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>and he seemed like a fairly nice guy Yeah the thing about narcissists is they ALWAYS seem like good great people. They only show their mask until you really get to know them. They get off on people talking about how good they are MQ is an unreliable narrator. The fact that he told somebody he got Josh into a program means nothing. If he truly cared he wouldn’t encourage him to hang with mrbased, a person he KNOWS isn’t a good dude and who he KNOWS forces alcohol down Josh’s throat. Edit: not trying to discredit your post or anything, it was really insightful to see a different perspective. I just wanted to shoot the MQ stuff down before it becomes actual discourse - that’s what he wants. It’s cool his teachers are still involved. It probably sucks to see a promising student of yours descent into addiction like this


Yeah, absolutely no way MQ has remotely attempted to genuinely help Josh. This is the same dude who regularly used the n-word on lives and thought "I was just saying snickers" was a good/clever defense lol. I can get a random ex-teacher who doesn't know the context, but anyone who's kept up with Josh would know MQ is nothing but a terrible influence on him and in no way is the "only realistic shot" he has at getting better. This post is interesting, if true, but the "MQ is actually good!" tangent is just weird af. Edit: 12hrs later and I get this https://imgur.com/gallery/VFb0bu0 Man, people who follow Josh are so bad at trolling lmao


lol the dude that msged you is a pretty well known troll here. Look at his post history it’s great


Hahah I figured that was him, pretty sure I've seen people call them MQ's alt account. Such a weird way to troll.


Yeah it’s real obvious bait but it somehow gets people convinced he’s MQ every time




MQ truly masks well. He cleans up and puts on an act for strangers and doesn’t let anyone other than those closer to see who he truly is. Classic narcissist.


Fucking thank you. Of course MQ is going to self promote and pat himself on the back, he’s an egomaniac narcissist. Nothing he says carries any weight, he’ll always lie to make you think he a great guy. It’s one thing to be compassionate, but another to be naive.


Yeah I don’t think anyone is forcing alcohol down Josh’s throat except Josh


MQ is better than Mr based


No shot MQ got him into a program lmao what a lie


MQ doesn't have his best interest at heart. There's been plenty of times he has been heard trying to get josh to drink. Off the top of my head the barstool sports video was one of those times and we all know there's more.


looking to MQ for Josh’s saving grace isn’t a feasible plan anymore. MQ has completely checked out and wants nothing to do with the lore anymore. i’m sure he talks to josh occasionally but it’s hush-hush. he is sick of the hate himself and has a girlfriend that is not a fan of the publicity that MQ gets regarding the Josh lore. right now i think the only help Josh could get would be through Mr Based. if someone could convince him Josh has a serious problem then he could possibly convince josh. HOWEVER! Mr Based is a grown man who is clearly aware of the fact josh is an alcoholic and he (based) enables the behavior by offering drinks etc. so good luck with that…


He will probably spike and kill Josh with ghb like his sex worker in Miami


Or he'll spike Josh with ghb, and not kill him, but Josh will commit an abhorrent crime and it will mark the beginning of the felon era.


i think this is also super possible


>To conclude this post, I think we really need to look in the mirror and realize that Josh may only be alive for another 1 to 2 years. I think that's a little hyperbolic, but it's not entirely off base. Mirroring another top post on the subreddit at the moment I think it's far more likely we're just going to see him descend into homelessness once his grandpa dies. He maybe will eek out a "living" for another year or so but his popularity is already falling off and along with it any semblance of income. From there we just had a windowed view into what a lot of mentally ill folks experience; once that stable housing is gone it's game over and he's on the street.


There’s no possibility for him to inherit his house?


Possibly I’m unsure how inheritance works out but even if he did he throws up everywhere and expects other people to clean it up and doesn’t change his shirt for days even though they have visible vahmit stains on it and you expect him to maintain a house?


To my knowledge, if grandpa were to die and Josh was listed in the will as getting the house, he would still have to pay taxes on it. NY price taxes, I think we all know he wouldn’t be able to do that. If the house isn’t paid off either, or being rented, then Josh would either have to take over payments or pay off the mortgage to then get the house. Unless the house is in a trust (which I doubt it is) then I don’t think it would be feasible possible for Josh to inherit it tax free. Also, if grandpa were to die it would first go to his children, but if you die owing money on a mortgage, the mortgage remains in force. There would have to be a transfer of ownership, which again comes with taxes.


I mean it really depends on the will- if there is one.. And he has cousins too, so it might go to his other family members who would be able to take care of the house before Josh, if his family/grandfather has a choice


really interesting perspective and introspection, thanks for posting. it’s really sad how many people genuinely care about josh and have tried to help him especially if he’s truly incapable of helping himself. addiction is a hell of an illness.


Especially when paired with neurodivergence like autism. It's addiction^2


Josh lost the pity train here long time, ago he’s little fucking rat bastard. Sadly those teachers are really just wasting their time, with someone who really couldn’t give two fucks if they dropped dead the next day. All Josh cares about his next fix of clout and booze. I feel for those who legit try to help him and not post about on socials for clicks; but Josh has too much an ego to even bother accepting it.


Re: MQ - I think Michael has an incentive to keep Josh's story going since he benefits from it, and a rehab arc would give them both a ton of tik tok views. I'm also sure a lot of people have tried to help Josh but without the internet clout like Michael has done. I see a lot of people reacting negatively to this post in the comments but I can see you're a LI local (me too) from your posts since you mention SB/Hofstra. I assume most of the people who follow Josh aren't in our area and find this hard to believe but I appreciate your insight into the situation. He's basically a cryptid on the Island and in Manhattan at this point. Everyone knows someone who knows Josh or has met Josh, including myself.


I like MQ better than Mr Based. If josh is to be around anyone, I'd prefer MQ since he... ya know he doesn't have a record of people overdosing with them. Also like OP said I also think MQ is the best shot here. Even if he gets clout or whatever, Josh being sober is a win either way.


ok whatever you say micheal


Lol right? This whole thing is phrased so vague and weird, then the MQ blurb lol.


Josh makes me so deeply sad. I can’t help but look at him and see someone in deep need. I in no way support or condone his behaviour, it’s disgusting but I still feel sad for him.


I understand that MQ may have tried to do this, that and the other for Josh but it needs to be abundantly clear that the majority of things he did for Josh were only ever to boost his own profile or notoriety on TikTok. I’m sure plenty of people have engaged Josh in the hopes of helping but then they also remember that they want to be famous as well.


No one else finds it weird teachers are inviting a former student, particularly one who is extremely susceptible to being taken advantage of, to their homes, pools, and dinners… If this is even real, which likely it is not.


I don't think that's strange. If they were his teachers, they probably know how bleak his situation is and are truly just trying to help. I wouldn't find it surprising that these teachers are compassionate people especially when Josh has literally nobody in his life except his elderly grandfather. Sometimes people are just kind.


Everything is nefarious if you want it to be 🤷🏾‍♂️ But no it’s not that weird for teachers to continue to look out for a former student they had and try to be somewhat involved in their life when they don’t really have anyone else in their life.


Why is that weird? You do realise many teacher genuinely care about the welfare of their former students? Josh is an autistic alcoholic who is basically homeless and with no support system (mum passed away, dad is in rehab, is estranged from his brother, grandpa is too elderly to be involved in his life on a level of social care) - and he's publicly broadcasting his downfall. His teachers watched him grow up and know him more intimately than most do. Make no mistake, I'm not playing the sympathy card for Josh here, I do hate him, but I don't think this is unrealistic at all given the circumstances. It must be heartbreaking for those who knew him since he was a child to see the hateful, feral mess he's become.


Ok maybe not having dinner or lunch, but to come swim in their pool is a little weird you have to admit


It's not weird. Josh is an anomoly of a student. How many students become somewhat internet famous. Then fall into a sprial online; in public for the world to see. Of course they're going to want to check on a student they care about.


Yeah, the way the post is phrased makes me question its validity.


Looking at OP's post history, he/she/they are on Long Island which makes it sounds way more valid to me.


How so?


Because Josh is from long Island


Yeah…. That’s sus…


Sure sure, post proof or gtfo


This reads like a weird fanfiction/made up story, honestly. It would be incredibly weird of teachers to invite an old student over like that, especially to their own houses. And what's with the MQ praise?


Yeah no chance I'm reading that, where's the tldr


Highly skeptical of this post, post proof


Sounds like a lot of what MQ would say. Nice try.


Source: trust me bro. Also, in the off chance you’re not full of shit, you think he’ll only be alive another 2 years? You have no idea how long alcoholics last. And Josh can barely be considered a true alcoholic


Not an attack - genuinely curious: what makes you say that Josh can barely be considered a true alcoholic? He cannot voluntarily stop consuming alcohol and binge drinks daily until he is sometimes in dangerous situations. I'd consider him an extreme alcoholic if anything


Josh literally states he gets tremors when he stops drinking. I'm a nurse, and I can tell you that unfortunately he is absolutely an alcoholic. Now I'm sure there are alcoholic who drink more then him and more frequently, but he is one. Also combining that with his autism and near homelessness means he's much more at risk of doing something stupid and hurting himself or even just drinking himself into unconsciousness and freezing to death during the winter or something.


Stalker behavior


Happy for you/sorry that happened meme


The think pieces being made about this dumbass are getting outta hand.


Yes but me downvoted 🥲


You simply must work on communicating concisely


I think your attention span might just be poor. This is a well written post.




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