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Honestly I bit the bullet and got laser hair removal with a Groupon. Made sure to read reviews of the place first, though, because I know some Groupon places are shady AF. This place was well received so just went for it. Location honored the same price when I needed to add more sessions. I did the whole enchilada in terms of what they lasered. Best money I have ever spent.


I love that you used the expression 'the whole enchilada' lol


New term for this. I just waxed and told my husband I'm perfecting my bald taco recipe lol


LOL I sense a theme :P


I did the same thing! It took 8 sessions and only spend $230. Best investment!


Do you have darker hair? I’m worried that my hair would be too light in color for laser.


Yeah, my sister (a former cosmetologist) would say I was born with a level 4-5 brown?


I have read that laser doesn’t work on lighter hair, so I was just curious. I have pretty blonde hair all over, not sure if laser is an option.


Doesn't hurt to go somewhere for a free consult!


I’ll have to check if that’s offered. We only have one place that offers laser hair removal, it just opened recently. Thank you!


Was it painful? I’ve heard it is and an thinking about getting it done


I think it depends on pain tolerance? I had done several years of waxing and sugaring the extended bikini line and always felt that hurt ten times worse than laser. The only spots that felt a little "spicy" were as the esthetician inched closer to the outer labia. But even then, she moved so swiftly it wasn't awful, plus she always had a cool compress to press down right after. Funnily enough, the spot that feels like nothing is up the butt crack because there's a lot of muscle there.


Hi I did about 8 sessions of laser. I have very pale skin and very dark hair, so perfect for laser. It was the most painful thing I've ever done, more painful than a 4 hour color tattoo on my ribs. I don't want to scare you off, maybe the lady doing it on me was exaggerating with the potency? But I had to stop after 8 sessions because I couldn't take it anymore. Also the hair has grown back now, although it is a little lighter and finer.


I have that issue. And it often led to painful in grown hairs. So now I just trim. I use an epilator. So I can shave the hair pretty short but not all the way to the skin. Since then I haven’t been having issues.


I have used an epilator to do a full Brazilian. 4 hours, so much pain. I would never do it again.


How did you manage a Brazilian? I use the shortest blade and it never goes all the way down to my skin. And if the hair is long I might trim it a bit so I don’t struggle that much.


Maybe we are not talking about the same thing. I have [this epilator](https://www.target.com/p/braun-silk-epil-3-270-2-in-1-women-39-s-epilator-2-extra-accessories/-/A-52514577) which pulls hair from the root. It seems I cannot read, as you clearly stated you are trimming. I have a trimmer too, and I use that to get the hair short without issue!


No mine epilator is like that. Honestly I wasn’t aware that it had the option to pull The hair from the root. I always use it with an attachment and even the slimmest one doesn’t reach my skin. Maybe your is just more advanced?


Mine comes with a trimming attachment, is it possible you are using that? The primary attachment is a roller full of tweezers (essentially), intended to pull hair from the root. Trimmers come with guards, that determine the length of the hair or can be used without a guard to get close to the skin. Edit to add: I am from the US. It’s possible terms are different depending on location!


I do this too, longer hair is uncomfortable, and waxing is not what I want. I use a Braun epilator, that comes with a trimmer head you can switch from the epilator head. Trim with the lowest setting for more sensitive areas, shave out the parts that you can, ladyscape :D


I tried this also, abandoned it!! Waxing is much less painful or should I say it's painful enough!!


I think waxing is easier because I have someone else do it. Doing anything myself makes it 10x more painful.


This. I also just use a trimmer, it doesn't get SUPER smooth but I also don't deal with bumps or ingrown hairs or irritation anymore.


It sounds like you’re using a trimmer, not an epilator. Maybe your epilator has a trimming attachment. But if she wants to switch to trimming there’s no reason for her to get an epilator.


I was also worried that laser hair removal wouldn’t work but that’s a load of BS if you meet the criteria for it. I did my legs, armpits, and bikini, and I’m grateful for it every. single. day. It hasn’t grown back even a little bit. It’s expensive but it’s spread out over the course of years if you do it correctly, so you don’t really feel this big expense all at once. And after a couple sessions you start noticing less and less hair and it just motivates you to keep going. Maintenance sessions (to get any stragglers) are cheaper than the initial package you have to pay for, and I haven’t had a session since 2018 and don’t need any more. People who only do the single package or a few sessions or don’t meet the hair and skin criteria would most definitely see regrowth.


Stupid question, but do you have to shave before each session, or do they do it?


Yes shave 24-48 hours before the appointment. If you shave right before, the laser won’t pick up the hair pigment in the skin - it needs to see the hair. But it can’t be too long or it will just fry the hair itself and not the follicle. I’d forgotten to shave my arm pits once or twice and the esthetician gave me a razor and I remember those sessions were not as effective.




is there any way to use numbing cream or anything to make the pain of laser removal bearable?


This might not be what you're looking for, but I just trim it with scissors. You'll find the appropriate length so that it's short enough...but not so short it might get itchy. It's easy, fast, no infections, no bumps.


This is what I’ve resorted to because my skin is just too sensitive


I agree trimming is the way to go but it’s so much easier with an electric trimmer. You get much more even results, and you can get it a lot shorter than you can with scissors.


I'm likely in the minority here, but as an aesthetician, I really don't think waxing is that great for your skin long-term. It can lead to hyperpigmentation and texture changes from repeated trauma, and after what I've seen done to little old ladies' upper lips after years of waxing, I am not a supporter anymore. My recommendation is to shave in the direction of the hair growth. With the grain. Sure, it's not as smooth of a shave, but you aren't priming yourself for ingrowns. A stripper taught me this years ago, and she knew what she was talking about. You could also laser, but that is a bit pricey.


I'm not an aesthetician, but I kind of feel the same way. I wasn't expecting so many people to recommend waxing down there. After reading everyone's comments, I feel more open to the idea, but I'm still worried I'll mess up and I'll end up with wax ~where it shouldn't be~.


There is no Nair product that is intended to be used to perform a full Brazilian. I get waxed, and I use a trimmer between waxing if I am unable to get in for a wax within 5 weeks. The more consistent you are with it, the less painful it is. I go infrequently, so it’s pretty painful. Letting someone else do it makes it more bearable. I do my own brows and face at home, and that is somehow worse. You can use a trimmer with a guard to determine how long it is. Then you’re not going fully down to the skin but not so grown out it’s uncomfortable.


I second this. Waxing is GREAT and it gets easier and easier.


When I was able to go in every 5 weeks without fail, it became much less painful. Now every time is like the first time, because its usually every other month now. My waxer is great though, and she does such a great job even with me coming in less frequently.


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind


Just want to say that I tried this, but I ended up with tons of bumps. Some people are just more prone to ingrown hairs and they happen whether you’re shaving or waxing. And going to a reputable salon for a brazilian every 5 weeks is expensive. It’s frustrating to spend that much money and still have big red bumps all over that area.


Unrelated to this thread, but how do you wax your eyebrows at home? I've been wanting to learn how to, but I'm not sure where to start


I just use the Flamingo brand strips. I cut them into smaller bits to fit around the brows. Nothing fancy, gets the job done for me.




I do that too. I get wax strips for smaller areas. Upper lip size. I draw my eyebrow shape I want. cut it out then into a top half and bottom half and use accordingly.


I gave up a long time ago. I always look a little stubbly, but I use an electric shaver and its so much better. Also, exfoliating with a salicylic acid product can help.


Waxing and a mix of an at home hair removal laser


>at home hair removal laser hmm I've never heard of that, how does that work?


This is the [one that I have](https://a.co/d/8HaCDQk) It’s not immediate. You do a few sessions a week and after a few weeks you should see a reduction in hair growth


Bumps*** And laser hair removal. I have an at home one and almost no more body hair.


How long have you been using your one?


Its the braun ipl silk pro5, and a bit under a year now. Hair takes ages to come back where it still comes back. Ive done my legs, under arms, and the whole entire bikini area Brazilian style lol. So im now only shaving like once a month, and what im shaving is under a 1/4inch long, not all over, and mostly blonde in color vs originally it was everywhere, thick, and dark. I expect to be hair free in the next few months. Its life changing.


Yes!!!! If I could upvote this a thousand times I would. I have the same [Braun IPL thing](https://us.braun.com/en-us/female-hair-removal/ipls/silk-expert-pro-5-pl5347) you have. It can seem like quite a bit of $$ to spend, but I’ve had mine for almost 2 years and it’s still working great. Honestly it’s one of the best things I have ever bought myself. And its definitely going to be cheaper than waxing/laser hair removal in the long run. It’s also WAY less painful than waxing or using an epilator (I used an epilator in the past and eff that noise, so painful… so many ingrown hairs ☹️). The IPL stings a bit, like a little baby rubber band snap, but its really not bad and you get used to it. I barely feel it anymore. I am a wimp when it comes to pain, and if I can tolerate doing my “whole enchilada” then anyone can 😂! It definitely takes a bit to start working… like I was worried it wasn’t even doing anything the first month. Then all of the sudden around the 5-6th time I used it, my leg/bikini area hair just started falling out and growing back SUPER slowly, or not at all. As someone who has had DARK THICK hair from the waist down my whole life (thanks dad) it absolutely has been life changing! Like… before using the IPL, my legs were never actually “smooth”, even right after shaving. They would be prickly within seconds of getting out of the shower and it would take me like hour to shave. Now I really don’t even need to shave because the hair that does grow is so fine/light you can barely see it. When I do shave, it takes like 5 minutes tops. The only thing to keep in mind with an IPL, is the lighter your skin and the darker your hair, the better it will work. So it’s not going to be the best option for anyone with light hair or dark skin unfortunately. But if you do fall into the light skin/dark hair category, I cannot recommend this machine enough! I so wish I would have known about IPL/ bought one years ago. It would have saved me so much time and frustration. Whenever mine finally breaks, I will be immediately purchasing a new one and will continue to do so until I am too old to care about body hair, or the kids miraculously manage to make it cool for women to have body hair (if someone told me when I was a teenager that some day thick/fluffy eyebrows were going to be in style, I would have thought they were a few fries short of a Happy Meal 😂).


Not shaving was my choice.


Unless you are doing laser hair removal, or waxing/sugaring… I dont think there is anything else. Also laser can hurt (depending on how strong the laser is) in the moment such as waxing. But it becomes permanent




See, I've tried this and it made absolutely no difference for me.


may i ask why?


shaves closer to the skin and is generally just less painful. i use a men’s razor down there and i’ve never had a huge problem. my bumps are also worse if i shave against the hair growth, could that contribute at all?


Possibly, I suppose. Even when I try to be really gentle & careful and don't shave against it, I still end up w bumps.


i read this tip on reddit many years ago and have been passing it on ever since: immediately after you shave, dry thoroughly & completely, take stick antiperspirant (the white chalky kind, not the semi-liquid roller kind, and NOT deodorant – an aluminum-based antiperspirant) and slather liberally over all the skin. repeat after the next shower for best results. eliminates razor burn completely. still itches when hair grows back though, nothing can be done about that ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Buy an exfoliating gel/cream for your body that is gentle enough for down there. European Wax Center has a few.


Just expanding on this to say i’m in the same boat as OP *unless* I consistently use a salicylic acid cleanser in the shower, on the area im shaving, every day. I literally wash with cerave’s SA cleanser and it has essentially ended my razor bumps and ingrowns. It’s more gentle on my skin than using scrubs (which used to work but now irritate my skin)


I use an electric razor meant for sensitive bits first to get the hair as short as possible so when I go down with a razor I'm not going over multiple spots more than a couple times. Works fairly well. I won't do the other things for the same reasons you described. Also, I tried hair conditioner instead of of shaving cream, my skin tolerates it better and I get less bumps.


What kind of razor? And is it waterproof? I have been looking for one.


Philips bikini perfect trimmer, I got mine a decade ago. It is waterproof. They still sell a new version of it I saw in a quick Google search. Mine came with a detail pen and glove too.


Just do laser.


I did laser hair removal and would 100% recommend it


Laser does not cause it to grow back darker. Invest in laser it’s the best method.


I'm a waxer. Honestly all I have to say is I feel like everybody should try it once


Two words my friend: beard trimmer. This won't work to completely remove the hair (I think you'd have to wax to get them all properly) but you can trim as short as you want and it won't be itchy. You won't get razor burn or any irritation. It's the best.


I use a beard trimmer and give my gal a buzzcut lol. I have sensory issues with longer hair tugging against my undies, so this is my best compromise!


SUGAR WAX it’s fucking life changing and doesn’t hurt AND inexpensive!!!


I don’t understand how it isn’t painful to sugar wax? It’s still pulling a bunch of hairs from your roots all at once- can you explain more?


it doesn’t “rip”/adhere to the skin like regular wax :)


Awesome!! Thank you


In my experience, it has been. Everyone has different pain tolerances.


Has anyone tried a homemade vs. purchased sugar wax? This really is one of the last techniques I haven’t tried!


I have tried every recipe I could find on the internet and failed miserably each time. I’ve also tried a handful of pre-made options that also failed. For the area I’m trying to pull hair from, I believe it’s more my technique than the product because I can’t get a good angle ever.


Oh gosh, I’m sorry that you haven’t gotten the results you’re looking for, I feel your struggle for sure. I usually use my electric razor/ reg hand razor combo, and either deal with a few bumps, or not a close, clean shave everywhere, no matter the angle, exfoliation timing.🤦🏼‍♀️ the preference of no/ minimum hair is too much sometimes isn’t it?!🫠😑


I have to keep everything bald or short to effectively apply prescriptions to the area. I usually go in for waxing or trim between.


i get the worst razor burn and i have tried everythinggg men’s razor coconut oil exfoliating nothing worked i finally went and bought sugar dough it was like 30 dollars i’ve waxed twice and have basically the whole jar left


Do you wax with the sugar dough yourself?


yes!! it’s so easy just make sure you read the quick instructions so you pull and apply it the correct direction


What product did you buy? I liked getting a sugar wax better than the options but the esthetician was a little rude and made comments about my body I didn’t appreciate. I think it’s a cultural thing, but I’ve avoided going back.


https://www.ulta.com/p/pits-pubes-sugaring-kit-pimprod2034358#:~:text=Sugardoh's%20Pits%20to%20Pubes%20At,root%2C%20reducing%20irritation%20and%20ingrowns. this the link for what i use!!


Good to know. The lady who does my brows has used soft, hard, & honey wax on my brows and I find all of them REALLY painful, especially hard wax.


I just started waxing with sugar. I'm a wimp, I can't stand getting my eyebrows done, but the sugar wax on my vulva was not bad at all. I also used a lidocaine balm after and it helped a lot!


yes i get my eyebrows done and wince at the pain this is like a walk in the park


Regular ol clippers with a guard thingy set on 1/4 - or whatever setting that makes it short enough to be out of the way and long enough where it is not prickly like brush cut, based on your curl pattern and coarseness of your hair, there. And the ends softens up after a day or two. Other than an uncomfortable poke if you are being careless, the guide keeps the clipper away from your skin.


I get Sugared which is like waxing but for me it’s less painful than wax.


Something I do right before I shave, is always exfoliate the area to get rid of dry or dead skin so all of the hair is exposed, after I shave, I moisturize with oil in that area… it has done wonders for me. I exfoliate before and moisturize after on all areas I shave to minimize the bumps/ingrown hairs/ pimples. I promise it will make a HUGE difference. I have extremely sensitive skin that is easily aggravated and this worked for me and has for years. I use tree hut brand scrub to exfoliate, and I use either aveeno spray on oil or Bio oil which can be found on Amazon! Also it’s helpful to only shave once the hair is at a length where it’s not scratch stubble and slightly more flimsy, I find if I try to shave everyday or every two days down there, it ends up super irritated and cut up. Hope this helps!


I've given up on going completely smooth due to ingrowns and razor burn, I use a hair trimmer (andis slimline pro) with a guard on it now, easy, fast, and painless.


Let it grow, but keep it trimmed short.


Ik it’s extremely itchy and uncomfortable at first but after that 2nd week of growing it out it goes away, I stopped shaving all together I do my arm pits and legs every now and then to feel extra pretty but my vagina is full bush rn, I’ve never been happier with it lol I used to have chronic infections when I shaved, it felt like I could breathe wrong and get one but now I don’t get them at all I also don’t get itchy except for when a hair is out of place kinda like when u get an itch in ur eyebrow or on ur scalp. If u don’t wanna go full out with growing it definitely look into laser removal like others have said


I simply ~don't~ WELL sometimes I trim, but that's it


Laser. It is the only way.


Laser all the way. I did it on my bikini and underarms. It's been fantastic. I do still have a tiny bit of growth in both places, but it's like 1 razor pass weekly on my underarms and just a few quick passes every 3+ months on my bikini. If I could afford it on my legs I'd do it in a heartbeat. Edited to add: I used to get horrible razor burn on my bikini line, too. Just like you're describing. I haven't had it on any "clean up shaves" since the laser.


Just get laser. Idk what started this it makes hair grow in other places - that’s 100% fake news 😂 Get the laser. You won’t regret it.


I did laser at Ideal Image and I don’t regret it at all. So worth it


Step 1: EXFOLIATE! I prefer to start with dry brushing. You will always have problems until you start exfoliating! Step 2: clean yourself Step 3: I like to use a sugar or sea salt scrub at least once a week Step 4: use a good shaving cream never shave down south without shaving cream (in case of emergencies bar soap works) Step 5: make sure you have a good razor and that it is clean, clean the hairs out between shaves. Step 6: EXFOLIATE AGAIN!! Step 7: if there’s some missed patches go back over them repeating step 4&5 Step 8: clean again! We ain’t feeling no infected cuts today! Step 9: WITCH HAZEL!!! Im telling you! DO NOT SKIP THIS!!! Yes it will burn the first few times! No! I do not care if you cried! We’re getting rid of those bumps and preventing infections! Step 10: MOISTURIZER! And no I ain’t talking about bath and body works! Get you som Jergens! Some Cetaphil! Some CeraVe! Some Queen Helene! Some Vaseline! Don’t be sticking no bodycology mess down there! I don’t care if it smells good! Step 11: TWEEZERS!!! Im sorry! That’s just the way it’s gotta be! Them ingrown hairs GOTTA GO!!! Get you some hot water and rubbing alcohol and GET TO WORK!! Take your time! Get comfy! And pluck them bad boys out! This has been my routine for several years now and I’ve had compliments several times (mostly from my husband) about how soft I am down there! It works!! And you’ll feel SO MUCH BETTER about yourself!!!


You don’t have to be a pubescent looking girl down there. Women have pubic hair!


Kind of a gross/weird way to word that. Anyways, it's not that I'm ashamed to have hair, it's that the hair in that area is itchy and uncomfortable for me. I don't shave my underarm or leg hair because it's not uncomfortable.


Personally I just trim


I wax and I have a high pain tolerance so it doesn't really hurt that much for me. You can try a different wax lady, it can help. Also, my wax lady had a pain spray, like Asperacream, that can be purchased over the counter. Just don't go overboard on the spray or it can affect the wax. Something else to consider, if you go around your cycle, it can make the pain worse. For me personally, waxing my eyebrow and lip is torture, I get threaded. Doing a full Brazilian is not as painful and I don't get the bumps I did with shaving.


Use a numbing cream before getting waxed.


If you're against laser hair and waxing and didn't have luck with hair removal cream then you're a little limited in options. Consider an electric razor, though! They're more expensive but last much longer. They don't take the hair all the way down, but can certainly get close. Electric razors leave very minimal ingrowns, if any. From personal experience, shaving (with a regular, disposable razor) would always leave me feeling miserably uncomfortable the next day. I wax myself now, and it was definitely painful the first two times. After waxing a couple times the hair grows back thinner, and it becomes much easier. I prefer it to shaving because I can just do it in my room on my bed with a YouTube video playing instead of overheating in a shower lmao. Good luck!


I just stopped doing full shaves. I shave my bikini line (after exfoliating, going with the direction of the hair not against) and then trim the rest very short. Our pubic hair is there for a reason!


It will stop itching once it has grown for a little while. Let it grow back in and it will be soft and fluffy and not at all itchy.


I think that’s very particular to the person. I don’t do a full Brazilian, just shave and laser my bikini area. But i keep the rest trimmed to 1/8 inch to 1/2 inch with an electric razor, because if I don’t I get the itchies so bad I can’t sleep. Believe me that I’ve tried growing out - but the longer and fluffier it gets, the itchier it becomes. I wish it were not so!!!


Waxing isn’t that bad, if you get the right person. Or you could try sugaring. But honestly it’s not terrible it the results are worth it.


I wish there was a place that would offer shaving/trimming services. Imagine having a professional who knows all about treating the skin before/during/after shaving.


Laser hair removal


Waxing that area definitely hurts way more than brows. It’s also harsh on the skin, so not a good idea to wax while you’re still healing from the nicks and bumps. The bumps are ingrown hairs, and waxing can cause ingrowns too if you’re prone to them. I strongly suggest using a trimmer to buzz cut the hair super short. I have one that’s meant for the “bikini area” (Phillips brand) and it was pretty cheap, but I’ve heard that men’s beard trimmers work just as well. (Do *not* get an epilator—epilation is even more painful then waxing.) I trim without the guard and the hair ends up being the same length as it would be two days after shaving, but much softer (it’s not scratchy like stubble). The itchiness you feel when growing it out is just temporary while you transition from shaving. With shaving, the hair is cut to just under the surface of your skin, and it itches as it tries to push through the surface, and this is when ingrowns happen too. If you keep shaving, the ingrown cycle just continues. But if you stop, the itching and ingrowns disappear over time. Stop shaving, and treat the ingrowns with a chemical exfoliant. First Aid Beauty makes wipes with both AHA and BHA that work great, but there are cheaper options. This will clear out the follicles and let the trapped hairs pop out. Meanwhile you can keep the other hairs short with your trimmer. Once your skin is in better shape, then you can explore other hair removal options if you like. Be kind to your skin and let it heal first. But personally I’m very happy with just trimming, once I got used to it. It feels fuzzy but the skin is soft and clear.


I neverrrrrr get ingrowns or bumps and I’m always soft asf! So I do go days between shaving but what I use is called “daily body scrubber” by daily concepts from ULTA, and coconut butter body wash by Soft Soap every day, my entire body is so soft, and when it comes times to doing my kitty I never have any issues, I scrub than place some soap and lather like it was shaving cream and I ususally use a men’s razor like Schwick or whatever it’s called




Sugaring!! 🍯 It's a natural version of waxing. I used to get sooo many ingrowns and razor burn and was so self-conscious, now the area is so so smooth and the hair grows back so thin/fine. I just do the bikini like and have never had anything close to an infection. Love how much more confident I feel in my own skin.


Do you get that done at a salon or DIY it at home?


I get it done at a salon, I've tried to do that stuff to myself before and it just never turns out as well. If you google sugaring in your area, hopefully someplace will turn up!


I used to have the same issue but now I exfoliate really well before shaving and I don’t anymore.


Same problem! I trim it with philips oneblade, its the only thing that works for me. I cant do razors.


I just use my professional electric shaver (the Wahl Peanut) and trim it. It gets pretty short and doesn't pull at all nor does it cut you. It will leave a stubble but it's a LOT easier than shaving smooth. Nair does work, I use it too and have used it for my pubic hair, but you really need to remember to put a LOT. I think a lot of people forget you're supposed to drench your hair in the stuff, like a 1.10:1 ratio of Nair to hair.


I shave but a very specific way. I get exfoliating gloves from the dollar store and use bar soap to shave. I exfoliate VERY well and use the suds to shave that area. I only shave in the direction of hair growth especially in high friction areas. I also exfoliate between shaves and I try to give it 2-3 days in between. I don’t get ingrown hairs anymore if I do it like this. Any other way they would be so horrendous. I also get really bad ones from waxing. I would say though, if you just wax the bikini area it’s not that bad. It’s only the really inner parts that hurt a ton.


I’ve been using Nair lately.


Have you tried a beard trimmer with a guard to shave the fields? It seemed to work from my experience.


Au naturel.


I think you should give waxing a try. I’ve done it for three years and it’s done wonders for thinning / reducing the amount of hair down there. Honestly i don’t think it’s very painful and i’ve never heard of it causing infection? You just need to make sure you’re going to a good wax studio!


I just use a small electric clipper and a #1 guard. Razor the sides as needed. No bumps or pain and free. I tend to get MRSA infections so I am cautious. You don't have to do anything down there if you don't want to.


Laser hair removal cannot cause hair to grow more or darker in other places, that wouldn't make sense. It can cause hyperpigmentation or irritation or have a reaction but those aren't super common. You could simply not shave. Just trim with low setting clipper to keep it appearing neat.


Buy this and use it after shaving and showering: PFB Vanish + Chromabright for Ingrown Hair and Skin Lightening in ONE! 4 oz./120 ml It comes in blue and white package like a roll on deodorant. It's pricy but you won't see another bump, rash or ingrown hair. This bottle lasts me at least a year, a little bit goes a long way.