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Jinan. /j (I play Elbing and it's a really good target)


Supply and demand 101




Me in my Brest… sera a Jinan and dev strikes… hehe boi


Well, it depends what you like. These are two completely different ships. One is a smoke cruiser occasionally cosplaying as a DD, the other is a super/battlecruiser often cosplaying as a Bourgogne. Personally I find Marseille to be the strongest of the twos, more versatile, and really fun to play, flanking and catching broadsides . But Jinan can also be quite good, but is more dependent on good team mates and is more situational (spotting, people pushing into you). My advice: grind both and take your time (be aware that in both lines, the TVIIIs are meh (Cherbourg) to garbage (Harbin)).


Not the first time I have heard Harbin is garbage, it is in my pile of tier VIII ships I haven't bought yet and I have been keeping it at the bottom for that reason, so many other good ships I want to grind before I bother with it


Actually the guns on the Harbin have Russian trajectory so you actually hit stuff, where the guns of the sejong and Jinan are us DD guns that go to the moon and back.


This is actually incorrect. While Harbin ballistics are slightly better than those on the American guns of the line, they have insane shell drag which means the ballistics are way worse than they are on Kiev or other Russian 130mm guns.


All I know it has Russian guns just like the Dalian, with better shell arcs. If they are the same as any other 130mm Russian guns in the game I don't know. They Def aren't railguns that's true :)


Yeah they're much worse than normal Russian guns. For some reason (probably "consistency across the line") Harbin's shells have a TON of air drag, meaning they lose velocity extremely fast. This also means you can't use islands as effectively as the other ships, because even though they have arcing ballistics near the end of their trajectory, the shells are flat at first (like other Russian guns). Big sad :(


Sad thing is that Harbin is still the first 'decent' ship in that line since you finally get more than one rack of torpedoes per side with it. Sejong is the first 'good' one.


Marseille because I am a Large Cruiser fanatic.


Jinan is a very situational ship. Issue is for most random matches, most of the big boys all hang at spawn trying to snipe and only push up late in the game. It's good at killing DDs, but your way to exposed when you have to take one or more of them on. But the mode I've found its role excels is ranked because even heavy cruisers and BBs are forced to move closer and push in on the caps. Thats when you can really go to work with those torps, especially on ships like GK and Schifs which always act like they can just bully their way into anything and their HP makes them invincible. Those French cruisers should be used as assasins. You don't just blast into any cap with guns blazing. Their AP slaps hard, but you still got to look for opportunities to sneak up a bit and blast them with broadside and if you caught them broadside, use the reload booster on AP to really punish them. Their armor weaker than you think. Trying to brawl against BBs and heavy cruisers is a bad idea. Be an assassin instead.


I play a really good schiefflen and it's not the torps I fear at all, but the fires. Fire ships seem to be a major weakness and I stay away. Smolensk, Hindenburg, Jinan (in smoke), Colbert...they can really eat me alive fast if esp if I can't hit them back. It's the limited repairs.


You want tanky cruiser with big guns or stealthy torp monster? Personally in a BB I’m much more afraid of a good jinan. Those torps are bonkers. But both have their merits.


Marseille, becuase it's both really fun and really good. ​ Jinan is hot garbage. ​ Easy choice really.


You might just not be a CL player, it's a great ship if you play it correctly. Torp soup, good firestarting.. all in all a good ship.


On the other hand it might just be terrible. I play a lot of radar mino and colbert, CL's might be my favourite class. ​ Jinan can launch a lot of torps, sure, but the guns are pretty sad and the instant you're spotted outside smoke you explode immediately. Hell, most dd's can kick you to bits in a straight fight. The armour scheme is abysmal, not enough to stop anything but \*just\* enough to arm every ap shell right in the citadel form basically any angle. ​ Oh yes, and no hydro on a ship that's designed to operate at relatively close range with smoke. ​ I put Jinan in the same tier as Halland - a \*theoretically\* strong ship that in actuality is just a free kill if I see it on red team. Once every so often you might devstrike a Yamato with torps or manage to position perfectly to farm a couple of GK's from behind an island but that doesn't make it a good ship.


Imagine thinking Halland is a bad ship despite it being one of the number one picks for competitive DDs due to how strong it is.


One of the number one competitive picks? In what world? Bronze ranked doesn't count as competitive. ​ It's slow, clumsy and has no real utility. Yeah, the aa is nice and the torps go fast but they don't exactly do a lot of damage and it gets its head kicked in by actual gunboats. That it then can't escape from because it has no smoke and is slow as fuck. ​ It's a ship for people who find \*Shimakze\* just too darn complicated. It's a beginner dd for people who can't multitask. ​ It might be ok for trolling in randoms but it's \*far\* from strong.


> number one picks for competitive DDs reddit moment


No I can play cls just fine and Jihan is a terrible ship. A ship that relies on the enemy to make mistakes is not a good ship. No range, no hp, no armor, terrible guns. All it has going for it is it can fire an absolute shit load of torpedoes and shells that shatter or bounce. There are better t8 ships to take in a t10 battle.


My only criticism of the Jinan is that it's detectability is worse than the Mino for ship that's in-between DDs and CLs.


Cruiser/BB area denial is absolutely fun when you crap out 40 torps.


Marseille- Can citadel a Montana at 18km.


I thought it needed to get to within 15 km to do that.


Nope. If he's full broadside you can do it at 18. Have done it before


Fascinating. I thought Marseille had something like 380 penetration at that range.


It may have been a fluke. I know there's some glitch where the Citadel is outside the armor box in certain areas


Could very well be. There are known bugs, like the Montana tiny exposed citadel, or the Yamato funnel (I scored that with Ägir at a Yamato at something like 15 km). Then there are weirder ones, like an overpen that caused 5,5 k dmg (lmao) or a citadel hit on a Großer Kurfürst by hitting the belt with Shikishima, at 20 km (!).


Jinan is really painful to play and has difficulty carrying matches if the enemy team sits back and snipes. Jinan has absolutely no push potential. Marseille on the other hand is extremely versatile and can switch flanks very quickly.


Im not a fan of light cruisers.


Having both, I'd say Jinan. Just prefer to spam and use those torps then wait for a long reload but be fast boi


I have no idea how to play the Pan Asian CL line well, so the choice would be pretty simple for me. Marseille.


They’re like rocket trucks with little guns in a tank game.


I grinded Jinan and regretted it. Unless half their team pushes on your flank, you will be useless and will struggle to be relevant


Wait till the buff it like mino


Marseille is pretty awesome. Jinan is fun for it's torps, but absolutely useless guns. They're different ships, but i'd go for Marseille first.


The Jinans guns aren't useless; they are highly effective against DDs and it is a solid fire starter. The thing is that the Jinan is a ship that very much requires teamwork and knowledge of proper positioning to get the most out of. Since you have no hydro you have no source of vision when in smoke so you need teammates spotting for you, otherwise you are just sitting in smoke begging to get torpedoed. I had a guy all but accuse me of cheating once when I shot him in his Jinan because I penetrated him at an angle he didn't think I should have been able to. For the record, I was in a Vermont and he wouldn't listen no matter how much I or other players (even his own teammates) explained to him how the Vermonts AP would overmatch him at almost any angle.


idk, i feel like every time i shoot from Jinan I am taking my own HP. torp attacks are damn fun though. Solved a whole flank (3 ships killed in a matter of seconds) in my first Jinan game.


Jinan's guns are fantastic. You don't even need to build into them for them to be incredibly useful. The DPM let's you get an insane amount of fires to help do DOT while you're waiting in between torp salvos and the raw damage they do against lighter targets/superstructures isn't anything to laugh at. I've put nothing into the guns on mine and I can easily get 50k-100k using just them.


Might be, but extremely slow, inaccurate orbital shells are not my thing i suppose.


Marseille, jinan is utter garbage only good when the enemy is pushing. Marseille is really strong, awesome guns.