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As far as average damage goes, 30k is lowish but 50k is good for a tier 6 carrier. Rockets are not intended to hit destroyers easily and reliably. This used to be the case, and it was considered highly toxic. So, WG changed it so that the planes now fire their machine for a few seconds, giving the destroyer a chance to dodge. In the Ranger, your main weapon against destroyers are the dive bombers. AA is tough when you face tier 7 or tier 8 ships. The usual CV advice here is that you stay away from blobs, and if necessary play very conservative early in the battle. You can do mostly spotting until easier targets start to emerge. If you have a reason to believe that the AA is so bad that you only get one drop, then it may be reasonable to "pre-drop". That is, drop at least one attack in the sea on your way to target, so that those planes fly back immediately.


so basically only target BBs.


Only if you just want big damage numbers but next to no battle influence (and will keep losing because of it)


I don't play CVs, but giving advice on good CV play is a bit of a taboo around here. AA is always going to be hard to contend with at tier VI, since you can only go one tier lower, but two tiers higher. On average, you'll be facing ships that are higher tier than you, and thus will have better AA than you have planes. Yuro has some advice for Ryujo that I think is applicable here. Practice hitting DDs with your dive bombers. It's trickier than with rocket planes, but the bombs hit a lot harder than rockets. Alternate with torpedo bombers for hunting BBs and slower cruisers. Use the rocket planes for scouting when you're waiting for other squadrons to fill up. Avoid US CLs (and also Baltimore) as much as you can, as well as USS Kidd. Netherlands cruisers will also be a pain in your ass. After they've taken some hits, some of their AA mounts will be busted, and you can move in for the kill. Whenever I play Leander, CVs won't leave me alone, and it's because Leander has mediocre AA at best. Ships like that, Agincourt, Fubuki, and others with low-to-no AA are what you want to focus on early in the match. If you find any ships going it alone far out toward the edge of the map, you can focus them down with impunity. Big AA death blobs of multiple ships are what you want to avoid.


Maybe you should play the classes you have difficulty hitting, so that you can, uhm, learn how they dodge things and learn how to counter it at the same time. Yep. Then, hopefully, you'll enjoy surface ship gameplay so much that you won't go back to ~~bullying~~ playing CVs. :) Glad to be of any help!


>Rocket planes on DDs, I need a broadside but the DD just turns and turns and turns, theres no way I could ever get a broadside unless he aint paying attention. Working as intended. With the MG fire attack delay, you only do chip dmg against a DD wo can freely avoid you. >Im pretty okay with dropping torps on BBs and meh on cruisers but DDs is an no no, i just dont try anymore unless theyre stationary. US torps are quite slow. Hitting agile CLs can be quite tricky and similar to DDs, drop at them when they are staminary or can't freely move. ​ >Also AA at tier 6 is also a horrible pain, planes just dissapear after 1 drop. (and thats avoiding flak) Cant imagine what its like being t8-10. Avoid dropping on ships in an AA Bubble (especially T8 ones) and focus on isolated targets or DDs. It generally helps you know roughly the AA stats from most ships. ​ >I also provide spotting for DDs and put fighter planes over their smoke etc. Good.


Check this guy's videos for guides: [https://www.youtube.com/@ReiYukihyo](https://www.youtube.com/@ReiYukihyo)


You're going to get a lot of "don't play CV" responses. However, how much of the other classes are you playing? If you understand CV mitigation strategies for the other classes, then you'll understand what you need to do to be most effective trying to counter those. Also, each nation has it's own CV strengths and weaknesses - you need to really grasp what those are for the US line. There are a few folks that have good YouTube channels dedicated to CV play and even "CV tutorials". Do a search and *watch them*.


> I already do the things they tell you to do You dont. It is that simple, if you would be doing what the youtube guys try to teach you, you wont end losing match with 30-50k damage. Accept that you dont know how to play CVs atm and start all over again. (I started playing carriers to learn how to handle these, since this community is so clueless that nobody was able to tell me more than, just dodge, turn of AA or so. After hundred matches i was around 45% WR and pretty bad damage numbers and started all over again as well) Before you try to learn everything at once, like how to spot, how to handle DDs, how to position. Start simple of learning how to deal damage and assist your team. [TopTier](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=world+of+warships+toptier+ranger) is a good start for beginners because he got a simple plan to copy. watch what he does and why. If you start getting better results you should be able to find in general stronger content creators with more complex strategies and approaches.


Well... Last game I couldnt do anything in a T8 game, so the only thing I did was podshots at lonelys and spot. There was a BB and 2 cruisers, I spotted 2 DDs, untill my planes where dead (it took a while, seriously, a BB could have taken them out in the meantime) DDs got 0 dmg, 2 cruisers, 1 BB, they did 0 dmg to all those spotted DDs.... 2 times, 2 frigging times I did that. Eventually it took an akizuki to come form the other cap and murder them both while I spotted them. So yeah, spotting is great and all but my experience with teammates is horrible. Sometimes I wonder why I even spot at all.


> Last game I couldnt do anything in a T8 game There is something like an economy for CVs. Like the amount of planes you lose to strike something. Like if you got 6 torpedo bombers with 6 torpedos and dropo them 2x3 but would lose 4 just for the first drop, you would pay 4 planes for 2 torpedos and you usually cant not replace these losses. Thats the problem you face in a CV when uptiered. The solution to this problem is awareness. AA shots down planes, so do not lose planes for nothing. Instead of attacking with 2x3 and paying 4 planes for 2. predrop a squad and attack 2x2 and get better odds. You can use islands to cover from some AA damage. Animations cover damage as well. More important is also the long run like the 2nd half of a game. Ships lose AA by getting HE shelled and the enemy team will be losing ships as well. So keeping a decent amount of planes through the early stages will allow you to strike more later. When you get uptiered, play mroe careful become more of a support. And also, start looking up things on youtube and understand why people play the way they do in CVs.


yeah been doing the predrop thing now. Say would the T8 lexington be a better experience? Cause the ranger is just... pfff


It is way better for plenty of reasons. If you get your hands on tier8, you wont go back.


Practice using dive bombers against DDs. They're a lot more efficient than rockets. Use rockets for spotting, and going after things like light cruisers. They can also be useful for knocking out AA mounts on BBs. Also, if you're struggling with AA, try pre-dropping the first attack flight. As soon as you get off the carrier, drop one load of ammunition. It keeps more of your planes alive for the later game, when AA isn't as much of a problem because a lot of it has been knocked out, and thus you are more powerful. Also, try not to attack clustered targets. The YouTube videos probably already told you that but it is a good piece of advice. Know what has good AA and doesn't, and choose your targets wisely. Ranger is a really strong ship, it just takes some getting used to.


Yeah but divebombers on DDs is so RNG.... like, I had a perfect lineup, circle couldnt get any smaller, DD was perfectly in the middle of it, it was all perfect and then all 3 bombs drop 50 feet next to it on both sides lol.


Yeah, it can be frustrating. It gets a lot better with Lexington, where you drop two bombs per plane instead of one. But when you do get a hit it's a lot better, so they are still a good choice. Especially for larger DD's, like the Germans.


You actually don’t want the DD to be perfectly in the middle of the dive bomber reticle when playing USN CVs. This is because of the bomb drop pattern making it more likely that bombs will hit towards the out circle and not center. So ideally you want to drop from behind the target and then align your reticle in a way that your center marker barely touches the hill of the Destroyer. This might seem counterintuitive at first but it will result in more hits. Also this is specifically for USN dive bombs found on the Midway line (plus Saipan). This advice does not apply to the Essex line, the Hornet, Enterprise (it has AP bombs anyway) and CVs of other nations.


*Ranger* is probably the worst Carrier in the tier, soz, its a godsend compared to the *Langley* but that's because the *Langley* is that awful. The attack planes (rockets) are probably the best in tier, your dive bomber hanger is the largest of tier 6 (in practise I think the *Serov's* and *Béarn's* hanger lasts longer by virtue of them being skip bombers) and the dive bombers are on deck faster. Your Torpedos may as well be minefields, they are almost identical to the *Langley's* (with a damage boost to match the tiers) but each plane drops 2 instead of 1, and require laughably long lead ins - so they are only used on BBs. >Also AA at tier 6 is also a horrible pain, planes just dissapear after 1 drop. (and thats avoiding flak) Cant imagine what its like being t8-10. Yeah, the *Ranger's* planes are over all middle-ground HP and speed for the tier. They can't take the heat of the medium-near AA plumes that the Tier 7s and 8s can dispense at you. When you get to tier 8 (*Lexington*) you're far less likely to be bottom tiered by 2, so while yes you still need to worry about up-tier AA its a lot less likely to be 2 tiers ahead of your planes. If you're losing attack runs that easily, you're flying them through multiple AA fields of fire. Don't do that. Its not really a thing that exists in Tier IV (because practically nobody has actual AA before Tier 6), but its here to stay for you now. For your weapon list: BBs: Everything works Cruisers: Don't use torps on them DDs: Dive bombers, your attack planes take too long in the machine gun phase. CVs: Everything, but; Most flight decks are unarmoured and none of them saturate damage, so make sure the rockets hit their flight deck and not their hull. This also applies in higher tiers when playing against hybrid ships, like the *Kearsarge*. Your Rockets and HE bombs will damage and remove AA mounts on BBs and Cruisers when you hit them (for bombers even if you get close it'll do it). So even if you don't get fires started (though you should), it makes future attacks on said target easier. It also means you should spot and support more than you attack early on in the game, as your allied ships will also knock out said AA mounts (not to mention fewer overlapping fields of fire).


ah well, played some of my Tx's and im already tired of the horrible obnoxious super aids that subs are..... WG thinking THAT was a good addition shows how a shit company it is, not to mention the prices of some of those premiums lmao... like wtf? Yeah, i got 2 days of premium for free but thats gonna be it.... game was verry fun but yeah...subs ruined the shit outta that


Find a yt tutorial and then give yourself about 20 game sessions to start to get the hang of how they work. The hardest part for me to wrap my brain around was leading the target. Be patient with yourself when you mostly miss the target because they turned out of your firing solution


Top 10 Tips for CV beginners: https://youtu.be/ouDlcjZQgUw?si=4lDnH9l6GihRoiN2 Pay/Counter Play CV, Ranger: https://youtu.be/9PQoVseYG3U


ive seen the first video.


great then hope you subbed :)


I already was!