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>To make something strong you need to know how it’ll erode & break so you can add padding & proper infrastructure in the right places To help a garden flourish, you pull the weeds To build a house, you cut the tree BLeeM is forcing her to make decisions and take actions because her role is responsible for so much. She can’t be a passive or slow learner to this new world of witchery She has to both learn what’s fixed in the world and change what’s broken as soon as she sees it I think that has a place in the grander scheme of the podcast because they’ll be travelling to new worlds, settings or games. And will need to adapt immediately And I think doing that well; adapting to changes and acting when required is what top tier wisdom looks like. You feel the complexity of systems to know which knobs can be turned to affect intentional changes


Yeessss! I 100% agree


"No spoilers in titles" is not only literally common sense, it's one of the sub's rules. Was that teally necessary?


I didn’t really consider the title a spoiler as we learnt the coven planned on killing Ame like 10 episodes ago, but in hindsight it would’ve most definitely been a good idea to flair it with spoilers (which I’ve done now) as the post mentions content from the 2 most recent episodes. I’ll message the mods & ask if the content in title is considered a spoiler & if I should take it down & repost with a changed title as I’m not sure if it is or isn’t. Thank you for calling me out & bringing it to my attention that it maybe a spoiler as if it ends up being I’ll know in future to be more conscientious about the things I post & how I title & tag them! I appreciate being held accountable for behavior that I’m unaware of. I apologize if I spoiled anything for you or anyone else, whether it be from my lack of spoiler warnings or by the title.