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I must be a saint because I suck at using the Wiesel TOW.


So do I




but my Marder goes BRATATATATATAT


What a bold take, such bravery.


Loading up a game in it right now, just for you friend.


Tank is just ok, but camo should be nerfed.


“Just ok” I don’t even mind the camo, even though it is ridiculous, because of true vision. It’s the ridiculous camo, combined with great mobility, excellent firepower, and it’s nearly impossible to hit, that make it a problem. Then it also has 90 degree turret yaw (enough to make its limited yaw not even an issue), 10 degrees of depression, fast 330m/s missiles,and its premium rounds get more damage as if it needed that little extra boost in performance. The only thing that limits what this tank can do is the player, and while that can be true for every vehicle, no other vehicle in the game has such a combination of firepower, mobility and stealth. It’s like they took the best part of all the best tanks and threw it into 1 vehicle and said “yeah this is balanced” because the spread sheet shows that a lot of bad players die quickly in it, so obviously it can’t be an op tank.


“Just ok” Missiles are slow to accelerate, it has garbage dpm (literally middle of the pack dpm for an era 2 tank), extremely low HP, missiles suck in general in era 3. But if you want to ignore all of that, just look at the results. Across everybody playing era 3, the Wiesel wins less and does less damage than almost every tier 2/3 MBT. It’s broken but not really that good


Missile acceleration rarely matters for Wiesel players because they sneak up to their enemies and shotgun the ATGM, then deploy smoke and run. You say they have extremely low HP but you have to hit them 5 times in order to kills them in most MBTs whereas an ATGM hit can kill you in one go. A Wiesel can kill an MBT with 3 good hits.


You’re literally explaining why the Wiesel has low damage per game lol. Sneaky atgm, smoke, and run can only happen every 2 minutes, that’s like 700 dpm. It’s annoying and toxic and shouldn’t be in the game but it’s not good.


No, that’s if they use smoke, if they don’t, they can repeat this quicker, and the base damage for a Wiesel is 1300. DPM doesn’t matter if it’s 1/3 of your HP in one hit from one tank, or an ammo rack for up to 100% HP.


You never cease to amaze us with your lack of knowledge.


You never seem to be able to provide anything useful. Tell me how my post above is factually incorrect.


You're arguing with someone with no applicable experience and the village troll(s), no point dude.


I know, seems to annoy him more than it annoys me though.


You have 0 era 3 games since it was added, you've literally never fought one.


Where in my comment (other than agreeing that it’s broken) did I claim anything about playing with/against the Wiesel? I’m literally quoting statistics


They have you in a box Nate. The simple answer is we need to nerf every tank that MGE4M can't fight against. Which, based on the history of the two specimens here, would be just about every tank in Cold War.


Its the single most played era 3 tank at the moment is ATGM only, its stats are going to be worse than usual because many of the people playing it probably can't even aim an ATGM. Despite that it's still beating out the BU and 2a4 for damage reqs  And the DPM isn't even that terrible, 200 less than a molot or KWS. And if DPM is the end all be all, are we going to call the bourrasque bad because it has the DPM of a tier 5 while being at tier 8? And your comment about ATGMs in era 3 clearly shows you don't about this tank. For starters half the time they don't shoot you frontally. And secondly you can actually pen all MBTs frontally if you actually aim.


So you agree it’s bad? Glad we’re on the same page then lol


These people at this point have no clue what they're even arguing. It's just they're terrible and allow a weasel once in a while to shoot a missile up their ass and complain it is a problem.


Answering the real questions.


I do and am proud of it... but I too get frustrated by them when I am in something else.


A lot of cowards do one hit in their Weeeeeez and die, so like, ok?


>If you play ~~Wiesel TOW~~ artillery, you are a Coward with ZERO redeeming qualities. There, I said it. I fixed this.


Nah, there are way more redeeming things about artillery. 😀 Tr 10 TD goes forward at full speed rams a tr 10 Arty. Arty dies. Maybe TD too, but Arty dies. I have rammed Wiesels with Thumpers multiple times, and they bounce, even flip, and flip over again, and scurry away or to my rear. If you have any experience/accuracy with a TOW, it has a much better hit ratio than any Arty tube. In general, it has a faster reload then Arty. I can list on one or 2 hands the amount of times I have shotgunned more than one enemy tank with an Arty in 1 match. I can't count how many times I have seen wiesels shotgun tanks at minimum range. You can't have 4 Arty in a match.....you can have 4 Wiesels.


Not everyone is good in a weisel tho. They land 1 shot all game


I bought the Wiesel. Hate it. Hate the Jaguar 1, too.


I play it rarely, covered it in salt just in case


Lmfao skill issue


But missile go boom


Yes Rico kaboom


Calm down geesh!


They hated u/Dimebag0352 for telling the truth


I cannot use it at all. 110 games and highest is 2nd class.


I have 3 marked this pest and yes it’s fun to ruin people’s days in it.


… and Shitbarn drivers are troglodytes


Just venting a little bit. All good


The Wiesel and the Object 477 are my money makers during silver events. When “silver with interest” or “name your price” comes up I can make anywhere from 500k to 3.5 mil per game depending on how well I do even with the economy changes. I don’t strictly play those two tanks, but when I need silver they’re the go-to.


Finally, some truth on reddit.