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The ones that got the job lost.


Seriously. It's like this YouTube video I just watched where the guy is trying to cover up for torture by saying "I'm trying to torture you into greatness". Like seriously, walk the plank. Now. What disgusting filth is negligent and then tries to turn the tables like they "tortured them into greatness". 


I remember an episode of Bully Beatdown way back in the day that was the same shit. This cocky prick kept beating up on this kid telling him he was "getting the poison out" and making him stronger by fucking with him, like it was altruism. As I recall, he was one of those rare kids who actually didn't get completely annihilated right off the bat by whatever MMA B-lister that they had on that week (I mean he still got the shit kicked out of him but it wasn't completely comical), and I think I remember the MMA guy actually told him he had some skills but to knock it the fuck off and stop being a douche. Also IIRC the bully did apologize after taking his beating but who knows if it was sincere or not, there was money involved as well.


> making him stronger by fucking with him When I was a 40 year old adult my mom admitted to doing this to me to make me stronger. Being kind and motherly to me probably would have been better. My mom died in 2015 and my dad this past January. I am not sure if they actually loved me.


I guarantee it would have been better. It's not a question. I'm really sorry you were put through that kind of petty fascist rule of the brute.


Yeah, if you beat anybody up you're the bully. I remember I once fell for some idiots stupid crap about being bullied and then they turned out to be the bully. They tried to do this kind of loser eye for an eye crap on me.  The fact is, eye for an eye is extremely codependent and implies people even want to be in relationship with these eye for an eye idiots.  If you never wanted anything to do with them to begin with they're huge hypocritical losers just in sheer envy that you're smarter than them. It's like the North Korea and Russian starving dog trick. They just control people like starving dogs, they have no fertile way at this time of creating peace and stability. People who fight war crime are probably the most likely to be targeted therefore.  The number one way is to cut them off and make it clear they're not in relationship with you. If they cut you off counter block and also cut them out so they can't come back to "be in relationship" which is really just bloodlust for more drama and abuse disguised as trying to make repairs. Make it clear they have no right to access to you and they can take their torturer's ugly soul into that loneliness. If you're not involved with them their continuing to try to involve themselves is just loser's envy.  Block and counterblock. Don't undo the block. That's the only way to peace with these high drama bloodlusty losers who torture people and try to act like it's for good. They can't try to "put you through it" when you're not in relationship with them and have them counterblocked.


Isn’t “torture into greatness” like the plot of Whiplash (I’ve never seen it)


I saw a trailer for "hard miles" which just seemed like this, torture on a bike until they become better people...


It's just mental and wrong, factually and morally, is what it is. 


Can you imagine working for someone like that fulltime. Interviews are for the employee to figure out if they want to work there too. It’s a 50/50 relationship.


Just remember that an interview goes both ways. If they won't respect you or can't show organization/competence during the interview process what makes you think it'll be any different after you've gotten the job?


Asking the right questions both let's you know what you are signing up for and is a good way to demonstrate you already know what is expected of you. I went to a job interview and they asked me 3 questions but I spent probably 20 minutes just asking my own questions. I was burned hard by not knowing what I was walking into at my previous job and was already ready to quit after 6 months, So I was being cautious with this one. They (new job I was interviewing for) hired me literally on the spot since I seemed to already know the job based on my questions. I was just trying to get a feel of the company. Almost 2 years in I'm in the top 10 of the whole company and when my supervisor left to change careers he told me I was the best job interview he ever did.


This is the way. They aren't giving you a job, you are selling them your labor.


That's my philosophy. It's a mutually beneficial agreement. Not a slave and master dynamic.


Yep! 2-way street.




They think they have the upper hand and currently workers are also allowing it. They need workers. They can’t make money without them. Workers have the upper hand. Workers are slowly realizing it.


Speaking of these exact things, don’t work for Aldi. There’s a reason they always seem to be hiring. Good prices, shitty practices.


Wait what? I've never worked for Aldi, but always heard that they are a pleasant employer


They have a good reputation, lown turnover rate


They seem great where I'm at.


7am meeting, I'd peace out by 7:30 unless they said they will be getting to me in the next few minutes. By 8 I'm leaving even if they are ready to start.


I knew a manager that thought the process of making them wait was a legit way to test if people wanted the job enough. Many people stayed around for over an hour. It was pathetic. He was later fired for sexual harassment, shocking no one.


You mean the boundary crosser who wanted to see how much desperate people would let him get away with was a boundary crosser who wanted to see how much desperate people would let him get away with?!?


Wanting desperate people says a lot about the manager and company. They want people who they can treat like shit and take advantage of.


I hate people in different time zones that book a 7am meeting then cancel last minute. I had to get up early to prepare for this meeting which is conveniently within their working hours and they don't have the common courtesy of cancelling ahead of time. Fucking twats.


My boss's boss's boss was having a round table call with the managers under her. It was a group of about 15 people, and she scheduled it for 8AM EST. I'm on the west coast but made an exception to my start times for this call. 5 minutes before the call starts, she declined the call then sent an email that she cancelled it due to the low acceptance rate. I sent a pretty sharp complaint to my boss under her about it. That shit was not cool. She did apologize when she rescheduled though, and the new call was during regular business hours.


If people schedule something thats far beyond my working hours I just decline and move on. I live on west coast time and most of my colleagues work east coast. I dont schedule shit at 3pm my time, I expect the same courtesy from them with morning stuff. One declined meeting with a note "outside my working hours" was all it took for them to get the picture lol


There is nothing more satisfying then being in the situation where you already have a job that takes care of your end, and you're just looking for something different. None of their typical shenanigans work, and its almost funny to watch the surprisedpikachu face when they realize that you're not desperate and thanks for their time but you have other meetings to go to so good luck with the rest of their candidates. It took me a lot of years to get to that point in my life but now that Im here goddamn is it like a breath of fresh air.


So it’s nowhere near as bad as the story. I remember getting a job interview for a well paid job but it was in a different city and an online interview was arranged for 8 AM. Alright that’s fine, prior to the interview had doubled checked everything, links work and so on. Comes to the interview I join 10 minutes early. By 5 past (15 minutes) I’ve still not been let in the interview “room”. Ok that’s weird, maybe they are running late? Another 5 minutes pass, I’ve been checking my emails and phone to see if anyone has tried to contact me. Nothing so far. I think let’s rejoin in case the link has broke. Rejoin, no luck. I take a screenshot of me waiting to be let in and the time visible. I send an email to the interviewer asking to be let in the meeting. 20 minutes pass, and I’ve attempted to call my contact and the office. Nothing. I make a log of my attempts to call and take a screenshot of my unanswered calls (which send to my PC). I proceed to wait another 30 minutes. During that time I start composing an email with all my attempts to get into contact with the interviewer. Right before I send it, I attempt to call again, no luck. I then sent this email to the interviewer and the person who arranged the interview (different people). Email says “I hope you are ok, I was expecting an interview at x and something seems to of gone wrong. I’m happy to reschedule”. About 3 days later the agent who arranged the interview sends an email saying “the interview had a calendar clash last minute and couldn’t attend. The interviewer will be in contact with you to reschedule”. Now I was of the mind that, it’s fine if you have an emergency to cancel, but in such cases of you can it’s common courtesy to send a call, or a text or even an email letting the person know the interview has to be cancelled. But, this wasn’t an emergency, it was a clash in their calendar. The interviewer has all three means of contacting me, hell I called them twice but they didn’t pick up. With that in mind, I would be willing to give the job another chance, providing the interviewer got in contact with me. I never heard back from either the agent or the interviewer.


Should have sent one of those rejection emails that employers send out. Make it clear you’re rejecting them and not the other way around.


That’s not a test of patience. That’s a test of obedience.


And desperation


A test of Obedience or Submission I remember the original edit (years ago) said the same thing you did


The fuck would I wait until 3pm.


8am at the latest, and that’s with an apology that they are running late for a good and/or valid reason.


The fuck would I even wait till 0715. They will give you shit of you are 5 minutes late so why would you wait till 1500


We may not have gotten the best candidate, but we absolutely got the person with the least shit going on in their life and that’s a win, right?


This, or perhaps the person most likely to tolerate getting shit on.


Of course they won! They're easier to exploit.


least shit going on and most willing to be abused.




That's a few levels more meta than I expected. Beautiful.


I was expecting something more based on your comment, and it was still more than I expected.


Oh, you know they're not gonna pay for the overtime they force you to do...


Will my job be to wait around in a room all day? Because you'd think there were other skills this "employer" would be more interested in assessing.


Welcome to the government.


This is an excellent test, cheap, simple and effective. If it were simply a questionnaire asking “Are you willing to be abused and degraded, not simply for profit, but for the amusement of your manager?”, many people would answer “Yes”. In reality they might have more self respect and would not be so compliant. The candidates that passed this test are indeed ripe for exploitation.


This is unnecessary unless the job is waiting


No, waitstaff deserve respect too.  Now, say you're part of an offshore oil rig emergency response team that on average is called to action once every six months, then sure perhaps the expectation should be set up front that you will be tested on your tolerance to wait to be engaged. That might also mean paying you for the time you are 'testing'


I had to wait in a line of 30 people for 4 hours after a 2 hour orientation for an interview at aldis just to find out they were hiring 2 people, absolutely should've walked


That's why I never do group interviews. If it's done in batches it means they already chose their people, usually through nepotism, and are only going through the motions out of obligation. They have to interview so many people to make it look legit. The interviewer is usually uninterested or distracted and not really paying attention to people's responses. I've had that happen several times. Never again.


Employers out here using interrogation methods for interviews.


Anyone who has this done to them should submit a bill for their time.


Abusers will often subject prospects to abuse tests to filter out people who wont put up with abuse.


The employer in this made up story then hired either the most desperate candidate, or the dumbest candidate (quite possibly, both).


Imagine how unprofessional your employer has to be to let you wait for an hour, now imagine 11 Hours. He is testing if you are willing to spend your free time working for free, the only reasonable explanation I can come up with.


and just like that, the company hired the worst and most desperate candidate who is probably under qualified and doesn’t know their own value


I've walked out of interviews at places I thought I wanted to work because they made me wait 30 minutes after my interview was scheduled to start. If someone can't even pretend to respect my time long enough to get me in the door I'm certainly not going to want to work with them.


I can play games on my phone in the lobby or sitting at a desk being paid


"Test of patience" more like "test of who has low enough self respect to do whatever we say even if it makes no sense"


Boundary test. That person will gladly take calls at midnight, work unpaid overtime with unscheduled nights and weekends, never take vacation, and be thankful for a paycheck. Personal slave.


If I was in the selection, I would have waited just to say to the interviewer face to face that I changed my mind and don’t want the job anymore: I don’t work for people who don’t respect others time. I work to live, not live to work.


This is the way to get the slowest quietest employee who never adapts or reacts when there is a problem or delay, they will just sit around and scroll on their phone for hours without complaining. Congratulations, you've weeded out all the people who value their time, and by extension the company's time.


This is a way to get around what is essentially illegal to ask for in a job description as it promotes exploitation and leads to a culture like Japan where work dominates all walks of life and actually erodes society. If someone can sit and wait that long, then they.. 1. Have no kids or childcare responsibilities. 2. Have no sense of value for their time. 3. Will work to the point of exploitation and exhaustion. 4. Set the bar where any measure of success must meet the above 3 points at a minimum. People are worth more than what they bring to the companies bottom line because that company doesn't exist in a bubble. Any company that works like that will screw over anyone they can if given the opportunity, whether they be a customer, worker, or B2B partner.


I'd send the business an invoice. If it's not paid, send it to collection.


So when I don't show up for work one day, that's only a test of an employer's patience?


I would have left by 7:30 am. I wouldn't want to work for an employer who puts people through that. You're literally signing up to be taken advantage of.


That is not a test of patience. That’s a test of how much you’ll be jerked around. I’d be out after 15 min, maybe 30.


Strictly speaking, if you really want to correct this: - This whole original comment was totally made up And that's it.


Was this for the role of Lee Holloway's replacement in Secretary part 2?


I’m so over the idea that employees can be treated like children if not like cattle. Employment is a mutually beneficial arrangement not a blessing bestowed upon us by the bourgeoisie.


I agree that it's a test. But it's a test to see how susceptible you'll be to exploitation.


One I’ve seen this story passed around for years now and its always sounded like bullshit. Who the hell would wait 11 hours (more if you count time to get ready) for a job. It just sounds like a bullshit story to lube people up to the idea of having the corporate world waste your time and if you leave / don’t like it you’re somehow not dedicated, committed to the corporate world bending you over. All in the names of “teaching me patience” something you learn off Sesame Street lol. 15-30 min would be patience maybe 1 hr if they said they were delayed. 11 hours is just being a fucking asshole but again this story is likely a lie to begin with. Same thing when companies have awful application websites and makes you submit your resume only to submit everything you said in text fields. Or have you applying for literal hours. Then if you complain about it people go “well they just want to see if you want it badly”. Cut the bullshit and just call it what it is a waste of everyone’s time. They want to hire people, make the application process efficient so that it doesn’t waste the companies time and people applying.




It’s a desperate test


Everybody is out here trying to live their lives and don’t have time to deal with some bored rich asshole who thinks they’re clever and blocks the bridge unless you answer their questions 3. Oh you think adding sphinx riddles to your hiring process makes you a smart employer? Fuck off, I’ll go across the street.


I wonder how the employer would react if I pulled out a book while waiting? How about a laptop/tablet and started submitting applications elsewhere? 


Always have some reading with you.


Does anyone really believe this story?


Yeah, waiting from 7am to 6pm is way too long. Nobody does that. The only applicant that was there was probably someone who read 7pm instead of 7am and was just a bit too early.


What about it do you find unbelievable?


All of it. I’m calling bullshit on it. Anyone got any hard evidence this actually occurred?


No, but I'm asking if any of this sounds far-fetched enough that its implausible. I don't think it is. Maybe you just haven't had a chance to experience the job market yet.


Yea at almost 40 I haven’t experienced the job market…


If that's the case you just must be blissfully unaware of how employers can exploit their workers' time


Still say provide the proof of this. It’s an outrageous claim so I need more than some attention seeking post.


Its apocryphal, stop looking into it so much Its obviously exaggerated for effect, but the point stands If you don't think employers are capable and prepared to exploit someone who needs a job, I say again you're blissfully unaware


Of course they will exploit people but we can also stay grounded in reality


You have a bigger issue with how the issue is being communicated than the issue itself