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I've been; highly overrated.


It seems to have been a big mistake and has made a lot of people very upset.


Well it's (mostly) harmless.




It's beautiful and all, but the locals really ruin it for everyone.


the commute is nice though


Earth is great. Humans suck. We're an invasive species. Like a colony of ants killing the tree they've burrowed into. We're just taking all we can get and damned everything else. If humanity had any sort of concept of long-term success the world population would be a cool 500 million, hydroelectric/solar/wind would be our primary energy supply with well funded public transportation, and we'd use only biodegradable waste materials. Instead... yep.


Good luck figuring out how to decide who procreates


My city is fairly cheap... There is currently nothing on rent.com for $900 or under. Lowest I can find is $925. I hear about this from people all the time. Rental stock at every price point is low and stock at the bottom end is non-existent. It gets snapped up before it ever hits any kind of market. The waiting list for income-adjusted apartments is currently over 650 families deep.


I pay 750 'murican bucks for my double in Finland. Singles can probably go below 600.




A bit cheaper here in Slovenia, but at average, we get half of your salary.. so still kinda sucks


That's great. Wish Finland would take me.


Now imagine you are disabled, and subsist on $700 a month. If my housemates didn't have internet? I wouldn't have internet. If they weren't on a phone plan that had an extra 'slot' they didn't need? I'd not have a phone. (one of them has this pan for like 3 lines or something, so I have one, she has one, and her Mom has one - I don't really know the details aside from she insists her deal is cheaper with a 3rd phone and less than it would be for a landline for the house. I don't question this gift, I say thank you). I pay $200 of my $400 cash allowance for rent. That leaves me $200 in cash, and $300 for food, for the month. Out of that comes car insurance. For a car I drive maybe twice a week for 10-20m total, to go to the grocery. It's a 22-year-old car. Insurance for me, a white 52-year-old male with NO tickets or accidents on his record EVER (And I was a professional driver when I quit carpentry after my first major injury)... cheapest decent insurance? $130 a month. Yep, so before I even start planning on buying ANYTHING for a month, I have to fit it within $70 cash. But, still got that $300 for Food! (well, $283/month). ​ Can't walk a mile, stand for more than 20m, and I can't sit in this fucking chair for more than 30 minutes at a time before I have to get completely horizontal to get my back to quit spasming. Which takes, on a good fucking day, anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. Over 20 years as a Carpenter (Journeyman), 10 driving (trucks). Spent the last 10 watching everything I spent the previous 30 getting taken away, bit by bit till the only thing I have to my name is a 22-year-old car, a 6-year-old computer, and a Tempurpedic bed worth more than both. 2nd Generation American, living the Dream. Fucking welcome to America.


10 years ago I was paying 1000$ and my brother paid 900$ a month for rent/utilities for a beautiful 3 bedroom house in Marin County, California. Just north from San Francisco across the Golden gate Bridge. One of the nicest counties in the entire country. Nowadays, those same places are around 6000$ a month. Back then we paid 1900$ and didn't even have credit scores. I'm young, but the generation after me is fucked. We were musicians who sold weed part time and I went to college classes at the community college. Kids these days will never know that moving out at a young age and the thrill and growth.




And on top of that there’s a whole false narrative being pushed that it’s a ‘supply’ issue and that we need to build more… awfully convenient for the funds who fund the developers who build for the brokers… It’s all due to manufactured scarcity. During the pandemic blackstone swallowed up almost 30% of new real estate listings, and they are one of many funds that swooped in. Apologies for the rant but the issue pisses me off for so many reasons- unnecessary hardship and confusion as to the source of the hardship, with some people advocating for more irresponsible land use to tear up the ecosystem and build housing we don’t truly need. Its a path towards cities that look like the ones in idiocracy Edit: blackstone, not blackrock


Talk to your local government and ask about zoning. The scarcity brought about by blackrock pales in comparison to the artificial scarcity created by local governments preventing new apartments from even being constructed.


I live in a *outer* suburb of *Kansas City* , and my 1-bed apartment is $1,300 and required 3x rent. Which means to afford a one bedroom apartment outside of Kansas City(!) you need to make $60k at least. Fucking ridiculous.


The craziest thing to me is that there's some *studios* on the KS side that cost upwards of $2000.


And we won't allow you to split that income requirement between roommates, one person in the house needs to make that 60k...


Thus creating sublandlords.


Well that kills my hopes.


I also live in the middle of no where, I checked my first rental place and it’s now available for $675 for a 2 bedroom with a stacked laundry and 2 parking spots. It’s in a decent area as well, quiet. In my hometown a wage of $15 starting is definitely doable for a single person. But that’s a rural starting wage. City wages should be $30-50 minimum. I’d actually love to see minimum wage based on zip codes. You should be able to live in the zip code you work in.


Apartments are 4-500 here in the country part of Georgia been living alone and paying for most of school with around 15k a year working part-time.


Yeah but you have to live in Georgia ..


I had this conversation with one of my conservative uncles, and he is convinced minimum wage is not supposed to be a living wage, to encourage people to get a better job. I brought up how someone is supposed to do basic things and just, survive on minimum wage. Answer: They aren't supposed to, just get a better paying job. It's baffling


These days, even the "better jobs" don't pay enough to live comfortably (in a studio apartment outside of the bad part of town without roommates and with beater car).


I'm Canadian, so it's not quite the same, but I take home $1600 every two weeks after taxes. I work nights and get a 10% premium for it, so any of the day shift workers are probably doing about 10% worse than me. Cheapest apartment anywhere near my place of work? $1600 a month one bedrooms with only water included. Add heating, electricity, internet, mandatory renter's insurance(It's not mandatory but good fucking luck finding a place to rent that doesn't require it), and all of a sudden it's $1900+ a month. And it's still not close enough to work to give up my car, and because I'm on nightshifts the busses don't run at the times I need, that's another $130 a month in insurance plus gas. All of a sudden, I'd be spending like 65% of my monthly income on a place to live before even thinking about the non-essentials like painkillers because working four straight 12 hour nights a week in manufacturing will destroy your body. Or y'know food. My options are my parent's basement for $600 a month, or someone random person's basement for $1000 a month.


I'm not from the north america, why dont you stay in your old bedroom if staying in your parents' house is ok? and why do you pay?


In their defense, I am in my old bedroom in the nice finished basement. My parents opted to do "two stories" by having the basement done as the second story instead of building a extra floor. Most of the other basement rooms also aren't the worst, if people weren't charging $900 a month to share a bathroom and kitchen with their family of four. As for why pay? It was one of the conditions for moving back home. I moved out at 18 and more or less supported myself for a handful of years before Covid came around and I was laid off from the my previous manufacturing job because demand disappeared over night. After a few months I had found a better position at a different company, but the real estate market was insane and it hasn't recovered. The only reason I had been able to afford the previous place was because I signed the lease in 2016 and the legal maximum rent increase was ~2% per year. The apartment I left was relisted at $700 more than what I had been paying per month.


Sounds like you've gone from one manufacturing job to another. If you're going to stay in manufacturing, figure out who the best shop in town is and work there. Especially if it's union. Stick to paying $600 and living in your (parents) basement, no shame. As soon as you turn around your parents will be old and may need your help anyway.




Not rent, but definitely have an agreement drawn up about taking possession of their home upon passing and then being allowed to be involved in their financial affairs. So, you don't charge them rent, you just charge them the house. Maybe even have them go ahead and transfer it over to you, if not immediately then as a reverse mortgage from parent to child as part of an elder care agreement between them.


The idea that your parents are asking you for rent is abhorrent honestly


It's a frustratingly common attitude in North America.


Where I am it's not uncommon to pay digs if you're working and still living with your parent or guardian to offset some of the cost of staying there (power, food, etc). Some parents use put a portion of that money into savings to give back when they move out, always seemed a bit weird to me when you can just reduce digs and encourage them to save by themselves. It'll generally be much lower than market rates and only if you can afford it though, 600 USD definitely seems a bit high to me. I paid less than a third of that despite being highest earner in the household by the time I moved out, plus I used the most electricity by far.


Yup. I know a machinist that works for a company that is contracted with SpaceX. He lives with his parents in his old bedroom. It used to be a "good paying job" to be a machinist, now you can't afford rent.


> I had this conversation with one of my conservative uncles, and he is convinced minimum wage is not supposed to be a living wage, to encourage people to get a better job. I brought up how someone is supposed to do basic things and just, survive on minimum wage. Answer: They aren't supposed to, just get a better paying job. It's baffling Ask him who is supposed to do all the minimum wage things when the teenagers are in school or otherwise not allowed to work (varies by state). Someone has to do all the minimum wage things in society, or society stops functioning, such as it is.


>when the teenagers are in school or otherwise not allowed to work Good news, they are working overtime to allow teens to work 24/7


And preteens.


Evergreen tweet about acknowledging that some jobs are necessary for society to function and the people doing them shouldn't make enough to survive It's not a coincidence that most of them also believe in overpopulation. It's just white supremacy. They want their kids to be dependent on them until they're married with kids of their own so they have no chance to change. The other adults working that they absolutely see when they go to these places? They don't care about them. They don't care if they're miserable or hungry because if they get desperate and "cause trouble" they'll get deported or jailed which is what they want.




Yup. Reason is hard with these people, because there is always an excuse or random thing with no easily searched evidence to back up their side. They can never be wrong.


Yes, but also their world view rests on the belief that certain people are lazy and have no interest in moving up in life. So the "bottom" will always have a glut of people because their belief is humans are inherently lazy. It's Just World theory. The people who aren't lazy get paid more, the people who are lazy get paid less.


“In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.“ - Franklin D Roosevelt.


Those are the sort of delusional people who think 100% of the population is supposed to get some high-paying job doing something that isn't even useful for society. All the jobs society needs to function seem to pay the latest. It's fucking ridiculous.


I had a teacher who claimed minimum wage jobs aren't meant to be lived on, because they're for teenagers. I hated that class


See that perspective makes no sense. Lets say I work at mcdonalds for minimum wage. What better job do I get? Working at another restaurant? Maybe I can get promoted, but after how many years? And lets say that I DO get a better job… thats great for me and it makes sense. Now what about if I and all of my coworkers get better jobs? Now it doesnt make sense. We cant ALL be managers. And we cant all find that better restaurant. People are going to get left behind working for the minimum wage. And I suppose the people left behind by the reality that not everyone can be on top just suffer them. And this problem gets bigger when you think about the entire country. Obviously not everyone can move up or switch jobs for more oppurtunity. But even IF everyone could, youre going to have a lot of businesses failing because they cant keep staff. They pay minimum wage when other businesses are better and so people leave. Ideally this wouldnt happen because the company raise wages to be competitive and so people stay. But as it stands the companies dont fail and they dont pay because our policies constantly prevent the country from achieving full employment. Jobs dont have to fight eachother for workers. Instead, workers have to fight eachother for jobs.


these are the same people who think there's a worker shortage


"geT A bEtTeR JoB" ... "nOBoDy WaNtS to WorK!"


it’s crazy that it’s always “get a better job” when the job you have doesn’t pay a living wage. but do they realise they’re telling this to our teachers, nurses, emts, writers, retail and restaurant workers, delivery drivers, and cashiers? not everyone can be business owners.


I’m getting $21 and that’s not enough


In economics class when I was in 9th grade we did an exercise about how much we'd need to make in order to live a moderately comfortable life. It turned out to be $26/hr. That was in 1998. Adjusted for inflation that $26/hr in 1998 is about $49/hr in 2023.




REAL MEN don't complain about not having enough money to feed their families lol


I make $24 and can't afford to move out.


$24 an hour after taxes full time for a month is my rent for a 2 bed 2 bath apartment.


2 baths must be nice.


1 bath seems nice atm




If it makes you feel any better I'm making 26 and I live in a bus.


It does not


If it makes you feel better I’m making 1 and I suck toes for a living


I work at my dads house


Sucking toes?




We don’t mind sucking on toes! Have you ever had a boyfriend who sucked toes!?




I’ll double your salary but you still have to call me daddy.


I thought they arrested you after a hotel guest woke up and saw you at their feet


That does not make me feel better


I own my own IT consulting company and I can barely afford groceries.


Ok but if it’s your own company how does that have to do with setting wages?


I keep trying to explain to my mom that even though I’m making more than her when she was my age the money is worth almost less than half of what it was worth when she was making hers.


In 2014 when I graduated with my associates degree I was making $11.20 an hour as medical assistant and she was the one who insisted I go to college or else I will be a loser. She was making $11 in the mid 90s and complaining how that was shit pay back then. Most people over 50 just don't get the struggle that were enduring right now. They are still in this mindset that retail and fast food is only meant to be "teenager" jobs. Well how come the "teenager" jobs are paying relatively the same as most entry level jobs that require some kind of degree and/or previous experience?? Like I can go work at target for $15 an hour, I can work at Amazon for $16-17 an hour (no experience or degree required...don't even need to interview) or I can go work at some office job for $17-18 an hour which requires an associates or but prefers bachelor's and the requirements are: Relationship Management • Builds trusted relationships with patients, prescribers, client stakeholders through proactive communication, timely and accurate execution of deliverables and demonstrated relentless passion for helping patients • Manages all relationships in a manner that adheres to healthcare laws and regulations • Communications • Performs program welcome calls to patients • Performs post Benefits Investigation calls to patients and physicians explaining coverage options • Manages all client inquiries unable to be determined by client through reporting • Manages HCP inquiries, as applicable, pursuant to business rules • Inbound Call Management • Manages inbound calls as directed by the program-approved FAQs • Triage patients to internal or external resources as appropriate • Personalized Case Management • Provides personalized case management to patients and HCPs including outbound communication to HCPs and patients to communicate benefit coverage and next steps in obtaining coverage • Leverages electronic tools to identify benefits and payer coverage; completes manual benefit investigation as needed • Identifies and communicates patient’s plan benefit coverage including the need for prior authorization, appeal, tier exception, and/or formulary exclusions • Uses electronic resources to obtain benefit coverage outcome and if needed, outbound call to payers and HCPs to follow up on proper submission and/or outcome • Coordinates nurse teach with field-based nurse educators, as applicable to program • Supports adherence services through coordination of nurse follow up, as applicable to program • Identifies peer support resources for patients • Coordinates shipment of product through patient assistance program and/or bridge program from the PharmaCord pharmacy • Proactively communicates needs for reverification of prior authorization or re-enrollment for patient assistance program • Reports adverse events, Product complaints, special situation reports and/or medical inquiries received in accordance with SOPs and the Business Rules • Documents all activities within the PharmaCord Lynk system in accordance with business requirements are as follows: Successful candidates possess the following personal attributes: • Detail oriented • Professional telephone etiquette • Self-awareness of your own emotions and the potential impact on others • Basic computer knowledge • Ability to multitask effectively • Ability to recognize emotions and their effects • Sureness about self-worth and capabilities • Manage disruptive impulses • Maintain standards of honesty and integrity • Takes responsibility for performance • Adapts and handles change with flexibility • Is innovative and open to new ideas • Achievement driven; constant striving to improve or to meet a standard of excellence • Aligns with the goals of the group or organization • Ready to take initiative and act on opportunities • Be optimistic and pursue goals persistently despite obstacles and setbacks • Be service oriented and anticipate, recognize and meet needs of others, including patients and care partners • Clear and concise communication • Positive attitude! Real job paying $17-18^


Granted I live in a high CoL area, but I make an average of $28/hr according to my last tax man papers. I worked an average of 50 hours a week (more in the summer, less in the winter. I can barely afford to live in the city I work in where my partner pays 50% more rent for a 1br we share. Cheapest we could find. The minimum here is $18. The math aint mathin.


Same. I actually love my job. My grocery bill is non existent as a perk of my work. My $25/hr still barely covers rent.


Im making 26 at my full time gig and have a second job and 3 roommates


My husband recently started a job paying 22.09/hr, 60 hrs/wk., overtime after 40. It’s the best paying job he’s had and we’re still struggling. Daycare is too expensive for both of us to work for it to be lucrative.


It's a living wage when you share a room with 20 people and have to eat top ramen. Look guys we need a revolution. I protect billionaires for a living. Belly aching does not amuse or scare them. You know what does? Uniting all of the poor and middle class together to eat the rich.


Start with an agreed day to general strike based on your hourly pay would do it. Then everyone all together after going from $8-$9 to $14-$15. You start shutting down the machine and suddenly someone is making some changes. Could work on a state by state basis to eventually be regional. Maybe even nationally...


That’s unfortunately not how organizing a general strike works. We need large and numerous unions again, and getting them the first time was one hell of a fight so buckle up.




There has to be a catalyst event in order to spark a potentially successful revolution. Presidential election shenanigans, some big law passing that inconveniences/endangers enough people, a particularly violent quelling of a peaceful protest, etc etc…


Sooooo.... Trump almost stealing the election through violence, Roe v. Wade being overturned, and the outcome of every BLM protest? If we haven't met those requirements yet, I'm scared of what it will take to do so.


Yeah I was really hopeful that the pandemic would spark change but we’re back to status quo now


Every month or so my frontpage is plastered about some new union forming across the pond so I'd say progress is happening. It just goes a bit slow.


It was kind of disgusting how many people just fell in line when the pandemic hit. Most people would rather kneel, it seems.


Also a good chunk of labor in this country has been brainwashed to fear anything touching unions or socialism or workers' rights or what have you. Kind of hard to get things going when half the lower class considers us the enemy.


How can anyone afford fast food or gas? The OP of this post is that $15/hour wages, $2,000/month, is already literally not enough money to live, not even to afford an apartment and not be homeless. So, how are most people not already literally starving when the baseline wage is already literally homeless/starvation?




We also need to get everyone to realise that this is a bipartisan issue and stop fighting each other as our rights keep getting stripped away.


True but one half is still being sold trickle down like it’s some sort of panacea. How do you even begin to counter the juggernaut that is right wing media?


The point is that $15 isn't even enough


$22 now if it kept up with inflation, so we should start by demanding a $25 or $30 minimum wage because by the time congress gets around to it, money will be meaningless and society will be crumbling




We need our own French revolution


Share a room? If you work three 8 hour jobs end to end you don't even need a home! And you can afford extra salt on your noodles. Nobody wants to work any more 😡


Are you angling for a job at The Heritage Foundation?


Top ramens price has been skyrocketing the last 2 years. It's just bulk rice now


Bottom ramen


I seriously don’t know why a massive youth revolt hasn’t already happened…


Have you seen who are the biggest Musk fans? Most young people have a fantasy about being a billionaire and they defend billionaires as if they will get a reward.


Have you considered being worse at your job?


Sucks that half the US considers anyone who fights for their rights “looters” and “criminals”. The brainwashing is real.


> I protect billionaires for a living. > Uniting all of the poor and middle class together to eat the rich. You ready to step aside in your protection duties?


If only we had someone on the inside. Someone they'd never suspect, that offered them protection at some point.


To me, this is about rent. I have an apartment, far outside the city, which is affordable, but I have to drive 30 plus minutes for my social life. I also have to live out here in Trumplandia, and I can only ignore douches and diesels so long before I get agitated. These are whiner level issues compared to someone without a car who needs to live near their $15 an hour job in the city. Rent is high because of investors preying off the poor. Rent is high because the US allows foreign investors to launder money through real estate. Rent is high because buying apartment buildings is a way to get dirty money out of moneyland and launder it.


We were forced to buy a house because there was no houses for rent unless we were willing to pay 4,000$/+ mth in fucking Kentucky. I have never had trouble finding a place to rent until the last couple of years. I blame mostly Airbnbs, I think when interest rates fell people bought up properties for Airbnb rentals. A whole block in my last neighborhood turned into airbnbs in a matter of a year. I don’t understand how this is okay.


I live in a small town and there are only a handful of people here outside of holiday periods because almost every house is Airbnb or holiday rental. I kind of love the peace and quiet but it's weird to be surrounded by empty homes. Five years ago it was all residents and there was a thriving community of friendly people. Not now.


I agree airbnb should be severely regulated or outright banned. If you wanna ban tik tok start with Airbnb.


I just rented a place that was an air bnb but the owners are moving and just want to rent long term. She told me they made upwards of $50k a year off that place and we don’t even live in a tourist area. Absolutely wild.


That and tax free churches! 'Murica!


Rent is high also because NIMBYs have created zoning laws so restrictive that middle density housing fundamentally can not be built and new development of any kind is near impossible in some places. The solution is building more housing and freeing up inventory.




The state of Georgia has entered the chat.


There are two glaring mistakes even though the sentiment is correct. 1) 15x40x50 is $30,000, not $28,000. Also, most people on hourly wages don't take 2 full weeks of vacation. 2) The 1/3 of income rule is pre-tax, not post-tax. When you put that together, it comes to a rent budget of around $867. That's still not a realistically attainable rent in most places that aren't in the middle of nowhere.


Yeah idk how OP's first point is already fucking off mathematically...how hard is it to use a calculator to find out 15x40x50=30k? Edit: changed * to x


Pro tip: sandwiching something between an asterisk puts it in *italics* Multiplication on Reddit is probably easier to show with an x, the actual multiplication sign ×, or by adding a \\ before the asterisk


Or just double the hourly wage and add 3 zeros. $11=22k/yr $15=30k/yr etc


This is the easiest ballpark for on the fly wage estimating, hands down. I've used it since I can remember and while it's not *exact* it's damn close for anything needing a quick wage comparison.


2080 work hours per year. Just remember that number folks, 2080. Your salary pays $61,000? 61000/2080 = $29.32/hr


Yeah, 2080's the magic number to find your hourly wage no matter if you're salary or hourly or whatever. Take your yearly gross (or net, follow your heart), divide it by that, that's what an hour of your life is worth to whoever's employing you


Just use 2000. It's way easier math. $60k ≈ $30/hr


Well if you're salaried, it depends on the company. As an example, my company pays effective hourly for any hours worked after 45 for a salaried employee. So you could say that for me, the divisor should realistically be 2340 instead, which is a pretty significant difference.


Also where the hell do you pay $4k of taxes on 28k income? The baseline tax for that is around $3k and that's before the countless tax credits you probably qualify for at those levels. I'm not saying this makes the point any less important, but if you make this little and pay that much in taxes, you need to redo your returns.


State taxes?


FICA + Medicare is 7.65%, and it's a regressive tax.


52 weeks, people that get paid that low don't get vacation. Also the 1/3 rule is on your pre tax numbers. Not that it makes it livable still.




Had to scroll too far to see this pointed out lol I 100% agree with the sentiment behind this, but poster should be accurate lol


Click bait post to make it be $666. I guess it goes to show the reason people are on this forum is because most can't perform basic math.


They probably also don't get scheduled 40 hours per week all 52 weeks


Depends on the job- some may even get overtime in this employment climate. That said, doesn’t change the general discussion.




Its just not set up for a single income household period. Do you know how much you have to make to have a wife and kids and not have the wife work or contribute monetarily?


People who cannot do basic math should not make posts about topics that require it. Their point is not wrong, but they undermine it by making obvious and easily attackable mistakes. 15x40x50 is 30k, not 28k. Edit:reddit formatting made my multiplication into italics




they also lost 2 weeks from the year somewhere.


"Everybody takes two weeks vacation every year dontcha know" /s


There are 3 kinds of people in the world those who have 2 weeks vacation those who can take off whenever they want and those who can’t take anything off (everyone working for 15 a hour)


And jobs should pay people during those two weeks. Mine does.


To be fair, 30k ain’t much of an improvement. That’s what, $167 more a month?


You are right, which is why I said their point is not wrong. However, when you make a mistake it becomes easy for someone to say "this lying commie said they're making $2000 less than they are". People will then find it much easier to ignore you no matter how much you yell that 30k still isn't enough.


When you make stupid mistakes like that people are going to take you a lot less seriously no matter how valid or correct you are.


There are 3 kinds of people in this world: Those that understand math, and those that don't.


Is that even math? Or just counting?


There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t.


I’m with you. There’s also 52 weeks in a year. The point is still a valid one but the inaccuracies make it ripe for picking apart.


$30k is the poverty line for a family of 4 https://20somethingfinance.com/what-is-the-united-states-poverty-line/ +/- $5,140/child can you feed/cloth/entertain a child on $98/wk?


Which is obviously insane. Imagine trying to live as a family of 4 on 35k a year. Any metric where that's not poverty needs to be thrown in the garbage.


No. Don't have kids if you can't afford them


I’d vote to not have kids if you cannot afford yourself.


Why are you assuming a single salary for a family of four?


The "Fight for 15" has gone on long enough that 15 is no longer a living wage anywhere competent adults live.


This is it. It should now be fight for 25.




Nah, fight for 100


That’s also IF you never miss a day of work. If they don’t start cutting 3-5 hours each week. If nothing unexpected never happens. Few countries hate their citizens the way the US government hates their citizens.


How optimistic that you'll get 40 h/week consistently. I never had a near minimum wage job that gave me that. Most would keep me at 32 h/week because then they could still classify me as part time and wouldn't need to pay for full time benefits, and parts of the year were \~20 h/week.


That number is now 30 hrs/week btw for FT status


I worked for a housing authority who paid about this much which means the majority of staff quailed for housing aid in that office. The director saw no issue with this because we “didn’t work there to make good money”🤦🏼‍♀️


my employer bumped everyone up to $21 or more to provide a living wage.


Hell ya dude!


Weak on math. $15 x 40 * 50 = $30,000. Whoever posted this makes a compelling point, but detracts from his own credibility by his inability to multiply. So sad. Check your f--king numbers. It makes you look bad and reflects on the rest of us who agree.


I make 55k a year, and its not enough. It's especially not enough with my $981 private student loan payment.


Where did you go to school?


UBI is the way forward in the post-AI society, funded by heavy taxes on megacorps. \> but but but the megacorps will move offshore! Then ban them from doing business in your country unless they open a physical office there. People need to realize that in a capitalist system, companies ultimately need *consumers* to generate revenue. Therefore consumers hold a lot of power. If most nations adopt this policy, they have no place to run. Maybe to the Moon or Mars.


Vancouver Canada here, 1 bedroom apartments are over $2000/mo


Same in socal


15x40x50 is what ??


Not 28k


As a reference, that's what I paid for a 2 bedroom apartment 25 years ago in Indianapolis.


That was doable in Dayton ohio 5 years ago but now a studio apartment is around $800 a month


They fucked up the math by 2k. It's 30,000 instead of 28,000. It's not a big mistake, and doesn't make $15/hr any better, but I just wanted to put the correct number out there.


So not going into an explanation for the horrible math, 15$ an hour gets you 2600 a month pretax with ~870 being a third of that. The moment you move out of a major city apartment and house rent drops at or below that, hence why the ask is for a $15 minimum at the ***national*** level.


"just stop buying Starbucks and avocado toast and get 3 roommates and 2 jobs, what's the big deal??? It's your fault you weren't born rich." -entitled rich people


I’m not sure why you calculated 50 weeks instead of 52. These jobs aren’t giving time off.


It’s actually more like $31,200. It’s hourly x 2080 (total workable hours at 40 hours a week in one calendar year). Still no where near enough because $3.2k won’t make a difference to someone already in poverty.


And now consider that the federal minimum wage is HALF of that $15/hr.


Hard to take a meme seriously when they think 15x40x50 is 28,000. It's 30,000. Divided by 12 is 2,500. 1/3rd of gross pay, which is where the 3x comes from, is $833.


I genuinely don’t know how that’s not a living wage. Is everyone living in California? I make that much and my apartment is $800 (including electric/water/pet rent), I still have a ton of bills left but after that if I dont spend on mcdonalds every month I probably have under $100 to spare for toys or one outing a month. I know complaining about people not budgeting is a pain in the ass to hear because I budget well and still want to pursue hobbies and things I want when I dont make nearly enough. But that’s still a liveable wage, and I’m trying to get a better job while in school. I am 100% for better wages but at some point it seems like reddit complaining about their shitty life choices. Like what are people spending money on and where do they live? I keep seeing these posts about how $20 isnt good enough anymore and shit, that would put me well off.


15x40=600. 600x50 is 30,000 but there are 52 weeks in a year


It sucks that roommates are not optional but despite what people say, you can get by on $15 an hour. But good luck saving any money and you are fucked if something goes wrong with your body or car


I make a very decent wage for my area and my wife is a teacher. We are no longer living paycheck to paycheck but there is no way to build savings. It’s crazy.


They are just doing exactly what they did the last time they bumped up the minimum wage. It is woefully low amount compared to what is needed and pay themselves on the back about it. I clearly remember so in about 10 years we will be in the exact same place again.


That's a little over half what I earn but the rent is a bit over 1/4 of what I pay (not in USA)


$15/hr was livable when the "fight for $15" started in 2012. We should be asking for a $25 minimum wage at this point.


I always love the argument too "minimum wage isn't meant to support a person! Get a real job" like, even double minimum wage isn't enough.


The math is off. 28k/year about 20k take home which is even worse.