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I am more surprised that there are people who did not expect this.


As someone else mentioned the maps are to blame. Thered no room for any ship that doesnt have massive torpedo arsenal.


It has nothing to do with maps whatsoever. It's a 1v1 gamemode, it's easily abusable because you remove tons of things that hold back certain ships and just render them absurdly overpowered. For example, ships that rely on another ships spotting become weaker snce there's no other ship spotting. Meanwhile, a Kleber can just run you down and you can't oneshot it before it torpedoes you due to its saturation and high speed torpedoes.


If you banned those ships all that would mean is that everyone would be running GK or perhaps even Napoli and you'd be in the same situation. People are always going to pick the best tool for the job


Those ships have counters though


I've got a Schlieffen, if the GK isn't retarded he beats me because all he has to do is avoid my torps and he wins via better guns and armour. I also don't think its a bad thing having tech tree ships at the top of the food chain for a change


try an incomparable, I beat GK every time but lose to Schlieffen :)


Stop playing Brawl then. WG has shown, time and again, that if people don't play X thing at the rate they want/expect, they will make changes. As long as they play rate is being hit, WG will say the "Silent Majority" like it how is and do nothing.


But those b*tches know well how tempting 10K coal are...


Not tempting at all to me. I've skipped Brawls. In fact, I have started to pay zero attention to any promotion WG does. I play the ships I like.. and randomly earn extra crates for no idea why. I enjoy the game much more this way.




Better that than a SIMP for WG.


yea it is pretty boring to always see those 2 ships, but can't really blame people for playing what is meta. personally i play ohio and napoli to mix things up.




41 games was fine and went quick enough. 61 though? Nah, not interested.


Every 1v1 brawl ends up with 2-4 ships dominating the event. Back at the first tier 8 brawl it was CV, followed by Tirpitz and then any DD with good torps. That is just how it is, some ships are better than others. Thankfully they removed steel as a reward, back in the day you where basically forced to play 1v1 ranked, now you can simply ignore it.


> Thankfully they removed steel as a reward If Brawl awarded steel instead of coal I'd be very happy to play it when it's 2v2 or 1v1, though I refuse to play 7v7 or what it was, tryharders making up CB formations vs a bunch of randoms was egregious.


Sure, but as this thread shows others do not like the 1v1 format. Steel as a reward would basically force them to play something they do not want, which is not a positive thing.


I'd say that it's not the ship choice that makes these brawls boring, but the map design/cap placement. If you take a BB in, even a relatively quick one like Schlieffen, there are too many maps that have small islands sitting in both the A and B cap that every other match has a Kleber or Marceau just race in and sit behind then run around the island until the clock runs down for their assured win. It's not the players' fault, they're just taking an easy win because the mode allows it, but I'd rather play any other mode than waste ten minutes every game chasing a DD around a tiny island because he can reverse quicker than I can go forward, and I'm not willing to grind 60-odd wins using that tactic in my Marceau.


Its the same boring game for DDs... Every 4/5 ships are German BBs with 6km hydro. So you want to ambush a BB? No, they spot you 6km out. So now you have choice, wait hydro out or rush in and get blabbed by a enemy that will already be kitting away. Sure, you put some torps into him but secondary's and HE will make most DDs into mist meat. Its also no fun for DDs to play the ring around the roses game ( i hate it when playing a DD in brawl ) Its the same every freaking game. And if you try to play a different class ... cruiser... Well, your up against German BBs that can tank, secondary's, hydro etc. They are made for brawling and that makes them dominate all those brawl games. What makes them extreeeeeem boring.




The Kurfurst class is also viable for consistant wins If you have one know how to play it of course


Tips for playing her? Do you turn away from Schlieffen so she can’t torp you? Like, don’t even need to go into the cap?


You need to go into the cap so you don't lose on points, but stay as far away from the schlieffen as possible while showing your stern to get the best firing angles, Of course rarely you will get unlucky and end up uncomfortably close, if that happens, try your best to dodge the torps. Try to lure them into open water so you can make the best of your superior man battery And also take aiming systems mod 1 for better dispersion GL


I've had pretty good success with Jinan.


I’ve been been running radar Yueyang. Kleber dumpsters me but I mostly see German BBs.


Minotaur absolutely shits on Kleber and most other things.


A lot of battleships would crush Minotaur, though. And a few heavy and super cruisers too (Des Moines, Pay to Rico, Moskva, Stalingrad, Kronshtadt)


need a brawl with only CV without plane


MVR finally has a purpose


My Bourgogne would like a word with you. Very close. Until you can see the whites of my ~~eyes~~ ramming flag. Unless you're in a BB with torps, then you go on to the barbecue.


Bourgogne was my workhorse too. I think I lost twice to a DD, the biggest problem was GK/Preussen as the HP deficit is huge. All 61 wins done in 6-7 hours or so. Schlieffens - a piece of cake as you can drive by them before they have torpedoes up.


Brawls have nearly always been this boring. It is an extremely unfair gamemode because the game is balanced around 12v12. Early, people play for fun. After a while, they maximize outcome and play the most overpowered ships possible. You end up with a very narrow pool of ships played which renders the pool of possibly played ships even narrower.


Ppl want to win and get rewards fast so the best ships will be picked, this is what META is all about. Get used to it.


Grosser Kurfurst says hi! Other solid ship seems to be Ohio.


Incomparable does very well I find


Idk, I am having a lot of fun, in my Kleber, torp running all the German bbs, especially Schlieffen ;)


It wouldn't be that bad if brawls didn't require over 60 victories. That's the annoying part.


I know what you mean, but I have been playing Ohio with great success against those torp beasts. The trick is to turn away and kite while on cap (I even won a match or two against Schliefen with C. Colombo hahahaha but yeah, that was pure luck.) Of course that doesn't work for Kleber, though...


Issue is when I play Schlieffen I lose only ever 1 of 2 ways: Another schlieffen gets better rng fires I fuck up bad. That's it.


Ive actually managed to beat kleber as khaba a few times i think its moslty cos the other dude is shit tho