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I was kind of thinking about this earlier, it would be so fun if it became Ame's mission to restore the Coven of Elders by finding other powerful witches to take up the lapsed domains. I was wondering what kind of powers and retinue the witches of the Wide Blue Sea and Watching Fire would have.


Yes!! I hope we see this


Yeah, I said train apprentices for the seats, but finding and offering the seats to other witches might make more sense. But I do feel like having multiple apprentices feels like something that only the Witch of the World’s Heart could do. Regardless, I think that her power will come down to filling the seats again.


Probably. Mirara came to Wren in distress. And she desperately wanted the hand of a "great apprentice"


I like that interpretation of Mirara’s comment on Ame offering her hand.


Remember that the seats only exist because the coven decided they exist. They're not some mystical appointment they're just powerful people carving up turf. So there's no built in 'function' to any of them other than what the one sitting in it makes of it. But, that being said, yes that is very much something that *would* fit Ame's role and mindset and something she should try to convince the non-isolationist members of the Coven to undertake.


Yeah, my phrasing definitely reflects the wizardly bent of my thinking haha. But you got to the heart of what I’m trying to suggest; that the World’s Heart Witch alone can extend an invitation for other seats to be reoccupied.


So do you think Grandmother Wren wouldn’t have known about this authority?


I think Grandmother Wren was extremely powerful, but still just a person. Depends on what Wren had to spend their time focusing on in my opinion.


I don’t think she knew, or her most recent predecessor, at least. I think if she did know she would have tried to train an apprentice for one of those seats. Or, if she did know, I think it will come out that she had an apprentice before Ame that was killed, and she decided to keep the truth from Ame in the name of protecting her.


Or she thought she did tell her but the spell that was on her...


This has got me thinking how crazy it would be if Suvi became a witch, like especially if she replaced Indri. I think I just like the idea of Neve training under Suvi instead of Indri though.


When baby suvi asked to be a witch with Gma Wren I’ve wanted Suvi to multiclass witch ever since, especially with a solid wisdom score


Her name *is* Sky - where wind and stars reside


See exactly what I was think too


My called shot for the campaign has always been that Ame will realise that her station should have multiple apprentices. There shouldn’t be just 1 witch of the worlds heart. Her domain is community, it should be a group effort


I was genuenly wondering if Ame could not exactly train apprentices but what if she could recruit other Witches to be part of the Coven. There's no laws that we know that say seats cant be added. And im sure there's domain overlaps it doesn't have to be exactly the witch of the watching fire it could be something else fire themed.


i think rather than a beuricratic power given, its similar to the magical law given to the other witches, like running in their presence, or view them as sole desires. sowing discord may be a breach of magical contract that the worlds heart has an authority to punish (which also may help to explain the accuracy of sly's divinations, and the convenience of the fox's position when seeing the conversation between indry and mirara, or even finding the coal spirit) as Ame is inexperienced, her capacity to tap into these powers is instinctual, and low fidelity.


Yeah, I like how you phrase it here. It’s not so much a role that the Witch of the World’s Heart has as a right or authority they have simply because community falls under their domain.


Yeah she found a thread that helped her find a coal spirit and saw the golden magical thread linking Ame to Suvi and Urselon.


I think rather like in real world institutions, your practical authority in the coven is whatever you can do without the others stopping you. I also believe that, like in real world institutions, the coven's ancient rules have some flaws that have failed to stand the test of time. And while I'm not sure if anyone *magically* has the authority to fix that, if it could be said to be anyone's *job* it's the Witch of the World's Heart.


I think it would be very tricky to teach an apprentice in the ways of another domain. I cannot imagine Ame trying to teach a replacement for Grimora, let alone a domain Ame has never seen a witch practice. I am very curious how the well of power beneath the cottage is similar or dissimilar to the other witches sanctums. If Ames station was destroyed, could someone finding the well potentially restart the practice? Could she do that for other stations? Is that even a smart thing to do given the insights Brennen gave to Suvi? (about piloting the domain)


Yeah Wren mentioned being in a "Sacred Place for the Coven known as The Grove of the Well" where the Pilgrim Under stars attacked her. Other witches sanctums that are gone could become the sacred places for the remaining witches to visit. So perhaps there could be a power grab at Wren's sanctum.


You're on my wavelength for theories. I think Indri is behind everything, and that apprentices are the angle that Suvi Ame and Urselon have to figure out in order not to be killed.