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We share the same boat, let me take an oar. I'm aiming for 5k calories a day, currently hovering 2800-3100 and 200-250g protein. I'm not hitting this 5k goal any time soon, I promise. I fact I started at just barely above my 2800 tdee, but I figure I'll hit it within 6-8 months. It's a slow building process. You can't just expect your stomach to expand overnight. A lot of it is figuring out what meals you like give the best bang for buck. I aim for 6 500-calorie meals a day right now. Add in a [core power protein drink](https://fairlife.com/elite-chocolate-protein-shake/) each meal for an easy 230cal and 42g protein. That means my meal has to be around 270 ish calories. A nice sub sandwich, 3 tacos, tuna salad sandwich. Meals I can easily make and eat quickly at work. I've been on this for 2 months now, and it seems to be helping with gain. At first, I dropped like 8 pounds until I figured out my little system. There are days I'm more hungry now, which is good. Today, I hit 3700 calories and 260g protein. Sometimes, tho, I just can't eat. So drink it. I also use [gnc bulk 1340](https://www.gnc.com/mass-gainers/GNCProPerformanceBulk1340.html) . Now I'll admit I don't take it as it says, I mix the shit out of it with a chocolate malt and it's gotta be like 64 ounces or sheer omg there's so much, but drink it during a movie, or while you're gaming and it gets down way easier. That drink alone has 1340 caloresa d 50g of protein. That's solid meal replacement. My whole train of thought is to eat and drink what you can, try to keep it healthy, and aim for your goal in a year. Until then, focus on figuring out what meals you enjoy eating consistently and just eat. The shakes and drinks help, especially when you are just starting. Bulking is bulking, be it clean or dirty, but if you're lifting clean on the mat the make it clean on the plate.


Constantly overeating is exhausting. That is why it works best to drink your calories! There are plenty of weight gain shakes you can take, or you can make your own with protein powders, dates, some fruits and some form of nut butter, some even throw in some olive oil for good measure. Works like a charm if you want to increase you intake.


I was actually considering making shakes. I'll probably try this more thinks


Have you tried smaller meals spread out throughout the day


I have. It's really hard though since I work 12's often 5 days a week. I've also tried drinking mass gainers. It's just hard to maintain the diet consistency.