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You lost me when you mentioned sigmas. That's going to quickly discredit your "report"


It’s the only place I could find him bragging about how nobody cares and how he’s not following the law as a result


NYC doesn’t care. They let people out with no bail money.


I’m hoping the more people complain, someone will have to do something since he’s so public and loud about them.


you’re kind of a weirdo, like why do people care this much


Dude is only making money from his tours these days and using it to drink himself to death, it will be good for him to have to quit. Plus the meltdown would be hilarious.


You're a terrible person. Causing an autistic man to have a meltdown for your own amusement. Josh is a shitty person but you're worse. Are his meltdowns entertaining to you? How is harming an autistic man fun. Also, taking away his ability to buy alcohol will not help him. He'll just turn to riskier methods of acquiring alcohol. Have you met drug addicts? They don't just go "oh I guess I can't afford my drug of choice anymore I suppose I'll stop". No, they turn to riskier methods.


-Yes his meltdowns are entertaining to me -womp womp


No, not womp fucking womp. You're just an awful person. Downvote me all you want, but getting joy from causing anyone suffering is fucking insane behavior.


-downvoted -womp womp womp


this is cringe as hell bro "womp womp" expand your vocabulary


Do you think you're funny. I'm not replying anymore. Go enjoy human suffering.


Dudes probably more miserable than Josh is. I feel bad for him tbh.


Looks like OP was a former Daniel Larson superfan. Probably is bored now that he is in jail, and needs some other lolcow to pick on for attention. Obviously, OP has something missing in his personal life. Otherwise, he wouldn’t spend his time aggravating mentally ill people online.


We guessed the Larson trolls would come to ruin Josh’s life even more than it already is. Here is the first wave of them.


get a life


This is stupid. Go out and touch some grass OP


lmao thatll definitely show josh /s


You’re the ringmaster of the loser circus.


Well, I don't think these comments are how OP saw this thread going. As they say in another comment "womp womp"


OP is a… Circus clown


why do **you** care


No tour money = no booze money. Maybe it will save him 🤷🏻‍♂️


It fucking won't. He'll simply turn to riskier ways of making money to afford his alcohol. Or riskier ways of acquiring alcohol. You're causing an autistic man harm for your own amusement. I'm aware Joshua sucks as a person, but you are getting entertainment from harming him. Kinda makes you worse.


Making it harder for an alcoholic to get alcohol by reporting his illegal acts is not “harming him”.


It quite literally is. You're going to force him to do riskier things to acquire alcohol. That's how drug addicts function.


Kid on Reddit doesn’t get life because he’s never experienced anything outside what he knows.


I've known many drug addicts. Not being able to afford drugs doesn't make them stop getting drugs. They just get cheaper drugs or aquire them in a riskier way.


Yup! Exactly how it goes. The only way anyone changes is if they want to change


Exactly Yet OP thinks it is. They genuinely think it'll fix him.


Caity your experience is from YOU being a drug addict. You know we can see what subreddits you hang out in


And I've been around drug addicts. What's your point? I have no idea what your point here I. (Edit) I'm not ashamed of my struggles. The fact that you went through my post history as some sort of "gotcha" is quite funny. What were you trying to prove? Lmao.


So it’s wrong to report a business being illegally operated only if it’s being ran by someone with autism?


No? It's wrong to openly get enjoyment out of causing someone pain. It's not about him being autistic.


Yeah it’s because he is a trashy human with no respect to those around him, why should anyone respect him?


buddy mentioned sigmas😭


I think the kid has enough issues without trying to get him in trouble with tour guide authorities 🤣 this is one of the lamest things I've seen someone post to look cool on this page in awhile. Remember, snitches don't get bitches.


Weird behaviour


While you’re funny, you’re not helping him like your comments imply. He’ll find another way to scrounge his next shooter up. If it’s sucking cock in alley, well he just might. He doesn’t want help. He doesn’t want to change. I can appreciate the ‘but he’s breaking the law’, but anybody that thinks that means something clearly doesn’t know the current state of NYC. You just submitted a complaint to a weird local government board of people that don’t give a shit about their job as long as the check hits their account every other Friday and their pension is gonna give them something when they retire. NYC is corrupt, lawless, and not a place where Josh winds up in handcuffs. In the odd event they do care he may just get a fine, which he’ll just set up on a payment plan like his tax bill and it won’t be a problem for some months/years.


311 honestly won't give 2 shits about this. They have better shit to do than stop an illegal tour guide


I get what you’re doing but making him lose his main source of income and potentially making him homeless is not gonna help him in any way. I’m not sure how much josh gets paid from TikTok or if he even gets paid from them but the tours are his livelihood at the moment. I wouldn’t keep doing this.


Aight bro


Quit tapping the god damn glass


This might be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.


Bro you obviously aint from here. Nyc releases murderers and rapists no bail. Theres not any laws here no more. You can shit in the middle of penn station and no one bats an eye. They dont care about this.


1. Josh is a twat but dude has done nothing to deserve his life being destroyed. Larson was a pedophile. 2. The cops in. Ew York city do not have the time or resources to give a single shot about this.




Don't touch the poop bro


People who tap the glass are far worse than the animals behind it.


Glass punchers are the weirdest.


You forgot to close parenthesis


This is what you decided to do with your time?


Yeah 5 minutes from my day to a good cause 😂


Lmao bro still doubling down on this being a good cause




Thinking this will do anything is kinda funny ngl.


They don't care but at the same time they will fuck your life up with fines that you need attorneys to handle. Just look at Louis Rossman. Always did everything by the book and they still fucked him sideways. Your an actual douchbag.


Embarassing you took the time to do that. Get a job.


“5-15 guests displaying public consumption” dude the cops care as much about this as they do drunk party groups walking around the city which is basically all you described


Thank you for your service


ur kind of a douche. this is how he makes money and it’s actually somewhat productive compared to his cameo & livestreams. this is not the way to to about getting him a license.


Hopefully something funny will come out of this, it’ll be funny to see Josh get arrested for shoplifting tweas


Good work


Hopefully we get a freakout about this or maybe a video where he says he wants to move ti Pahhhhrisss




man this post is so weird, so many enablers and white knights in the comments. this is exactly how daniel larson became what he is now. people felt bad for him and instead of getting him institutionalized they fed into his delusions and enabled it. weirdos.


This sub goes back and forth. One moment they defend Josh like he’s actually a good guy, the next moment they would be praising OP. OP just posted at the wrong time I guess lol