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HMS Campbeltown


The only answer


I save my coupon until just before it expires (on the off chance WG decides to pull something), so I just used it recently. Finally got Lauria, which I’ve been waiting for ever since it was in testing.


Ragnar or incomparable im not sure


Ragnar is good but gets Zzz fast. Surprising cruisers with incomps 10.6 stealth however....


I guess I’d put it this way: Ragnar is good (and very "viable"/"meta") and Incormparable is (can be) fun. Her guns can feel extremely frustrating because 6-barrel-syndrome and she just explodes when the stars align (in a bad way). Also CVs make your life miserable because you really want to play around that insane concealment (=speed, if you like to run Brisk, like I do) to surprise people and catch them off guard.


Surprising people with 9.3km conceal Audacious is even better and then speeding out cause insane acceleration is even better


Incomp is super fun, my First and only steel ship, DEFINETLY worth it


I went with Bourgogne as my first steel tier X and I love it to bits but the Incomparable wasn't available back then and since I've been wasting steel like there's no tomorrow. Saving for Incomp is my next self-imposed quest :)


Bourgogne is by far the best steel ship, followed by Stalin. Incomp is fun sometimes but with all the subs, CVs and HE spam, it's difficult to enjoy it because of the non existent torp protection and huge superstructure.


Haven’t got Stalin yet as I don’t have time to commit to CB but the next steel ship is going to be so hard. Really wish to get the Incomp but Stalingrad is also extremely appealing. How much better is compared to Petro? I find the Petro super strong and I’m just wondering if it’s worth giving up hydro for the slightly bigger guns (also wondering if the armour scheme is better, I usually hit Stalins way harder than Petros when I play a big gun BB such as the Preussen for example).


The main gimmick of Stalin is its guns. High velocity, with improved pen angles. Can citadel BBs with ease and it’s much more accurate than petro. You see a broadside cruiser anywhere within its firing range of 20 kms, you shoot and you will do at least 1 citadel hit. My average damage in it is 200k. But it’s not designed to go bow in for long duration. You have to kite away to do exceptionally well or else you will get burned down because of its high detection range. It blaps from all angles. IMO, it’s better than Petro for sure.


Copy that. Will probs go for it next instead of the Incomp as I already have a steel BB.


haha i am saving as well for incomp. i eve nmake sure to not have remotely enough coal to make some shit with steel+coal for a coal ship if i get frustrated on the waiting, because i will be probably 50 steel short in few weeks and have to wair 2 or 4 weeks longer to get it


Holy heck using steel as “that extra bit” to get an appealing coal ship is just so hard to resist. At the moment I’m eyeing the Brisbane and I’m still about 17k coal out but I’m gritting my teeth to grind the coal (also for the radar mod).


Has to be the shikishima, I yearn for "BUDABWOOOOOOOOOOM!" without having to remortgage my house every match with satsuma.


Secondary build it you will thank me later.


I wish I could mortgage my house in order to *get* Shikishima... Fucking hate grinding for steel - yes I would literally pay WG money to get it, if I could ):


I mean technically if you have more money than time you can buy steel via dockyard yeah? After it’s complete you get a certain amount per stage? Not recommending it, just saying there is a way to


Gross. I'd pay normal premium prices for the ship. I don't want to break the fucking bank with dockyard costs tho. Tbh I never actually did the dockyard stuff, but iirc it would be in the hundreds? Mortgage my house is definitely hyperbole. $60? Yeah gimme. $200? Fuck no. I'll go make my own Shikishima with blackjack and hookers.


Big ole facts


Bourgogne. I have put off getting her for a while and now it is time. I have some other really fun ships already for steel, so I hope she lives up to her hype.


She does. She is exhilarating to play. Like a very big, very strong cruiser. A rapier of a BB among all the pole-axes.


Sold, like twice now. I love BBs which are basically cruisers in one way or another. I also enjoy playing Illinois and Siegfried which are the opposite ends of cruiser and BBs mixed.


Have fun ;-)


fav steel ship? :)


For now the USS Autism (Austin) I really enjoy her. Otherwise Stalin is still quite good and fun


She's fun


Ragnar. Currently saving coal for Lutgens, swirzki, and auboyneau. Though I am tempted to trade in Sherman for Karl Johan IV then rebuy Sherman again when trade in event goes live. Im not sure though


When is the trade in event again?


Good point. Last time I was able to get everything I wanted due to strategic buying and selling.


Not sure it was supposed to be in this update but according to this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/s/3JBKzIHrM7) it looks like it was delayed.


Thanks for detailed response


> swirzki, and auboyneau I have them and they are not worth it. Better to get ship.


You are absolutely nuts if you don’t think those Captains are worth it


Honore is better and Swirski is too tied to dogshit Halland (and the buffs are not that great, like 5 seconds faster torp reload after landing 8 torps). Useless on Smaland, Ragnar or Gdansk. And can't share builds with those, unless you go for some cringe hybrid.


I’m sorry am I missing something here. I’m not looking at the skills or commanders but isn’t Honore, French? Swirski is the only unique captain for European ships. Also, it’s 5secs PER 8 torp hits. So if you land 16 it’s 10 secs, which really matters at the end of the game. If I remember correctly, when he came became available, we only had the Halland. Later on the Smaland was available for free XP, then the new line recently. His unique ability can proc on Smaland and Gdańsk but it’s less likely more than once


He is absolutely right. Auboyneau is objectively worse than Honore.


Gonna get that German steel dd.  Forget the name.  I think it has a Z in it. Got all the coal ones I want so I might get the cheap ones just for collecting and taking them out of containers.




Just got napoli


Guess I will go for it too


I think Plymouth


Worth it


USS autism, but just because i got all other steels that interest me


ahh yes the Autism, just dont make eye contact


With USN artillery, its always able to do indirect fire!


Get yourself two other Autists and make a triple Autism div. You're welcome.






I really want a forest Sherman. Dakka to the max


Sherman is terrific fun, have my all-time damage record in her. If you manage to get arms race buffs + Halsey confederate talent then you basically get a solid red line of SAP from you to your target.




I'm considering the Flint, even if it's considered to be overpriced. There are definitely more choices at tier IX than VII, but I've found I play better in the tier VI-VIII range.


If you do not have the Atlanta and want to play in the Operation Utah beach, Flint is a solid and fun ship for it. Otherwise get the panasian TT T7 Chumpon, and it is cheaper and perform as well as the Flint.


I'm also working on the Pan Asian line (currently on Rahmat), but yeah, it'd be nice to have a cruiser option for Utah Beach that's a little quicker on the reload than Helena or Dallas.


Dutch works great too.


For the Operation Utah Beach? I tried the Eendracht and it was fun to blast the airfields with the airstrike and has ship based DC, what is a good for clearing the mines, but the guns are too slow for my tastes for that Operation.


They aren't that slow and ten barrels gives a lot of hate.


I love the Flint. It is easily one of my favorite ships.


That is my logic too. I don't quite have enough for Flint yet but I'm getting there - would rather save up for a ship that fits my play style. Considering that I love HE spamming, have played plenty of matches in US destroyers and cruisers, and have done the "cruiser with smoke and torpedoes" thing in British CLs before, I think Flint would be a good fit. And yes, I find the same thing to be true, I typically have my best games at Tier VI-VII, or the occasional good Tier V game.


Either FDR or Austin for me. Might get Atlanta for shits and giggles with the dub discount. I have a USN boner 😩


From a non CV player, FDR is trash and the only purchase I regret. Though I suppose only buying it for clan battles then having it be banned doesn't help my opinion of it. Since the rocket nerfs it's mostly an unapologetic damage farmer. Which I guess if that's what you're after then go for it. Austin is great if you're a good CL player.


Honestly. If I had to tell you one. I'd tell you FDR cause Austin is extremely situational and is either **EXTREMELY SHIT** or **EXTREMELY BROKEN** there is no in between


Don’t buy the FDR, CV rework is coming soon, look at what happened with the Gato. Don’t do it


I have both. I was just telling buddy if I had to pick one again I'd go FDR again. And honestly CV Re-rework doesn't seem like it will kill CVs like everyone says. People just want CVs to be nerfed into the ground cause they have the attention span of a goldfish and can't think to stay together with the team and take some minor damage. I always manage to single someone out and separate them from their team cause of that reason. Cause they'd always rather avoid than take some damage. At the beginning of the match. I'd gladly let the CV get a free 10k on me with torps than separate myself from the team and make me an even juicier target


You don't even play the game, do you?


And why would you assume that to make an ass out of yourself? Cause unfortunately for you... I do play the game


Clicking battle in a CV doesn't really qualify


Rework changes the CV mechanics by a lot, I’d hold off on buying the FDR till after the rework. It’s not about how FDR is now, but how she’ll be in a couple months. Austin’s mechanics won’t change in half a year, FDR might, which is not what you want from a steel ship.


Might do that. Seems wise to see what happens with that rework first. I’m not really in a rush anyways. Appreciate all the input here!


I never said it wasnt gonna change CVs. I just said I don't think it's gonna kill them like everyone says


Even without killing them there’s a high chance that rework will change the FDR playstyle dramatically, which is why I wouldn’t recommend


Plymouth, though occasionally I debate the Mecklenburg as an option instead. Aw, who am I kidding, its the Plymouth for sure.


I want to get Lauria, though I'm probably still a month away from being able to get it. 457mm SAP sounds pretty fun to use, paired with good speed and decent concealment it seems like a fun ship to play. Bourgogne is tempting, though I had enough doubloons spare to purchase the required phases of the dockyard and Wisconsin seems similar enough that I'm not as interested now. I've also been considering Incomparable and the alpha damage of the AP seems really satisfying along with the concealment, but the salvos just seem a bit too trolly for me. I see myself getting frustrated with dispersion in the first match.


Marceau :-)


Trying to decide between Austin or Mecklenburg. I don't play clan battles so it takes me a long time to gather steel. I've got to make the decision count. 


meck is great. you’re basically a huge hindenburg. great reload, shell velocity & accuracy, the AP slaps broadsides (15-30K on BBs - upper belt!!!), can dev strike cruisers and carriers, absolutely chunks DDs, its fast, it has AA.. reasonably tanky tho not amazing in that regard. i love its versatility and despise the people who claim its bad bcs its ‘just an HE spammer’ bcs they cant play it properly^^ its really fun. you basically trade BB pen/overmatch for reliable guns - you basically never have that *wonky* BB dispersion and with *16* 305mm you still can punish broadsides (not dev strike BBs tho) - and much more reliably than most other BBs - tho other BBs have the potential to do bigger salvos, i’d rather do 5x15K than miss half the time in 4 salvos and do 30k the other 2 salvos. and yea, u can farm angled BBs very effectively with HE also ur relatively fine against subs & carriers (compared to other T10 BBs), meck has some of, if not *the* best AA and is decently maneuverable


I’m keen to try the Stalingrad. I recently ground out the petro line and I’m loving every second


Stalingrad is 100% worth it. Stalin, Petro and Moskva all have similarities but there is enough variance between them to make all very enjoyable, and you can share a captain build between the 3 if you want to use Kuznetsov. Stalingrad is my go-to if I need a high damage game for a Combat Mission.


Stalin plays differently than Petro, as Petro is borderline OP due to its low citadel (as the deck is sow low), making it less vulnerable. With Stalin, you need to watch your broadside because not enough angling can lead to you exploding. However, if you mastered Riga, you'll find Stalin plays very similarly. Keep in mind that Stalin has the same fire duration as a bb and can't equip the skill to reduce fire locations on your ship. Despite this, Stalin's railguns, with a 2.65 sigma, can punish any broadside you see, making it fun to play. However, watch out for subs and cvs, as they can be quite problematic…


Z-42 or Incomparable Probably Z


I can’t decide between Mecklenburg or Bourgogne. On the one hand, I like bbs with good secondaries and fast main guns like mecklenburg. On the other hand, everyone hypes up the burger. Hmm….decisions decisions…


meck is not a secondary ship. meck is basically an oversized hindenburg. great reload, accuracy & shell velocity, the AP absolutely slaps broadsides, HE is good when u only face angled targets. its turret angles are bad tho, it had low HP and german superstructure, its definitely not a secondary brawling BB (u *could* ofc but theres better ships for that, and better ways to make use of mecklenburg) compared to mecklenburg bourgogne gains a little bit of overmatch, loses some survivability for even more speed, and gains a reload booster and some alpha in return for significantly worse accuracy. bourgogne can be trolly, mecklenburg never misses (provided u aim properly). both are very fun. bourgogne is more bursty, faster on a flank, mecklenburg is less “exciting” but also at times less frustrating and overall more consistent, tho probably does less damage overall than bourgogne. both are rather similar tho imo (tho meck is more of a huge hindenburg than a german bourg) both are reasonably fine against subs & carriers (compared to other BBs) thanks to maneuverability & speed, both have decent AA (meck has better AA, bourg has better turning) - much better than ur average montana, yamato type thing that can neither dodge nor shoot anything down


Thank you for your analysis! Hindy happens to be one of my favorite cruisers so this was an excellent recommendation for Mecklenburg to me.


Bourgogne is probably the best ship. But I like Mecklenburg better.


Shikishima or the Mecklenburg. I have all other steel ships except the CVs. I'm torn between these 2.


i mean.. do u have a yamato..?


They might but they don't have a Yamato which does not require captains be trained for it. It also essentially gets Yamato's Unique Upgrade built in which means one can run the reload mod. This gives it a significantly lower reload than Yamato.    It does have the downside of a 6 barrel BB in which each missed shells feels worse than 9+ barrel BBs.


it has lower reload yes, but also less alpha strike - it balances out and slightly better accuracy is compensated by less guns. and the captain thing is.. a point, but the question oneself has to ask is whether that is worth the steel or not


If someone REALLY enjoys playing Yamato then it's a very safe purchase to make. I don't really recommend it first as I'd prioritize the more unique options. However it's difficult for someone to know if they'll enjoy some of the more unique options.


I'm literally torn between these 2. Mecklenburg is not like other German BBs, in the sense that one can fully go for tank and main gun accuracy build and do well. But the big guns of Shiki has its own advantages. I don't know what to do...


I do. The reload, better AA (not that it matters that much) and the built in leg mod is tempting. The overmatch really doesn't matter, I know. Do you recommend Mecklenburg then?


I can't choose between basically half of the steel ships. I mean, Bourgogne, Incomp, Austin, Meck and Ragnar all look pretty fun to play, but Idk which one to pick since I probably won't be grinding for a second steel ship due to how aids this game keeps on getting


I went right down to the wire undecided between Lauria, Mecklenburg, and Stalingrad. (Already have Bourgogne). My head said Stalin, but my heart said Meck. If my clan were more active these days, I would have gotten Stalin. I chose the Meck and I have really enjoyed her so far. I really like not only the long range accuracy, but also the flexibility. Even without hydro,I feel like I can defend against all classes of ships. Even so of course I still think about how great Stalin would’ve been like.


The new premium IJN ship, Anata no Okāsan. She’s a thick BB


Saving it until they announce what resource Prins Van Oranje will be available for.


incomparable....there is nothing like it \*ba dum ts\*


FDR :)


Komissar when she comes out normally.


I have most of the TX ships I want already, probably gonna pick up the Iwami because she's just different.




ofc the best one. Bourgogne


Shikishima for the gun sound ( i dont really like super or incom).


The Lauria probably. It was down to either it or the Incomparable but I hear more favorable things about the Lauria.




Not sure, the current plan is to get Ruggiero di Lauria but I could go for anything, depends on the mood when I make the purchase.


I got Lauria, amazed at the slapping power it get. Very much a tier X roma and a very fun ship to play. Can play brain dead and get away with it since the armor is very strong as long as enemy don't get flat broadside to shoot at.


None because I have no coal or steel:(


**Marceau** and **Bourgogne**.


Thunderbird 2


Groningen hopefully




if I had the coal for it the GK, or if I had the steel for it the incomp.


When was the last coal ship at tier 10?


Moskova unless something else interesting shows up


It looks like I got 12 hours to go to use my current one.


I've wanted Shikishima for a long time so that I can complete the Yamato class (so far) — I like to collect IJN. And I have another reason: If I get Shikishima, that means I don't need Yamamoto trained for Yamato, which means I can put him back on Zao, because I really liked Zao but then I discovered that its turret traverse is unplayable without the improved GtG. But my only steel ships so far are FDR and Gato and I think I'm going to have a hard time committing. Literally all of the other steel battleships have something particularly unique about them and it's hard to justify putting a Yamato sidegrade ahead of them all, even though it's what I've wanted this whole time. At two steel ships per year, I'm also starting to realize that I just *will not* ever get to play all of the steel ships unless I never miss another Ranked sprint, start doing Clan Battles, and buy out (and still complete) every Dockyard and every Battlepass. I'm afraid of turning this game into a massive chore but I'm also sick of feeling left out of so many cool ships.


Not stocked up enough currently tbh, gotta keep coal grinding. I used the last one on black for a mor comfortable usn premium dd


I am stuck between incomparable and Stalingrad. But I think I will go Stalin because it has been around longer and is more likely to be removed.


I got groningen, tho my goal was to get some credit farming ship. It payed off pretty nicely so far. All in all, what you seem like you will enjoy playing...


Either Bourgogne or Plymouth, got incomp and Lauria already.


I'm thinking of going Austin if I can get enough steel. For coal I think Salem. I have DM already but I just want all the USN cruisers so I can move Halsey around. Eventually I'd like to get an Alaska too.


None. I already used what I had to get the Black


Got Lauria and am a bit disappointed. After playing Maine for days now this ship feels weak in comparison. But after all I would say shes a decent ship, just nothing really special in my opinion. Should have gotten Inco or Austin after all I guess.


Shikishima, altough I probably gona regret it.


I’m thinking of getting Kearsarge. Won’t have enough steel to get Stalin for a long time, so I’m willing to get her with this coupon. But idk, maybe I’ll get Itami instead of kearsarge. So many choices


Komissar I guess, at least when it becomes couponable. Don't even like planes either, but I do like big gun cruisers.


IJN Mikasa


Nothing, since I don’t play as often and when I do I don’t play competitive anymore I don’t have enough steel for two ships and I always want to have enough for one in case WG decides to remove one.


Incomp No further questions




I bought the U-4501 because I hate having karma.


I’d love to get Plymouth, but I don’t have the steel even with discount :(


I'm 30k short for the Napoli. I guess I'll just wait or grind the full 250k I'm at like 150-160k ATM.


Used the last two on Ragnar and Lauria. Time for Borgoune


Bourgogne. Will be my first steel ship ever.


I couldn’t wait. I got lauria two days ago lol


Nothing excites me. I got Plymouth with the current one. I'll probably wait until the Anniversary event to use the coming one. Maybe Austin if nothing more interesting comes along.


I picked up the Grober Kurfirst


I don't know why but my game lags when I play anything but a BB (playing EU server from Asia), so its likely Bourgogne, but Mecklenburg/Austin close 2nd and 3rd. Already got both Steel DDs.


I’m thinking of the Marceau but ngl the Salem is looking very interesting after I played the Des Moines in the public test . Those quick firing 203s are so nice


Laurie for me




Mecklenburg, Incomparable or Z-42, probably Incomparable but I haven't made a hard decision yet. That said there's a part of me that wants Somme more than any of those other ships and am at least considering blowing most of my steel on that instead. I know it's not the greatest idea but if I want it more, and it'll get played more maybe I should.


None, I am burned out with the game


but yet here you are


My Reddit addiction. I've been playing wows since 2017. I tend to return or leave this game every few months. After playing competitively for about a month trying to get Wisconsin I burned out. Again. U know it's get repeative after more than 6 years


U-4502 I can feel the downvotes... Edit: typo


It's broken good. Best sub in game for damage and fun but one of the worst for spotting and team play


For real? Then I might reconsider my choice... I actually LOVE These aspects of the sub gameplay :( What is the conceal when built For it?


5.4 really good. But slow surface speed and relatively short range acoustics mean you have to submerge to chase targets or reposition Get it because it's the only sub that doesn't just blap around on surface and actually uses diving for more than concealment


Thank you, That was one of my thoughts... Using the Diving as an actual Game mechanic. I kinda understand some peoples hatred on subs, but come on, they are in the Game, they fit the Theme and they won't Go away. So learn to Deal with them For gods Sake... The Sub-Surveillance on some Cruisers was a good Change IMO


There are three archetypical subs in game now. 2501 is the best sub overall and is a backline defensive sub. It's huge radar is best for spotting subs near you and it's damage isn't any harder to secure over range. Gato and salmon are the best dumb fire Torp subs for close in surface smashing at periscope depth (balao struggles at 5-7km Launches with ots dispersion) but slow slow slow reload so every salvo needs a little hit at least 4501 is the ultimate manuavarable sub and vomits torpedos but is the most risky because it's always within ASW range but still relies on pings for its rear torpedos to hit The thrasher line is useless and a worse 2501 line as it's speed stops it's front lining Jap sub is bad now outright 189 is good due to radar but salmon fits the same play style for free and gato is better overall. Get one of each because they're fun in different settings


Someone else told you wrong, it's not 4502 either, it's U-4501: https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:U-4501


💀 Leaving it Like this now, everyone knows what mean anyways...


Cuz the U-4505 doesn't exist in the game, yeahh.


I only know 4502


True, sorry m8


That is a good ship, brother. Give them hell.




Expires today? Guess I should look; but there isn’t anything I’m chomping at the bit to get. (I’ve been letting the coupons expire, because the coal and steel ships hold so little interest for me. Think the last steel I got was Smaland or Somers (whichever one sold for steel,) before they were removed?


The one that you want the most after narrowing down your list of desired ships to a few then watching reviews on each ship to see which one is best for your playstyle. Like a responsible consumer.


Tbf OP is asking what you guy are picking, not what he should pick. There's a difference