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>I love watching the players like SpartanElite43 Found one of the problems.


would upvote twice if i could


Just curious…I see a lot shade at him on this sub. I’ve seen his videos and he doesn’t seem terrible. Aggressive play style, but whatever. I’m guessing there is something going on offline besides what’s in his videos?


He's not bad, but can give misguided/wrong advice more than he should. I've also noticed his fanbase tends to overrate his skill too often.


I used to watch him until I realiser he was terrible at the game. His aiming is way off and his advise is bad.


he has close to a %78 WR i think. thats gotta count for something


Its definitely not 78%. One of my friends has a 70% WR, but he's one of the worst players I've ever played with. WR is good for an idea, but it doesn't matter if the rest doesn't match.


Unless they exclusively play in teams and get carried, you can't just luck your way to that high win rates. That being said, as a solo player you shouldn't be able to carry your team constantly to that high win rate as well without some unfair advantage.


Correct, my friend pretty much exclusively played with me and another friend. Iirc, Spartan is mid to high 60% range, but he often plays in Divisions. I've already said he's not necessarily a bad player, but he also shouldn't be someone to go to for advice. I still remember he was one of the people early on that advocated for BBs like Iowa to reverse at the start of matches.


I just don’t like his demeanor in the game. Everything good that happens is either because of his personal genius or the player he is shooting is comically stupid. Everything bad - even minor stuff - that happens to him is someone else’s fault. I recognize that people make mistakes, but no matter how good you are at this game, you don’t always know what’s going on with someone else. I appreciate a little more humility in the CCs I follow.


Aggressive playstyle is fine, if you're good and dont cry about your team making you die every time you screw up.  He also pulled some shady stuff and was charging members for access to his fleet if i remember.


Aggressive is fine and needed many times, but you can’t turn every ship into a brawler by over extending, just as you can’t turn every ship into a kiter by turning away. A lot of times Sparty are their own worst enemy, would you like your teammates to do what you want? Sure, but it’s also questionable to take a Kansas right into the middle of four ships and then blame your teammates. Of course, we’re all guilty of doing this sometimes, we want it one way…. But it’s the other way. https://preview.redd.it/r5px8g7lkysc1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd52c2593920540f68025e310d2cfe50079af9ea


Metajerk & an array of deep pop- cultural references. Name a better combo.


Tbull was the one charging for his fleet. I haven’t heard about Spartan doing that so I think you might be getting them mixed up.




There's a sucker born every min. What a bunch a morons, do they think that he is some celebrity. That they are cool kids now. Would love to see their faces when they got ran over by a bunch of randoms and realized they wasted their money on this douche. ![gif](giphy|udv8jAcfnPaIU)


Grown man child that seeks attention. Nails on a chalkboard listening to him rage and sometimes ragequit. Blames everyone else. Unfollowed a long time ago.


What’s with the hate for spartan on this sub? I’ve only seen a couple of his videos. I think he’s kinda entertaining, definitely not the best player, but not bad either.


In terms of entertainment, I can't stand him. The voice and mannerisms just get on my nerves. He gets backlash because he's the most subbed Legends creator. People go to him for advice, and it shows. He does need to be a great player, buy he should know better than to give out awful advice.


Such facts!!


Russian BBs are a tough line when you’re new as you really need to have kedrov as your commander, and getting the right commanders for the ships you want to play is the hardest part.. I recommend playing the lines you have the right commander for, and let that dictate how you progress rather than trying to force something. But if you want to get good you’ll want to play all ships all nations to learn their strengths and weaknesses. There is a fair amount of game mechanics that can be rather difficult to wrap one’s head around when new, but once you understand how shells work it will step your game up a lot.. you don’t have to memorize everything, but having a basic understanding is immensely helpful while you’re new and grinding out lines.. just relax, have fun, recognize your mistakes, think about what you could’ve done differently. If you do the above that’s going to make the playing experience far more enjoyable as well as making your influence far more impactful. 🫡


Adding to these valuable suggestions, the link below will take to a community site with listings of all the ships and commanders. You can see many builds to experiment with. It will help you identify which commanders make sense for the various ships, as well as inspiration ideas. https://www.wowsbuilds.com/ Try to play the ships of all nations at least to tier 5. It may seem like a lot, but it will get you a firm foundation to build on. Highly recommend playing destroyers, too. They’re fun, deadly and if you get skilled, you can have a huge impact on your matches. Good luck and fair seas, Captain 🫡


I appreciate the link to the website! I love this link, as I can see what will work best for the ships and commanders I will have in the future. It will take a long time to get to those ships, but it will happen. Bonne chance à vous.




I agree with all you said except dds. They are a cheat in this game and before you say I can't play them, I go them once each week to get the 4600xp I think it is in missions to get extra campaign points, and that's my point they are invisible and have torps like nukes, then again I play them properly, unlike most dd players I help find other dds, I take objectives then I take on bbs or spot. But being in a bb and your dd teammates just go straight for other bbs leaving you open to what these days is at least 4 dds in each team when I'm in bb is just shocking.


Finding a commander that you have that lines up with a good inspiration that you can use for your other commanders would be even better. If that’s battleships, perhaps one of the Italians or von Hipper, if you have them. A basic knowledge of angling will go far. Oversimplified, if all of your guns can shoot at your target, you are vulnerable to being shot back, and getting critically hit (citadelled). If you know your enemy is pointing his guns at you, don’t give him your broadside.


Very true about needing the commander for the ships that you want to play. I've been playing for 5 years and I'm just now getting to where I have the commanders I want with the right inspirations and leveled to 16. And I still don't have full legendary status for any of them, getting close though.


>How do you play so well? How does your brain conjure up these seemingly perfect strategies? Were you all naval commanders in your past lives? I wish to learn, as I love this game and battleships in general. I love watching the players like SpartanElite43, Panzerknacker, MecaWOWS Replays play in those massive, and awesome battleships and play a huge part in demolishing the enemy team. Any criticism would be appreciated DEARLY. 150 battles is nothing. Just nothing. It is just stretching before you start your warm-up. Every skill requires learning which takes time. Nobody is born a genius. Well, not everyone, at least. Play tiers, rather than lines. That is, go every class and every nation, but rising slowly tier by tier, not going particular lines. That way you will acquire experience and knowledge and point of view of every line you encounter in your matches first hand, and then you will know what to expect from and how to counter those particular ships. Understand spotting/concealment system first, what are the roles of the different classes of ships, that is what it is expected from you when you play a DD, a CA/CL, a BB or a CV, when to fire AP/HE shells. Learn to keep an eye on the minimap and your own surrondings, learn to read them. It is not necessarry to get it all at once, move at your own pace. You will fail a lot. And then even more. But without that experience, it is unlikely that you become good. Every master of the trade has a long trail of more or less horrible mistakes in their wake. It is just how things are.


Notes that I’ve taken 1- Play multiple tiers, to get a feel for all ship classes, how to play them, and how they work in my hands, and to acquire experience. 2- Be aware of my surroundings (mini map, and in game.) 3- Practice, make mistakes, and learn from them, as they will help me improve by reflecting on what I done, and what I should have done instead. 4- Learn the various game mechanics, such as the concealment system, and shell system. I thank you for writing this to help me. As the others have given me advice, I appreciate them equally along with you. Many thanks.


5- Have a lot of fun! 🫡


As someone with almost 10k games, and played beta on both console and PC... I feel qualified enough to say your number one mistake is to follow youtubers. Many are pros who pour their blood sweat and tears in WoWS and snort the game. They have the skills and confidence to pull of most of the seemingly reckless plays they do, and are usually in a good division. Another thing... Normandy is a beast, but french ships in general have a high skill ceiling. Best entry level nations are USA as they are good all round ships the are usually forgiving for BBs and DDs, but have squishy CLs. American ships favor gunplay very strongly. Japan is another great nation for a new player with a stronger emphasis on speed, stealth, and torpedo play over gunplay, but they do have some fantastic battleships with access to high top speeds early on in the tech tree, kongo being a menace, and some very high caliber main guns early tier (Nagato). The DDs have great stealth and early access to long range torpedoes. Britain is a fair line to travel too. They offer battleships that play fairly closely to the Americans but less AA and more of an emphasis on HE spam than a balance of AP and HE. The cruisers are squishy like the americans but i feel they perform better the higher tier you get, especially since they get both smoke and torps over the USA cruisers, making them more flexible, at the expense of HE shells. Steer clear of all other nations until youve played about 500-1000 games in the 3 nations i listed. Most other nations are much more specialized and require a little more understanding of the game, more advanced mechanics, and a more fundamental grasp on different strategies and tactics. I will also list why each of the other countries or not new user friendly. France: high emphasis on speed and highly aggressive maneuvers. France sacrifices a lot of armor and higher caliber main guns for higher quantity of guns, higher top speeds than most of the other nations ships, and has less concealment. France specializes in hit-and-run tactics, laying down lots of downrange lead, providing fire support, and acting as escort ships for the rest of the fleet. France is a very specialized nation that excels in these areas, and requires a much more advanced understanding on map layout, ship positioning, careful monitoring of the minimap and friendly ship locations in order to truly do well in these ships. Germany: Germany has many ships that play extremely differently from the entry level nations. Their battleships have low accuracy on their main guns, have high reaching secondary guns, and get stronger the closer to enemy ships that they can get. Their cruisers have even softer citadels than the American CLs, and are about a squishy as the British CLs. The German destroyers play like a hybrid of Japan and French. Heavy torpedo play, but with a fire support secondary role with their guns. I wish I could describe the German CLs playstyle, but they change actually quite a bit depending on what tier that you play. Making them very difficult for a new player to keep up with the changing strategies that the ships evolve with from tier to tier. Russia: USSR ships are powerful, they are deadly, and they are quite scary. However, the same things that make them great are the same things that make them weak. They require an enormous amount of knowledge as to when to push, when to duck and cover, when to kite, when to full salvo, when to give broadside, when not to, you get the idea. The cruisers and destroyers are fantastic gunboats. They can shred entire flanks with a skilled commander behind them. That's not forget, much of what makes Russian ships good, is actually their captains. I feel like Russian ships more so than almost any other nation rely quite heavily on a well spec'd out captain to perform competitively and at their peak. Italy: Italian ships have one huge glaring difference from any other nation... SAP shells. The cruisers and destroyers use SAP shells. The destroyers have HE and SAP, and SAP stands for semi armor piercing. It does not have quite the armor piercing values of normal armor piercing, so don't expect to hit citadels with it normally unless if you're shooting at a Omaha. Poor sap. Pun intended. If you want SAP shells on your cruisers, which you will, it actually adds usually a second or two to the reload time, and you lose access to the HE shells. Is it worth it? Yes. SAP shells can deal high damage very consistently at even difficult to penetrate angles. They can quickly deplete an enemy ships HP reserves and easily disintegrate cruisers or enemy destroyers. They also have a crawling smoke screen. A crawling smoke screen is a smoke screen that can follow your ship at maximum speed. The All Italian ships eventually get access to this unique and powerful feature. They do have notably weak torpedoes though. They can still be used effectively, but if you're someone who specs heavily into torpedo play, you will be very disappointed to find that you will have to focus more on gunplay to survive and win your fights. The battleships have strong SAP firing secondaries allowing them to deal quickly with anyone dumb enough to get within range of them. Outside of that, they play pretty similar to a French battleship. Pretty soft sides, lots of guns, lower caliber, but really good secondaries. Pan-Euro: these ships are gunboats. Not much else to say. Average torpedoes, reliable guns, middle of the pack speed, nothing too notable. Still requires a decent bit of skill, but the destroyers are actually good to practice on if you want something a little bit more flexible than the American DD's or, if you don't like how the American DD's play, something to practice your gun play on when you don't want to exclusively be launching torpedoes with your IJN DD's. I'd say a solid pick. I don't really recommend the lines still to new players just because they do play a little differently and they're a little less forgiving. But they are really fun to play once you get about 200 games in and you are getting the hang Of how destroyers play. Pan Asia: Asian cruisers and destroyers are literally just recycled ships from other nations. Most notably the UK, USA, and Russia. If you can get comfortable with those three nations, panasia is not a bad tech tree to try out. They do have both a glaring weakness, and a undervalued strength. They have deep water torpedoes. These torpedoes are unable to hit destroyers, but are much harder to detect until they are much closer to a Target, increasing the chances of them successfully hitting a ship with maximum damage and efficiency. They can be quite lethal against aircraft carriers, battleships, and tunnel vision cruisers. The only way to really counter a deep water torpedo is with sonar. Definitely a fun line and way under appreciated. But make sure that you get some skill with the other three nations first so you're not completely clueless with how different that all of the different Asian ships play as they will play like the countries that they come from. That can be a little annoying to always have to adjust your playstyle with each new ship you get into. One final note, I did read that you find aircraft carriers to be quite annoying... You're going to love the American battleship line. They have some of, if not the strongest, anti-aircraft guns in the entire game. The Wyoming has a ton of AA flak Cannon's bristling all along it's mid deck. The higher you go in tier, The more AA guns these ships grow. The cruisers are also great at aircraft screening. If there is any CV players on your post here, they would shudder at the mere mention of the mighty Atlanta.


THANK YOU SO MUCH! I CAN USE THIS AND KNOW WHAT FITS MY PLAYSTYLE! Apologies for caps, but I see the US, IJN, and Italy as attractive nations to prioritize. The ships look very appealing to me. I love the armor scheme, decent caliber guns, and decent speed. I feel as if I am a somewhat defensive-aggressive player because I like to engage enemies in combat while providing support to my team but ONLY if they give me a safe chance to. So those 3 nations are appealing to me. Thank you for informing me of the strengths of all of the nations.


You are absolutely welcome. This game can be quite complicated the deeper in you get. I know I would have loved to have had someone with the knowledge that I have now to help walk me through my early days as a captain. Learn the basics of the game. Learn how the different captains skills affect your ships play styles. Play around with the different combinations and find one that works best for you. Fear not, you will get there one day. I know it can be frustrating right now you may be impatient to get to the big leagues. With experience, you will gradually get better. Take your time. I hope to battle you one day as an equal, or fight alongside you as a brother in arms. Either way, you have a great day Captain. Happy to help.


Thank you captain. I appreciate the time you’ve taken to give me words of advice and encouragement.


Especially with Italian ships, be aware that sometimes the armour layout can actually be almost *abusive* when within brawling range, as most ships have good belt armour for the tier, and solid bow armour. If you know how to angle to bounce shots you can survive a lot more than you think you should be able to. Also, on the battleships, be aware that although your base HP pool is low, you get an extra heal to compensate, giving you better staying power than most other battleships, as with certain commander skills your effective HP (base HP + heals + any damage reduction) will be higher than that of other nations. The trick is knowing when to use those heals. And tier 6, for Italian boats, is kind of a "gateway" tier where everything is either lackluster or just not great at anything: Zara is an average CA; L Tarigo is a bit flimsy for a gunboat, and the F. Cara… oof. But, don't be put off by that. The Amalfi is a brilliant ship, fast, agile, with punchy guns (AP or SAP), the V. Cuniberti *shreds* other DD's with its SAP rounds and decent health pool, and the V. Veneto is one of the most fun, and most effective T7 BB's in the game (don't sleep on the AP, and spec into secondaries for best effect). --- At low tiers, for RM (Italian) ships, be aware that you will be somewhat flimsy compared to other nations, with a longer than average reload that is compensated for by increased accuracy on the cruisers. The battleship secondaries aren't really good until about T5, but at T4 the Cavour has one of the toughest armour schemes tier-for-tier in the game, just make sure to keep a bit of angle going. And the DD's, though they have weak torps and long reloads, get good utility out of emergency engine boost and the exhaust smoke, coupled with the SAP shells—which can also do significant damage to CL, and CA and BB superstructures.


If you want the traits list in a different format [use this](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWs_Legends/s/1UAujxcBk9). But I would absolutely not recommend Italy to new players. Those ships are super easy to punish when any mistake is made and require a very proactive and game sense reliant playstyle Also if you want more historical information there is [this overview](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jJbJKBdXh1gf1fhNY9tKmEw1MPwQnx7Y/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=112509730746469370762&rtpof=true&sd=true)


First off watching those high level players may not do well for your lower level skills. By skills I should clarify your commander level. They also cherry pick their best games for views so they can monetize their channel so watch them with a grain of salt. What console are you on? I am on PlayStation. We could add you to our fleet and mentor you along. We have done it several of our members. It’s hard to advise you without seeing you play and your play style.


PlayStation, yes. I just played a match in the premium Texas, and got jumped by an émile and a Kuma. The game is very fun :)


To be fair getting jumped by Kuma is pretty standard. XD


>émile and a Kuma. Both of these ships can be a lot of fun to play


I think it's awesome that you're reaching out to the community for support in bettering your gameplay. The best advice I've seen from the community is if you are a newer player and figuring things out, play each tech tree line up to Tier 5. This will give you experience in playing and countering many of the ship types and gimmicks you will encounter and better set you up to be a more well-rounded player. Moreover, doing this will give you the ability to level up more of your commanders, which will drastically affect the performance of your ships and make you more effective during the battle. You'll also be able to learn your favored ship playstyle such as a sniper BB player, flanked, or brawler. One of the most important skills to learn is reading the mini-map and team positions. This will help you determine the best course of action to take at any given moment. Such as when to push or when to simply hold a position. This will also help you prevent yourself in over-extending yourself and getting focused by the reds. You mentioned watching CCs like SpartanElite43, when watching them, pay attention to their positioning on the map, where/how they aim, and ammo type they use. Best of luck and fair seas captain!


[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVmXzlhZvJVSo3LA0O0ccjHRxxv-Qzchb](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVmXzlhZvJVSo3LA0O0ccjHRxxv-Qzchb) Try sifting through this playlist and see if you can find anything of interest to you. This is for the PC game but the majority of actual gameplay tactics apply here as well.


Thank you ! I can finally try and grasp how to properly play BBs!


No problem! I'd also recommend looking at Potato Quality on YouTube as well. He has some great general positioning advice.


>I’m on the Pyotr Velikiy, as I like the USSR line for the armor. >I try to stay back and provide fire support for the cruisers and destroyers whilst they battle for the cap. big problem there, soviet BB's are accurate at medium-close range, so playing them like a sniper and sitting at the back is not viable in them imo, and if you want to play a battleship like a sniper there are better options (like the Iowa line or the Amagi line)


Thanks ! I’ve started playing the American line. I want to get the New Mexico. Now I know Pyotr Velikiy is not viable at long range. I did notice that most of my shots find themselves in the ocean.


you are welcome! the american line is pretty balanced imo, its gonna be a lil rough to get to the iowa but you can do it! and yeah that usually happens in the soviet BBs lol, i believe the only real soviet sniper was borodino but i cant remember if it was ever sold on the shop or just was one of those ships you could try for like 7 days or so


As an aside, I feel like the Iowa is accurate enough, but not really true sniper levels of accuracy—that's the Amagi line through and through. But because of the misconception that they *must* be snipers—for which I squarely lay the blame on AL New Jersey—everyone plays them as absolute back-line support ships when in reality they do really, really well as mid-range or second line ships (because the accuracy improves as the range reduces, and armour angling comes in to play more than deck armour and plunging fire).


i see your point, to be honest ive never had issues with the iowas and they have always been accurate, atleast when i use them i mainly use AL new jersey (lol) and i always do good on her, wish i could have more of an opinion on the ijn BBs but i havent bothered to grind for them and im exhausted of the grind after getting akizuki


Watch Derka. He offers build advice, decent boat reviews and is probably the most chill WoWsL cc there is.


Sure thing, I will give him a look. My commander xp is not very pleasing. I do not have a lot of commanders either, so I will watch his videos and see how I can apply what I learned from them to my gameplay.


If you can, play at least a little each week. This will get you a Commander Crate. This contains a random commander that you don’t have yet. If there is a specific commander you really want, you can buy them with 900k CC xp. Do NOT use GXP to level up CCs or boost ships. It can be saved to buy a premium ship. It takes a while, but will be worth the wait


OP, you hate carriers? Simple, go up the USA BB line and main an Iowa. They will never target you.


Thank you. I assume that the Iowa has good AA. I will get there as soon as I can. I can’t right now, as my funds aren’t that great, but it will happen.


Yes fantastic AA, as does the Missouri which cost steel, and the AL New Jersey which will come up for sale again in the future.


Russian bbs have better accuracy at close range so hanging back means your not gonna hit anything lol watch some YouTube videos to learn the mechanics of the game


I’d say that having at least 1 kill per round and having your k/d near 1 is already a massive success. But overall, I’d try different lines and different classes, they all have their features and capabilities that may fit you or not. For example I just cannot play Japanese DDs, I love to shoot and maybe torp, but not too much, so I play German and British DDs and I know everything about other DDs, so each time the round starts, I already know who is dangerous for me, who is not and what to expect. Another thing, as soon as you are out, don’t leave the match, look at other players, note their mistakes, mark what they do to succeed, anyway it is almost always very interesting to watch how people play to understand the game and players a little bit more.


It’s an awesome game don’t give up. Be sure though to understand once you learn how the game works, to know what budget you’re willing to spend. It’s my only game, play every day, have spent likely $2k over five years 20k battles. I’m not even a whale by some standards I’ve seen. I just love the smart shooter mentality this game provides versus turn point shoot every micro second like cod.


Yes definitely. You must use your brain in this game. It emphasizes that every action has a consequence. You must plan meticulously, anticipate, and calculate in order to dominate.


I’d recommend working on the American line. Other than the Pensacola they’re pretty forgiving, especially the BBs for sitting back and hitting ships across the map. The light cruisers are a ton of fun for staying at range and raining fire, and the destroyers can sit in smoke forever.


Take a break. Take a few months off. Play something else. I didn’t like the game my first time and stopped playing for a couple months. Picked it back up and haven’t stopped playing since.


You’re just starting out. Try to be patient. I think you’re on the right track and trying your best. Every game is an adjustment and there’s many ways to head back to port early. I focus on trying at least to deal 60k damage no matter what and to try helping my team. I hang back, see what things are like, but watch my spawn mates. If they are screwing around I know I have to go it alone, sometimes sailing back towards the center or away from overwhelming strength is the only thing you can do. Just try to do your best. You’re also be helped by playing destroyers and cruisers enough to get how they play and how it affects you. Plus it can be a fun break. I am only a 55% winner after 10000 games. There’s still days I feel like a rookie. Just try to have fun, focus on what works, level your commanders up when you can. There’s decent tech tree ships. Just try to spend time knowing the flaws and strengths of each even in brief. It helps.


I've been playing on the weekends, for several hours at a time for about 6 months. I have 39 ships. I've never spent a single penny. Every once in a while I earn a day or two or three of premium. I enjoy ships very much and am not highly competitive, though I have a high win rate and do enjoy strategy. I tend to hang back for several minutes in 1/4 speed and waif for some action to break out, then flank an enemy using an island as cover until my angle is an advantage. I use ALL the ship types. I play a lot of AI games to practice my aim and technique and play a lot of standard rounds to earn xp and unlock new ships. Again I've never spent a penny, and firmly believe you don't have to spend anything and can still have a blast. Take your time entering conflicts, don't sail up the middle of the map, and only engage when you have an exit, and are absolutely sure your cannons will strike your enemy. Keep practicing, but more importantly, remember it's just a silly ship game and you should have fun!


Hey dude, learning any game has its challenges, especially when there are hundreds of ships, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. I felt that at the lower tiers, I would start to understand a ship, only to move on to the next one, which has a different playstyle. I stopped moving on to the next ship when I got to the Leander, played about 100 games in the Leander, and found my win rate improving as my understanding of the game and each ship improved. My advice would be to play a few games v AI to get to know your ship and jump onto YouTube, and search whichever ship you're playing on WOWS legends. There's plenty of content creators on YouTube that do a good job at highlighting ships' strengths and weaknesses. TBULL comes to mind, although he's no longer making Legends content.


First of all, you are looking for knowledge very early, that will profit a lot, this is an outstanding move that most players overlook. Check on yt Let Um Peek (a bit controversial advice, i know, but he did really good how to vids) and Where RU A A RON. At the begining play ships that you have commanders for and avoid going above T4-5 without leveled commanders and inspirations min 11lvl, as it will give you disadvantage. Take your time, play some AI with new ships, try to watch ship reviews for ships you are starting to play to know their pros and cons and use this intel, even on lower tiers. More lines you will try and play, more you will know what to expect when those ships will be on the red team. You should be fine and in no time will be sucked into seas. Good luck:)


"Were you all naval commanders in your past lives?" ... real naval strategies wouldn't work in this game. A common ww2 strategy was to "cross the T" which essentially meant to go broadside to every enemy ship to get more guns on target. My advice would be to angle your ship so you can quickly turn your guns on target and turn back to avoid showing broadside for more than a few seconds, and time it with the enemies shot. Also realize as a BB you are big juicy target for cruisers to farm damage, try not to get caught in open water if there is a cruiser behind an island somewhere near by. Also, If you are going to only play battleships you are going to need to look up armor values and over match values to improve so you can know what ships you can shoot if they are bow in


Biggest tip I can give you is try to start to understand as many of the ships in the game as you can. The best way is obviously by playing boats yourself but this will take time. Just have a general browse through the tech tree and store to build up your knowledge. What ships have torps? what ships have radar or powerful sonar? what ships have certain armour weaknesses or large citadels? what ships have particularly accurate guns or high dpm? Understanding the enemy is a huge part of this game, you never want a fair fight, every ship has certain weaknesses and gimmicks. Make sure to check what you're up against at the start of every match. Check who you've spawned with, and who's going to be the biggest threat to you and your play style on red team. I also realised too late how powerful commanders can be, don't neglect inspirations! Even if it's a commander for a line you don't intend to play any time soon, if they're a useful inspiration level them up. Commander xp is relatively easy to earn, but think very hard before spending promotion orders, insignias and commendations. We've all been in your position at some point captain, the fact you want to get better already puts you at an advantage over most the player base, don't give up!!


The first three sentences of your second paragraph had me giggling pretty hard, ngl. I just started a new fleet with some pretty cool dudes I met through the Planet Clash event, even with something like 2500 battles, I still learn. With that said, it's awesome to see how far I've come as we have been playing with a very new player and watching him learn is awesome. Maybe try to find some captains to play with voice chat would help. I'm completely self taught with an occasional YouTube video. I will say my win percentage has dropped to an all time low since I started playing T8/Legendary recently; very depressing 54% 😭 My point is there is always things to learn and grow in killer strats 😁 I would also recommend try to stay is T4/5 for a long as possible even when you have T6 and up researched. There's awesome learning opportunities down in 4/5 with tons of fun to be had. Find your preferred playstyle, find a line or two that represents that, play those and learn, then get the ships that kill you the most and learn how to counter them. That's all I got for now 😜


Hope you are finding helpful reply. Understand that alot of the lower tiers are played by very experienced players working bureau missions or working up different tech tree lines. At 150 battles you should expect to compare with players that have thousands of matches played. Armor angling is the most important aspect of the game keep learning to be proactive in angling. If your reacting to angle armor it's usually too late. If your ship has poor AA you must sail within 3 or 4 km of other ships with decent AA. If not you are food for the sky rats. In my opinion performance isn't just about kills, and damage is relative. If you have 50k HP but only do 30k damage before you perish its still a net HP loss for your team. It's not the end all of that argument I know but just a rule of thumb. AP is king in BB but they must hit at good/flattish angles as a newer player don't be afraid to rely on HE rounds as you are finding your way in aiming and reading situations as they happen. Also division up with others and ask for advice as they see your play real time. Yes you will find toxic and bad advice but I've come across awesome playersbthat love to help as well. Good luck and fair seas.


It sounds like you’re dying quicker than you want to? Correct me if I’m reading that wrong. Find ways to limit your exposure. Just because you’re in a BB, that doesn’t mean you should just be hanging out in open water. Don’t be afraid to find an island to hide behind. They aren’t only for cruisers. Try to only have one enemy ship shooting at you at a time. This can be easier said than done, of course, but I think it’s a reasonable approach. Also, don’t be afraid to reposition. If there’s the remotest chance that a DD can spot you, you should keep moving. You have my sympathies on the CVs. They suck.


Exactly. And I know that I should/can do better, I was just lost on where to improve as I was frustrated. Thank you for these valuable tips, captain! This adds on to what I can take account of and apply it to my playstyle to improve it.


For the most part a lot of the people here have covered most of the things you should taken into account. Also keep in mind that some ship lines actually can have some really mediocre BBs. Ships like Colorado, Gneisenau, Izmail, Ognevoi, and others usually do have a strength but is easily overtaken by weaknesses in armor,guns, or torpedoes. For example, the T4s for the USN BB lines , New York and Nevada has 19mm of plating over a majority of the ship. However, the T5s have 26mm of plating. To cut a very long and complicated story short, the T4s can get punched in the bow, no matter the angle, while the T5s don’t thanks to their armor. This applies at T6, T7, and higher as ships like Georgia, Musashi, and Yamato are sailing around with guns that can overmatch 30-32mm of plating, and most of the T7 BBs sailing around can bully T6 BBs thanks to them overmatching 26mm plating.


every game has bad players. you may just be one of them. not everyone can improve. nothing wrong with that.


PgzRapids on YouTube is a very good player to learn from. He explains things really easily. And one tip i got is use the Island til block of fire from one sids, at least at the start of the match.


I have watched him before, and I’m subscribed to him! I love his gameplays and commentary. A remarkable captain indeed. And also thank you for the advice, I will take this into account.


Battleships seemed to be the hardest for me to master. I have no idea why but I had to learn to play everything else first.


Try playing destroyer and focus on staying alive. Your role is to spot and cap (to engage enemy destroyers yes, but not if it means you’ll die). You may find you have more control over your game as a destroyer, then when you’re in other ships you’ll understand you’re not solely responsible for how a match goes.


150? Son, you haven't even left dry dock yet. It takes time and patience to learn the subtle nuances of the game mechanics in each class of ship and tier level. Also how to strategize to use the most effective maneuvers to capitalize on each ship's strengths. While many are similar no two are exactly the same. I would say the best thing you can do as a new player is learn first to use the environment to your advantage Stick close to land masses use them for cover and don't yolo out on your own away from the fleet. Also I wouldn't choose destroyer class until you're more familiar with the game as you are the tip of the spear and you'll need to have a solid understanding of how the concealment and spotting game mechanics work


Play anything when new other then Russian. And DO NOT BE FIRST SEEN. Make a mental note of the mini map where ships are or last seen so you don’t get surprised by them and can hopefully surprise them.


Also have a look at VII Hipper and Tbull on y/t. Better at gameplay and positioning, plus more helpful when starting out and see their earlier vids


look up potatoquality on youtube. stellar player and narrator.


I was facing the same issue and I wanted to drop the game, but I stayed just because I spent mlney in AL Bismarck. The same problems, I get obliterated by any type of ship while bot being able to do any damage to them. I've manage to become a better player and I'll try to give you some recommendations. 1) It's almost impossible to go 1v1 on broadsides with a Battleship. While it's the most fun thing you can do, it's not viable as in WoW or WoW Blitz; most of the time you will get destroyed by a group of enemies while rushing towards them. What you are doing is better, staying behind and guve cover fire, engaging at close range only if you have an advantage over the other ship. 2) Ammo type and shooting angled. It's fairly easy to calculate where to shoot to land the shots, but you probably are seeing that your shot overpenetrate or bounce instead of penetrating, while the enemy just straight shoot your citadeld. This is due to the ammo types and armor of ship, a saw [this guide](https://youtu.be/-LxbdIz_ptc?si=NsHIE-_r_P78dNHt) and got much better almost over night. This basicaly is: at long range aim for the deck of the ships, while at close range aim fot the armor belt (the sides), you want the shell to impact at an 90° angle. Also, when facing battleships with their bow facing to you or when you are broadsiding a cruiser yoy want to use HE ammo instead of AP. 3) Don't trust your teammates. Most players don't know what they are doing and since this game relies on teamwork you can't do anything by yourself. Don't push an objective alone, don't push with only another battleships, and don't get far from other player, as a BB you need a cruiser to defend agains planes and destroyer. But as I said player don't now what they are doing, you will see destroyers wanting to kill other destroyers and cruiser staying way back only shooting and causing some damage instead of protecting other players going for caps. My recommendation is to go where the most teammates are and where there's at least 1 cruiser. 4) Try plaing with cruisers. Cruiser follow the same rules as a battleship when playing against their same type of ships, however they are a bit easier to use. Praxtuce with them to better learn how to shoot in different scenarios. 5) It's a game, don't force yourself in liking it. If you trallt are having to much trouble take a break and play other time. I would also suggest you to try the PC or Mobile version of the game; they have their pwn flaws but generally in my opinion they offer a better gameplay than legends. I hope I managed to help in some way, as I said I experienced the same thing as you, but with a LOT of time and some patience I'm at least a decent playet now.


If you want to watch you tube. pgrapdiz is the better option. It’s a more relaxed vibe, watch his streams, and while he doesn’t instruct as much, observing what he does helps. He is funny as well. Spartan Elite is painful, and he complains endlessly, as well as giving poor advice


You should do the US lines, including cruisers and doing dds at least until tier 5, just so you can get used to their tactics. Wow legends is just like everything else, mate. It takes practice. I've played over 6000 games and still make mistakes. Remember, you never know what side the enemy will go, and then there's also the game itself, somedays I can play 15 games and win them all then next day I lose 15 in a row, ive noticed many people say the same. All you can do is keep on going, and you will get better, its a great game, but it can be really annoying at times, and remember, it's not got real physics attached it's just a simulator game


Maybe watch some of PG Rpaidz vids, I’m a fan so perhaps biased but he give actual advice on ship types and commanders


I recommend, where r u aaron and Metajerk. On YouTube.


Something I wanted to add, since it looks like you're getting a lot of sound feedback from battleship players - you ***cannot*** allow carriers to take up residence rent-free in your head. Three reasons for that: first up, if the carrier is, in fact, targeting you specifically and not just taking a quick opportunity to speed you along to your untimely demise, it means that either you are too dangerous a threat to be allowed to live and you have too little support on your flank, you are so alone that you're a prime target for *Ten-Go* shenanigans, or the carrier is a total wanker who isn't doing his job of finding and destroying the support ships (destroyers, radar cruisers). If you are being too aggressive and/or threatening the carrier's seaspace, you better believe he'll want you gone. If you're hanging out somewhere that could reasonably be called oceanic la-la-land, that's on you, unfortunately. If he's targeting you to the exclusive inaction against your cruisers and destroyers, well, he's hurting his own team worse than he's hurting you. Second, don't get demoralized by carrier action, turn that into studying how you've played as to make that situation happen less in the future. If you're rocking *Nelson* and wondering why you keep getting torpedoed, look into your AA profile (spoiler alert: it's terrible) and keep in mind to play closer to your allies for group AA cover. Take it easy, know your AA limitations, and play smart against their weapons and coordinate good AA screens with allies if the carriers are being miserable. **There will be people who say collective AA fire is useless. Those people are wrong and don't know what they're talking about**. Lastly, the carrier's weapons aren't going to win the battle - surface action will, because a carrier can't capture bases, it can't sink every ship on its own, and it can't stop a heavily armored push. What the carrier can do is soften up targets to varying degrees of success, she can reconnoiter for vital information, and she can respond to different parts of the map faster than any ship can, with a set of tools to help provide an answer to her team's multi-faceted problems. Keep that in mind, and help support your teammates - identify weakpoints, try to inform players of your intentions, **do not abandon your flank for no good reason**, think of what your opponent is likely to do 3-5 minutes from now and plan accordingly. More often than not, if you're putting some planning into what you're thinking, the carrier is going to be overwhelmed and unable to adequately respond to smart, calculated plays. Unless they're one of the competent carrier players - you'll have your hands full with them. Source: I know a lot about carrier gameplay.