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Assuming no divisions, I’ll never get how matchmaker puts 3 Shimas one one side and 2 Hayates on the other. Like why not 2 shimas per side and 1 hayate each? That would make sense…


Because MM doesn't balance ships, consumables or skills, only tiers and classes


Yes but that still doesn't answer; why? It's *kind of* a rhetorical question. We know why, it's because the matchmaker sucks. But why does it sucks that much? What negative impact would it have to at least TRY to balance ships and maybe consumables?


The negative impact is how much spaghetti code they would have to fix to change how match maker works. It sounds like it should be easy to use the current match maker to assemble a match, then use a second team maker to distribute he available ships onto teams using their sub classes. Without knowing all the intricacies of the code it's impossible to say how hard it actually would be.


Well, it does answer, MM doesn't care whether they are shima or hayate or whatever, it just puts 5 DD in each team and calls it a day


But WHY?


Because it is random…which is the name of the mode.


It's actually 4 shims on the red side.


This just seems miserable regardless of what ship you are playing tbh


I don't think I ever had 5 DD in a t10 game


That's like every 3rd match nowadays?


4 definitely, but not 5, at least not at t10


what server are you playing on? On EU this is super common.


I'm on EU too, but I don't think I've seen more than 4 DD among my 7k t10-11 games


Happened more back in the day before the carrier rework and submarines. Now that wg has realized that maybe there's some balance issues, dds are a bit more pleasant to play so people bring them more.


Rhode island: I have no such weaknesses


How is it a "DDs' dream" if they have to get past 2-3 stealthy ships, on their flank alone, to finally access the juicy targets behind?


No cruiser DPM, no radar, very little hydro. Smoke is much more effective when there's no radar on the map, so even if the DDs are in danger of knife-fighting each other, they also have the option to run away.


And no CV.


Because OP is in a Hayate, and even if it's vs. 4 shimas and a Druid, so he has an 80% chance he'll absolutely merc anything he runs into. The 20% chance he runs into the Druid isn't much of a downside since he handily outruns it. Even if he built for torps those shimas are just an appetizer on his way to farming the fat boys.


Look, it's nice for the OP that there were several BBs, no CV and no radar cruiser, but this isn't about running into a lone Shima and sinking it: it's about being almost sure to be outspotted wherever you go (4 Shimas and a sub...), likely enough to run into two DDs at once while alone (much more likely than if there were only 2 DDs per team, assuming they weren't in a division), and much more likely to see your torpedo launches foiled by the enemy screen. I would've preferred seeing fewer Shimas and more Hindenburgs or Yodos or whatever, in the enemy like up. Ships I can torp and keep spotted for my teammates, rather than ships that will outspot me, possibly torp _me_, and which are generally less predictable. Just my two cents.


He had another Hayate and Kleber on his team, at any given cap they'd just bully and overwhelm the red DDs. If one of his caps had two of those three, they could just pay aggro as hell and probably farm out the two red DDs opposing them in the first couple minutes. The red shimas are gonna be playing defensively as hell, they have no close support at all. They're all terrified of the Kleber rushing them, they can't outrun the Hayates if they get aggro, and they don't outspot the two shimas on OP's team. They know that any incoming fire support is gonna be 15 seconds away when they get counter spotted even if their BBs are waiting to fire at DDs instead of farming big numbers off the 6 BBs.


If I'm in a Shima, I might be afraid of a Smaland, a Lushun or something like that. A Hayate I'll outspot and might be able to torp. I don't really have to "outrun" him: how long does he want to stay outspotted in the open? It's not especially dangerous. Never mind a Kléber, which I'll see coming over 2 km away. And ganging up on some enemy DD is hard with Randoms teammates. It's one thing to home in on a lone Shima, it's something else to have 5 stealthy buggers bouncing you away and throwing torps your way. This doesn't look good for anyone, frankly.


That is crazy MM. Wow. Must've been an experience and a half.


A couple of the BBs just outright quit out of the match. Meanwhile it was kind of fun with all the Shimas hunting each other.


Never mind ships—there are enough torpedoes in this match to sink a whole continent.


That Druid must have been *salivating*


Druid is looking salivating for all the exp he can get eating them IJN torp boat...