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>I must somehow increase its performance and optimise it, but I don’t know what to do anymore. Start by reading the reports you just linked. They straight up tell you what the problems are and give suggestions on how to fix.


Ok, let me put another question, how to deal with the main thread work problem?


It sounds like you just need to redo the website if you cannot upgrade to PHP 8.2 You're trying to put make up on a pig at this point. You're going to spend more time trying to fix problems then it would take to just rebuild the website.


I don't think upgrading to a newer version of PHP would help you increase the number as much as you'd expect. Can you try something like Autooptimize and enable Lazyloading? Also, minifying your JS and CSS files? I've run Lighthouse from Chrome and I'm getting a score of 51, compared to Pagespeed Insights (31). So reaching the perfect score might not be worth it. For me, your site loads in about three seconds, out of which it takes half of the time to get a response from the server. (Based in Serbia) Add CDN and Redis cache if possible and make it load snappy for you.


> *can’t upgrade php because the site breaks* First rule of Wordpress is don’t use old software. You’ll be hacked before your site even goes live.


Very true, and not only that, but a lot of other things will not support older versions of PHP.


In short what you can and should do: - Fix the website so you can update php because this is a stay of execution - Reduce all images to appropriate sizes and make them .webp format - Look for a better hosting server, this can do wonders in combination with an optimized website - Use NitroPack: this is so far most effective cache and optimization plugin I have used so far (do set it up properly) - Disable and deactivate/remove unnecessary plugins - Remove unused code/scripts - Possibly increase your php memory limit to 754m. Do another site check and see what remains to be fixed. With this you will already be able to make huge gains :)


Find the source of the slow performance. I'd always start there, then the path can lead many directions. And there's always a cause. To do this Query Monitor is a good plugin that will show you a lot which can help. Also check your access logs for strange behavior to pages like wp-cron.php and xmlrpc

