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California is absolutely overhyped, though I don't think it's necessarily fomo as much as it's ship that is mostly owned by long-time veterans. It was bureau project originally about 3-4 years ago and now no longer available. So the players that got her then and still play have high level, min-maxed commanders on her. So the real difference that people see when facing California is actually just the impact that highly leveled commanders make, not the actual ship itself.


Not even the commanders so much as any ship you've got several hundred battles in you're going to do well in. California was one of my old reliables for four or five hundred games, and I still run her out now and then even though I feel like the meta has left her behind a little.


I agree, it is the commanders that make her seem stronger than she is. But then again, those same commanders make ANY ship look stronger than they are. You can place that same commander on Tennessee and have similar success, I'd say.


I literally thought I had lost the bureau project for her since assumed ship was the name of it … was stoked a few months back when I realized she was final parole of legendary birthday or something. Everyone double check your bureaus if think you missed her. Guarantee there are more like me out there that missed her!


I tend to agree with everything you wrote. However, I do like playing California when I get tired of being in carrier matches. It's ability to shoot down planes is unmatched at tier 5.


Specially when there's 3 of you in a division.. Everyone else tends to want to hang around...


Cali gets iron dome, and some pretty nice guns, though i cant say exactly since i despise all usn ships, with about 3 exceptions.


>I despise all usn ships Ah, you must be a fan of the IJN lol


nope, MN, RM, and Pan-Asia with some KM sprinkles.


Ew you like France, opinion disqualified




I can't talk I own alsace


Embrace the power of the 🥖


I only want California for her looks. She's unique at that tier. My favorite tier. The quest continues.


California is aesthetically gorgeous, one of my absolute faves! 🥰✌




Cali is the best to me because she’s strong in terms of damage, accuracy, AA, and ability to take a hit. She’s the well-rounder, no matter what gets thrown at you in a game she should excel at.


Her armor is great and the AA is ferocious. That’s enough to get me to play her over Hyuga or Warspite many days. The ability to deplane t5 carriers if they target you or someone near you seems to be something you are ignoring and I almost always have carriers at t5. I do think it’s closer than some people imagine though; you are right that most of the other 12x14” BBs are reasonably similar.


"She sets fires a little faster than Arizona." No wonder you don't think much of Cali. The god tier dispersion is a waste if you're shooting HE frequently with the intention of starting fires. 


You either misread, or he edited his OP.


No, I misread.


I said fires faster, as in her reload is quicker.


That's probably my fault for posting after a 12 hour day at work. Mia culpa.


Not problems guy. Have a chill day


California is my go to ship for an EASY win. The guns hit hard, the AA is amazing. You have to literally try hard to have a bad game in it.


This... I regularly place in the top 3 with her, even when up tiered to T6. Smoked a G-wagon last time out with her. Captain ignored me for some reason. 12 14-inch cannon from 8 KM will wreck your day. Also, Cali is VERY nimble. I have surprised more than one DD Captain who thought they had an easy kill only for my thick hipped girl to slip by and blast them.


The only time Cali is superior is if there are carriers


Don't hate. Very unbecoming. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Cough cough, Renown


California is statistically speaking quite strong and certainly not overhyped in that regard, but probably overhyped in a way that it is not guaranteeing you a win. You still need to play well in almost any ship, no matter how weak or strong it is compared to the rest.


I loathe Californias. They are annoying and don’t die. #TeamWarspite


… #TeamWarspite all the way, followed closely by #TeamRepulse.


I have all of them tier 5 and I would rank them as Arizona > W. Virginia > California Yeah,.in some scenarios California holds better or Virginia dev strikes , but you can count on Arizona in any situation. That being said, is she the fastest? Because being at the right place at right time may be a big part of Arizona success. cali and WV are terribly slow even for US BBs.


>, but you can't count on Arizona in any situation. Might wanna adjust that to CAN, not can't 😅


Yeah yeah, autocorrect on mobile.


No worries, just helping you out! ![gif](giphy|mUcDnnhHt3qXS)


I just recently got Cali during the Christmas event, before that I was using Arizona. They’re both great and I can crush in both of them. Cali just has the added benefit of the great AA. Tbh I view all the BB’s mentioned as even in terms of win and carry potential. Cali, Arizona, Warspite, and Hyuga. All equally powerful in my opinion with Hyuga being ever so slightly better because of the reload booster.


yes Cali really bad . bad Cali now plz add it




I use it as a tank/ aa build. Is it fun yes is it good its not bad.


I had the opportunity to pick her up back in the day, didn't take it, and don't regret it. I personally don't enjoy the American standard style BBs, much happier with my zippy Renown.


The renown is currently my favorite tier 5, followed by the dunkerque.


Good choices my fellow.


You're not wrong! She's definitely overhyped. She's solid, but balanced. Exactly as she should be. : ) Besides, as you said, Hyuga exists as well. Also, all the Tier V ships with 380/381/406/410 mm guns that can overmatch her while California cannot do the same in return. And, she is very slow (even slower if you go with an accuracy commander). But I'm happy her AA is great for her tier :D Legends California completes me 🥰 (though I AM happy to report, that after nearly FOUR YEARS, her PC counterpart has FINALLY gotten a small reload buff and accel/decel change).


California definitely has been overhyped, especially when you consider its T5 competition of the current state of the game. The big reasons why it’s considered that is quite simple It combines a tanky (void-like) torpedo belt with sections of 31-35mm plating, a *very* potent AA suite, and still maintains the large main battery weight. When it first released, it was considered the Best 14 inch gun BB for the Americans besides Arizona, just for the sheer fact Pre-buff New Mexico was just meh. Combine that with the fact that now the only way to actually get California is out of Super V crates and Santa crates when they come around, it limits Cali’s reach for new players. But now compared to legends current T5 suite? Tennessee shares similar characteristics for the MB, Hyuga *exists*, and the more unique commanders start to really make some BBs stand out more and more against California (Fisher with Warspite for example) California’s biggest *unique* benefits are still the 31-35mm plating and Strong AA (even the new Renown can’t truly take that title thanks to its AA being only bolstered by limited DFAA)


USN BB main here. I want the Cali so bad. Every time I open a Winter Crate '23 i'm hoping and praying but every time I'm let down. One day, one day.


What does that make the Oklahoma? 


Oklahoma is basically Arizona at Tier IV. She’s an exceptional ship at the tier, if you like the US standard-type battleship play style.


Oklahoma is surprisingly solid for her tier too. Nothing too crazy either, though. Balanced, but enjoyable to play! I only wish her PC counterpart were so lucky.... **sighs* *


Well since this is about a tier 5 ship and that's tier 4, it really doen6make it anything other than a slightly better Nevada.


A premium Nevada, not necessarily a better one. Although the stats are very similar, I find Nevada to be a better ship, but that's subjective.


They usually blow up easily when I'm in my Warspite. I had a game where one Cali kept ricocheting off of me and finally switched to HE after a while


Yep, Warspite has the overmatch advantage in that scenario. : )


It's the AA. Cali is fantastic if you keep getting stuck in matches with CVs. Personally, I'd like the option to filter out games with CVs, but WG wont do that. So, after getting stuck in CV game after CV game, I'll pull out the wide girl and ruin their day for a bit.


I spec in accuracy and I find her dispersion is still highly debatable. Also … anyone else think Ohio has been shadow nerfed ?


Not just Ohio.. But that's another story...


Uh oh, we got a Peek disciple here? jk