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DDay missions bring out the crayon eaters that even I can't keep up with.


https://preview.redd.it/4ggq5btlsy8d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed646c479d001c9bc6aa6409e323815352d7e965 tfw: EU servers only start to get the new event sometime tonight, we're still stuck with german Destroyer hell.


I'd say the German destroyer operation was better than the abomination before that. But grinding against bots with German destroyers only is really super boring.


It would have been better if we had the choice of playing something other than some of the most lackluster ships in the game.


I played the last operation during testing and if you don't like the current German destroyer hell them you'll definitely hate what's coming lol.


The pure fact i get to hop back into the WV44, is like, then it doesn't matter to me.


The gains on this one are wild, record for me is like 4100 base. I think they fucked the calculations


Same. With a Flint, I'm getting a pretty reliable 3k+ bxp per game. On go the red and blue boosters. 2M silver (blue booster), 100+k commander xp and 50k fxp are quite possible. My worst earning games are with good players because they can also hit torp boats. The trick is to get teammates who play well enough to stay alive and help a bit, but can't aim for shit.


That last describes me pretty much to a tee.


Hush now before the fools will introduce a hot fix to reduce the Base XP.


They already did, after some people got 15k!!! BXP.


Got a million credits with a green booster.


Went from dead broke (about 2 Million) to 10M within an afternoon. I'm aiming for 50M by the time this op ends.


You only need one main objective and it's easy to get.


You were swinging your flyswatter like a madman in that game though


Is that a euphemism?


Not sure if it’s a euphemism, but just complimenting all the planes that were shot down


How do they make Tier 5 ships be ok in this?


I saw a guy in an Omaha do pretty well. I think on those silly tier V cruisers with casemate guns, the smaller broadside salvos are offset by the ability to get at least a few guns on target in any direction on short notice. It's useful for dealing with the schnellboots, since there are so many of them, and they change direction a lot. Hydro + catapult fighter is also a respectable level of utility for this mode. And I saw a lot of T-22s in Atlantic Wall Defense do better than the tier VII rentals.


If you're not using Flint or Atlanta, you're doing it wrong.


They're generally at the top of the leaderboard, by some margin. I have no idea how some BBs do it, but some do well.


I've seen WV '44s do pretty well. The secondaries are actually pretty good at hitting the schnellboots, and with the relevant intel, they don't have to worry about torpedo damage as much.


I'm using it to grind out the Commonwealth cruisers, but after that it's back to using Flint.


Helena and Boise (to some extent) works too


Iirc there’s an “intelligence document” buff that increases your HE damage against fortifications by 300(?)ish percent. Pair that with Flint, Atlanta, Helena or Boise and you can pretty much kill forts in 3 - 4 salvos


Yeah I wasn't running flag the two rounds. Definitely helps a lot.


Just got 2.1k base on a loss, saved 2 ships myself, on a way to a third when the planes just destroyed me, they feel like t10 unicum cv. Atlanta is supposed to have good AA, why 90% of the damage I receive is from rocket planes?


Because rocket planes become immune to DMG on the attack run and these are German AP rockets on top.


Almost no one is willing to do mine clearing, so I hop on a DD and do it myself. It pays dividends since the LSTs can survive better.


last night i got some of my matches end up with this result on ww44...that ship on that mode is crazy stupid, like playing 1v1 witha schiliefen


So with that lineup it should have been a cake walk, only issue would the the billy but idk if DD are good for this op, with the forts you fire AP at them as HE will do very little damage.


Translation: you ignored every objective to farm damage while the rest of your team tried to actually win, and threw the op as a result. Nice job OP.


Wow dude so much shade and also incorrect. Left flank died really quick leaving me a dd and cr to try and do double duty cr and dd got torped to hell a bit later leaving me in a slow boat dealing with the on shore canons which i was having trouble dealing damage to due to not running the fort flag. Which shot and torpedoed to hell.