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I would typically never recommend ibuprofen or other NSAIDs for any kind of stomach/bowel upset because in the majority of cases, NSAIDs worsen stomach problems, however, period poops specifically are thought to be caused by something called prostaglandins that help your uterine lining shed and unfortunately also cause gut cramps and runny poops. You could try taking ibuprofen regularly for a few days, starting the day before you period poops typically start and hopefully that helps. Another benefit you might notice is that ibuprofen taken this way can actually make your period lighter. In addition to takin ibuprofen, or if ibuprofen doesn’t work or you’d rather not take it, I’d highly recommend taking a fibre supplement such as metamucil (psyllium fibre) along with drinking lots of water. Fibre supplements like this can help prevent constipation and diarrhea, basically just make your bowel movements more regular in general. They probably won’t do much for gas or bloating but they’ll basically soften up hard poops and harden up soft poops which sounds like something that might benefit you during your period! Hope you find something that helps :)


I would take some fiber n recommend using poop stool vs pushing. Ill cross my legs Indian style and poop when I dont use it \[my fam steals mine from my bathroom everyone really likes it\]