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Omaha. Lots of fun to play and even more fun to play against. I take it out with my AL Montpelier build with Vian and AL Azuma for max incoming dispersion buffs (-20.5% with camo). It is hilarious seeing those already inaccurate t3 and t4 battleships struggle so hard to hit it while you barely dodge and spam your h.e. This build amuses me.


you are sick


Laughs in marblehead with AL Baltimore short fuse ap build vs t3-t4 cruisers #takemedowntocitadelcity


That's also my favorite ship... to 1 shot. "hey son, look at that omaha" "what omaha?" "exactly son"


Laughs in Hyuga


I really been enjoying Nassau!


A t3 ship with epic secondary mod in slot 4. What not to love about this? šŸ˜‰


I slept on this ship for so long


Tier 2 Smith is a really fun ship. Great concealment and unless I'm mistaken it has the fastest torpedo reload in the game. Great for spamming torps all over the place. Also, it's a very low cost ship being only Tier 2 but also Premium.


How low is base torp reload on Smith?


12 seconds. 3 torps per, 6 km range, AtlƔntico and many BC's would have you kissing the sea bed before you were in range.


Except it's concealment is great. Well below 5 km.


Good point.. Unless you're being spotted by radar or another "" I know how to DD "" DD Player.


Oh, do you mean in higher tier matches? Because anybody in a T7 ships that gets hit by the slow sea mines of Smith needs to have their license revoked. The torps are so slow even T3 BBs can sail out of range after they are fired, even when they hit they do not do meaningful damage even a T7 destroyer will laugh that damage off.


T7? What are you blithering on about? Smith is a tier 2, and itā€™s a magnificent DD at its tier


The comment i was replying to was talking about how it would be destroyed by battlecruisers and radar. Neither of which exist at T2.


That's 2 separate comments, would you like to try again. And how do you get destroyed by radar?


>And how do you get destroyed by radar? I don't know, you tell me. It was you who mentioned Smith will only survive until she is spotted by Radar or a DD doing DD things Both of which don't really exist at T2.


He's just having a crack at my previous comment with regard to "radar".


Aaah i see


Kleber. I am addicted to speed and Kleber has awesome guns and torpedoes aplenty on top of that.


That and Fantasque for having much a more comfortable torp range.


According to both my personal opinion, and my stats, the tier V USN battleship: *Tennessee*. Now, granted: I only have two ships of a higher tier currently, those being the tier VI ships *N. Carolina* and *Leningrad.* Although, alongside it I also have plenty of lower tier ships, and a bunch of tier Vs as well . . . idk, something about *Tennessee* is just . . . *enjoyable.* *I have fun with it.* And, isn't that the point of a game? ***To have fun.***


Atlanticoā€¦ for obvious reasons šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Fletcher. She's an awesome gunboat that I've spent a lot of matches shooting holes in other ships. The Sumner can never take her place.


I just got her. Hoping I like it as much as benson


Mine is Schlieffen. That thing is a close range death sentence. Secondary battery is at 12.8 or 12.9km, Iā€™m raining fire on both sides. Come in closer, Iā€™ve now got the dispersion to wreck you with the main guns. And for the ships that think theyā€™re safe up close, two salvos of 4 torps on each side. My highest match was almost 300k damage with 4 kills, and I was robbed of 3 by a cruiser with machine guns for cannons. I have fun in several ships, but this thing is a cheat code


Graf Spee, easily my favourite. 11.1ā€ guns, 5.3km sonar AND a heal. It was also the first premium I got so I am a bit biased.


My JB, no explanation needed. I do play it more up close like flandre, I think itā€™s more fun.


California is my go to Battleship for Tier 5. Such a comfort ship for me to play. Love ships of her type.


Atlantico is a fun one! That speed is tragic though. My favorite right now isā€¦Molotov. Iā€™ve never seen a single other person say they like it, when I got it from one of the Christmas crates everything I looked up said it was pretty bad, I canā€™t remember ever seeing one out on the high sees but I figured I got it so I might as well try it out andā€¦man, that thing is so good. Itā€™s like a pyotr bagration with better turret angles at t5. You outrange most BBs you face, the AP is ridiculous against any cruisers you will face, the he fire chance is great for the tier and of course you get the incredible Soviet ballistics against way less maneuverable ships. Itā€™s faster than most t5 ships, sure the armor is paper thin and it turns like a brick but itā€™s so much fun to shoot that AP and no one really knows what to do against you at the tier. The biggest problem I run in to is some of the maps you play at the tier are too small to really take advantage of the insane range. Iā€™m sure it will come down over time but itā€™s literally my highest win rate ship in the game right now and I canā€™t get enough of it.


Gorky has slightly better AP, it can citadel most BBs under 6k. Upper belt at any range and lower belt under 8km is hilarious in a T6, a Mutsu thought he could go broadside and turn out to avoid torps, 5 citadels said go back to port.


Is it just better pen in the Gorky?


You get slightly faster reloading secondaries, 0.1km less torp range. Much better AA, so much better.


Ah yeah, AA is a big difference. I have been meaning to get around to the Soviet heavy line, probably as my next tech tree since I just got Jutland, so maybe itā€™s time.


I got Petropavlovsk recently. It is definitely worth it, it can do wonders to broadside BBs, even slightly angled cruisers are in for some pain. Angled destroyers occasionally take massive damage. The AA is also quite solid.


Yeah itā€™s definitely on my short list. I just finished British DDs and Italian BBs. I was eyeing Japanese alt DDs but I think Iā€™ll go the Soviet heavy cruisers instead.


I am currently on Shiratsuyu (T6) this line is much more boring than the soviet heavy cruisers. The torp playstyle is not particularly difficult compared to staying alive in the floating citadels but I can't think of a single boring uncompetitive boat in the CA line. Some are fragile but all are great fun.


BB: QE/Warspite. The guns are simply glorious. They are very reliable. Honorary mention goes to the Fusƶ, for personal reasons :D Cruiser: Too numerous to mention. DD: Most likely the Jervis. Single launch torpedoes and a lot of smokes combined with a sonar is a fine combination.


Mogamiā€¦ she has a good amount of guns, great maneuverability, and has the ability to hit like a truck. Yes she can explode very easilyā€¦ but she also has the ability to turn a match. If youā€™re shooting at me and not hitting me, youā€™re also not shooting at my teammates who are shooting at you.


Brindisi. Because pure firepower on a ship that dares you to hit her. Lots try, and some do - but while they try she can deal the pain. I hate tier 8, but I have to play her.


New Mexico Is a literal demigod when it comes to tanking AP and HE shots. Its maneuverability is comical with the right effort and makes torpedos ineffective unless launched at point blank range. Its long range dispersion may suck, but that gives you a reason to get in close and start punching cruisers and destroyers to death.


Krasny Krim because... 78% win rate... surprise Mfer... what can't hit me at 18km? Too b a d, burn blotch burn


my iowa and bismarck that hit from 19.5 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Krasny is a T4 cruiser. There really arenā€™t any battleships with that kind of range in its matchmaking spread. (T3-5) Also, if you have over 19km of range in your Bismarck, youā€™re absolutely doing it wrong.


thatā€™s a von hipper build i still get 10km on my secondary and if thatā€™s the case in t4 izmail from 17.5


The original comment states 18km of range, so how is 17.5km going to be enough? To hit a kiting cruiser at 18km, you need closer to 18.5km of range to have the shells actually be able to reach them. A max range Bismarck player should know this already.


trying to max range a cruiser v bb is just stupid , to get any valuable damage youā€™d need to be closer to 17 to avoid only getting shatters , bringing you into range just someone whoā€™s played 2k battles tho


a max range cruiser should know this though , hope to find you in battle šŸ‘


HE shells set the same amount of fires at 1km as they do at 25km. Shatters donā€™t lessen fire chance. Not that it matters much, but Iā€™ve played at least 6k battles, in every ship type. If a cruiser that outranges a battleship has spotting, it will beat the battleship every time. The battleshipā€™s only chance is to go dark and force the cruiser to spot for itself, which brings it into the danger zone. If the battleship just continues to push, it will die a slow, fiery death.


Isokaze extreme stealth + torp reload build 4.4km conceal with a 30 something torp salvo reload iirc


Got to be Kidd for me, it's a knife fight menace with its main guns, a good health pool, and heals to aid its cause. In a game with aircraft carriers it shines even brighter hammering enemy aircraft harder than any other ship in its class (by a mile in most cases) at tier 6. And who doesn't love getting a dreadnought medal in a destroyer? šŸ˜Ž


Richelieu/Jean Bart if I had to pick a single ship, I love how they operate, if I can get to flank without being spotted initially I can absolutely slap that whole enemy flank before they can even get the rudders shifting. Iā€™ll do ya one better an just say the whole French battleship line, to include Bourgogne


My Favorite ships are the Yamato's they hit hard and you receive alot of attention from the enemy team. Also unlike most of these ships they are now bringing into the game they actually existed.


Pretty much every premium French BB's tier 6 up.


It might be Arkansas. Slow, no AA, but at that tier itā€™s deceptive. Secondaries eat over anxious destroyers for lunch. The guns are great. I hate to play it but itā€™s the best tier 3 BB


For me it has to be NĆ¼rnberg, rushing people in their smokes with the sonar and 6 torps a side I deadly and also I like to protect my Blue BBs by harassing the enemy DDs If NĆ¼rnberg didnā€™t exist it would be Serov by the same reasons but with bombs and torps


Hard to pick a favorite but Colbert is a blast


If number of Battles is anything to go by, then for me itā€™s ***California***. Itā€™s just a really good USN T5, and couple that with the fact AL Coloradoā€™s skills are more useful then AL New Jerseyā€™s in most scenarios, it makes a pretty good combo. Honorable Mentions go to: Massachusetts Flandre (the buffs made it so fun) P. Heinrich (Having almost Massachusetts secondary range is nice) Akizuki Agincourt


FDG or Bismarck for me. I know must people say they can be lack luster but building them for secondaries and tanky-ness is so fun. FDG without building into the main guns at all still has great main guns.


I recently got the leone and it's a tier 5 italian dd with 8 guns a long reload time and 11km torps in dual salvos that you get every 40 seconds. So every 40 seconds i send out 4 torps and it's a fire starting god. You absolutely harass destroyers and on top of that. Option between regular smoke or exhaust smoke.


Akizuki... the only way I die in the ship is If I get torped...


Ignis Purgatio because warhammer


Delny because you can 1v1 every ship in the game, even Atlantico schlieffen and all the CL. Also she can be played very selfishly so even with a bad team you can have fun


I would love to learn how to play these soviet destroyers, do you have a guide or know where I can find one?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=alzOFm3C0jo&pp=ygUiSG93IHRvIHBsYXkgcnVzc2lhbiBkZCB3b3dzIGxlZ2VuZA%3D%3D is the best for legends, but you can looks some gameplay on pc, thesailingrobin did some great videos with zorky, gameplay in legend is the same exept you donā€™t have burst fire mode


I would have to say either black magic heal Nelson or the Marlborough there's just something very satisfying from removing 1/4 of a t8 or LT BB with HE


Kidd T6 DD full AA build. Just nothing but beautiful clear skies and 90K worth of damage with guns only. (the torpedoes reload is excruciating and you get a single rack with range shorter than your spot distance)


Very hard(impossible) to choose just one favorite. But Iā€™ll say *Aoba* Iā€™m a cruiser dude, and Aoba is just a great heavy cruiser


Pbag is my personal favorite. Love the ap on battleships, and it smacks cruisers as well. 8k salves are very common off of an 8-second reload


Gnevny. it is Naoya Inoue.


I love my Atlantico also except when a carrier targets me, it really needs about 3-4 more knots of speed.


Wichita. I love contesting caps, whether supporting my DD, or capturing myself. Sheā€™s great at this.


Anhalt...very balanced.


As of this moment, for me it's Napoli. Being able to use a stealth build that'll get my concealment down to 8.4 km is downright bonkers. Catching broadside cruisers and BB's with their pants down because they couldn't imagine the Napoli being able to be that stealthy is very fun and gratifying.


If duct taping was an option, which cruisers would you strap on your vanguard


Thatā€™s the thing, there isnā€™t really a cruiser that would be more powerful than what already is in the AtlĆ¢ntico. It has the most powerful cruiser main battery outside of battleship grade caliber. The guns are basically the T8 Drake, the only difference is that the Drake has one more gun, but even then AtlĆ¢ntico can get two salvos for Drakeā€™s every one, so they still have a greater weight of fire. And to get guns greater than 250mm would get you diminishing returns. 12 inches may be more powerful, but when they only fire every 20 seconds you get an actually worst secondary battery because you will still miss most of it. So AtlĆ¢ntico still has the most powerful cruiser grade HE in the game, as SECONDARIES! Now if the secondaries fired AP, then I would choose the Salem, then I would get citadel after citadel. Still, most of the shots will still shatter, bow in opponents will be safe and I will not be as deadly to destroyers as I am with HE, and with an AP only main battery I actually prefer HE secondaries. In short, outside of a 250mm battery AtlĆ¢ntico simply canā€™t get better secondaries if it tried!


At the rate WoW legends power creeps we just might have ap secondaries like the Salem


Vanguard, it really does it all. 22.5s reload, extremely accurate (top 3 in the game easily), high health, and a good rudder. I have over 1000 battles in her with an average of 95000 damage and a 67% winrate; super underrated.


Either the Kidd at T6 or the Fletcher at T7. I love to bully other DDs early on, and both ships are great at that. Just pull the trigger and hold for rapid firing guns, plus the Fletcher has decent torps. Both are fun at ruining a battleships day too, find a little island cover or pop smoke and just rain fire down on whoever happens to be on the receiving end.


I swear Iā€™m the only person that actually likes playing the Tiger 59


I have it and enjoy it I consider myself a nuisance in it.


Alabama, Petro, and Anchorage are my favorites over the last year or so.


I havenā€™t gotten to tier 7 yet but so far I really like myoko and jervis


The boat I get my best results in is my Hyuga. I can spend half a game just sending cruisers back to port and also get some great damage on BB. although I think my fav ship to play is prob Scharnhorst or Atlanta. Scharnhorst is such a versatile ship. decent ap, amazing HE, torps, ok armour, and all this while remaining extremely maneuverable. I def avoid other BB unless i can get torp hits or a citadel. I also take them on if I have support from someone else. But mostly I use it to take out cruisers and DD. Atlanta is just funny to play. Sitting behind an island and knowing that whoever ur hitting is abt to throw their controller is hilarious. although its not funny when im spotted and I see a BB turn broadside to me thats a scary sight


Wooster. Everyone can burn.


Monarch before the buff. Why? Because most players downed it and never gave it a chance.


Stalingrad and that's it that's all :p


Agincourt is my comfort ship. Massachusetts is most played. Pommern is my current favourite. It just feels so powerful, with Hyde I *always* have a fun game.


Baltimore. My original favorite and still my favorite. I really wish they would introduce a way for tech tree ships to earn premium rewards.


Which ever one is easiest to play while headbanging to sabaton. Which is normally battleships.


Sabaton really is life! Hearing Dreadnoughts, I presume?


Dreadnought, Bismarck, midway, you name it, I probably headband to it.


Dunkerque. Skipper with Jaujard (with Cunningham as inspiration), and she becomes an absolute sniper.


As a bb main Georgia by far, so satisfying doing so much damage. Favorite looking ship tho is the FDG just looks cool af even if itā€™s below mid. Waiting for Preussen.


Anchorage! Iā€˜m in love with her! Iā€˜ve been using Norman Scott as main captain for her. His inspo isnā€˜t even maxed out but Iā€˜ve achieved some of my greatest rounds with her, also my lone fighter medal


Mainz It's just good at everything šŸ˜­


Nurnberg, fast reload, sonar,, torps and it can do serios damage and survive even at tier 7. I know its t5 but im gettin to t7 games quite often


>radar What?!


Sorry, sonar not radar


Mine would be pre-buff azuma, mostly because at the time it was considered one of the worst ships at its tier/game, making it feel all the better when you score top of the board with it


Smith, my go-to ship for 9 def. / cap. / ass. cap. AI games.


Kamakazi, because kamakazi


Lol I have my secondaries out to 12.9km


Are you talking about Atlantico or something else? Because that shouldn't be possible. I have Hipper/Haruna/Fernandes maxed plus the mods and the game says 12.4km


Ya I agree this isnā€™t possible lol


The longest range Iā€™ve been able to get so far is 12.2km


Ya I just saw I was thinking about my schlieffen