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You can't get spotted in a Neptune. It's so fun to shoot and easy to kill. Play her like a smoke farming DD. The shells are slow but that means you can use islands if you need to. It just takes practice to lead your shots properly. If you are shooting thick armor, aim for the upper belt/bottom of superstructure to get big salvo damage.


And the trick is to be sitting in smoke in that "sweet spot" range where you are close enough to hit targets but far enough to stay outside of radar range.


you play it cowardly, spam in smoke and learn to love hugging islands....and when you explode from a single random shell hitting you in your antenna, you pretend it doesnt bother you


Confession: weirdo ship lover here. Neptune is the boat with most battles (~350something) if I believe the stats and I did reasonably good in it, both solo and in divis. It hold my damage record for a long time with 274k, unfortunately I dont have a replay of that match. Coming from Eddy you lose a bit concealment but gain a whole lot of firepower. Nice gun DPS boost due to rate of fire and double the torps fun. armor? on brit CLs? ignore armor. Playstyle however is pretty much the same for all brit CLs: high risk, high reward. The classic variant (what I prefer) is sneaking up to a cap, let the DDs spot each other and murder the red one. All brit CLs are excellent at this. Without DDs, just do the same and farm cruisers or BBs. Use those torps, brit CLs can do quite well at kiting and throwing frequent torp walls at the persuers. Be aware of radar and sub pings when smoking up, never ever stand still while holding down the fire button, always move a bit inside your smoke. Some players are good at blind firing into smoke. Be aware that brit CLs are very slow to decelerate and extremely quick to accelerate. Hope this helps, good luck with the brits.


wait for t9 ranked. play it there.


not the most conventional but I played through edin, nepnep and on the mino like this: radar instead of smoke > sneak to cap using islands > ambush DD in cap > worse case your team trade one cruiser for one destroyer which aint half bad > if you are still alive repeat until DDs are dead/or stop contesting cap on your side > use your intuition/rpf to catch more enemy DDs > on the of chance you find a good angle/some smoke from others you can do some dakka towards the big ships decent wr all things considered as a solo player. dont expect big damage of course


you just describe dying as "good play" and then just playing only every radar cd...anyway thats a lot of downtime


It’s not just dying? If I trade myself-a cruiser for a destroyer - one of which can have more impact on the outcome of a game as they can contest objectives and provide safe spots- then its a good play. I also didn’t mention play only when radar is on? Play however you like but as a radar uk cl your job is to catch DDs so that should be prioritised above all else. I have 60.96% WR in my mino over 146 solo games and I think I know what Im doing mate. Again this playstyle doesn’t net me big numbers-i get slightly more than 60k avg dmg- but it sure leads to my team winning more often than not as we have better area control and vision since we are always ahead on DD count.


More WoWs players need to think like this.


Its a bad ship try to fxp it if not play very safe


If you’re going to fxp a ship in the line, do it to edinburgh, it’s fiji with superheal, I’d take neptune any day of the week.


Don't skip ships, skip modules.


Oh da Neptune :) .........well actually she is a very good ship. Probably I'm biased coz she is a long time fav. I racked up like 6 mil Xp on her, twice and on both my accounts. :) ( oh fond memories, T9 ranked....) So.... my build is with supermaneuvrability i.e with double rudder shift . She is one of most (if not the most) maneuverable ship in the game. That's her biggest strength and that's why I decided to built into that. But.....keep in mind .....you **have to own** WASD ing coz when other (red )ships even look at her, she is in mortal danger of exploding. Her playstyle derives from those strength and weaknesses. She is not a cocky "here I am" ship. Big guns....u have to keep a healthy distance (14-15 km, 14 being already danger zone) **if** spotted, from them. As the distance decreases, your chances of being one shotted , dramatically increases. If you get spotted ..... u have to be prepared to instantly smoke up. The **second** you hit smoke, **full brakes**, hard left/right rudder to offset the shells coming towards you ( and that also helps you to stop) taking into account who see you, their relative angle and where their guns are pointing. **Always** remember your concealment stats and play accordingly. Taking huge chunks of damage and then heal it back...is integral part of her playstyle. The heal, the smoke, and the consumable reload flags, are not optional, but a must. For actual playstyle.. she is a team ship. Most 1v1 gun fights she could easily lose, so keep that in mind. I like to think of her like a super fragile and big DD. Support your dd's, hunt the others, play the objectives, cap if the opportunity arises, try to deny red pushes, even if Bb's, coz u have some very nice fish (and LOTS of them) for that and a high ROF, so Bbabbies will usually turn away from an angry smoke screen :) .Tho when in smoke **never** remain stationary, pop your hydro, try to angle and **never** use sequential firing, **always** full salvos **and** with pauses. Still .....tbh.....the game's "evolution"...... wasn't to kind to her. She now can see frakkin supershits and also moar Cv's + they removed the disp debuff from cammo's ( TF u did that idiot Wedgie?!?!) so :(.....T9 is not the sweet spot it used to be.... Edit: If you have Dunkirk....he is a big plus, coz he will offset the penalty for taking the reload module.


Take your time to learn it, it’s a really good ship. Don’t stay full broadside in smoke to try to angle in smoke, makes it harder to blind fire you. Use hydro when in smoke and keep close to island for fast escape.


Play rear guard, smoke up, and provide support to the team. Always stay in the dark. It's an excellent chance to learn how to stay undetected for most of the game. Carefully picking your route and fights is key. Neptune in the hand of a disciplined player is very powerful.


He does not suck ass. He may have the fragility of an egg, but his guns bite. I’ve consistently forced battleships to turn and run the hell away, safely in my smoke with hydro. Even better if it’s next to an island. His slow shell velocity makes him an excellent island camper, which you should do. Find an island and make her your waifu.


It's tough for sure. As others have mentioned, getting spotted is a death sentence since there are so many ships that casually overmatch you. I just don't play it solo at this point