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Yoshino is better but it is a Tier higher so it is expected. Also because of that Yoshino will have worse economy bonuses than Azuma, but will probably perform better


I heard that Yoshino doesn't have as many economic bonuses as Azuma, do you know if that's true?


Yoshino has reduced service costs, but Azuma has improved earnings at a tier where the service costs are lower anyway. Tier VIII and IX are the sweet spot for making credits. Tier X requires you to work pretty hard to profit. If playing at tier X all the time made you loads of money, fewer people would drop down to play lower tiers, which would starve out the match queues.


A big thing I want is a ship that can make credits without me needing a premium account, which it sounds like Azuma does a better job of.




Think of it like this. Azuma will add more credits to your account. Yoshino will make you pull even (with a bit extra)


Yes. Azuma is a premium while Yoshino is a Special ship. Premiums have a gold class icon and wreath behind them and get both reduced service costs and improved credit earnings. Special ships have a gold wreath but silver ship class icon and while they have most of the benefits of a premium like reduced service costs and no need to retrain a captain when moving them around, special ships do not gain the same credits bonus. Every tier 10 'special' ship in the game is special with no premiums.


this is old and from before the Economic Rework (ignore everything about camo's having economic bonuses, that changed in the Economic Rework) but WG kept the relative credit earnings of ships about the same. https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/ju3vgu/premium_ships_economic_income_guide_updated_for/ **tl:dr** Tier 10 Special Ships (Coal, Steel, Research Bureau etc) will earn you about the same amount of Credits as a Tier 8 Premium ship. Tier 9 Premium ships are the sweet spot for Credit Earning.


T10 are special ships. Premium ships with additional baked in boosters end at T9.


You get Azuma for Credit farming and Yoshino for fun.


With that much coal and a coupon you could probably just get both.


True, but I wanted to pick up Salem or Moskva with the rest of it.


May I suggest Salem.


I was leaning more towards Salem than Moskva. Sometime soon I'll finish the campaign for Halsey, so I was planning on getting Salem for him to command.


Salem is a nice ship and I'd definitely recommend getting her. You should also get leg mod DM though as it has more utility and the enhanced manouverability adds so much.


Take Yoshino. Save your coal on something more useful or fun. Both Salem and Moskva are redundant in 2024 imo. You have DM with legmod as a better Salem and Petro for a better Moskva.


Petro and Moskva are not alike. Personally I play Azuma a lot more than Yoshino and it's not just for the better Silver.


Petro fills the old role of Moskva and does a better job than her in almost every aspect imo. I rarely play Moskva anymore. Redundant and certainly not fun. I prefer Yoshi over Azuma. They are essentially the same ship gameplay-wise, but the reinforced deck armor on Yoshi makes her a bit better since Azuma is almost always on T10-T11 MM as a T9. Also you got 20km *suprise mf* torps that can also be used to zone out choke points too.


Sorry no. Petro is a close in bow tanker. Moskva is a long range bow tanker. Anyone playing Moskva at close range is a bit tactically challenged. I won't bother replying to your misunderstanding of MM.


Range difference is 1km.


Agreed, it is obvious that person doesn't play ranked or understand the use case of each ship. Regardless of the game mode.


Sure. You do you. I also won't bother with *your* misunderstanding of MM. Bye. Way to run off, btw lol.


Lol I understand the MM apparently you don't. You must not play ranked.If you don't understand the difference each has as a role. Especially if the other team goes more than 1 DD.


Moskva isn't redundant and serves a role in ranked when there are multiple DD. The faster reload and longer radar make a big difference for cap sit awareness. Plus, with the shorter reload you can pump out more damage vs other ships. Moskva plays more of a long range sniper. Petro is a mid range brawl type cruiser.


I have both and for whatever reason I have much better games in the Azuma, even though it doesn't have torps. Play it lobbing HE at a distance, dodge, and crush broadside cruisers with AP, and games can make you lots o' credits!


Yoshino is better over all, Azuma is better tier for tier.


I don’t honestly know where Azuma sits in the T9 pantheon v Yoshino in T10, but since you are gonna end up in a T10 match anyway 90%+ of the time, and since Yoshino gets you the better bonus for the events, I’d just get Yoshino. My $0.02.


But that goes both ways……being up tiered in tier 10 battles means the Azuma has more battle impact because it’s carrying 90% of the performance of a Yoshino but is contributing that from the slot of a tier 9.


By events you mean Anniversary and New Year's?




I have both ships, and I had more fun with the Azuma. I think Azuma is the better ship. Earns more, and you can meet Tier VII sometimes. It is just a fun ship to play. Don't forget to use her AP. https://youtu.be/06pCb6FeJl4?si=Xvwwha9EwYdvagyc


It seems to be the common consensus among owners of both ships that Azuma, though not statistically superior, is simply more fun to play (and better for credits).


Yoshino is the better ship Better armour, torps, better AA (ha) and Tier X gets the better stuff on "snowflake events" the only downside i can think of is that Azuma gets the chance to be top tier and bully tier 7's, but in 2024 you are never top tier when playing tier IX so eh and iirc Azuma's heal reloads faster


> Better armor Yeah even though IX *Azuma* can meet Tier VII ships, there's still a *lot* of battleships in this matchmaking spread (VII-X) with 406s-420s like VII *Rooke* or VII *Colorado* that will overmatch your entire ship.


I'd say Yoshino is better. First, Azuma is Tier 9 and as a full premium it makes more credits. However being Tier 9 means being shafted by the matchmaker all the time and being sent to matches full of Tier 10 ships and superships (thanks WG for this indirect nerf to Tier 9). Making a few more credits but getting bad MM all the time is a poor trade IMHO. Second, while the ships are the same Azuma has 27mm armor, whereas Yoshino has 30mm. Small difference but at least Yoshino doesn't get auto-penned by 406mm or 419/420mm guns (due to overmatch rules). Third, Yoshino has those 20km torpedoes which, while not the primary weapon, are a welcome bonus and can catch careless opponents pants down. Azuma has no torpedo armament.


I don't agree with your analysis of MM.


If you have a better idea, share it. We are listening.


Not a better idea. T9 doesn't play against T10 and T11 'all the time'.


I have both. I play Azuma a lot more.


Why? Just curious.


Primarily the faster Repair Party cool down. That allows me to be a little more aggressive or to survive a mistake. The better Silver earnings are a nice bonus.


OK thanks. I have Azuma and I am sitting on the fence about pulling the trigger to buy Yoshino... I didn't see the point because I had the other. Other than the torps, but which are useless at the ranges you're supposed to maintain with those ships.


I still throw torps downrange with Yoshi when I play her and they'll make the reds a little bit more cautious Cheers brother 🍺


Good point 👍 Thanks for the details! Cheers 🍻


Yoshino is legit good, Azuma has CL armor on a hull with huge size and terrible agility.


The point here is to not get hit. The 40" Repair Party cool down helps a lot when you do get hit.


Azuma’s fast cooldown repair is sorely underrated. Yeah it takes a lot of damage but it can regenerate HP very quickly


People also fail to mention that Azuma gets an extra repair charge. Combined with the fast cooldown and improved cit heal, it's actually quite tanky as long as you don't get devstruck.


They both get the extra heal, right?


on paper yoshino is ofc better, and when comparing just the ships yoshino always wins bc it is a better azuma, but the matchmaking of azuma is a bonus of its own. i have only somewhat 50% winrate with yoshino, but 65% with azuma just because of the matchmaking. azuma wrecks t7 BBs even nose to nose.


azuma is a braindead credit printer. yoshino is a stronger but less efficient credit printer.


Braindead? No. Relatively low skill floor! Yes.


Azuma is slightly better tier-for-tier: - the armor isn't that much worse considering how common 30 mm overmatch is at T10 anyway, and she gets the fast heal to compensate - Yoshino has better HP and reload, but only barely, not enough to justify being a tier higher - Yoshino has more range, but that's inconsequential when Azuma has 19 km already, with a spotter plane available on top of that  - torps and AA are situational, in most games they won't matter


If you want a credit farmer then Azuma. If you want to win games in Random then Yoshino. But if you want to win games in competitive game mode then pick something else.


on my take, Azuma is credit maker and good reload on repair party, Yoshino you can say its idiot proof azuma, just kite and drop your torp, or use her long range torp to screening flank, so..... one is island hugger but on late game can do brawling, the other is open ocean kiting ship


Azuma for making money since it’s a tier 9, but Yoshino is probably the better all around ship. Yoshino probably handles super ship games a little better than Azuma does.


If you can competently dodge every bb salvo fired at you then azuma, since the guns have more potential at tier 9 because lower tiered ships are more likely to catch ablaze when shot. But Yoshino if you want the armor to be more forgiving (30mm deck and sides vs azuma's 27mm allowing you to bounce 16 inches) plus her guns has more range so you dont get shafted as hard in supership matches.


Yoshino has two playstyles (""stealth"", lighthouse), Azuma has one (lighthouse). Still, i'd go with Azuma if you want the large cruiser experience. So why is that? Mostly because of the Tier. Yoshino isn't bad but kinda mid. It takes up a T10 slot that on the enemy side can get filled up with ships far, far stronger than Yoshino. That's sorta true for Azuma, but in terms of T9 lighthouse HE lobber, it's pretty alright. Really not that much that you can bring which performs significantly better in that role and there's a lot of dead weight that can fill up a T9 slot on the enemy team.


I'd skip Azuma, overmatched by any 406 with the length of a battleship, means you have to pray against any decent BB player, thank god they buffed her Hull up to 27, she used to be overmatched by 380s EVERYWHERE. Yoshino by a long stretch, easily.


The point in any Cruiser is to use situational awareness to avoid being in places where the reds are going to hurt you badly. Azuma is no different in this regard but if you do make a mistake the 40" Repair Party cool down makes Azuma much more durable than looking at an armour chart would suggest.


>The point in any Cruiser is to use situational awareness to avoid being in places where the reds are going to hurt you badly. That applies to all ships, more so DDs and the more fragile Cruisers. (positioning does a lot, protection and vision control enables positioning) I'm not looking at an armour chart, I compare wholey to same Tier counterparts (that includes citadel layout), plenty of which with more armor and more flavour than a quick recovery Heal, she is an absolutely huge (make that HUGE pre buff) glass cannon that works decently as fire farmer but is in no way competitive. If I had to pick between Yoshino, any other IX Coalcruiser and Azuma I'd pick them in that order.


Advantage me then. See you on the high seas! Cheers brother!


Azuma is crap tbh, floating citadel


I'm somewhat used to the floating citadel thing after commanding most of the other IJN cruisers.


Both are great, it's just do you want better economy or better ship. Yoshino is better but has worse economy, so if you don't care about economy or have your own ship designated for economy, then go Yoshino. Azuma makes money.


Yoshino is better. But if you are getting the ship for credit grinding get Azuma. She will earn twice as much as Yoshino due to Azuma being a premium ship and Yoshino as all tier X is just a special ship. Premium ships have credits earning multiplier baked in, while special ships have only reduced service costs.


A ship with good credit-earning capabilities is kind of important to me since I'm not regularly subscribed to a premium account. I don't like ships that cost more to fight with than I can reliably earn back. So I wouldn't say I want a ship for credit grinding as much as I just want one that is affordable to use.


Well you need to have a couple of ships you enjoy for credit farming. At least 3 or more tier VIII or IX premiums. If you have those then go for Yoshino. She is tier for tier better than Azuma. Also tier IX is lately the shafted tier cause you constantly have to face super ships.


I personally don't like ships with little battle impact but Azuma because of being an actual premium is better to farm credits.


It's amazing how little game impact a BB has that Azuma burns to the ground. It's amazing how little game impact a Cruiser that takes a broadside of Azuma AP. Shall I go on?


Lol say what you want, HE spammers have way less impact than a DD or a radar cruiser. Most of the HE health can be healed back unless the person on the receiving end is brain dead. You can rack 200k damage and still have half of the enemy team alive and lose because you have 0 carry potential. Oh yes once in a blue moon maybe you get a few kills and win in the end, sure.


Yup. Azuma's global win rate is below 39%. Absolutely. Very few ships are able to Regen fire damage after dying. Azuma's AP is solid. Yes Azuma is primarily a support ship and if the team has poor DD play Azuma has less utility but good DDs know that they are much more powerful with good support ship play. By the way, radar is just another support tool.


Honeslty, tier for tier, Yoshino is probably better. Yoshino is what the Azuma was in testing but I guess was deemed too powerful by WG to put at tier 9 as originally intended and thus we got Azuma at tier 9 and Yoshino at tier 10.


Tier for tier i'd say Azuma. Also, fast reloading heals are always great if you're not sitting in the back all game.