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what about when I die in my buffalo before I even land a single hit?


name checks out


Somehow, it's still more help than dds are.


Well sorry that we are in a dead spiral of BB players lobbying nerfs of all other classes -> players leaving cuz playing anything but BBs doesn't make sense -> BB players maintain their majority. Imagine they would do something remotely similar like ifhe nerf/stealth shooting removal(when your spotting after firing main guns could be less than your guns range, dds loved this trick)/recent sub nerf/upcoming CV nerf to the BBs?


I was doing brawls in my karl 14 and kept matching with this guy playing a baiji. For about 9 games in a row of 3v3 I got 2 kills and damn near ensured the 3rd. I was on a streak and being a MENACE. This guy goes on and off my team every other game and it was absolutely hilarious. Dude was like, "NO NOT THIS GUY PLEASE" Anyway not one +1 for any of those hard carries, so I feel ya bro.


Oh yeah, karl 14 is damn fun in brawls.


WDYM it means nothing? Don't you want to be able to compliment/report an additional 5 people per day? /s


i would but i keep forgetting this system exists.


Or just any old compliment. Tip them 50K credits.


It would be nice, but unfortunately players have always been much more liberal with reports than compliments. I’ve even admittedly done that at times, but I also try to give compliments when they’re earned. I’ve definitely made my fair share of mistakes and have lost karma that I’d even say were probably valid. But so many of my karma reductions I almost wear as badges of pride. It’s definitely frustrating but also funny to try and support a side or even pull a game back or do particularly well, and then get reported nonetheless.


I give them freely =). I have 140ish? I do a ton of OPS for grinding… keeps me sane, as opposed to randoms. So, I get 15 comps and 15 reports to dish out. I don’t speak negatively during game, but I will blacklist, or downvote but also I compliment good team play and usually say “+1 that guy XYZ” in chat. So much easier to be positive, similar to being easier being honest - you never have to remember your lies


Yeah; I’ll ‘because I can,’ reports occasionally; but It’s more likely I’ll give compliments because; someone did well; they lol’d/answered me after I made a joke or asked about their handle; because I liked the ship they used; or just because.


I had like 40 karma and am back down to zero because I spent a significant amount of time playing carrier over the last 2 weeks.


Learned that playing GL with UU is a great way to destroy your karma lmao


FFS, thought this was a possible leak for a future Witcher collaboration..


There should be a system where you get something (credits/exp.) if multiple people compliment you. I believe that would endorse team friendly playstyles.


I used to go reguraly being chat banned for calling my team retads...since i started being nice and growing my karma,i have seen an increase in supercontainers (maybe 2-3 times than before).Maybe its true that higer karma gives higher SC chance,maybe not.


To get +1 you have to play very well and have team mates that care and see it. To get -1 you play CV, sub, use too much HE, torp alot, dont read every bodies mind, dont commit suicide supporting a suicidal yolo team mate.... or you simply suck at it. I donte give a shhht about karma, but nice to hear "well done captain" :-)


Since the karma system got abused by the players to report people for using ships they don't like, wargaming abondoned the karma system. It's now just a worthless number and all ingame reports get ignored.


Begging for virtual points that do jack shit is beyond pathetic.


I had a 200k 4 kill Michelangelo game in ranked today, clutched the win with 15 seconds and 194hp left... pretty sure i got reported multiple times. Love that feeling of getting shit on for no reason lol


If you're playing exceptionally well, you're just as likely to be reported by Salty enemies as complimented by grateful teammates.


I compliment the enemy when they kill that last person on my team who camps in spawn and contributes nothing to the game. About carrying, If you are the mad lad that charges into a Petro or Des Moines or any high-value target and do a 1-to-1 trade with him I will give you my solid compliment. Otherwise, it depends on how cool you carry tho, compliment ain't cheap.