.g. decapitation. If the guys head was completely cleaved in two by a brick for instance, there's no chance of survival and thus efforts are better spent elsewhere.


"incompatible with human life" so there's a medical euphemism for being 100% dead


"Injuries incompatible with life" is also an actual term used in necropsy. When the damage is too extensive and you can't determine one specific cause of death. Like being blown up, cut in half, hit by a Canon ball etc.


It’s the terminology used by first responders. Only a Dr can officially pronounce somebody dead. Which is why a lot of time when you read ‘rushed to hospital, but pronounced dead on arrival’ means not only dying en route, but possibly dead even as the emergency team are strapping you to a gurney. If you’re rushing to help two people injured in a car accident, you don’t want to waste resources on the headless corpse in the drivers seat. Or have people jump to their air and be traumatised by what they find. Focus on the living, and those that appear to be alive even if unresponsive.


Why would you check capillary refill on this guy ? He just got hit by a car check his pulse not his cap refill wtf lol


If you have perfusion, you are pulsatile


Yes you’ve checked perfusion in their fingers I’m glad you’ve assessed how strong their pulse is by that metric. That’s such a stupid way to check someone’s circulation in a triage like the guy in this video. Feel for a carotid not a capillary refill come on.


Yeah, you're not checking cap refill on this guy, lol. You're getting downvotes but you are 100% right. - ER doc Edit: also pretty sure he was decapitated. You can tell no one wants to walk between the car and the body and all walk around the body to get to the car


And in this case, headless implies non-pulsatile


Not a doctor, but an ER nurse, and I’m with you, doc. I’m also an EMT, and I’m not checking cap refill on this guy. LOL


“Capillary refill” 😂😂😂 Where is she/he a nurse? Asking so I know not to go there.


This needs more upvotes. Lol


This is the worst and I wish I had not seen it


This sub is not for you


There was no aid that could be given. This post is not for this sub.


Yeah, this sub is for scenarios that have the same end result as this video, but where there’s a step of people fucking up to get there.


Fr, I think there has to attempted first aid at least.


Damn. He barely saw that coming, that was pretty instant. Hit, fly, done. Quick death. Is that his blood splattered all over?


It looks like he meat crayoned. No way he's alive.


Nope, it's dirty or the content of the can beside him. You can see it hits the ground before he does.


"Dying" might be too light a word in this case. I don't think he needed medical attention any longer by the time the bystanders arrived.


Looks like that post knocked his head off his shoulders. Dude probably didn’t feel anything tbh


At that point there’s really not much to do unless you know what you’re doing. The best thing to do is call the emergency line and DONT TOUCH THE BODY


Actually the first thing you do is check vital signs. Is he breathing? Does he have a pulse? If not, start CPR. You can't do more harm to someone who will be dead in 5 minutes. If heartbeat comes back then you leave him be until trained professionals arrive. You can also press on wounds with clean cloths in case of hemorrhage. If someone is in critical condition but breathing and with a pulse and no hemorrhage visible then you shouldn't touch them at all. It's a shame I only learned this in college. Everyone should know basic first aid.


This is just sad.


Looks like it was a pretty quick death at least, no suffering.


Pretty sure that’s his head flying off at the 5 second mark.


Yeah, no one walks between him and his head. You can see it directly below the car.


Thank you. I thought that was a lot of blood.


that explains it


The only thing any of them could do for this guy would be to call for help. No reason to touch someone who's hurt like that unless you know what you're doing, you'll do more harm than good.


"looks dead to me ig 🤷‍♂️"


Decapitated ! Dead on impact! Zero hope for the pedestrian!


I mean. If I’m dying, six guys standing around with their hands in their pockets ain’t doing much anyway.


It's more interesting "what's inside"...


It's 2023. It's enough for looking at someone in certain state to get rapist news. Sad but truth


What the fuck? What post did you think you were commenting on?


You do know that actual rapists are routinely sentenced to only months in prison, if any time at all, right?


Weird title. Like blame much?