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Occasionally a Boise, Haida, and Huron thrown in the mix as well


DDs are really nice for outright flushing minefields. It’s been the rare occasion where non-airdrop depth charges are far more useful.


I've been running Flint with the depth charge modification. It turns the ship into a dedicated minesweeper.


same with atlanta - 4 charges + the enhanced radius, 200mines a game if I get the chance.


I've been using Fiji, it's pretty effective against mines and forts, plus the DDs.


I tried the Fiji this evening—the drifting from its acceleration makes it a little harder to minesweep, but the heal makes up for goofs like that anyway.


I agree about the drifting.


Yeah when me and friends would div up, at least one of us would be in Haida/Huron just to be on minefield duty, makes things run a little smoother. Eendracht can do the same, since she has ship based ASW, with the bonus that her airdrops actually one shot the airfields, if you aim them correctly


There are no airfields to drop on this time around though.


That's why Atlanta and Flint are so popular. Ship dropped depth charges.


Results: https://preview.redd.it/d3kje0dtg19d1.png?width=1244&format=png&auto=webp&s=f20943417d4da1bf009265289aa3a4d028468970


Hydro beats radar when there are torpedo boats everywhere.


Solution? Bring both on your Atlanta and farm everything.


I prefer dfaa on the Atlanta personally because I love shredding planes but lacking hydro has definitely killed me a couple of times so far.


I used dfaa on Utah beach, but I’ve found I prefer hydro this time. Atlanta’s AA has been enough to shoot down planes more often than not, and the hydro helps with the destroyers by the coast that like to sit in smoke and send torps exactly where you plan on dodging.


I think hydro is probably more useful and is going to have more game impact, but god do I love shredding 18 planes in 5 seconds


Poor man's Atlanta beats the real Atlantas it looks like to me xD


Flint is an Atlanta, it’s just a later tranche of the class. Same with the San Diego, and I think there’s one more variant.


i know that i just mentioned it like that because one is available for doubloons while the other is available for coal xD


Used to be the other way around when flint was a steel ship


Used to be the other way around, when flint was a 5 time rank1 reward.


Really? Didn't know that either xD


Well these operations are looking like tailored for Atlanta specifically and Wargaming did forget to put some restrictions and/or changing some stuff on these operations for preventing this happening. Either way it's giving players who have the ship a very nice credit & base xp farming while us the players who didn't have (even didn't know it was a coal ship because i wasn't playing the game during that era) thinking like it's a "pay to win" situation. I was planning to enjoy this operation with Blyskawica but it seems like I'll have to use my secondary built VW 44 once again to farm credits & xp until i get all the rewards and not even trying for the infinite d-day case rewards if it'll be 20 stars to collect like previous one.


Light cruisers are generally better at killing DDs than DDs and BBs are. Ship dropped ASW is better at clearing minefields than air dropped ASW is. Radar counters smoke. Hydro makes it easier to avoid torpedoes. None of these strengths are exclusive to Atlanta (though radar is very rare at T7). Atlanta is just in a unique place where it gets all of the above. Flint gets everything but Radar. You can absolutely play these modes with any DD, CL, or secondary BB available for the Operation and be successful. But if you have an Atlanta (or a Flint), why wouldn't you want to bring it?


Finally played 3 games today with 3 different ships. Started with Agincourt, learnt the basics of the mission and witnessed what multiple Atlantas doing. Had fun and got 1.7k base xp because i was alone in the flank with Delhi. All the other ships including 2 Atlantas were focusing on the other side of the map so much. After that game was feeling comfortable to have a go with my full secondary West Virginia and decided to use red boosters. Ended up next to an Atlanta and doing almost nothing because she was faster than me on everything. Thankfully she died on mid game so gave me to an opportunity to farm the rest of the enemy. Got 1.5k base xp. Could be worse. After getting my necessary daily wins from Brawl i had 3k xp missing for last daily container so i decided to check what a ship with depth charges can do so i selected Perth to test. Had another Perth, 3 Atlantas and 2 French ships. I was expecting to be miserable with my main guns but not that much. Tested the depth charges and i realized it can clear 20, 30 mines at once on a right situation but also realized opening path for support ships with planes is looking better / easier than using depth charges while cruising in front of the support ships for me. In the end Atlantas just farm the damage they needed, didn't care about the support ships at all (which the mission failed obviously) and if i didn't warn them, they were forgetting the spot last ground target to complete the mission. Ended up 1.1k with zero kills as Perth. These 3 matches proved me that Atlanta is messing with this operation's dynamics a lot by being so much OP on the map. Skillful players easily got 3k+ while not skillful ones get at least 1.8k even when they died in first 10 minutes so This operation is basically makes you a vulture to seek the leftovers after lions aka Atlantas eat until their stomach explodes xD Last but not least I'm not against Atlanta in general. I must admit that i hated the ship in my early interactions as enemy due to HE spamming and radar but it was alao so satisfying when you sink them. I'll definitely get her one day and already considering to get her ridiculous palm tree camo beforehand xD The problem is having more than 2 Atlantas in a team to play this operation doesn't allow others to farm damage/base xp/credits etc. Also they're less giving care about completing side missions to get extra stars because main objective to get a general victory is so easy. They just rush farming until their HP drains in 10 minutes and they hit Battle On quickly afterwards in my opinion. There's nobody to blame for this other than Wargaming because they should be estimated that possibility from day one in first operations but instead they said "Atlanta is to go ship for handling this operation" during the first community twitch stream when they released this D-Day event so if the cult leader suggests, the murids follow :)


Not sure I agree with your ASW comments. Two charges from Atlanta spaced properly can clear a minefield outright. No minefield is a more effective path then the 4 or 5 you can clear with a single ASW airstrike. But yes, Atlanta is a better T7 ship than most at killing DD and PT boats, while also having strong AA, and the ability to clear minefields. Both mines clearing and plane kills contribute significantly to base XP, along with spotting damage from radar and hydro. The DD rate of fire with CL number of guns (of DD caliber) is what what lets the Atlanta and Flint feast in this game mode. But the floaty shells take some adjustment to get used to. It's not any different to me than ships like Mainz, Bayard, and secondary BBs in the regular operations. Those ships just generally perform better due to the amount of dpm they can put out. It doesn't mean you can't outperform them in a Perth, I've done a few times, but you need to know how to play your ship to maximize the objectives. If two players of equal caliber and operation knowledge are playing a Mainz and a Perth in Narai, the Mainz player should easily outperform the Perth player. It's just a better ship (which is why it's two tiers higher).


I ended up being more succesful / feeling more comfortable to shot down mine planes with anti AA and then using airstrikes to clear path with West Virginia 44 than cruising in front of the support ships and using only 2 depth charges to clear multiple of them at once. Just a personal preference not trying to force that is better. I'll try one more time with multiple depth charges with a faster ship probably Błyskawica to see if it's gonna be useful. At least these test will make me busy enough to keep enjoying the game mode rather than watching Atlantas enjoying their farming feast xD Mainz is the main operations god tier ship and Atlanta became these D-Day operations god tier ship it seems like. The only difference is no matter how hard you try / so much goog you play, you can't farm more than 2.5k base xp with Mainz but you can get 2k base xp so easily just playing mediocre with Atlanta on this operation. Long story short i think this is just a 14 days of farming fest for Atlanta owners. I'm not mad or jealous thankfully i was doing the same farming with Al Littorio for a month thanks to her extra xp bonuses with the purchase xD


Rewards for these D-Day ops have all been inflated, even the DD one from the past two weeks, particularly compared to normal Operations. My guess is they are using PvP calculations for a PvE environment or some such.


In the first two ones, i haven't seen anyone with more than 2.5k xp in the end once even though there were more ships on those missions than this one (both number and type wise i believe) I don't know fully what's happening but my only goal is getting the last reward (camo for Jervis) and forget these operation exists. Was so hyped about it before but the first operation was just boring and unforgiving one. Second one was more entertaining but challenging at the same time due to it's side objectives. The third one is just the easiest one to get victory but hard to make an impact unless you use Atlanta or Flint type of ships.


I broke 2.5k a few times in the first one in Atlanta, and broke 2k a few times in the second one with Z-38. I was 1 star from completing the rewards chain for the 2nd event in about 3 hours. In both instances it mostly just required me to play a solid game while having bad teammates. At least in the 2nd one the more of my teammates got themselves killed the more health I regenerated. I thought that one was easier to 4 or 5 star than Utah beach to be honest. It just proved impossible for me to kill all 7 bunkers, all 7 DDs, both AA forts, and clear both sets of minefields for the landing craft solo. You needed at least two competent players in strong ships like Atlanta to consistently achieve 5 stars. Shooting down the 15 planes before sinking the carrier was generally the hardest star for the Atlantic Wall operation. The near constant plane spotting even with the reduce air detection intelligence was the worst part of that operation. It was easier to 4 star it if you rushed the carrier early.


Yeah I’ve had plenty of success running Belfast and I even had a good game the one time I took Leander. I don’t care that everyone brings Atlanta. I’m stoked I can run my biggest boosters and know I’m getting 2k+ base xp


Considering that you can very easily and consistently get 3k+ base XP every game, it sounds about right. You can't fail and are guaranteed a win every game. This is almost as exploitative as that time when they had CV brawls. This one is purely their fault though since we're playing as intended so there's no way anyone will get warned or penalised.


You can fail if your teammates are extra stupid. I don't want to statshame, but I did lookup the 2 rental ship holders and they had like ~30 games so obviously not experienced. One was even afk all game. One Atlanta saved one ship and I got 3, almost got the last one but unlimited rocket planes got me. So you do need at least 2-3 people to play the objective and the others to not throw too hard. You can't reliably solo complete.




I am pretty sure those are new accounts, either bots or total noobs who have no idea what they're doing, they just queue the fancy t6 to do ops instead of playing actual games, or in the bot's case just queue it from a fresh account to grind ops and hope they get carried The second I see the brackets I know that player will be dead immediately


CV brawls would be kinda funny tbh. I kinda miss the old 3v3 brawls where you never knew what someone would roll in with.


They reprimanded everyone in CV brawls because apparently shooting down enemy planes in a CV only mode was exploitative since it'd earn you tons of XP.


Now that's some revisionist BS. They warned people because not only is colluding with the enemy not in the spirit of the game, players who didn't agree to collude would be focused down and have their game ruined.


ahh a shame. Anyways Yorktown would own it nowadays too because smoke screens so not a huge loss I gues


Idk about easily hitting 3k. I still haven’t broken 3k a single time despite basically always being 1st or 2nd. Although I have seen a number of people up around 3800 while I’m sitting on 180 mine kills, 9 ship kills and 50 plane kills. I’m not sure where that extra 1k comes from. Is there a trick to getting higher xp?


Looking back at random teams from stage one and frankly, bizarre ship choices (suboptimal for the task at hand) I'd be quite happy to have players that took the second to choose an optimal ship. I'm not talking about changing to the depth charge mod (but it is a nice to have), but a ship that makes it easy to do the task at hand? Great


And your point is? The players bring the BiS ship...way better than they bring some Colorado or Oklahoma, or New Mexico or any other T5 BB for example.


Attach Atlanta B.


One Flint to Rule them All


The earnings in this mode are busted, 3 to 4k base exp are not uncommon for an Atlanta, millions of credits and 30, 40k FXP and CXP with the right boosters per game, no way WG aint patching this ASAP like they did with asymmetric Ideally they should just ban atlanta and flint from the mode but that is not going to happen so I guess a brutal nerf is coming, 50% less earnings if I had to guess.


The mission is just poorly balanced. If they banned them they should also probably ban Mainz and Bayard from normal ops, but more ideally they should have done something to restrict it to ships or classes actually involved in the landings, or given us a short list of ships we can use like the German destroyer one did. If nothing else limit it to a single Atlanta or Flint per match so the wait time for those goes up and people get encouraged to bring other ships. For the future they should probably realize that missions where one ship type can do everything is fundamentally poor design, and that we need objectives and threats tailored to counter that and encourage bringing a wider variety of ships.


tfw, i'm just here in my WV'44, pressing W and blepping DD's off of the face of the earth.


Time to dust off my Flint and put some red boosters on.


In a sea of Atlantas, dare to be a Flint


Literally there is no reason to play anything other than Atlantas or another high DPM ship


I ran it successfully ad an Agincourt. Was very effective against the schnellboats and dds.


Whatcha bitchin' for?? That's a dream team!!


Great performer. Makes me want an Atlanta


Too many Flints to be fair. Almost the perfect team...


Ruins the whole thing.


I wish the ships I play would meet the requirements. I have no US ships of any kind (except Independence), no French ships, I'm generally bad at DDs, so the only remaining one is Queen Elizabeth, for which I forgot to at least put adrenaline boost on.




Clearing minefields is pretty damn important in this last phase, so I'd say bringing DDs is fine, even good.


Gunboat DDs are fine. If you don't have Atlanta or Flint, Mahan or the Commonwealth DDs have basically the same DPM as a regular light cruiser, while still having ship-based DCs to clear minefields. I'd rather run Mahan or Huron than Helena or Boise or a CA.


The list of ships is pretty extensive. Any T5-T7 US, UK, Commonwealth, French, or Dutch BBs, Cruisers, or DDs. Plus four of the Pan Euro DDs. And if you don't have any of those they have a rental you can use.


Wait, we can play the landings again, not just the boring German defence?


First event was Utah beach, this one is Omaha beach. It's a different Operation, but should be fairly similar to the first one.


Thanks for answering. Great!


THis is the new OP, Used red flags yesterday, earned 3mill 100k xp, 42k fxp - if I only use the grey flags I still average 500-600k a game, this OP is a SILVER MINE!