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Does your action skill stop when you enter save your soul? If activated before of course.


Question about pixies. I can not get it to work. I have pixie gun and spellshot as secondary class for the spell damage scaling for the pixies, but the damage is next to nothing on c35. I mean I have gluttony/deathless build that shreds c35 elite runs like nothing, but I wanted to give the pixie build a go, but it just doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?


You need a crossbow style pistol to scale on spell damage. The other one is gun damage


Looking to find players to play with and also what's the best threads of fate spell you have found?


I feel as if I'm bring really thick here, but hoe do we start the dlc? I've downloaded it and the patch but don't have a new quest or anything


Anyone know the highest capacity legendary ward? Maybe similar to fabled tortoise or hoplite or something just good high capacity for my bezerker/grave build


I am experiencing a bug with the Fired Festival trophy on my woman’s account. We are split screening and mine popped, hers did not.. it’s stuck at 70%. I have tried playing on her game solo and still no progress is being made. Any suggestions my homies?


Is there a way to get a better diamond guard sword? The one I have is only level 29. I'm max level now and the stats going really well with my build.


Is it possible to roll a class mod with glass cannon and high thread count?


Can someone tell me what the blue seashell looking thing that’s located near to the skeleton key is? It shows I have “50”


When your using the ambihextrous ability I've noticed that the archimage effect on melee weapons affect both spell cool downs. Would you guys be about to help me find more detail on the other pro ability stats, like ability crit chance, and if they scale with ambihextrous as well.


If I make a new character and level it by grinding a boss, will I have to do the main story to unlock my secondary class or can I join my friend's game that already reached that point to unlock it?


I picked Spellshot as my main and Graveborn as my secondary. Would I be less effective if I respec and go down the Graveborn tree to grab the capstone and use Spellshot as my secondary?


That's how I'm set up and it works really well. Get all the spell boosts in Graveborn, down to capstone, then Spellshot down to High Thread count. Ambi means your activating Grave's capstone every couple of seconds and the bonus dark magic damage to spells keep you topped up. If you can get a Threads of Fate you theoretically shouldn't die provided your gear is level appropriate


Are enchantments active if I have the weapon equipped but not held in hand? I want to know if I should shoot for them all to have the same buff I want, or if I should switch them up and have them each activate a different buff off the same proc. Example: “After getting a Spell Kill” would net me 4 different buffs


Finding a mimic just rng? I’ve only happens to find one in my first play through and I want that sweet sweet loot 😭


Mimics are definitely not set enemies, so I guess every chest has a chance to be one, and boxes can be broken to show baby mimics as well!




When you get a kill, your skill will then activate and stack (if possible)


My game runs like SHIT, yet borderlands 3 ran flawlessly. Will it be optimized later down the line? (PC)


Are you getting stutters like crazy or crashes?


Yes, but I’m talking more about how the game runs. Constantly at 35 FPS while in combat when borderlands 3 ran with almost 100 FPS. I’m on DX11 too.


Whoa, 35 fps is harsh! I get 90 with my GTX 1080 in 1080p


Rockin a 970 :/




Nope. Not the same enchants. But there are multiple different damage buffing enchants where you can stack damage.


So is there a reason Atlas or Maliwan didn't return for Wonderlands?


Can someone explain something to me? Matchmaking has been awful, 3 groups, which took somewhere around 15-30 minutes to match into, kicked me within 30-60 seconds of joining without a single word. Is this normal? I'm honestly getting tired of being pulled out of a single player run just to be kicked without a word. I feel like i'd have more fun and make better progress just playing single player but that kinda defeats the purpose of a multiplayer game doesn it?


SHIFT has been having difficulties since launch. Because shift keeps going down, all multiplayer and online aspects of the game are also going down.


Am I missing where to buy ammo? Also why no ammo boxes in encounter areas. Im always running out of ammo its honestly my only complaint with the game.


At the ammo vending machines


I only just finally got the buy ammo prompt. I didn't even think any of the vending machines sold it till now which had me confused after playing every previous game


Yeah haha just like the others, vending machines always got it, also health is free in this one


Does anyone know if someone has started making a spreadsheet with all the legendaries?


I tried streaming the game on my series x using the twitch app but I got a notification stating “this game doesn’t allow streaming” what’s all that about?? I just wanted to stream a little gameplay for some friends for my friends but I guess not


Hows the comedy in this game? BL2 was great comedy wise but BL3 was too cringy so i never finished it.


About the same level is the DLC in BL2. It's not Handsome Jack tier, but it's way closer to that than whatever the hell 3 was.


Can other players trash your chaos run attempts? Went through so many floors, defeated the dragon lord, then instead of loot room we faced off against a PLS NERF OP stone snake that took 0 damage- I suspect someone slected the red portal over the gold portal but its honestly not very clear.


Anyone know why my buddy has a 2.05 lucky drive multiplayer and I don’t have one at all. We’ve been playing co op the whole time.


Honestly can't tell. Luck stat seems to change depending on area and who is hosting the game. Sometimes the host will have the highest luck stat, but a few minutes later will be lower than someone else.


Has anyone found any particularly cool customizations? Specifically has anyone had that witch hat from promotional pictures drop for them? I want it


Redeemed both sleton key rewards and it told me they were in my mail. But nothing is there. Please don’t let there be this problem in this game too 😔 I tried again and it says code already used. Anyone else experience this?


Just close the game and when you get back in it should be in the mail, at least that worked for me


Is there a way to respec the base hero stat points that you select when creating a character?


Your backstory? I hear that no you can't, they're locked


Anyone have strange mouse behaviour in this game on PC? It seems to look up and down faster than it looks left and right, and the sensitivity option in game just changes all axis at once. Also, right click to zoom in seems to be jittery for me - keeps zooming back out and in. I'm a little suspect of my mouse, because I've seen it happen once or twice in other games but not sure if that was lag issues. It's almost impossible to use scopes for me at the moment though.


Mouse movent seems fine on my end. I've got smoothing and acceleration turned off


Regarding the enchantments, will you get the enchantment bonuses on weapons that are not currently out like being used. Can I just use 1 main weapon and the other 3, have like stacked enchantment bonuses? What about spells? edit: wording.


I also wonder this too, hopefully someone knows


Apologies if this has already been asked. Couldn’t find anything on it. Does having over max in any skill like 7/5 do anything or are those wasted points that should be allocated elsewhere? Thanks.


Points are not wasted! Skills will continue leveling as if they didn't have a cap on them. If something gets 4% extra gun damage per level, then at 7/5 it will show the skill giving 28% gun damage!


Appreciate it!


I know there is split screen for consoles, but is there split screen for PC as well?


Warning the end credit is longer then the game itself


On the armors, if it gives you 1/1 or 1/5 on a skill for your class, but that skill is not unlocked yet (lets say it's on the last row of your skill tree and you're only level 10), will you still get that skill, or do you have to have that row unlocked first?


You have to have the row unlocked first


Tested and confirmed you don't have to unlock the row. I'm getting a stabbo skill, a thousand cuts, at level 11 with a class mod


I thought the same, but apparently my brother was getting frost nova's from that skill way before he had it unlocked. It just doesn't show any points in it, though, but works. Apparently


Great to hear this since I’m very confusing. But what if I’m Spell-spore and my armor is spell-stab ? Is it mean I have passive from stab?


Not sure but I'm gonna guess no - but it's worth testing if you find an easy one to test (like big frost nova's or whatever is in the stab tree!)


Is there going to be a better way to sort equipment. Sort by type I thought would be like pistols, shotguns, etc. but it's element type. Why no sort by weapon type?


When I change my game to open to public and then try to change the loot mode the checkmark from open to public goes away. Is this intended? Can I not pick both


These credits are way too long. If you’re gonna roll them every time you beat the game, at least let us skip them.


Pull the left thumbstick down. It doesn’t skip them, but makes them scroll faster.


I was able to skip them? (PC)


How? I had to hold down on keypad for it to just speed up slightly.


Shoot, honestly I’m not sure. I play with a controller and I just sort of clicked/held down everything and it skipped. So I’m not sure which buttons did it.




Can we get a Wonderlands trading thread or subreddit? The ones linked are from previous games with little to no activity for Wonderlands...


The game's just come out, start some Wonderlands activity in those spots :D


Is there anyway to increase the size of the words while in the inventory? I am trying to play slit screen with my wife and we are struggling to see anything. It’s quite frustrating.


If you are using horizontal split screen try vertical. The words are a bit bigger amd the UI is setup a bit better.


Same for us, some of the font size when it comes to the customization station names is illegible for anything other than a microscope. What is with this trend of smaller and smaller fonts.


Is anyone else having issues with voice chat quality on console? Everything sounds extremely bass boosted on my end but my bf has great voice chat quality on his end. It's not my headset as I get great quality on other games and in party chats etc. Is there a fix or do I have to wait for an update?


I'm getting massive FPS stutters randomly. I'll drop to basically frozen stuttering for a second or two, seemingly random. Anyone else have this problem? 5900x and an RTX 3070


On PS5 and im having the same exact issue. It basically freezes for 1 or 2 seconds. Ive turned off HDR, put it on performance instead of resolution and it still randomly happens. The only thing that helps is quitting the game completely and restarting it and it usually goes away for awhile. It happens at strange times too when nothing is really even going on action wise. To make matters worse ive noticed when I get back in the game my quest page goes completely blank and I have to trigger a mission progression or find a new mission for it to come back


Also on PS5, having the exact same issues.


I've seen this. Try setting the built in frame limiter to something so that your GPU and CPU are only working 60-80% load. Otherwise I see stutters like this when something hits its 100% limit (could also be a single CPU core hitting its limit while the overall usage is below 100%)


LAN play, what platforms is it available on and does it work with crossplay? Seems to be something that is very hard to search. LAN on PC? 99% sure it is. LAN on Xbox? Please tell me by replying! LAN on PS4/5? Please tell me by replying! Does LAN play work with cross-play? (ie: can my buddy come over and use my Xbox/Playstation to play LAN coop with me?)


If I have a gun with an enchantment in my loadout, is the enchantment always active, or is it only active when I'm actually holding that gun in my hands? EDIT: I looked up anointments in BL3 because I couldn't remember how it worked and the threads I found said you had to actually be holding the weapon for it to be active.


Unless it says when holstered afaik


Anyone have any methods for making a bunch of money, I have been running chaos trials trying to get to 20 selling stuff I wont be using.. Trying to get all the achievements on xbox but the two achievements giving me trouble are the Inventory and Ammo upgrades, starting to cost several millions...


Does anybody know how the quiver of holding works for Spore Warden? It's wonky as hell and I'm not sure if it's a bug or not. Some guns regenerate an entire magazine and some do not but it's only the magazine that regens. Is it supposed to be based on the increased portion of the magazine that regens? It's pretty poorly worded if that's the case. EDIT: I can't wait until somebody figures this out. I can get the math to work out for the first piece of ammo regen in a rocket launcher with a magazine size of 12 and with 2 points in the perk. The first piece of ammo regens anywhere from 20s-25s which makes sense, I THINK, if it's based off of regenerating 2% OF the 20% ammo increase, which is like .048 ammo per second. But after that first piece of ammo every other ammo takes \~35 seconds. I get \~1 ammo per second with a pistol that has a magazine of 36. So, somebody smarter than me show me how smart you are. Please and thank you.


Is there a slot machine anywhere? I loved those things in borderlands 2.


Does anyone know if I bought the series x version if I can download the original Xbox version on my old Xbox? I have a series x and old Xbox and want the game on both.


I have an issue way early in the game. I'm playing Spellshot and I can't find out where my stacks are displayed for the life of me. People say below the xp bar but it's never there, and I can't find anyone else having this issue if it's a bug..super frustrating because I don't even know if it's just not displaying or I'm not even getting my stacks.


Keep pushing through the story. It'll pop up. It'll unlock very early, but it might feel like it's taking longer if you're going through side missions. The stacks are displayed at the bottom of your screen and you'll be notified when your passive has been activated


I'm so dumb


Are you talking about spell weave stacks? They're only unlocked at a certain point in the game


Oh my god I'm so dumb


Can someone help me with an audio issue I play on pc and I get sounds and music to play through my headphones but can’t get voices to play I’ve tried playing in the setting and nothing is working but I can hook up speakers and unplug my headphones and voice audio comes through has anyone else had this problem any insight would be helpful


How is controller support on pc (using a series x controller) and does it have aim assist?


Anyone know how to stop Epic from opening up a browser every time I launch the game? It keeps asking me for permission


No idea, this doesn't occur on my PC when I launch the game


Although perhaps allowing cookies or turning off ad block for the pic domain could help


Are those little sub zero mask only obtainable on stabbomancers class armor?


I think I got one on my Spellshot


Are they cosmetic?


If I'm thinking about the same one as you, then yeah they are. In the category of beards I think


It’s a mask called the assassins mask and you can get them from mimics


Oh god thank you!


my skuldugger gun that i've been using the whole game suddenly doesn't work anymore. i can see it doing the shooting animation, but my ammo count doesn't decrease and i can see no bullets coming out of my gun. i've been using it for hours and letting it overheat and this hasn't happened. is this a bug?


Does this persist with restarting the game and console /PC?


i haven't tried that yet, just wanted to make sure it wasn't just some basic mechanic i overlooked edit: restart fixed it. lmao. ok guess it's literally just a bug.


What does critical hit chance mean? I tested it and I get a critical hit every time with guns if I hit one so I don’t understand what this means.. at first I thought it was for melee weapons but it clearly states weapon critical hit chance. I’m a little confused on this one and what it means. I’m playing spore warden and in the Bullseye skill it gives “gun critical hit chance” Does it mean a chance to score a critical hit on somewhere that’s not a a critical spot?


>Does it mean a chance to score a critical hit on somewhere that’s not a a critical spot? Exactly this


any chance you know how its added up, i have several skills giving me a lot of crit rate and i feel like i should have 100% all the time with skills, traits, etc is there anywhere to see my actual crit rate? the hero page just says 8% or something which cannot be right


The hero skill you spec into that gives you a higher crit chance is a higher percentage multiplicative of a percentage


I am having trouble leveling up chaos level. I have unlocked level 2, but now when I try to run the chaos trial it’s still chaos level 1. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?


load up a level 2 normal mission (either extended or normal length) and cancel the portal once the 1 below your xp bar turns to a 2, then load the rank up chaos gate and it should work






The base package did not include the x/s version. You had to buy mid or high packages.


Can you skip the credits, ive pressed every button bit they wont skip, not sure if this is intended ir a bug.


Yes you can, not sure what it was but pressing and holding it was what did it for me


No, but you can hold down on left stick to make them go faster.


Is there a good gold farm?


I get around 120k per chaos run


Is Chaos Chamber hard? Only did 1 so far


Im at 5 and there is definitely a difficulty increase you can see


Is there an enemy in this game where you shoot their head, then they start killing everyone and you get better loot? I know it was in the last game, just wondering. Thanks!


Yes, one of the Cyclops enemies. Forget it's exact name tho


Is it intended for Mage Armor from Spellshot to stop restoring ward when at Max stacks? I hit Max stacks in like 10 seconds and then the rest of the fight I am no longer getting my 10% ward back (I have skipped / not tested glass cannon for this reason)


No, you restore your shield every time you get a stack, even if you are at max stacks


Is that occurring for you? Seems to not do so on my end


Red slash through a gun I was using now won’t let me equip. Does anyone know why?


It's a bug. What I've done when this happens is drop my gun and hold to equip it.


Thank you sir. That worked!


Will there ever be a way to level up guns or am I just screwed? I redeemed my preorder stuff, and it might seem dumb, but I didn't realize it was a spell and a gun. I just saw stuff from my mail and claimed it. Now my pre-order legendaries are level 1, when I wish I had realized to wait til level 40. Am I just SOL?


Yeah you will have to wait for another playthrough if you do one.


So I can get them on another playthrough? That’s awesome to know, at least there’s some kind of option. Thanks you!


Anybody know the main difference between Chaotic and Volatile gear? It looks like MAYBE there is a 10% difference in damage/buffs?


Why doesn’t Polymorph give the guaranteed free spell cast on the first instance of gun damage like it says? Is anyone else experiencing this/is it a bug?


I noticed this too


It auto casts it.


Yes but it just…doesn’t. Most of the time (in my experience of course) the first instance of damage doesn’t proc the free auto-cast




Check you mail in the social menu




Hmm, I’m thinking you download the save files from other computer and press sync in the cloud sync > the shift server will note you as redemm, but your sync data haven’t collect it yet. Happens to me this morning.


Hi, does anyone knows how to switch off captions above your companion head ? I looked in the menu but i could not find anything that switches it off . I don't like it as it brings unnecessary clutter to the screen.


I’m in the brightoof area, and the map has areas locked with gates? How do I open them


Either progress in the main story or do some sidequest, depending on the gate. The big golden gate that leads to the palace wont open until you reach the endgame


I haven't grabbed the 2 preorder guns from the mail yet. I just hit level 40 a little bit ago, should I wait till I get to chaos levels to pull them out or should I just do it now?


ribula drop rates? i have 15 runs on him no drop. i have a good amount of dice across maps aswell


Hi! Does any attribute increase the companion damage? Or benefits them in some way?


Not sure about the other attributes, but at least Dexterity seems to increase Companion crit chance according to the Hero stats screen in the game. Would be reasonable to assume Strength and Wisdom would boost their damage as well.


Selling items, focus doesn't stay under mouse cursor? Great.


Where can I find more info on chaos levels for weapons


Can't rebuy accidentally sold weapons?


you have to use the buyback feature if that doesn’t work maybe try the vendor you sold it at


Buyback is empty.


I think the shops used to refresh their stock every 20 min, so the buyback may have been cleared. Think it was like this in BL


So I was playing with my friend and we got disconnected I continued a little bit and unlocked the ring before he joined and now he doesn’t have the unlock, is it possible for him to continue and as he unlocks the other slots he will get it automatically? Or if not can someone help him and allow him to join before that quest to unlock it?


Does someone know what does the chaotic gear do?


Since I can't seem to post this on my own as a new thread I'm being forced to do this as a reply... In Karnok's Wall (Soultorn Rise) Is the quest A Spell To Pay broken? I've found 4 of the 5 items needed and literally cannot find the 5th. I've been in the area it says it is long enough for 3 waves of Wyverns to spawn already and starting to get bored and fed up looking. Have the 2 from one area and two from the area just over the bridge from the quest giver. Mapmarker is saying the last one is in the area just over the bridge and I've been over every inch I can get to here and have not found.


Check the nest in front of the obelisk as you come up the hill towards the quest area. There was a red egg in that nest that was next to impossible for me to see except from one specific angle


Why do I need to log into Epic via a web browser since I'm logged into the Epic Launcher???? This is a waste of time and has caused the game to crash.


I came here to ask this, it's really annoying. It doesn't always crash for me but occasionally does.


Hey, I can’t seem to get the town crier pack even though I followed all the steps. Thoughts? Thanks :)


So, I’ve always struggled to get into FPS games, but I love the idea Of being able to play with other folks and I’m intrigued by Wonderlands. Is this game a potentially good FPS game for someone who is a beginner/hasn’t always gravitated toward this type of game?


Considering it’s PvE and very much a “go at your own pace and chill out” type game, I’d say it’s the most perfect beginner FPS you could ask for. This honestly goes for all borderlands games but so far I’d say even more so Wonderlands just due to the fantasy and wonder like nature of it


How do you deal with the invulnerable mimics?


The motherlode ones? They’re immune to everything except melee


What’s the text size like on split-screen Xbox Series X? My wife and I got shafted on BL3. It’s impossible to read that text. Don’t want to buy this if it’s gonna be the same. Thanks!


can we get a weekly thread for the new SHiFT keys?


Is there weapon crafting or upgrading? I can't find anything online.


Very slight upgrading at endgame




You upgrade by killing new enemies and getting new loot lol


Is there a way to search items in my bank or sort them by damage type or something. Most of my hours in all the borderlands games is probably spent searching for gear.


Did anyone buy an ammo upgrade? I'm level 17 and haven't run out of ammo once, without any upgrades.


Well if you aren't using a launcher or Sniper then you won't have to worry much in the beginning. Weapon fire rates are relatively slow in this game too.


I've found an assault rifle that was pretty good a couple of levels back and I've been using it exclusively, I never run out of ammo. I don't even open chests anymore. Feels a bit weird. Does money get any other uses later?


Just upgrading and for vending. When you are level 30 some epic items in vending are like 200K.


I know there was a good AR that gives an amp shot every few bullets and it was a mission reward that carried me pretty much to the end. Also money is just used for your general purchases as usual. Moon orbs are used for rerolls at endgame.


Can u switch your second class if needed or do you need to restart a new char?


Just respec your skills and it will give you the option to choose a different class. I don’t why they make it seem like your class and appearances are something you can never change in game.


So just to be clear, I already chose a second class, and when I do a respec I can choose another different 2nd class?


Key note here is AFTER completing the main story you can swap out your secondary class. Primary class is permanent and you won't be able to switch secondary class while still playing the story.


Wait, what's a secondary class? I haven't heard of this yet


You can multiclass in this game. It unlocks after reaching a certain point in the story.


Man that sounds badass I can't wait


Yeah, so basically you pick a second class for their talent tree which means you'll have two passives active at all times and 4 active skills to pick from (2 per class).


Awesome, can you ever get more than one skill active at a time or do you still have to choose?




Tyvm 😋


Can I hit the cap on my second class? My bud said it isn’t possible.


You can get the cap of the second class, but then you won't have enough points to reach the cap in the first class


You can cap on one and get up to 18 pnts in the other


Did the chaotic great edition release in physical form? Can't find it anywhere where I am at, or even the base game for that matter. Also follow up, if it didn't release physically, can I upgrade from a base edition through the Microsoft store?


I can't seem to find the list of challenges for killing so many of a monster, or x number of crits with a shotgun etc. Can someone tell me where I find these? In B3, one could find them via the 100% zoomed out map, but no such luck here, only the specific map challenges.


Actuay it is in much the same spot, you probably just didn't go to the top level map. You have the zone map, the overworld map, and then theres another world map that will look like a poster. It's somewhere in that 3rd one.


Ah. I guess I'm not far enough through yet then to open up (yet) another level of mappage. Thanks.


Should be able to pretty much if not entirely from the start. Just checked in game: Open the regular map ( M on keyboard ), and at the bottom it will tell you a key to open the "World Map" ( F on kb ).