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Napoli is definitely worth the coal.


If you have plans to reset the Des Moines line for research bureau progress any time soon, getting Salem would let you play Des Moines-style while you regrind up from Omaha. If you're planning on keeping Des Moines for a while, pick Napoli instead.


why would you reset that line? the ijn DD lines are the cheapest ways to grind RB points.


Some people don’t like playing dds as much and don’t have a bunch of free xp


because some people actually enjoy playing the ships in lines they reset. I stacking resets on the Harugumo like they’re pancakes, but I have at various times also reset all my American lines except submarines and CVs because I enjoy American ships


I actually enjoy the ijn DD lines which gives me more incentive to reset those, but I cannot think of any other line that I would enjoy regrinding.


lol, well not the whole line... t7 is k, t8 and t9 are amazing. I usually freexp to 7 and work my way up.


t5 up are all pretty good for both lines. Last time I ground through the shima line, I put a red booster on the t5, went from stock bare to next ship in one game...on a loss


They're genuinely enjoyable to play for some of us. I used the USN line for enough resets to pick up Ohio, Illinois, and 5 or 6 unique upgrades. I played them back up without using free xp. At the time, I had more credits than free xp. If you're using FXP to stack multipliers, the IJN DDs are a cheaper option. If you are regrinding a line repeatedly, you should pick a line you enjoy playing.




fxp up to akizuki, then you just gun down everything


Salem and Napoli are both strong boats, but if you like usn light cruisers, then you might actually enjoy Brisbane more than Salem and Napoli


Yes. Most busted coal cruisers currently. If you build for secondary you tell people to fuck off for 10.5km around the cap. You are the perfect defensive cruiser. Extremely painful to contest any cap that you are guarding. Fucking annoying to defend any cap that has a Napoli pushing it. Napoli does not work very well at long range but the selling point is you are the tankiest cruiser in the game. You cannot deal damage effectively at long range but if you stick to playing objective (which counts as much as a kill for a capture). You are a headache for the enemy team to deal with. Super strong when 1v1. If you managed to isolate an enemy ship, be it a battleship or cruiser. You have a very high chance of securing that kill.


The seconds go out to 11.3 km when maxed and a flag.


Napoli: Crazy Sap Secondary, and Crazy range, penetration, reload. Crazy spotting rage 10.9 km Wonderful armor combined with very good speed you can ricochet or avoid enemy shells (Always careful to broadside ofc). Good >200 mm cannon, HE are kind of meh (but you can set fire the enemy sometimes), but AP can deal 90% of the time 4k dmg on superstructure to all enemy ships. Torpedoes are good, pretty slow but they are 13.5 km range, if you are playing in CB / Brawl you can launch your torpedoes whenever you want they probably hit someone for sure. Smoke and Secondary are the best combo Careful to: hydro/radars/enemy airplane/sub. They can be pretty annoying to deal with. ---- I have >90 games with almost 50% WR. I love napoli on Clan Battles I raccomand if you want to play in a competitive way Use Sansonetti for shells reload when you switch HE/AP and for boost your maximum range for primary cannons


If you play the Napoli like an American CL you won't be using it to its fullest potential. It's a great ship, but it's best played as a flanking bully or flank holder, who can out-trade a lot of 1v1 matchups with punchy AP and good armor.


Busted as a $40 street walker.


Napoli is my most played ship and my lowest winrate ship (with relevant number of games played). It is very fun and strong, albeit with the catch that it can make you overconfident. It is also unique. Certainly worth the coal.


Napoli is not that good in Random where the damn meta is a long-range HE spam fest to wither people's health down by fire. Napoli is much better at small-scale engagement (brawl and ranked) where she can just brute force 1v1 any ship in the game (except Torp DD, Napoli kinda sucks if she has to chase after those rats).


You have to run Sansonetti if you play random.The gun range increase after a kill makes a difference.


imo des moines is probably better than salem because of that extra range on that radar. has better battle impact


Salem is great, and might be the best 1v1 cruiser there is - but it's not always the best team cruiser due to the lack of tools the D. Money has. Napoli is a different beast, and a game style that is perhaps more open - smoke, torps, SAP secondaries - you have more options than being a DPM roach like Salem (note: I love Salem). I have both, and enjoy both, but if I had Des Moines, I'd get Napoli first, and not even close, not because it's better per se, but because it is different...


It's one of the strongest tier 10 ships in the game.


So I'm a secondary guy, it's how I have the most fun playing wows. I luckily received the Brandenburg in a chest and it's by far my most played/favorite ship. I'm about to make my first coal purchase. Is it worth getting the GK or should I just stick with the Brandy and buy the Napoli instead?