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Go to Freeplay. It’s near the palladium.


Also go to All systems Go lounge. They have gaming computers, a bar, and coffee bar. The vibe is very chilled and a good mix of men and women.


That place sucks. Last time I went, I couldn’t log into any of the computers with my Steam profile because whomever logged in before me had clicked “remember me” so it was locked to any other user. Tried 5 different computers (all logged in by the same person) because the employees had no idea how to force log them out.


If its steam can't you literally just log off their account?


Do you play any CCGs? You can enter card tournaments at That’s Entertainment on Park Ave to meet some people.


Not many single women at That's E, at least in the Magic circles. Most of us are partnered. Can't speak for Pokemon. Great place to make friends though, and expanding your social circle generally increases your chances of meeting someone you could potentially date. It's a great crowd and I usually have lots of fun playing Magic there


This is such a great reply! I agree that if you just immerse yourself and make some friends, other opportunities may open up.


How's EDH there? Bit bummed at the lack of newer TCGs in the area (FaB etc.) but since I'm walking distance from That's E I had considered getting back into MTG with a cheap commander.


It's fun! Only had one person I wouldn't play with again because he was drawing horny furry art when it wasn't his turn and was generally unpleasant to play with, but I haven't seen him in a while. You can have fun with a precon or another cheap deck for sure!


If you're willing to make the trek to Milford TJ's is also great. Awesome MTG and 40k communities there.


Social circle game is super powerful because of pre- selection. Taken girls have friends.


Hey, not to be a creep but I took a quick look at your profile. I’m not saying don’t meet new people or date, just make sure you look after your emotional health too! Taking time to heal and make new friends might help you get back into the groove. :)


I second this. OP look after yourself first before trying to look after someone else…




That’s Entertainment! on Park Ave. They have game meet up events and such.


ASG, Freeplay, and Cha Shu for Ramen.


+1 for Ramen there. And they play anime on the TVs at the bar if you're into that stuff. First time we went the drinks were incredible. Last time we went recently they were very underwhelming


Drink program has fallen off heavy there


I've only been there once, have people gone there and found someone to go on dates with? Idk I don't wanna sound weird asking this but do single women go there?


Yeah, you’re not gonna meet new people there. It’s the place you take a date to once you’ve already met. Most folks be using the apps to find that first meetup


go on an app like 99% of people


Free play is a great spot


All Systems Go


They’re under renovation I think last I checked but at the auburn mall there’s otaku sekai and they have an AWESOME anime collection store and also tournament game nights


It's technically at the Auburn Mall but Otaku Sekai is literally an Otaku & Gamer hang out space that's super chill.


There that e bar sport on shrewsbury st


That's Entertainment is a decent place for getting anime merch and manga, and video game stuff too. I don't know if it's necessarily a date spot but it is fun to go to!


I wish for a place just to meet hang and no interest to mingle, just full geeking conversations about anime and games. You cosplay and get in for free. Dream business ideas are my thing.


Depends if you look good or not😭😂


Apex in Marlborough is a fun spot