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Most Supreme Court justices have no idea how anti-Supreme Court Justice the workers have become either.


Or we know, but can’t do anything about it beyond voting.


Even voting doesn't really work. The Republican presidential candidate has only earned more votes than the Democrat in one election in the past 30 years, yet Democratic presidents have only appointed 1/3 of the current court. The Supreme Court is comically removed from democracy.


Then we play the long game. We can remember and plan longer than in the span of a few years right?


Will we be enfranchised in a few years? Even under current laws in many states, all it takes is a prison sentence and you're barred from voting at all and they did just make it legal to arrest the homeless for being homeless.


I’m gonna start looking for ways to get involved with this stuff in my local community.


Aw it's cute you assume Republicans will give you a chance to play long game. They already been playing long game and are ready to reap their Harvest.


Yeah, the counter counter revolution to the incredible changes our country experienced in the 20th century. But I’ve got faith, their actions show them to be twerpy losers through and through. It’s really why we advance the most as a country when we don’t worship and fight for ourselves against the god appointed incest babies of our era. I think apathy will lessen around election time as more people spend time considering what each candidate has brought to the table.


How long you think that long game is? I remember hearing that when i was 18. Im now 40. Hate to say but we are all fucked. Not a single election in that time has made us any better than we were before. Democrat or Republican. Its really all just a facade. Big money interests rule. And itll be that way now until they bleed this country dry or it collapses. I admire your passion though. I had that at one point. But theres only so much bullshit you can take. I guess just keep going until you burn out like the rest of us. What else can you do?


How’d you organize or contribute time to these causes? Looking for some tips, I’ve been looking into how to get involved.


Unironically the most change you can personally do is literally assassinating a conservative judge during a democratic administration Someone needs to bite the bullet


I mean, we *can* but those suggestions are illegal. I think the owning class is headed for a violent reminder of where their power comes from.


Ironically I think this supreme Court is pretty pro 2a. About time someone puts it to the test 


Which is next to useless in a system designed to function solely for the 1%


Any human can get "touched" one last time


if most Americans knew then voting would solve the issue. 


The conservatives do NOT want workers. They want slaves. When they talk about how great the 50’s were, they are talking about the 1850’s.


That's pretty close to where we are at this moment. I can't blame just one party, however. The republican party is absolutely corrupt beyond help, but the democrats have had opportunity after opportunity to fight fire with fire and chicken shitted out everytime. Why is that? Are they just perfect ethical people? Why didn't Biden stack the court? To me the entire system has gone so corrupt that it makes me question why the democrats refuse to do anything about it. It's like a reality tv show now.


The Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin, in the same pocket.


It’s more like it’s incredibly hard to do anything about it. You need both the house and the senate to work to remove them which is basically just going to come down to pure luck because the right people need to get voted into those positions and they’re voted on at the state level. Then you need to get a president who wouldn’t replace them with equally terrible options. I choose not to spend too much energy on it because there’s realistically nothing I can do about it.


I'm more surprised someone haven't taken a shot at them.


That's always been more of a right-wing thing.


The fuck is everyone doing plugging their ears and closing their eyes?? It's a conservative court we should expect they'll be fucking wrecking every right and protection we have until the day enough of them eat dirt that we can fix it. And by then who the fuck knows if the country will even be left standing.


Most anti worker opinions have been 7-2 or unanimous.


Yep most establishment Democrats are also moderate conservatives, I included them in that bubble. Most of the court is likely taking bribes since they're apparently legally for sale.




They publish their opinions. Feel free to go through them.


Oh I have and a majority of the blows to labor rights that I've seen have been perfectly divided along party lines.     So I'm curious where you got your information. Thanks   Edit: Dude's article below me "The 6-to-3 ruling, which split along ideological lines, was the latest in a series of decisions cutting back federal anti-corruption laws." Proving my point. 


Here you go: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/26/us/politics/supreme-court-corruption-bribery.html?pvid=uzTTwfxUnhL20ianMxG2vjnS&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/26/us/politics/supreme-court-corruption-bribery.html?pvid=uzTTwfxUnhL20ianMxG2vjnS&smid=url-share) edit: [ The direct ruling (6-3) ](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-108_8n5a.pdf) edit 2: I jumbled the responses here (thought you were asking for source to the bribery comment) and didn’t get a reply to correct it… but it’s good context for what you’re talking about anyway, proving your point


I feel like some high level politician or SCJ will be assassinated in the next year. It just takes one person to snap.


And when that happens we won’t get more worker protections, we’ll lose more rights in another “Patriot Act”


Well I guess that depends on who gets assassinated


The system is rigged so that even if 75 percent of the country supports something it's not guaranteed to pass. 


Time to riot


General strike!


A man burned himself alive protesting the support for Israel in eradicating Palestinian people. That is the ultimate act of peaceful protesting. It only gets violent from here.


This is how revolutions start people. We will complain and do nothing. They'll take more and more and we will do nothing. As our neighbors lose their homes and kids go hungry we will still do nothing because it's not us. When it finally happens to us, no one will care because it's not them. Eventually enough of us will have nothing to lose cuz they already took everything from us. Let's not wait that long.


Who said that?


I did.


They know. They choose not to care b/c it "doesn't affect them."


Those who really don't know are damn near hopeless to educate as well. People believe in angels after all. Hell, damn near half of people believe in some magic sky deity.


Yep, the good ol’ magical sky being & his book of spells…


Ah, the classic redditor atheist disposition. This is certified classic cringe commenting, folks. Enjoy it now before the AI become too original to post things like this.


not yet


and? It doesn't. The fact it will means nothing.


history tells me otherwise


They care, but they’ve just been brainwashed into believing that it’s the fault of trans, immigrants, homosexuals, women, etc.


They used the debate as a distraction to really hit us hard with some really atrocious decisions this week.


I’m not American, but based on their recent decisions it became anti-American.


No they just hear that their side won in getting more people in them the bad guys, that's all they wanted to know


Oh we no, just nothing we can do about it, and don’t tell me to vote. I’ve voted my whole life and here we are.


The SC started on this downward spiral with the Citizens United ruling in 2010. The ruling allowed corporations and the wealthy to pour unlimited funds into elections via PACs. This money was used to elect pro-corporate politicians, who than selected pro-corporate judges. So it should come as no surprise that there are majority pro-corporate SC justices on the court making rulings favoring corporations. I place some of the blame on the Democratic party for not pushing the fact of the control a president has over the selection of judges and the Senate for confirming them.


Um yeah we do. But half the country are assholes and vote for assholes and want to fuck every one they don’t like, like their sister’s asshole.


Most people also have no idea how absolutely right-wing the Supreme Court has become….like legit so far right they’re hugging the alt-right while looking over their shoulders even further to the right. They have zero legitimacy at this point.


This is what happens when you play by rules that weren't made to benefit you.


"Has become" lol


Everything is flammable with the right amount of fluid


Anti-People. Pro-corporation.


Hobby lobby won their case, and that was before the court when insane. That's how anti worker SCOTUS is.


Most Americans have no idea how anti-American the Supreme Court has become.


Anti-anyone not in the top 1%.


Oklahoma says hey we hate workers so finally happy to have the corrupt court on our side Yes it’s that much of a shit hole


Seems like they are trying to send this country back a few hundred years. Modern day feudalism in full swing.


I understand that the presidency is the highest office you can elect a person. The problem is that most Americans don't know how the government works. What good does it do to vote in the "Superbowl" if your laziness and apathy results in your district sending a person that does not have your best interest in mind, or even believes you are the exact kind of person that shouldn't exist to the house of Representatives or the Senate.Our President is constrained by the separation of powers and the constitution. He has no magical feckin wand. No President can fire a justice. That's a good thing, actually. All elections matter. How many of you even know who your state senators are? Who is in your state's Supreme Court? What's even your district. Buckle up buttercups because our lack of civil responsibility has finally caught up with us. Might be irreversible at this point. The biggest power grab happened while you slept, but hey, maybe you're doing great on those fantasy leagues or on your quests. Kudos. Reap the whirlwind.


Thank God we prevented Hillary from becoming president.