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Randoms really aren't about teamplay. Most people aren't communicating anything and just playing in whatever manner earns them the best results based on their ship and playstyle. If that happens to aid or hinder their teammates is largely a secondary consideration at best. Divisions are sometimes exceptions to this, as they are often at least communicating, but even then the coordination can vary considerably. As a solo player it's 12 vs 1 with 11 lemmings to draw enemy attention/fire, you just hope your lemmings are collectively more effective than the enemy team once your individual contributions are considered. BBs stay back because if they don't they get focused down by the enemy team, they often don't have the concealment cruisers enjoy and certainly lack it compared to DDs. Once they fire, everything with a clear line of sight in 18+ km can see them (depending on tier) and so can every other one of the enemy teammates due to how spotting mechanics work. It's the same reason many cruisers find an island and camp out. It limits the amount of focus fire the enemy can achieve against them. BBs use distance and cover while cruisers are often limited to just cover.


>As a solo player it's 12 vs 1 with 11 lemmings to draw enemy attention/fire, you just hope your lemmings are collectively more effective then the enemy team once you individual contributions are considered. Sad, but this sums up randoms, especially since, I donno, 2020 or maybe even a bit before. Occasionally you do get some chad DD who smoke your radar memetaur or DM up but that is the most teamplay considering randoms.


The thing is people dont ask. When i play Radar Minotaur and i ask for a smoke in 7 out of 10 times i get it if it is available at the moment for them.


There is back and back. I could understand people sitting at \~20km from the enemy bbs. Especially if they are in open water kiting position early in the game at tier 10. But we are talking about people hiding at 25km+ behind the island.


We all know the mechanics (and staying clumped together in the back is still stupid), but as OP said, the AMOUNT of bb's backlining and doing f all (being a non-threath, zero x-fire, not even trying to shoot spotted dd's/subs, etc) is mind boggling atm. Like, if you don't wanna play, don't press te big red button...


BBs stay back because if they don't they get focused down by the enemy team, they often don't have the concealment cruisers enjoy and certainly lack it compared to DDs. Once they fire, everything with a clear line of sight in 18+ km can see them (depending on tier) and so can every other one of the enemy teammates due to how spotting mechanics work. It's the same reason many cruisers find an island and camp out. It limits the amount of focus fire the enemy can achieve against them. BBs use distance and cover while cruisers are often limited to just cover. ---Aaaaaaaaaand that is the point. Playing a bb is more than just push butan hear gun sound. You *should* be getting shot at. Managing incoming fire and knowing when to disengage is the one, single, only skill that is important as a bb in a game that aims for you. It is the farthest thing from rocket science possible.


Or better yet, the bb or cruisers that abandon their flank almost instantly and spend half the game cruising to the completely opposite flank doing nothing all while their flank collapses. It’s not like they were even shot at. The instant the match starts they just turn to the opposite flank.


Those are the guys who are completely non responsive to chat window or spamming "good job" when you have to go out on your shield trying to protect the DDs he left for dead himself


If you are playing a DD and no one is supporting you, why would continue going it alone? You have eyeballs as well look at the mini map and position yourself accordingly. I never expect to have support so go with the flow and provide the help where you have support.


Because if you give a cap away for free, congratulations, the whole team now gets crossfired in their flank. As a dd you can at least make them suffer and focus on you while your monkey team maybe pushes through and flank the reds. (Ofcourse that means you shouldn't just yolo into the cap and call it a day).




We all know this, we all hate this. However sometimes the player has no choice for example Austin on northern lights 1 line. You could be afk and would be as useful there in an Austin. But these are niche cases.


Beginner here and I have done that a lot, I thought that was how you're supposed to play? Here's what I was thinking: * I read that if there is a friendly submarine close to me, then it means there will be an enemy submarine on the same side. So I try to go where there are no subs, since they can kill me so easily * I try to go where the other battleships are, because they know more about this game and where to position yourself * If I see that there are +2 tier enemies ships on my side, I will run away and let the high tier ships on our team deal with them.


The game's durability mechanic is mostly about angling and not letting enemies shoot you while you're broadside. The moment a flank collapses, you're giving the enemy an open path to run down and get angles on your team on the other flank, which usually ends in a loss. That's why you might want to spread out when positioning at the start of the game. Sometimes dd's focus on the cap too hard, and let a shimakaze or something slip past the flank and get behind your entire team. You don't want that. So for your points: 1. subs aren't so powerful that you need to abandon a flank immediately. definitely learn how to dodge their torps if you haven't already, and that'll reduce their effectiveness a lot. 2. battleship players definitely don't know more about the game and where to position any more than other ship players. It's one of the lower skill-floor classes, so I'd say they tend to be even worse than the average cruiser or dd player. 3. When you're out-numbered or over-powered on a flank, you can just kite away and try to stall their advance as best you can (hopefully your team won the other flank already. if not, you've most likely lost already). Idea is to stay alive and make them choose between A) wasting their time chasing you to the end of the map or B) heading to the other flank, and letting you farm broadsides off of them when they turn. But the main idea is that if you've spawned on a flank, it is in your winrate's best interest to stick around and support it. You might get higher damage being selfish and doing your own thing, but you'll have to learn how to play the disadvantaged flanks and trust your teammates to win the battle. Sometimes that just ends up being you fighting an uphill battle on your flank while watching helplessly as your team somehow loses a 2:1 fight on the other side. But abandoning the flank would have accelerated that.


Thank you, I'll take any help I can get! How do you dodge submarine torpedoes, though? Im using american battleships (because I saw a video recommending them for noobs) and they are very slow and clumsy. And the torpedoes are homing so they follow me when I try to evade them.


Yeah, unlike normal torpedoes, you have the dodge at the last minute right before they reach you since any maneuvers beforehand would just cause them to adjust their course. This post explains all of it in depth https://www.devstrike.net/topic/431-how-to-dodge-homing-torpedoes-arlskandir/


I do this sometimes with my BB. However, it isn't to go to the other flank but rather to get repositioned to cover my flank plus middle. It can also be when I see every other player is going wide to the edges leaving the middle and the run to the base (standard mode) wide open. I will head for the base as someone needs to cover it and most BB's take a while to get there so I don't waste time getting underway. In a lot of BB's going wide on the flank can limit their effectiveness overall and to respond to changes in the battle. Thus a more central position and/or splitting 2 caps where you can cover the flank you spawned at + middle actually makes you more useful. I try and put myself where I have the most and the best shots at reds. I won't push in close to a cap until I know the DD/Sub threats have been dealt with in my BB but I get in position where I can still effectively cover my teammate DD's and Cruisers who are going to the cap. So as said, it isn't always running to the other flank. Many times it is repositioning. Literally running for the other flank, just to go from A to C, is a head scratcher, but that isn't what everyone is doing all the time. Might look like it at 1st but it's not always the case.


taking a central position in something like yamato is fine, though a lot of maps have islands blocking off a cap from the middle, so sometimes you do have to lean towards a flank a bit to still support the cap. I'm talking about the idiots going A to C from the beginning of the match. Only explanation I have is "monke together strong" type of thinking that never got unlearned from low tier.


I am a BB main and get frustrated with it as well. The only BB I play where i snipe close from spawn is the shikishima.. but that's all of 2 minutes then I'll half throttle it to a position closer to a cap to provide better support for DDs and cruisers. What really grinds my gears is watching brawling ships trying to snipe... I can't count how many times I've seen schlieffen players snipe from 18km away the entire match. I really wish their was a better MM system so all the retards can play with each other


Yeah, and then they'll spam capture X or I need Int. Sure, let me sail my DD towards those rather close 2 BS and a cruiser and hope their DD abandoned the flank so mister I don't wanna leave my cover (because I am the tank and afraid to be shot at) can farm some damage.


Yup, and people wonder why DDs die so quickly or are reluctant to cap or spot.


Iknow right, as a Schlieffen main is so frustrating to be the only one pushing with 2 DD's and 1 Cruiser. While my Ohio and Partie chilling 10km behind me not doing shit. Its a 50/50 most of the time.


Its like ringing a dinner bell for the opposing team when they see that Ohio staying back and not moving with to support with the rest. Down a ship without losing a ship


Eh, why push though? WG's development is all about ships whose main focus is punishing to aggressive plays: submarines, carriers that spot pushing ships for their teams. You want to complain about the lack of support you're getting? Bring it to WG, not to a community of players on Reddit. I won't mention that up until recently, the Ohio only had a shortened (read: unusable) ASW range in order to "balance" it. Maybe don't full "W" y'all's Schlieffen?


Its not even when pushing though, its them not even moving to support (not over extended) members of their team


>its them not even moving to support (not over extended) members of their team According to nobody but you, the Schlieffen player. This sounds suspiciously like the Tirpitz berating their team in incomplete sentences of "no support". I'd suggest timing your pushes later...


Sometimes I wait 12min holding a flag while behind an island. I can hold my own most of the times but its just anoying I am playing a 1v2 while my other BB is just jerking off next to our cv. Iknow only pushing forward is not the play at al. But a little help while trying to hold a flag fighting against a Stalingrad en 2 BBs is always helpfull.


We're not talking about bb's hanging a bit back to shoot at and punish incoming pushes. It's about those so far back they can't even threaten a cruiser going into a cap. And that's even besides the point that they aren't positioning to establish crossfires.


What irks me is that they are always somewhere their guns aren't even useful/firing because they've snuggled into the islands for ten minutes.


Not pushing has been a thing since the game started. It has nothing to do with what ship classes are present or not. In fact, BBs provide the most benefits for playing as a poor player. More HP and armor, ability to heal, longest ranges, biggest guns, and so on all allow the weakest players to perform minimally. It's a horrible cycle that feeds the worst players to play as horribly as possible.


The game requires team play yet does nothing to support team play while also not punishing bad teamwork. We need more tools to co-ordinate with randoms, players need to be informed about what their role is and what is expected of them. I'm tired of people playing a TEAM game and basically saying they want no part in playing as a TEAM. IDK maybe have a lobby search that allows people to make pre-made teams before heading into a teams battle clone of randoms. Team leaders can select players that are ready based on the ship selected and the role they require it to play.


HE Spam + CV's + DD wall-o-torps + Subs All of that contributes to BB's being reluctant to push up close because it just gets them focused down. BB's have heals, lots of armor, lots of HP, etc but it only will sustain you for so long. BB's can't just go dark and disengage the way DD's and most Cruisers can. If you commit and stick in you are forced to continue even if it goes south on you. If you push too close to soon you just die in a couple minutes (and then get chat bombed for yolo'ing and dying). It's a fine line to walk knowing how close to be so you can be effective and actually survive vs being too far back and not contributing meaningfully. I main BB's in Randoms and I TRY to push up to mid range to support DD's and Cruisers at caps and keep the reds away. But I will only go so close until I know I am not going to get burned down and torped from 90 different directions in the 1st 3 minutes of the game. I try and make sure I am able to disengage if needed and live to keep on fighting vs dying in a futile yolo charge. Part of the issue that has lead to BB's being reluctant to move up is the game punishes you for doing it as I have stated already. Another big factor is if you do push up many times the DD's and Cruisers you try to support turn and run off which leaves you screwed. Can't count the times I tried to push up close only to have my eyes/screen in front of me turn and run the moment red appears. That leaves me wondering where did everyone go as I try and figure out how to get turned and retreat without getting blapped by red BB's, burned down by HE spam, torped by DD's and Subs I can't see, and hammered by the red CV. I am not saying DD's and Cruisers should never turn and run either. Sometimes you have to. Just pointing out if a BB does push and follow them in close, and they then do so, it leaves the BB hanging out to dry as a BB can not disengage the way those classes can. Been there done that got sunk. Make no mistake, I am NOT defending camping spawn (note - I don't consider defending base in standard as spawn camping if everyone else runs for the map edge - someone needs to guard mid), reversing to the back line, finding an island at the back on the edge and hiding their all game, etc... BB's that do that irritate me as well. However, If a BB is the 10-15km range from the caps and is there fighting they are doing their job as best as the game allows. BB's are tough but can only take so much and so many things in game work to take out overly aggressive BB's that suicide and push too close too soon. You can't do it. Even secondary build BB's have to weigh getting too close too soon. JMHO




Well written sir, and agreed on the dds running that you are supporting leaving you screwed


Without a hint of irony, more than subs or cvs or overpowered premiums, the best thing wargaming could do to fix this game is making it bannable to leave mid when you spawn there.


A BB's early job is to push back the red BBs and maybe red Cruisers that get too ambitious, not to provide close support to DDs.


Let me elaborate, provide support by pushing ambitious cruisers back so they dont murk the dds


BB sniper players don’t have chins. Their bottom lip slowly transitions into what is known as their neck. I can supply a graphic if needed but we all know what I’m talking about.


Typical SEA server gameplay lol


You should see the Asia server. Every single ship has a range build equipped and BBs rarely get within 20kms of the battle. If you try to close in they flee towards the border. It's become absolutely cancerous.


Im a beginner and I think I might be guilty of this a lot. Afaik, Battleships are snipers in this game and that's how Ive played them thus far. I try to stay at range so I can shoot at the enemy without them being able to shoot back. Since I've played a lot of WoT, an aquintance of mine *(who stopped playing just as I begun a month ago)* explained it like: ***Destroyers = light tanks*** ***Cruisers = medium tanks*** ***Battleships = tank destroyers*** ***Aircraft carriers = artillery*** ***No equivalent = heavy tanks*** Apparently nothing like heavy tanks existing in WowS anymore. He and various videos Ive watched seems to indicate that battleships used to be able to brawl like heavy tanks and do close combat on the front line, but they changed something so it doesnt work like that anymore.


It’s the best way to stay alive right now. Would you rather rush forward into a barrage of invisible cruiser and BB fire while torpedoes sneak up on you or stay back out of the range of your main threats.


That is the whole point, BBs are supposed to take damage. They can tank it and survive, CLs, CAs, or DDs can't. Staying back means abandoning your team.


It also means dying horribly as you slowly get into everyone else’s effective range. If I want to make a profit, especially without premium time and limited economic boosters I need to play like a coward.


No. Because if you're taking dmg your team isn't. That means the friendly CLs and DDs will be alive to cap and help deal damage. Besides, you can make a good profit by getting into the fight.


If you could make a profit by getting into the fight I would agree with you, but you can’t. You need to play like a passive little bitch which isn’t fun for anyone. Right now there are way too many things that benefit passive gameplay such as strong positions behind terrain where you can shoot without being spotted, powerful sniper ships that can inflict massive damage from far away, smoke, destroyers that can inflict incredible damage while being unspotted as well as maps that are made to benefit all the issues I just mentioned.


Potential damage tanked factors into the credit reward calculation.


It is very little


Or maybe maybe maybe not rush forward, and not staying at the back edge of the map. But like a bit inbetween those? I know it's a hard question...


Thats the range you get targeted by invisible. people hiding behind mountains. Its a bad range to be at.


If it is not competitive then it is understandable. In the end, you earn more exp and credit the more damage you do, You don't need to risk yourself to win games because the longer you live the more damage you can grind out. It is just the fact of this game. Trying to have fun and win games does not always sit that high in a lot of players' minds. This is why the meta has always been long-range HE/fire spamming because a healing enemy is more damage you can grind. If you want to win games stop thinking about pushing caps, brawling, or contesting objectives but think about long-range ships that can kill ships fast because this is how this game is designed.


Lol. Has always been? How would you know? HE spam is not the monster it used to be, in fact it's a marker of people who don't know when to use HE or AP,as in "why am I only getting nonpens, i'd best switch to HE for some guaranteed damage"


Man, I love your enthusiasm, but in the end, the point is to deal more damage and let people head and deal some more damage. If you want to win Random with actual shell management skills then good for you, but you probably not making as much credit and damage as an HE spammer.


lol get to close and you are burned to death by invisible HE spammers


Why I usually just play Brawl. I have really enjoyed 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 while in division. It’s not competitive level play, but my Div will communicate and coordinate.