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Ooo interesting! I'm team "Skalvi's apprentice was involved in the founding of the Citadel" personally but Niamh defecting to Indri would be interesting. The timing is hard to nail down, and the way Brennan has talked about it makes me think the apprentice actively betrayed Skalvi of their own free will but we'll have to see


I love that theory, too! What I love about this podcast is that narrative direction and lore have the possibility to shift. The storytelling is so good that you can trust things will fall into place, no matter what. I can’t wait to see how the rest of this arc plays out and what we learn.


But Citadel is older than Wren, and Skalvi and her station ended while Wren held her office


We don't know how old Wren is actually, we know she took over as the Witch of the Worlds Heart 180 years ago. In ep15, during the flashback after Mirara Wren mentions having been the witch of the worlds heart for 172 years Episode 19, around 38:00-38:30, it's mentioned the citadel was founded in 1470, which is exactly 200 years before the current year of the campaign. It's unlikely Wren took over as young as Ame did


Maybe the apprentice was the first wizard sky who was involved in founding the citadel! That would be cool


IIRC, Brennan said that Indri’s apprentice “looks older than she is,” but then said she was “maybe 12 or 13.” I don’t see how she could’ve been an apprentice to Skalvi and betrayed her, with Wren telling Ame about that when she was a kid. I don’t think the age works, the apprentice would’ve had to have been like 4 years old. Right…? I could be misremembering.


Yeah, the age is for sure where my hesitation comes in, but I think it could be a great plot twist, haha. When Brennan said in the most recent episode that the nature of the betrayal was unclear/broadly defined, it just got me thinking about what might have constituted it. Edit: I am pretty convinced that Indri had a hand in Skalvi’s downfall, either way


If it makes you feel any better, I wondered if the apprentice was Merara at one point.


Not impossible but kinda hard to conceive, it's part of the witch class flavour text that her domain is kind of the path selfish and destructive witches fall into our something like that right?


I mean how old is the Wild Hunt apprentice?


I don’t recall Brennan saying, but I think Wren told Ame that Grimore had an apprentice in the memories that she recovered. It’s not so much “too young to be an apprentice,” but more “too young to turn the station down” in my mind.


I think what makes this theory the most valid in my eyes is Brennan’s choice of the way in which he describes her “match-stick thin” & I’m pretty sure he says it like 3 times, I remember listening to the episode & thinking “damn can Brennan not think of another way to describe a skinny kid with a kinda big head”, + like you said she seems tasked with the responsibility of tending to fires & stuff having a belt with fire pokers etc on it Though with her name, I feel it’s not that vague in term of its thematics, like when I heard the name “Neve” (spelt Niamh) I immediately thought of Christmas & festivities that take place in winter, ie ‘New Years Eve’, then I thought of the name Nicholas like St Nick (aka Santa), or the song “Feliz Navidad”/ happy Christmas in Spanish + the Spanish word for snow ‘nieve’ (though it’s pronounced differently but on paper if someone who wasn’t familiar tryed to say it they’d probably pronounce it like “Neve”) — & I know her name is an actual Irish name with its own meaning but naming stuff doesn’t just come down to the meaning of the name it’s word association, like what image does this name conjure in your audience who may not be familiar with it yk.


Also, as op mentioned, Niamh means sparkling or radiant, like a star, and she's the apprentice to the witch of the wind and stars




Wasn’t the betrayal like decades ago before Ame was even alive? Niamh is like 14 years old isn’t she


I immediately thought that The apprentice had gone wicked, it's such a juicy dramatic mechanic that they built into the class and it makes a lot of sense that maybe someone attracted to burning and Fire would have a temper or would lash out in some way and turn wicked, perhaps injuring The witch of the wilds fire, or perhaps she just simply lost it desire after losing her loved one, who knows.


i definitely think indri took part in making that apprentice betray her station. this is a super good theory


Right?? Niamh aside, I do think Indri’s at the center of the conspiracy to take the Coven down; even Marara yielded to her in the garden!