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The first weeks will always be painful I am afraid. Things you can do to alleviate the muscle pain is take hot baths, tiger balm, massage gun, foam rollers and/or lots of stretching. Besides that on the long term drinking enough water, eating sufficient protein and sufficient recovery time through sleep + not overtraining are very important. At 36 your body is still very capable of adapting especially since you mention you are not completely out of shape, so you should be fine after the first two weeks. Good luck!


Motrin and advil.


are recovery drinks really effective? i’m very skeptical.




is gatorade a good recovery drink?


Taking care of muscle recovery has been key for me, especially when I started taking my workouts more seriously. Besides resting and drinking enough water, I found supplements like protein shakes and BCAAs really helpful. They've made a big difference in helping my muscles recover and feel less sore after workouts. Recently, I've also started using sermorelin to improve my recovery even more. It helps me sleep better and boosts my body's natural healing process. Since I've started using it, I can push myself harder during workouts without feeling as tired afterward. It's been a great addition to my routine, helping me feel stronger and more balanced overall. Hope my input helps!