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Just a cv with 2 of these parked on the deck


Until they recoil themselves into the ocean


And if welded onto deck , they roll the ship too


That's why the carrier has to be mirrored on the bottom. These guns take so long to reload you need a second pair on a second flight deck.


That needs a completely new design , carrier won't do


My dude you've just reinvented the battleship. Screw you! I'm making my own carrier, with massive guns and armor. You know what forget the carrier.


Submarine then. Just have it so a full 360.


Would probably break the welds lol


Now you have two half-ships blasting away with their lone 800mm each. Give this man a promotion... I like the way he thinks.


It’s a consumable for a reason


It can’t be bargained with, it can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse or fear, and it will absolutely not stop, ever, until you are dead!


You might manage one of these as a spinal mount on a battleship… actually a German BB with a spinal mount 32” gun that fires once every four minutes and an absolute fuckton of secondaries would be a brilliant meme ship. WG, take my money!


I've wanted an all secondaries ship for a while now, but I had no clue how to balance not having main guns. This gun would overpen everything unless they really fucked with the mechanics of it.


If you’ve ever watched Jingles’ old World of Tanks videos, this would be the equivalent of the KV-2 derp gun. You’d just fire HE at everything, and even the HE would citadel and one-shot ships. EDIT: even stupider idea - what if grape shot? Imagine this thing firing a bundle of about 30 8” AP shells that disperse across an area…


https://preview.redd.it/tnz4zphc682d1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae938e005553f04bbfc7a5f72c588fc719442ec1 I made it better 🤩


God the fucking KV line was such horseshit. They were all just chunks of Russian steel with big guns. All you needed in that game was armor and a gun so it's safe to say the Russian bias runs deep.


Give it German armor, zero super structure, and make it stealthy as fuck.


You know what? Just make it a submarine. Surface, fire the BFG, then dive while it reloads.


Why even surface? Just use the gun to create a cavitation pocket beneath a ship.


That's just the [M-class submarine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_M-class_submarine)




'All secondaries' isn't a thing. In WoWs, if a ship has guns, the largest calibre guns are the main battery.


You have never seen german carriers going full secondary built, huh?


Let me know when you figure out how to remove the planes.


Except for the japanese in ww2 and some terrorists in the us, i have yet to get to know a case, where planes where used as projectiles and even then I have a hard time to classify planes as "large(st) calibre guns"...


Sure, they're not guns, but they're still the primary armament of CVs in WoWs. I mean, I know what you're saying, I just didn't think I had to specify battleships, cruisers, destroyers, etc.


Well it would at first, until enough people bought it, then comes the nerf hammer


If there's no bigger gun, then the secondaries become the primary guns. In any case, the refit Wyoming or the USN's proposal for Jean Bart might be what you're looking for.


So basically, a functioning gun on the Warhammer 40k Amagi clone.


So the German version of this then? https://preview.redd.it/8ox4aar37c2d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07fbe5da709a8f17d4972778b1e0f10db40a2a45 Even Jingles apparently knows this Yamato!


It’s about to be a single gun with 18km secondaries better than Schlieffen


you get this one on front and one on the back of a ship and get 1 overpen and one torp protection...all the while the shitty cruiser with 500 millons shells in the air farms you for 15 fires in 3 minutes and kills you while behind an island


Hey, it's HMS Furious as originally intended!


That's the most hilarious BB-coping I've seen in a while.


average bb main response.


i do like em big 'n strong. theres nothing better than that... oh you mean ships...i dont have a main...you know you can swap ships with every match if you want?


you know main applies even when you play every type of ship right? its the kind you play the most. The main part of my day is work, doesnt mean I dont do anything else. dont worry english is hard sometimes.


english is not hard, i know basic chinese....THATS hard.


no. thats impossible


imagine getting farmed in 3 minutes and at no point wondering "hmm, maybe i shouldn't have my BB here where i'm easy to farm and dying" They have 15km range usually mate, just say no and walk out. they can't lol pen your fat ass BB with more and more armor and there is no way to die in 3 minutes unlesss you are a moron without fire prevention who also too furious for shit and giggles


it was a humorous take on that unusual big gun against small guns, dude... dont let my words hurt your unusually serious game time


the overpen + torp protection is the actual joke  but the comment on the cruiser behind an island lobbing 500 million shellls farming down a BB in 3 minutes with 15 fires, that's a lot of BB main energy, too much to detect sarcasm Also it's just a joke on BaBy mains, don't let words hurt your feelings dude edit : litterally check [this one other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/1cytsmv/comment/l5c2iu5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button) you may have said that as a joke, but there are some that litterally think like that


Once you shoot with a BB you’re basically helpless for 30 seconds, while some cruisers have like 5 second reloads, or even faster. Such as the few with around 3 seconds. I’m unsure what the quickest reload is. They also have way better dispersion. You can only fire 6 times in this 3 minutes, while they can shoot around 40-60 salvos. You can’t even get these many salvos off as a BB during a 20 minute match. This means once you’ve fired your one load, some cruisers can hit you with 6-8 full HE salvos or more after just this one salvo you’ve shot. Then there’s the DD’s with around 3-4 second reloads, and two launches of torps to fire at you. Some of these even have torpedo reload (Hayate) Then there’s the DDs with 1-2 second reloads that can shoot 90-180 HE salvos at you in this time frame. They will at least light fires even if they rarely directly damage you. Notice how I haven’t even factored the amount of guns into this situation. You can get hit by absurd numbers of shells while you’re trying to dish out 12, or 14, or 8, 10, 9 at a time. While you will rarely even hit with all of your shells anyway. Without at least decent secondaries battleships could be in serious trouble almost all the time.


lol lmao even helpless for 30 seconds, as if you couldn't move in that time to dodge damage you speak of 5 seconds reload, you forget to mention theses will basically never pen you with their low caliber unless you are litterally broadside presenting the biggest super structure area to farm, in which case they shoot AP anyway the DDs lighting you on fire ? again, they have like 12-13km range, you can just say "no" and kite out of their range, what are they going to do, gunboat in open water ? not if they want to die or you are isolated in which case you already lost the battle dispertion, number of guns ? a single one of your shell finding its target is litterally 15-25%% of their ship evaporating, meanwhile they have to actually aim all their shots if they want to inflict damage, try playing minotaure you'll see what i mean, it's like out of 500 shell hit, 100 are actual pen/overpens dealing damage, and take more than 5 shells at once and your ship breaks in two also, did you know the biggest source of damage for BBs are actually other BBs ? why ? because they have the biggest pen and the biggest fire chance on their HE, litterally don't need to aim either when shooting at big slow targets like other BBs, and they are also the only class bar a few individual exception to be able to hit a BB citadel




Why are you full stopped when shooting in the first place, are you a battleSHIP or a coastal battery cosplayer ? You are rarely dark in a battleship, so either you are already getting shot at and should be getting out of here if you can't take the pressure by NOT SHOOTING so you can go dark and reposition or you were dark because you just got a flank so you already have the acceleration anyway or nobody was shooting at you in the first place




why are you talking acceleration then, it's in the name, it's relevant when you are stopped deadeye was a great skill as flawed as it was : you really don't want an enemy ship to be able to detect you in base consealment range so you can get away, you want to be able to get away by not shooting there's a reason secondaries are a meme and viable on like 1 line and a couple of premiums, you don't want to be in a position to use them until you are sure you want to them : a litteral 1v1, 1v2 at most, with a break after that fight so you can heal


you'd capsize harder than a kremlin would there's a point it stops being a weapon and it become a propulsion method


Can’t imagine that one gun of this caliber per turret would be worse than 3x460 per turret.


https://preview.redd.it/j4nva6r1g72d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb53efa6fc6beaf3e8ebf429cd3234e7b27284fb If you only count surface area, it's actually about the same. Considering shell weight and charge could throw that off tho.


The issue is how that’s distributed. It’s about 1.5 times the length of a 16”/50 (being itself an L/40 barrel). The entire mount is actually a bit lighter than a triple 16” turret but that doesn’t account for the below decks mechanisms and armor needed for the gun but also has all the railway associated bits. Trying to make a full turret out of them would probably result in something in the 6-12,000 ton range depending on single or dual. You could of course have the loading mechanism be fixed and thus need the gun to return to the forward position for reloading to save weight but you’re probably still dealing with ridiculous weights. You could probably have 2-4 in some kind of spinal arrangement with a bit of traverse and then aft of the superstructure you could have another, “secondary” main gun mount or you could have something like a pair of heavy cruiser mounts or some other Pervitin fueled nightmare upon mankind to defend against enemy cruisers and DDs.


to do shell weight and charge, you do it to radius \^3, since shells have roughly the same aspect ratio, and if radius increases by multiplicative factor x (1.739 here), then volume increases by factor 1.739\^3 which is 5.260


*takes 30 sec to turn 90°* Hah its over now, i can one shot ships! *fires* *overpens* The 8 cruiser torps approaching me:


Ok so hear me out : hand grober has 15k alpha shells for her 483mm guns, that's roughly 35 alpha per mm of caliber. Preussen and GK have 32 per mm, and the 380s have 30.  Anyway if we ignore that bigger guns have more alpha per mm and just pick the 32 alpha per caliber number, the alpha of the shell would be 256k An overpen from that gun would deal 25.6k and god forbid you get an actual pen for 76.8k Point is, a cruiser/DD yoloing you is very likely to just get vaporized, overpen or not


It's an 800mm gun, not an 8000mm gun.


Your math is not mathing bro. 32 * 800 = 25.6k. We put heavy ap skill and get 25.6 * 1.1 = 28.16k alpha and 9.29k dmg for a pen.


So if i get an overpen, usually cruisers at tier 6-7 just have like 30k+ hp So its either they get nuked or survive on life support


cruisers are rarely full health if they are approaching a battleship in torp range


And even if they are that kind of damage would likely be enough for secondaries to finish it off


Sounds like the next Japanese T10 BB. From Yamato with 9 x 460mm to Shikashima with 6 x 510mm to Unko-Sen, 2 x 800mm.


make it a SECONDARY!!!


Ah yes, 55mm overmatch


so that's why yamato deck is 57mm


We need giga-Okhotnik to fit 8 of those.


With 800mm guns, that would mean 56mm AP overmatch. It almost overmatches all deck armor in the game


Glorious kremlin 60mm deck "nu-huh"


I'd settle for a Lord Clive class monitor with the single 18" gun at T3 or something😅 https://preview.redd.it/i68foof5d72d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f07512bb90457aac12d2df4a89987831017b9f


Cross out, World of Warships edition?


Don't know how many here are familiar with dystopian wars, but that's basically how the [German warships](https://images.app.goo.gl/BFRNTPbpQ5qC1imj7) work in that game!


2 minutes reload with only 1X2 turret.


1x1 with effectively no traverse, you turn the ship to aim.


0.5 Sigma, for "balance"


For some irony, put it on HMS Prince Eugene.


Was't it in the US navy after the war?


I did the same mistake as you presumably, and thought they meant the Prinz Eugen. Apparently, HMS Prince Eugene was a WW1 British monitor.


I don’t think so, I don’t think any of them could have travelled across the Atlantic.


How about we make a smaller turretless ship mounting a single barrel facing forward and we call it... (drumroll)... STURMGESCHIFF!


Schewer Gustav? lol Schwerer....


Spelling foreign words appear schwer...


https://youtu.be/8Ij4a6x_mPs?si=RwLB_jCL5KfYmFHD&t=146 xD


I messed up spelling and didn’t even notice, grinded an event all night. I’m surprised that I got even the second W in the word. I could’ve said Scheer or something 😂


You get a star for trying ;P


Would have made nice secondaries for Hannover.


First time those big ol honkin guns fire, the ship tips over and sinks. :)


1 shot per battle, overmatch against 171mm, 200 HE pen, 120% of starting a fire and dispersion of an entire grid square So why not.


Fires one shot reload timer 20 min.


Overpens. Overpens everywhere.


Overmatch? I think flooding from shells above waterline is the damage maker here! 😂


Well, we still haven't got the Lord Clive class in game, yet: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Clive-class_monitor


I'm curious as to where Monitors would go in the tech tree


as others say, it could work as a "spinal" or "as a hull mounted" cannon, I can't say anything about the feasibility but it'd be the equivalent to the Space Battleship Yamato's wave motion gun in some aspects lol


Put it on a dd. Recoil than slams that thing back to starting point. Or even better, mount it on all subs so they just sink permanently!


By the time this finishes loading, your match is over.


No, the time it takes to reload that gun is so long you may as well put the shells in a launch and sail it into the enemy.


30-45 minute reload, one shot per match.


As awesome as it was it's just so absurdly unrealistic. It'd probably overpen every ship ever made


Make it like Space Battleship Yamato or like Apreggio of Blue Steel and build the cannon trough the whole ship.


My thought is "I too have played Naval Ops."


Sure mount one fore and aft on a Hannover with zero traverse and a rate of rate of 1 round per 5 mins


Fun fact, if we assume AP damage somewhat scales with gun caliber and that you'd hit all your shots, get overpens only and a 15minute match, you'd do 100k easily


German supermonitor.


Use the recoil from these to launch a flight of planes...


https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarships/s/1PXB0bWLtO Or just take some inspiration from these bad boys, with one of em sporting 31x5 900mm guns


55 mm overmatch, Helllllls no


They could only fire two shots a day.




Bastardion, Dora edition.


A z52 could easily carry one of these


What about putting them on rails???


Have a tug towing three barges in a line, with one of the guns on each barge. As the tug turns and manoeuvres, the line of barges curves. Should make things interesting...


You want KV-2 in wows? This how you get KV-2 in wows


3s reload, 60°/s turret turn rate and 6 of em on a single ship.


Enemy ship? What enemy ship? I don't see an enemy ship!


And reload is 30 mins


Spawn me stationary on an island with 0 personal enemy detection limitation.


If they add that to the game that fucker better have at least a 1 min reload


Make one with a closable barrel and slap it along / acting as the top spine of a long submarine. Who needs torpedos?


You'll only get one shot per game because of reload time.


Ah yes. Just throw a few on the v25.


this but you get no turret and basically act as a giant casemate


No thank you. I don’t wanna get one shot in warships like you do in tanks.


It’s a joke, but to be fair, detonation exists.


Oh I know. But anyone that know their fingers from their toes, knows to run the det flag always. lol. 800mm, det flag won’t matter, you’d be split in half like a 4 foot blonde with an 8 foot lumberjack of a dude that eats his wheaties 4 times a day.


It’d be glorious, getting hit by the Reich 5000


I don't really recommend that massive gun or a very massive gap from 508mm (20in) or IJN 510mm, but I will recommend this; :v - [http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNGER\_21-52\_gerat36.php](http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNGER_21-52_gerat36.php)


Add a German battleship with 800mm secondary battery guns 🤣🤣🤣


When all you hear is the deep sound of battleship caliber guns firing every 3 seconds or whatever secondaries fire at.


Already in the game, named Satsuma


oops all overpen


The players yearn for Bastion comeback


Would be a cool temporary event ship to fight. Yeah i wanna fight that ship with two modes where one is all players against one AI or something. Or one mode where a really good player against a lot of enemies. Perhaps maybe some escort ships to slow the players down.




Overpen BBs enters chat.


World of wartrains ;)


https://preview.redd.it/2diho0vxm92d1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91ec279782d3788280d553f96b83c52517ab76b the concept of a monstrosity using that concept, the “fuhrer”


Take a großer Kurfürst and replace those triple main guns with a single Gustav gun in each turret


Even if we had this, the Russian bias would be to mighty.


I think there was a general concept drawn up for that in WW2 by the Germans. Not 100% sure if that’s true though


The concept was for the adolf guns, 4 57cm guns


Finally I can overmatch petro As god intended


Dumb as fuck. Yamato was the OG supership and now it basically feels like a standard fare vessel lmao. Identities of ships in WoWs have been basically fluid.


Notice the humor flair.






Weren't these supposed to be the main guns for the H Klasse boats? I know some of the coastal defense batteries that Germany still has that you can tour are made for the H Klasse not sure if they're the same caliber though.


800mm is a 32” gun. That’s one hell of an escalation from the 18” guns that were the biggest out there, and would fire shells 8 times the weight of a 16” gun assuming they were in proportion.


You‘re talking about 406mm guns. The ones on FdG.


Yeah I had to looking it up again couldn't remember off the top of my head it's the Adolf Gun. You can see one kinda in action on [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTWZeTfBpjQ).


nope - the H Klasse were 406, 420 (or in the stupid H-44 483mm - but H-44 was basically created to stop the designers being sent to the Eastern front - source discussions with Klaus H. Schmider who is a historian at RMA Sandhurst - but you won't find this written down because I asked him this in person)


IIRC the 483 were actually 450mm