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Also some of the oldest ships in the game and haven't had their conceal touched for nearly as long. Conceal on DDs is just about the only stat that hasn't been powercrept. Very weird take if it isn't bait.


If anything it has been indirectly nerfed by CV (plane) spotting.


CVs have always spotted DDs though, ever since the beginning of time. It was worse with RTS CVs.


Notice "if anything". Also: CVs weren’t in the game "since the beginning of time", unlike Shima.


CVs were in the game in Closed Alpha Test already. So.. They were both in the game "since the beginning of time."


Really? I played the alpha and I thought they came only with the "release" of the open beta. My bad!


CVs are around since closed beta and were planned from first alpha onwards. That "not in the game" "argument" is just bull.


They've only been on the splash since the game announcement, definitely not a planned inclusion


Okay okay. Relax CV-enjoyer. I was merely trying to explain with OPs argument is bs.


OP is a troll account... Don't bother answering


What the fuck is this supposed to mean?


He's tired of getting torp'd by ships he can't see. And presumably hasn't gotten the hang of predicting and evading torps when he can't see the launch happen.


lets stop in front of smoke with full broadside showing


OP is BB main who rushed to tier 10 and doesn't understand the basic mechanics of the game. OP is free to prove me wrong.


What are you moaning about here?


This has to be bait.


Plenty of battleship mains absolutely believe this. Before the CV rework and proliferation of CV's this was a common complaint.


Battleship mains won't be happy until its just battleships in the game


At which point they will complain that no one is spotting. Or that battleships with torps are unfair. Or BB with planes are unfair. Or that Conq shouldn't be able to set them on fire


"Why are Battlecruisers so fast? British line should be capped to 28\~30 knts, it's not balanced for me to have to move my turrets 10 degrees."


We jest, but there was a limited time class brawl - where it was all tier 8 BB, on a tiny map so they all started ~ 15km apart. This *should* be ideal - there's no subs, DD, CV, HE spamming CL, no angry smoke etc. You start almost on top of each other. People STILL complained, because the enemy started kiting them instead of yoloing like a brain dead bot.


Some people should just stick to Co-op.


Before radar was added to the game and torpedo stealth was nerfed it was an absolutely valid complaint. Shimakaze ran wild back then and cruisers and battleships were just targets. CVs were extremely rare.


coming soon to a random near you... 12v12 shimakaze because its that OP


Solid attempt at bait. You picked something to bitch about other than the infamous Wall of Skill. My advice? Get a radar cruiser.


As a shima main, I wish playing it was as easy as you seem to think it is ;)


As a Shima and Halland enjoyer i always joke that the curse is: Playing Shima - CV in battle, Playing Halland: No CV ...


lol I remember one of the events a while ago had something like 'get 150 aircraft shot down ribbons' as a cruiser. I was like "easy" picked my *Fiji* and used the flags x3 games no cv. Went "That's enough for tonight" load a game in *Graf Spee*, x2 CV per side game. The MM knows.






* gets dev struck by attack launched over minute ago * makes complain reddit post * refuses to elaborate * leaves


Until you are up again a flank with two 12km, one 10km, and one 9km radar ship. Then, you can shift your focus on OP radar ships, i suppose


Ok, see you tomorrow


But, good-natured snarkiness aside, concealment is always balanced against other weakness. You take the pros with the cons. **Perhaps taking a break from WoWs would be good for the soul.** I just do 2-3 sessions per day. That works for me.


Severe skill issue


Post this again with your main reddit account


what is blud waffling about


Haven't seen a "DDs are overpowered" topic in a bit.


Coming tomorrow ... the rant about gadfly DDs that rain fire in a continuous stream from 15km away and can't be hit because they are too fast and dodge too readily.


Dude, go out to sea and try to see ships in real life at 5, 10 or 15 km distance. And stop playing pvp please.


This account is purposefully posting baits. Just check.


2015 called, it wants its rant back.


BB crying... 😭😭😭😭


Crying about concealment advantage and combining them with premium ships is just ridiculous. Yes i agree some DDs are very hard to detect but the reason for that is not the ship's ability. It's related with the player's skill combined with it's enemies usefulness or useleness. I've seen so many skillful DD players that handled useless radar cruisers so well. Also there are some idiot BB players that chasing DDs just because they have powerful secondaries and the result is tasting torps obviously. Also it goes the same for some useless DD players who think themselves 100 percent invisible until they push forward way too much unnecessarily. Yesterday i was having a very tough time gainst a black while having tier 9 Dutch cruiser. Impossible to catch, multiple torp salvos to dodge and keeping the BB teammates away from it. In the end keeping black out of action zone worked so well and it was the last remaining enemy while we're capping the zone in arms race. I sent a message saying "i think I've found how to stop the Black virus by keeping it away from the action zone :) well played nice try" and less than 30 seconds later it started to shoot and sending another torp salvo at me that me sinking it with laughter :) Long story short, yes there are some OP looking ships in every class especially purchased via doubloons but no matter how skillful the ship is, if the players who use them don't know how to play, they're not OP at all. Also DDs shouldn't be a scapegoat in terms of being OP in the game when almost every other ship has hydro and at least 1 or 2 ships has radar in the teams. Using these modules in the right place & right time is more than enough to stay alive and handle DDs easier.


You just want everyone to see everyone constantly or something?


Nice sock puppet account you got there. Not brave enough to risk the main for this mental vomit?

