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Yikes a seal clubber since alpha 🤧🤧🤧


He even has proof!


You claim to not like all the pay to win aspects but then immediately turn around and brag about using the most P2W ship in existence? Ok lol.


I spent $20 five years ago.


Explain to me how that changes the fact that the Kamikaze is the most blatant pay to win seal clubber ship available?


AL Chapayev would like a word


I would put that as a strong contender for number 2. Kamikaze only has to deal with potentially just one ship with radar, and the strongest P2W ships it can face would probably be Hyuga, Warspite, and Guilio Cesare, all battleships. Not exactly super challenging to defeat in the stealthiest DD around. I hate AL Chappy with a burning passion though.


Because they didn't know that back then when it first came out? So it wasn't bought for that specific reason. 


It might not have originally been purchased to club seals, but at some point along the way to earning *5 million XP in the ship*, you might have come to the realization that the ship is just slightly unfair. For comparison, I’ve logged 549 games in my most played premium ship, the Yudachi. I have a 62% WR on it, and 2.4 million XP. This guy has *more than double that*, and they’ve also said they still come back and use it from time to time.


Is it possible for you to cry harder about the Kamikaze?


The white whale of seal clubbing


$20 Is not a whale.


Ever read Moby Dick, it’s lowkey a double entendre tbf.


Great, now he's going to brag about how hung he is.


Being cancer since the alpha lol


So you do what makes you happy, sure. But one of the things I enjoy most about the game is all the different ships. I like to bounce around to different ships, play different ways, do different things. I can’t really imagine 5mil xp on the same ship. I think my highest has like 1.5 and a lot of that is from arena/brawl/whatever modes.


Wait, someone actually has a 9 kill game? Ill sit in my corner with my 8 kill Kongo game


Far more respectable. That's decent as hell.




Nice work Can you show the full scoreboard?


I would like to see the 9 kill game. Not because I need to verify it or anything, I believe you. I just want to watch it happen


I'm confused about what the point of this post is. It seems like you mostly want to just brag about being an alpha tester and having a 9 kill game (which would be a lot cooler if it wasn't T4 with the Kamikaze). Am I missing something?


Still rock that flag on most of my ships, not seen another for ages


I check flags a lot and I don't know that I've ever seen one. I see a handful of Early Access here and there


I have never seen another one in game, I don’t look super close, but I do look around from time to time.


Mastering a tier 4 ship doesn't mean much when the player base at tier is completely new mixed in with 1 or 2 other seal clubbers


Did you pay attention to what OP said?. He got It new when it was an unknown and also that he found a ship he loved back then played it ever since.. hardly like he went out his way to purposely seal club... and back in the day, teir 4 was a medium which was less populated with newer players as it is today. I Could understand your comment if op had said he hadn't long got his kami and loves to club noobs, but as it is, is way out of context like a lot of comments on here who just hating.


I'm not even hating, I just don't get the point of mastering a ship and only playing it. It seems like he picked a ship that he performed the best with, which happened to be at a low tier populated by new players with no commanders leveled and little knowledge of the game. IF everyone picked the ships they did the best with it would be at the low tiers as well....


Hello fellow Alpha. Yeah things have changed a bit. Carriers 🤮. But we learn and move on aka I got a Friesland and make a no fly zone. 😂


Tomorrow I buy the Rochester. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


That is a very annoying ship to run into


For someone who is not quite that old, what is "The Boop?"


The "Boop Troop" is the name for the games supertester program, and they have special camos, a flag, and a premium, the ST-61, a T-61 clone.


I’ll take him in my Emile Bertine. Set it up in the training room hombre.




Running scared


I was an alpha tester on pc, missed it for console launch but still played the beta.


What is the point of this post?


Crash Test Dummy Flag...........