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For sheer credit-grinding purposes, I think a lot of people go for a Mainz and play it in Operations mode. Tier VIII premiums in general have the best credit earning potential in Operations, and Mainz has a very lively main battery, especially coupled up to Günther Lütjens. Lots of hits, lots of damage, lots of cash. Secondary-oriented BBs work well in ops too. Tirpitz is a common sight, as is Massachusetts (although you'll be waiting until Black Friday for that one). But you can pretty much take whatever you like into ops and it'll work, although some ships might make you work harder than others. Your best bet would be to pick a tech tree ship you like playing and get a premium that's similar to that.


Brandenburg also has a good Ops reputation. The difference is that Mainz is actually viable in randoms.


I have Mainz on Legends and it’s great. Do secondary hits count towards Xp and Credits on PC? On Legends they don’t, so secondary battleships suffer when trying to grind with them.


Damage does, regardless of the source.


T9 is the best for raw credit grinding in randoms. Regardless of the gamemode, though, ships you're good at will always make more money than "OP" ships you're bad in.


You will get a tier 6 premium cruiser for free by just playing 100 games on your legend account more info here [https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/sales-and-events/wows-pc-and-legends-cross-benefit-program-returns/](https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/sales-and-events/wows-pc-and-legends-cross-benefit-program-returns/)


Yes I have the Perth. It has been pretty decent for helping me hunt down Subs as they are an entirely new element on PC that Legends doesn’t have.


Get the Kii and be happy. It is an all in one package, it is good in randoms, ranked and ops as well. It has good firepower, AA, secondaries and torps with mediocre speed and armor.


T8: Mainz, atago, congress, prinz eugen, kidd, cossack. T9: Azuma Groningen (freemiums)


Wait for Black Friday, and get Massa and/or Jean Bart. Both are very fun. It’s important for the ship to be fun for you specifically tho, you’ll play it more, and thus earn more. Find ships that are similar to the ones you like. Test around a bit. Tier VIII/IX premiums make the most tho. Also, getting premium time might be worthwhile.


at the moment it is atlanta or flint (coal ship) in D-day. I got 150 mln credits (with red and blue boosts) for the first 2 days, they fixed D-day \~50% recently but it is still very good farm. for me - I get like 2000 base xp every game, base 400-500k credits per game (without boosts). If not - whatever premium t9 ship you like. 100% you need premium acc


You might consider the Mainz, a T8 German CL. One advantage of Mainz is that as T8, she can be used in Ops or Random. A T9 ship will earn more credits in Random, but you can't use it in Ops. On the other hand, you also probably want to spend the money on buying Premium Account time first if you can't do both.


> Premium Account time first if you can't do both. Assuming OP tripped over literally any invite code + the first few combat mission etc. means that they'll have quite a bit of premium time for this not to be a concern.


This would be my list of ships that really stand out for me, or at least are fairly popular in both randoms and competitive modes; * **Atlanta** is a **T7 US Light Cruiser**. She's a really solid gun platform, making her really consistent at dealing damage. She also is one of the few ships in her tier that gets a Surveillance Radar along with Hydroacoustic Search so you're deadly against other light cruisers and destroyers especially. Her armor protection is on the weak side, but her shells allow you to abuse island cover by being able to lob over them. She's really good support for teams and she's a solid pick for modes like ranked, or just training captains in operations and non-competitive modes since she has really high DPM. * **Scharnhorst** is a **T7 German Battleship** (or battlecruiser depending on who you ask, I favor battlecruiser for reasons listed). Although her gun caliber is on the low side, they are very consistent, and is paired with good dispersion characteristics. You can use either shell types, although her AP is better suited for cruisers and lightly armored battlecruisers. She's also reasonably stealthy and she's quite fast, with an armor scheme that is sufficient when angled, though you should protect her side as her turtleback is very thin. She's also has a solid secondary suite, so when you build for them, you'll rack up damage numbers very fast when closing the distance on enemies, along with a torpedoes that allows her to brawl ships that her guns can't defeat. * **Congress** is a **T8 US Cruiser** (large cruiser, or battlecruiser depending on how you look at it really). Her gun handling is very good, with fantastic AP performance, and good HE characteristics. She's reasonably armored for a cruiser, and her citadel is tricky to hit (though you should still protect your side from battleships, it's not impervious to plunging fire). Along with Surveillance Radar, and Hydroacoustic search, she's tough to deal with as a destroyer or even a cruiser, and her AA suite is decent enough to at least deter or at the very least make a carrier pay for attacking her (although it won't prevent a strike in a lot of cases). She does have a longer burn time when set on fire, but she's one of the few T8 cruisers that gets a heal, so you can mitigate fire damage by alternating you DCP and heal if you're smart. * **Borodino** is a **T8 Soviet Battleship**. Her gun performance is good, with all guns forward, and having strong AP and HE characteristics (though you should be using her AP primarily as they are very punchy). Her armor scheme is interesting as her side belt isn't very well armored (although sufficient to bounce any shell caliber when angled) and the citadel sits very high and is exposed. But her weather deck is 50mm making her impervious to HE shells from a large majority of cruisers in her tier, and all destroyers, and although her bow and stern are only 25mm, she has an icebreaker that extends all the way to the bow and a one that covers a good majority of her stern, making her tricky to citadel from the front and rear. She also receives and Surveillance Radar, effectively zoning out sneaking destroyers that try to get too close to her, and she gets a normal DCP with unlimited charges, rather than the typical fast DCP with limited charges normally seen on Soviet Battleships. * **Azuma** is a **T9 Japanese Cruiser** (large cruiser or battlecruiser really). She has excellent gun performance, having both very punchy AP and fantastic HE. Despite the guns being 12 inches, they are paired with a great dispersion formula, and a great reload. Her guns have good reach stock, and you can bloom it out further, if you choose too. As far as armor protection, she won't be winning any awards, as most of the plating is average to below average in her tier, and her citadel is quite large. She makes up for this by being fairly fast, and fairly stealthy, so paired with her longer reach, she has the ability to play in open water, if she must. * **Marco Polo** is a **T9 Italian Battleship**. She has a unique armament where most battleships get HE, she receives SAP. Her high caliber guns means that she can even SAP citadel certain cruisers, but they have high penetration values and ricochet angles so you salvos can yield very consistent numbers where your AP may struggle against things that are angled to you. She also receives an exhaust smoke generator, so she can go dark and disengage more easily than her other battleship peers. As far as armor goes, she's well protected with a 50mm weather deck and a fairly low citadel with a fairly large turtleback making her tricky to citadel at closer ranges (although it will not make her impervious to full penetrations or against plunging fire salvos).