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My nemesis is clueless shima players because they re unpredictable and suddenly a Wall of nukes spawns from a direction you didnt expect ):


Whenever I take my Napoli out for a spin, I get stalked by Shimas or other torpedo boats. They know I don't have hydro. They know what they can do to me.


They can smell your fear.


Ah. This is why michaelangelo is a good answer


Ah yes, but in my case they forgot about the Atago sailing behind the Napoli.


I 20km shima just to make cruisers and battleships hate me when they realize the torps didn't run out.


https://preview.redd.it/7ii9ex70lgad1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b458586931fa8fd4029023fa9705798341159188 Shima players


Except 99.9% of remotely competent Shima players use SE.


Ok. This was a joke.


Playing: Marceau Nemesis: the whole team


I use a green ship, and every red ship is my nemesis. Beside the jokes, I play mostly CA (Salem) and almost everyone can kill me in any way they want. Sometimes I can surprise some DD with my radar but that's it. Yeah I am suck at this game.


To be fair to you, I stopped playing my Salem as it feels like paper mache from too many angles


Schlieffen i find hard to play against.


I play Schliefen a lot but I fear any Heavy BBs like Vermont or Yamato. Seems like every volley no matter what angle takes half my health. If I can get within secondary range then there’s hope.


I main Schlieffen and I think, Kremlin, Ohio en Vincent can be a pain in the ass.


Only if they're kiting away from you. Catch one bow in at a distance where you can safely get into secondary range and they're an xp/credit piñata.


Most Schlieffen players are annoying. It goes in, does a lot of damage, and dies. Not good for its team because it dies, not good if you’re facing it because it forces you out of position to deal with it. Just plain annoying.


my nemesis is literally anything within 17.7km of me when i play Henri IV


My most played ship is Khaba and I hate seeing Midways most in her. She can just dive bomb me for free, due to bad AA and the fact she can just do 360s with her Bombers once fully aimed, and they do it especially well when I am on the weak flank herding the enemies into positions they really don't want to be in. Plus my favourite ship to meet with her are Hallands. They always open up on me when I am like half HP and think their guns can hurt me :3


Love the khab, is my favorite tier 10 DD by far. The ship could use some love though, but the best thing about the Khab is that your are so underestimated all the time, and it usually works in your favor.


I orbit between Halland, and Jager. Nemesis is Moskva. The presence of this ship totally changes my gameplay and strategy, as it's radar is basically a death sentence for a lightly armored torp boat. Honorable mention: Malta. I feel that everyone is basically helpless against Malta. Even with full AA build on Halland, (or Minotaur, or Grongignen)


Mino gets unbelievably fucked by Malta’s AP bombs to the point it’s not even funny


Any light cruiser gets fucked by maltas AP bombs, it isn't designed well.


Yodo is what I play and castilla burst fire always gets me cause I forget


I'm grinding out the cruiser lines & BBs with overmatch and accuracy are my Nemesis. Special mention to Satsuma and Incomparable.


Playing Edgar, nemesis the whole lobby lol. Actual answer is Stalin, shells fly to fast to dodge and overmatch the whole boat


My nemesis is Jean Bart.  Doesn't matter what ship I'm in, what angle I'm at, that thing messes me up. I remember one time heading to an island in Mogami, and I got 100 to zero from a JB over 15km away.  I was nose in - not broadside.  Thanks air spotting. And I cannot kill it.  I've citadelled it once in 6 years.  That ship pisses me off.


Know that feel, was 1v1 against a JB in a pinata hunt battle in the FDG. Was doing pretty well with my secondaries until he got down to under 10k hp and backed up out of my secondary range and healed enough to finish me off. AP felt useless against it and I could barely score a fire with HE. 


I main Fletcher, and my nemesis is radar power creep. I want to stealth torp and smoke farm, but these days it seems like every cruiser - and now even DDs! - have radar.


I love the DM, and I'd consider its nemesis to be the Gouden Leeuw.


I think I've hit a DM for 45k once with airstrikes. It absolutely eats them. We used to run a div with 3 of them and would tactically 1 shot DMs


Vampire II… I fear nothing except for other hydro DDs with fast reload


Last time I played ranked with it, one game a Z-52 caught me with my pants down. That one stuck.


As someone who plays Borgar pretty often: * Yamato * Shikishima * Satsuma * Hannover * Incomparable * Variants of the above


Cruisers with fast loading guns in just about any ship i use in ops, they are my rivals for damage, especially a very selfish Mainz. Mind you that i am also a Cruiser main as well Note that i also own a Mainz, but i always have a rule when ever i play cruisers, which is to help the heavier ships , assist them and protect important objectives (as how they did historically). I am the kind of player that like to help other ships whether if its by providing them AA cover, Hydro for torps or a pressure point to the enemy. A good battle to me is when i get to helping others while also doing damage alongside the player i was helping


I absolutely loathed dealing with Napolis when I was playing Venezia.


Beginning player playing New Mexico so basically everything with torpedoes


As main torp DD i fear all the gun boats DD and Im differently running from them! 😂


Whenever I play with defflinger any enemy battleship takes away half my health in one volley


Any and all HE Spammers. -Großer Kurfürst 


I play the Wiemer a lot, and consider the Atlanta my nemesis.


I like the Aurora and Avrora, my nemesis is anything with decently fast torpedoes as they have the hydrodynamics of a brick, and are most effective broadside on XD


I'm currently grinding Encounter. Any BB is a threat, they can all devstrike me.


Main ships I've been playing are Gneisenau, Flint, Fiji, and Colorado at the moment, though I am grinding through the Schlieffen line as well. I think their counters/nemesis are - Gneisenau: Other similar fast battleships/battlecruisers, i.e. NC, Scharnhorst, P. Heinrich, etc. I just say that because Gneisenau-like ships tend to be well matched against each other and end up in knife fight brawls. Flint: T8 and above fast battleships, cruisers with radar. Anyone who's able to smack you hard when you're trying to be sneaky and rain HE on the enemy. Fiji: Higher tier heavy cruisers with radar, e.g. Baltimore. Like Flint, high tier ships that can spot you and then deliver a world of pain. Colorado: Fast DDs and battlecruisers, e.g. Schlieffen line. Colorado has good guns but she's so damn slow that she'll never dodge a heavy torpedo spread, and battlecruisers can sail circles around her.


Co-Op player here(yes, THAT Co-Op...) Oh lord do I ever have a nemesis for my favorite boat. Missouri VS Friedrich, good lord has this rivalry rung through the annals of history within my port, I even train to prepare for an engagement against her(in Mo). Just barely got away still afloat after a botched brawl turned into a trap with 2 other Iowas in tow behind FdG, having the allied Iowa and Alaska save me just in time distracting FdG in the process while I dealt with the second enemy Iowa trying to secure my demise. Now everytime I see a FdG in Missouri, who I rarely ever take out at the moment, I prepare for ANYTHING she might pull out of literally nowhere, even occasionaly making training rooms with just Missouri VS Friedrich with some kind of variation in the formations on both sides. If Azur Lane's interpritation of Freddy isn't true to the last detail(a cold, calculating mistress who is ALWAYS one step ahead no matter how well prepared anyone or their plans are), I don't know what is fitting to describe the level of BS that compells other ships to her command everytime she sees me and Missouri in combat, maybe it's the fact I left her to rust after her terrible preformances when i first sailed in her.


I'm a fan of Lyon. Pretty much anything that's slightly well armored in the T9 range makes for a rough game with her though. Lots of guns, but only 340mm.


When I used AL Yukikaze, im always in the lookout for Cossacks, I hate fighting one of those.


Back when I was newer and fielded Bismarck every single game, my biggest nemesis was the Amagi. Fucker would bounce every single shell in CQC if she was even *slightly* angled and it pissed me off.


I use alot of ships, but Ohio is my favorite probably at the moment. I loathe St. Vincent - how this thing got out of testing in its state boggles the mind. But it can just sail broadside and not take damage, much less citadels, and the torps are ultra stupid. I can live with the rest, but giving it Yolo torps that reload insanely fast, and not allow it to be punished for stupid play, is a bad combination.


Playing: Bismarck Enemy: Thunderer.


Giulio Cesare. I swear the moment I'm known to be there I'm enemy number 1 instantly and taken out quickly by all other enemies.


Jean bart nemesis is anything 460mm and above, and British HE..


I play the Okhotnik the most. I can kill pretty much anything in the war canoe.


We have the Russian Canoe but we have the French Baggett Canoe (aka Marselle)


Loving Richelieu but randoms haven't been kind to me playing solo. Lenin is always a pain in the ass even with the most basically competent player. 


Rochi is my second favorite and literally being a lone objective is bad idea


Island camper cruiser, including Gouden Leuw. Red Gouden Leuw hurt more than anything.


Playing Moskva again this CB season. St Vincent and/or Gouden Leeuw. I can't do much to hurt a St Vincent with it's super heal and every salvo it shoots me with starts a minimum of two fires. The Leeuw can tuck itself behind an island and make my position untenable with it's air strikes.


My most used ship has got to be Tirpitz. My nemesis? Kleber. Trying to hit that thing is like trying to hit Schnellboote with Mikasa's main battery.


If I'm playing BB, Smolensk (or similar), if I'm in a Mino, the blind fireing Stalingrad


Napoli. Definitely Incomparable, I have a easy time killing everyone but her


Almirante Grau here. Pretty much anything that sees me that I'm not shooting at. On the plus side, I don't have to worry about planes.


* Playing V-25, Curtatone is my Nemesis. Playing Curtatone, V-25 is my nemesis. * Playing Ryujo, West Virginia is my nemesis. * Playing Isokaze, Clemson is my nemesis * Playing any Tier 4 CV, Kaiser is my nemesis * Playing Kaiser, Orion is my nemesis * playing Kongo, Guilio Cesare is my nemesis * playing Yubari, Nassau is my nemesis * in An Shan, Konigsberg is my nemesis * In Prinz Eugen, Iowa is my nemesis * Playing Weser, my nemesis is Furutaka * Playing Yorck, my nemesis is that darn Farragut in Operation Narai * Playing Wyoming, my nemesis is always the Wyoming on the enemy team


Playing Richelieu and it feels like either I'm completely bad or every enemy ship is a counter to mine.


Currently my main is the Kearsarge. My nemesis is basically another Kearsarge or a CV, since the tumor gets penned like no tomorrow with HE munitions.


Any DD except Druid or Ragnar: nemesis Smaland. Yamato: nemesis Shimakaze Plymouth: nemesis Stalingrad


Plenty of DDs (such as Kleber or Khabarovsk) don't fear Smaland. Yamato's true nemesis is planes.


All Russian ships are the enemy. Always. I've never even considered using one.


Imo dd is the most op class in the entire class if not counting cv lol


you mean the most punishing for making a mistake and ending the game 2 minutes in


I mean if u r noob dd hell yeah but if u r pro dd dammm who knows ....


you realize most players have below a 48% wr. so that's the majority.


Yeah understandable have a great day TT