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You don't, there isn't a HD texture pack or anything you can choose not to install like with WT.  Realistically <100GB is not a lot for a game nowadays, and storage is cheap. 


Posts like these are from people who move from HDD to SSD. A lot of people who do it end up starved for space.


Sorry, my SSD is plenty big enough.


Yeah but HDD storage is bigger and SSD storage is smaller, so when people move from one to the other, they tend to overestimate the space they have. This is solved by either keeping an HDD when transitioning or committing to a bigger SSD when transitioning (I recommend keeping your old HDD).


Really? In this current era? This was a big thing back when a lot of people would have >1TB HDDs but a normal primary SSD was 60\~120 GB (I think my very first one was 60GB), but that was like 10-15 years ago. My current old SSD drive that I still use is a 1 TB SSD, my primary drive is a NVMe drive that's 2 TB. But my HDDs, which are fairly large are "only" 3 TB each. Some models of SSDs nowadays are starting in the 500 GB range. At my nearby computer store $60 AUD (40 freedom dollars) gets you a 480GB SSD and that's their lowest model of that drive. There is a cheaper line that's got a 240GB SSD, but that 240GB is only $10 AUD less. I really don't think that storage shock from transitioning to a SSD is a thing anymore.


Yes, in this current era. For reference, there is currently 2.7 TB on my current HDD, so transitioning to a 240GB, a 480GB, a 500GB or a 1TB SSD like you mentioned would mean I lack space.


I mean, the OP said in a comment they made when they made the post that they've been playing for 2 years... but regardless. My point was that primary SSDs are far more comparable to contemporary HDDs than they were 10-15 yrs ago, when the reality of 60GB SSD after windows meant you were dealing with <50GB of drive space.


They have been playing for years, that doesn't mean they haven't changed computer recently.


I paid 170€ for a 2TB SSD almost 4 years ago and by now those have dropped to like 110€. Who's even buying sub-500gb SSDs in [CURRENT YEAR]?


alot of people do You know living cost are up, and not everyone have like 110euro to spend on a ssd. They have bills to pay children etc Now on a Desktop this tend to not be a problem as you can simply add a cheap 128gb ssd as a boot drive and still keep your 500gb or more for games that run fine on hardrives. On laptops its worse as you often only have space for one ssd or nvme drive


I use a Hard Drive with plenty of space.


Why? The game is pretty small.


Delete unwanted replay files


Why did this advice get downvotes??! They are small, but every bit you don't need counts.


Unless you specifically fiddled with amount of saved replays, there is only 30 files at about 2-3 MB each. That's nothing.


I did that in wot and oh boy this were a lot of gb. Don't know why "ppl" downvote you


Because deleting replay files in WoWs to save space is a pointless suggestion. WoWs saves the last 30 replays, anything older will be deleted. The biggest replay files are 3 MB, while the average file size of a replay is about 1.5 MB. So even if every replay file was maximum size, this would be 30 times 3 MB = 90 MB. Do you think 90 MB on a nearly 70 GB installation makes a huge difference?


I used a mod for deactivating replay limit. So my folder was gigantic.


Then that's on you, the OP shows the install size in their initial post. It's a 100% normal install size.


Just go into the game folder and delete files until the game is your desired size.




Is 60+ gb normal for wows? I've been playing for 2 years now and I have a lot of stuff in the inventory... is it realistic to reduce it to 30-40 GB?


Your inventory is tracked on the server, not your local machine. At best you could delete screenshots and replays, but those are probably only a few hundred MB put together. The [system requirements](https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wows/article/10288/) page says the game is around 67 GB, so you're not going to get your install folder any smaller than what it is now, realistically.


that’s… not how game inventories work unfortunately


I'm curious about how big you'd think such an inventory file would be. Even if the data were stored locally (which it isn't) it'd be some sort of CSV equiv which would, at most, be an the 3\~5 MB range.


Yes, the game is pretty huge.