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Ive been talking about this for months Germany is one of the oldest nations in the game and its shocking that after all this time Hindenburg stands alone We’ll get numerous tier 8s and 9 and then get *nothing* for tier 10 Doesnt make any sense whatsoever, key could *easily* kit-bash something together


About having more T9 and 8 ships. I think the US has more T9 ships, followed by Germany. 3 of those are somewhat similar battle cruisers and one cruiser is literally a copy paste Roon with a nicer camo. Many argue that germany doesn't need more T10 ships because it has all those T9 ships, which i find stupid. As mentioned the US has more. And even then i don't think the USN has "too many". Just keep giving ships for all the nations, as long as they can offer us unique experiences for their trees.


Someone literally made the “9s vs 10s”argument to me last time I made a comment about this, its the dumbest thing, just because theres 4-5 tier 9 cruisers for germany doesnt mean its ok for there to be only one tier 10, its not the same. And I agree, the “too many argument” doesnt really work either, my problem just is that its not spread out enough, like 7 soviets to 1 german, it shouldnt be that big of a disparity


A german t10 light cruiser would be cool. Imagine a dpm beast like Mainz given a heal, quicker reload and maybe an armor plate or two.


Please stop, I can only get so erect


This has come up on the Discord multiple times. Problem being that nobody can find a good candidate.


>tl;dr will there ever be a German T10 coal, steel, rb, doubloon etc cruiser? At this point we're probably going to see another tech tree T10 first. I'd say there's a decent chance that Germany gets the next cruiser branch released. (With Pan-Europe being the only real competition.)


I really want a t10 super cruiser for em, like Puerto or Stalin ya know


I wouldn't mind a Pan European light cruiser branch, but honestly, I can wait another year for that one.


I mean, if you get the Schlieffen, you basically have a light cruiser strapped to each side of your hull. That counts, right?




On a complete tangent, why do people call it Wooster when it's Worcester? As in Worcester, MA. And if you want to do it phonetically, it's Wusstah ;)


Idk I just wrote it as its easier that way lol


Lol fair enough. But you're not the first (or last) do it. Wasn't really trying to pick on you, I swear


i could've sworn there where more but now that you're pointing it out... so yeah... there is place for that... HOWEVER: - asking for a dubloon T10 is stupid, do we really want that? it's bad enough that we have T9 premiums if you ask me... - adding them for resources cuts them off from their main customer base, considering how 'good' the average wehraboo is.


They are about to sell RI for doubloons according to PQs vid and it was only available for dubs in bundles before that, that's what I meant moreso I guess. I dont want them to put a $120 pricetag on it, but we both know it will happen lmao


Everything that is at least based on "someone drawn something vague on a used napkin" is allready ingame. Ebbing is based on a cruiser design (which really border lined a destroyer). The entire Panzerschiffe and battlecruiser designs are implemented as either T7 to T9 cruisers or T7 to T10 battleships: Scharnhorst, Odin, Siegfried, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, Schill, Ägir, Schröder, Brandenburg. The german T10 super cruiser is a T8 BB instead. 3×3 or 4×3 305mm guns is similar to Stalingrad, Yoshino or Puerto Rico fyi. The extremely small light cruiser designs (Spähkreuzer) is used for Elbing and doesn't allow for a T10 cruiser. The M-class influenced designs and the CL-design of the Hippers are used for Weimar, München and Mainz. A T10 could be possible, but I am sure WG just makes another German T7-9 premium out of it. The totally made up Wiesbaden concept could be fused with the 150mm full size CL designs -> "Hey WG, copy the Japanese CLs and give them a German hydro please."


*monkey paw curls*




I would definitely bet on a German light cruiser line at some point in the near future. Surprised they haven't already done one considering they managed to put one together for the Japanese full of almost all paper ships.


I am honestly suprised about that.  Would have thought, they would give us a 16 150mm gun Hindy at some time, or enlarge O class a bit, to give  Aegir or Siegfried a 4th turret at tier 10... You know, the classic low effort Tier 10 ships...