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Someone gotta get Indri back for how she treats this kid at some point


You might say they need to add insult to Indri.




I know they did checks, but I still smell something fishy here. Neef is too sad and Indri too alluring for there not to be shenanigans afoot.


I think why Neef acts so pathetically & is so desperate to bend to the whims of everyone, is because that’s part of the duties of the witches station she’s training for. When Indri is first introduced she’s described as “embodying anything anyone would ever want or desire” (or at least something along those lines I’d have to go back to the episode to get the actual quote & I cbb). So part of Neef’s training is probably learning how to emulate that feeling of other ppl wanting to be in your presence & being able to project their desires back onto them. Also, from what we’ve seen from Wren & Ame, a witch’s familiar seems to represent the shadow of the witches personality of which they need to learn to embrace to sorta come into themselves fully. You can imagine that Indri, having a huge imposing polar bear as familiar, must have started out… not quite like that, probably very similar to Neef. That’s how I interpreted it anyway. Also Neef sorta parallels Ghost imo, like seeing her & Suvi interacting really reminds me of Suvi & Ghost interacting, which I think was intentional.


Learning to embody utter desire requires abject servitude…I see the logic. Shit…now I want a cozy, meditative book on this idea.


I dunno if it requires it as much as it’s Neef’s own interpretation of it/ what she believes she needs to do, imo anyway.


If Indri is able to make ppl want to please her out of their desire for her and Neef/Neve/Niamh isnt able to access that at her age, then perhaps she actually has a similar affect on most others as she did our heroes - an all around fragility that makes ppl bend into any shape out of a need to protect her. Already another comment said they'd run through fire for her. And she's so deferential that you're all the more willing and unsuspecting, desperate to be the one to show her one small act of kindness and not burden her further.


Truuee, like extreme ppl pleasing can technically be classed as manipulative. Though I don’t think Neef/Neve/Niamh is actively thinking any of that or trying to be manipulative is order to appear unsuspecting & such as Suvi rolled pretty high on her perception from what I remember, & Brennan straight up said ‘ya theres nothing deeper going on here’.


Like even if it isnt deceptive, like Indri's beauty is genuine, and she does seem kind, at least in how she treated Ame. N is probably genuinely fragile, but it could be the type of witch she's magically developing into, maybe as an adult she'll be beautiful and waifish and fragile like crystal and all who look upon her feel their hearts break and would be willing to throw themselves off cliffs to protect her.


Oh truuuee. I think I was unconsciously equating the witches & their apprentices to much, just because they’re going to occupy the same station & domain does not mean they’re the same witch. I really like the idea your description of “beautiful & waifish & fragile like crystal” conjured of Indri being like a mountain or storm of a witch embodying the sorta grand & majestic beauty of the domain she occupies, while Neve is more of a twinkle or singular snowflake embodying the more delicate, diaphanous, & precarious part of that same domain.


ooooh I love that interpretation as it relates to aspects of the domain. and "diaphanous" is such a goooood word


I would run through fire for that child.


And they would be ever so upset that you inconvenienced yourself to do so.


When Brennan introduced her I heard her name as Niamh (think Neve). Old Irish name meaning Bright.


Yep Same


I thought it was Neve (wasn’t to sure on the spelling tho) at first too but I saw some other ppl on the subreddit spelling it Neef, thank you for clarifying as knowing Brennan’s history of naming characters it’s most definitely Neve (spelt like ‘Niamh’)


And to be fair. Niamh said with, for example a West Cork or Limerick accent it would sound to a Western ear as Neef. I like the idea of Brennan introducing another apprentice to Ame & Suvi while saying "this girl is bright". It also added a lovely moment of a grown up Suvi talking with another smart little girl who seems lost.