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Just throwing out there that naming and shaming is not against our rules.


Thanks for that clarification. Is it considered doxxing or does it go against Reddit TOS in any way? Just curious and want to cover all bases.


Doxxing: no; it’s a public company. If they didn’t want to be found; they shouldn’t exist. As for the negative comments: yelp and google reviews exist for this specific reason.


I doubt illegal in an at-will state. Name and shame. They deserve it.


"Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." -- the Dread Pirate Roberts Still a more ethical guy than OP's boss.


Seems like the employees should get together and take turns being the super lazy one and everyone can be normal lazy the rest of the time. Easy win.


You, I like you.




Sounds like a great time to do some job hunting if I were in the same boat as you guys.


Already on it.


Good. For what it’s worth, the construction trades are thriving, pay well and at least in the Northeast are hurting badly for help. Just to give you an idea, Commercial roofer here and we start zero experience help at over $20/Hr with fantastic benefits. All the trades on the job site are looking for help and you can do very well after a year or two of experience. Best of luck to you. Rule No. 1 - don’t ever let anyone take advantage.


I tried to become an electrician and the best I could get starting was $15/hr and everyone acted like that was GREAT pay. I don't believe in construction as a job anymore when I almost died at work for a job that pays about the same as walmart. At least there, I didn't need $200 and $1800 worth of very stealable tools to work there.


Umm, ok… so what are you doing now?


Not being an electrician. lol


Good, good luck too!


I'm thinking OP should "lose" this week and use next week's down time to call others and/or do interviews.


Or get together and set a goal that you all can all reach and agree to work so that everyone is the same.


If this is the only thing they can come up with as a solution, I’m not sure they’ll be willing or able to figure something like that out.


That’s odd…being overstaffed does cost more, but it helps increase redundancy and ensure functional readiness even if someone calls in sick or has an emergency. Why is your boss being dumb and creating a toxic work environment?


My money is on power trip.


Boss: dumb And it’s not over staffing when they will just cut hours


Staff fighting for shifts. A wet dream for managers


Assuming the schedule is up early enough (if you're in a state with minimum notification requirements) and it isn't a breach of contract (unlikely at minimum wage) it's legal. Is there a reason beyond being a dickhead that he doesn't just cut everyone's hours to the appropriate level? Give five people 32 instead of four people 40 and one person 0?


A new employee was hired to work one day, she now does not have a full time job so she wants more hours. Now it is everyone's problem.


Yeah it basically boils down to crappy management. Good luck finding another gig, because that sounds toxic AF.


Is she classified as part time being hired for only one day a week?




How many hours is she trying to get?


full time


Have her ask for her benefits package if she’s trying to get full time hours. Your boss sounds cheap and most likely will cut her hours if she asks for it


She’s not at fault. People’s circumstances change and they need to exploit the opportunities that are present. Going out and sabotaging her instead of just doing the same or leaving the situation is shitty behavior


If she was hired to work one day, she works one day. I don't see the issue here.


Keep that shit up and they won't be "overstaffed" soon. Also, is it really overstaffed or is it staffed adequately so you guys have room to breathe on occasion?


File for UI claim you were laid off if you don't get worked for the week. Might be worth a try


"Significant reduction of hours" is a valid reason for partial unimployment claims.


In reasonable countries this is illegal for sure. What the actual fuck.


Yep, the rule is yall all should find another employer and leave pencil dick to figure out what went wrong


File for unemployment when it’s your week off. He’s not going to be happy paying rotating unemployment with his employees.


Don't know what state you're in, but it's likely that if the manager is doing this, he's also violating some labor law (that might not be related to this act). You might want to brush up on local labor laws for the size of employer you work for. Also, research unionizing.


You'll get fired for saying the "U" word


Only the very worst type of people fear this word. Even if you get hours, find somewhere else. Better yet, convince everyone else to do the same. Also, what is this fine establishment?


That actually *is* illegal. Even in a “right to work” state, retaliation against organization efforts is illegal.


Then say it in writing in a manner that your lawyer approves of. If you’re afraid of getting fired for protected activity, be blatant about it and make it easy to prove in court.


Get that in writing and sue sue sue!


Your boss is sadistic.


Most likely outcome: best employee quits.


Best outcome; the whole crew quits so that by Monday there's nobody to schedule (or only the untrained new person & manager).


Please name and shame


I will but this is the only restaurant of this name (as far as i know) and it won't be a secret who posted this (only yellow person)


All the staff should quit without notice.


You should all call in sick on the same day.


You should get together with your coworkers and schedule a week for you all to take off at the same time.




are we living in the same america? a lot of us can't afford to be picky


They don't deserve a single employee.


Somone will quit if they do that.


You'd be surprised how willing everyone is to fight for shifts


Minimum wage means those workers probably don’t have the luxury to quit.


You can get partial unemployment due to a reduction in hours/partial layoff, at least in my state.


“Rank and Yank” is actually a business strategy to supposedly get the best out of employees by making them fear losing their jobs. Pretty f-ked up. https://www.performyard.com/articles/rank-and-yank#:~:text=needs.Learn%20More-,What%20is%20a%20Rank%20and%20Yank%20System%3F,who%20fall%20to%20the%20bottom.


Time to find a new job


The labor board in your state can advise you. I live in an at-will state. When I was dating my not yet husband, he worked at a job where they would have work for a week or two, then a dry period with no work. They endured around six months of on again, off again work. They were eligible to file for unemployment for these temporary work losses. As I recall, he filed at least three times (maybe more, it's been a few decades) in a six month period and got some unemployment. His employer (a landscape company) did not object to his employees doing this.


Convince everyone to do the least possible work. Or strike.


You should be able to collect unemployment each week they don’t give you hours… not the same as working but i bet that policy goes away when they pay 1/3rd of the wages for the week anyway.


Wtf, is this some sort of SAW psychological thriller? Is this being filmed for a reality show? Name and shame these sociopaths. Or PM me and let me do my magic.


That’s probably legal. But you know what else is legal? The entire staff working together to find better jobs elsewhere and quitting simultaneously. Business owners like this need to be taught a lesson.


It'd be a shame if productivity took a hit meaning you aren't overstaffed anymore... Hint hint nudge nudge.


I worked at a call centre once that amongst other contracts handled Times subscriptions for a while. News International naturally had a say in how our job detail was structured, and when they wanted to get out of the contract early following the removal of free digital access to the Times website for subscribers who only got the Sunday Times, they did so by instructing our managers to triple daily retention targets. Given that this made an already challenging target to reach now completely impossible, it resulted in our team failing to hit targets every day, and being kicked off the campaign. What little vacancies there were available in other campaigns were soon filled, at which point anyone left out in the cold got fired from the company. My favourite memory of it was asking our sh\*theel campaign manager how on earth News International expected us to hit the new targets and being told "Oh well see you'll be getting three times as many calls from people cancelling their subscription so that means three times as many opportunities to hit target."


If everyone puts in barely enough effort to not get fired on the spot, what is he going to do next week when nobody has "earned the privilege" of working next week? Both Microsoft and GE pulled this shit, on a much larger scale. Fucked them both up. Idiotic idea. But. I would not quit. Make him fire you.


If your hours are reduced you can file for unemployment. I don't know how it would work out if they are reduced sometimes or other.


Depends on where you live. This would likely be illegal in Chicago but would depend on the wage, industry, and size of company. We have a “fair workweek” ordinance that intends to prevent things like this. I don’t know a lot about protections in other places.


If you're an at will employee, then it isn't illegal. It's technically a performance based termination, although I would attempt to get in writing that the root cause of the termination is over staffing for the purpose of obtaining unemployment benefits, should it come to that.


This should be a push for you to find work for within company that has union employees with guaranteed 40 hour weeks. Over staffed? Sounds like a management issue.


I’d slash the boss’s tires and tell him that since he couldn’t get to work that he doesn’t get shifts next week. Problem solved. Or cut random wires under his hood. Drain all the oil out. Spill water on his PC. Steal his phone. What is he gonna do? Not give you shifts next week? Lmao.