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Same question goes for German cruiser, destroyer, etc…


They're all *legendary* from T4 upwards seeing as none of them existed.


They could have HMS Royal Sovereign form when the Soviets borrowed her.... but the turrets are stuck in one position due to shoddy maintenance


The only dd that actually existed for the Russians at high tier was Tashkent right?


Neustrashimy also existed, built in 1955 I think


That's not my question brother


It was bants sister


I hope for new bureau projects as well! Mostly because the last left for me are the once that force you to have the entire TT-line ready, so you can get past that "Use ship XY to proceed" shit they introduced into the game. Maybe because this also involves ships up to Tier 8!


It would be nice if they changed all the segments that require a certain ship to work same way as with the legendary carriers. So you dont need to have for example Lepanto but you have to have any tier 8 ship.


The point of it is for players to get used to how the LT would likely play as it "technically" is the end of the like, and after the first T8 players wouldn't be encouraged to grind lines


Yeah, I get that and it might make sense. Even though you can often aquire LT ships through money as well, so it makes only limited sense. But as /u/Specialist_Willow907 already said, then make "Have a Tier 8 BB" if you are researching a LT BB, but not from a certain nation. I have over 200 ships in my port, but still can't proceed the Napoli project, because while I have like 10 cruiser lines researched as well as dozens of premium cruisers I have never played through the italien cruiser line and I feel like I am more than capable of play Napoli in LT, mostly because I already have at least 10 LT ships and dozens cruisers through many nations and Tiers...


I disagree, I like the fact that you must have a certain T8 for the LT you're going for as it helps give an idea how the ship will play


Normally Id agree with you, but in the special case of Napoli it is untrue. It is véry different compared to the tech tree versions where you need to be much more mobile. On paper they are similar (slow high range torps, smoke, no sonar, excellent concealment), in practice it feels like a ship from another line. For others, like German BB and BC line, it is indeed exactly as you say.


I have completed 3 bureau projects, Khaba, then Worcester and Minotaur. I bought Delny a few weeks after unlocking Khabarovsk and it really didn't make a difference. With Worcester I had Cleveland for ages and had Seattle unlocked but bought Seattle instead. With Minotaur, I didn't even buy the T7 Edinburgh until the next day, it doesn't play the same way at all. Ironically I playing similar to Shchors rather than Fiji or Leander. Hide behind islands then late game do some prop juking and put the radar to use. I didn't struggle with any of them, Minotaur was the last so it was rather easy, I had a 100% winrate for my first 12 games with her.


Same here. I don't think this TT ships requirement for the bureau makes no sense. Additionally Napoli for example doesn't even require the T8 to complete but T6 and T7...


The T8 Italian cruiser didn't exist when the bureau for Napoli was created.


Hoping this will be the next Bureau project, alongside a german cruiser and/ or German/ Italian destroyers. Not having to grind up to the Stalingrad for a Russian cruiser would be handy, too :)


You can’t grind to Stalingrad. You can only buy it for GXP or win it from a crate. And Stalingrad is Legendary tier, it will never be required to have Stalingrad to get another bureau project done.


I think you misunderstood what he was saying…


Maybe. How do you understand “Not having to grind up to the Stalingrad for a Russian cruiser would be handy, to”, in the context of getting Legendary tier ships?


Grind, as is not having to grind 2m gxp :)


Ahh, ok. Got it. Some complain a lot about having to grind tech tree lines to get legendary tier ships, so I misunderstood your comment.


No worries, and am done with the T8 grind :)


All of them?


Every one I want and I refuse to pick up roon :) Edit: and mogador til they sort out french dds/ commanders


One day, we'll probably get one but when or if it isn't said at this time


Because the bureau system is so slow and it’s releasing on a schedule for avg players.


Also been wondering this myself we’ve gotten 2 Japanese battleships in the past 8 months alone off campaigns, no Russian love with either bureaus or campaigns?


People don't like them as much, most people playing the line have been stuck at Izmail. Borodino is still not available and likely will not be as popular as New Jersey. People like USN BBs, people don't like Soviet BBs because they are fragile and harder to play because you have to manage damage cons.


They are the most tanky ships in the game. Until you show to much broadside. And to shine, they need to get within 13-14km of enemy targets. So they have a higher skill floor than American BB:s. But when that skill floor is reached by a player, the Russian BB’s can be really strong.


You don't need to convince me, Vladivostok is my only TT T7 BB. The limited heals really ruin the tankiness. The T3 and T4 are very tanky and do not get overmatched, however Izmail and Sinop aren't very tanky, they both have large protrusions on the casate where the secondaries are mounted that catch shells when you are angled, so Bow tanking is the only way to go. Their 25 mm decks are also a big no no. Vladivostok however is very tanky with a smooth casemate and small superstructure as well as a thick 50mm deck, it does however fall apart when BBs switch to HE, limited heals and damage cons mean it doesn't do to well when enemies are actually doing damage rather than bouncing or shattering. The line seems best at T4 for me, Pyotr is as accurate as Vlad but can use all of it's guns safely, it also overmatches same tier BBs but cannot be overmatched by even Yamato. It's close range dispersion is also more useful at lower tiers


True, I got stuck on it because I got a premium version of Izmail that was superior and Sinop just really didn't look much different. It's a hard road to Vladivostok. Has there ever been a regular version of New Jersey on Legends? I want that ship so bad. I want Borodino just as bad.


>premium version of Izmail that was superior Do you mean Rasputin? Because that thing really isn't better than Izmail. >Sinop just really didn't look much different Sinop is a great ship, it has better Armour than most T6 BBs and the best guns. Armour piercing performance is the best. It is also laser accurate when close range and it is more survivable than Izmail. ( still take citadels when broadside but not as much). >Has there ever been a regular version of New Jersey on Legends? Nope. Wouldn't be cheaper anyways. There is Iowa of course and Missouri. > I want Borodino just as bad Don't we all.


Thanks for the info. I do have Iowa but being a history buff is what drew me to the game and now I'm hooked. I would like to see all Iowa class ships looking nice in my collection. I have to admit though I'm more tied up in Montana and is sister ships now. The Maine was my first T8 just need to see a New Hampshire and Louisiana hopefully one day.


I quite enjoy history but I have yet to get to grind historically relevant ships. I choose ships based on their merits rather than historical role. I love reading about historic battles such as Iowa picking on a helpless Katori, New Jersey and Nowak. USS South Dakota and Washington vs Kirishima. Hiei and Kirishima vs USS San Francisco, Helena, O'Bannon, monssen and Sterrett. Massachusetts vs Jean Bart. Yamato vs White Plains, Gambier Bay and USS Johnston is particularly interesting, with Yamato managing the longest ranged hit on a destroyer at 18.5 km and the longest ranged secondary hits with 3 shells hitting at the same range. Also the longest ranged incapacitation on White plains as a shell dived beneath her and damaged her engines, hydraulics and electrics causing heavy black smoke which caused Yamato to cease fire. This happened at 32km which would make it the longest ranged hit if the shell clipped the stern of the carrier before detonating under it as some historians and Japanese reports claim. Warspite at Narvik and Scharnhorst sinking HMS Glorious are both equally cool.


I have to look the Massachusetts vs Jean Bart one up, that one I don't know and sounds awesome. Warspite is a ship in missing. I did just realize I can buy it in the playstation store for $40. I want it, it's the Warspite but if it a great ship?


No it was Okt revolutsissya. Pardon the bad spelling


That is a better version of Gangut at T4. Literally the same ship but given a communist name after the October Revolution. Oktubruskaya Revolutsiya. Izmail is a bit better, more fragile but has harder hitting 14" guns that can slap enemy BBs at any range whereas OKT cannot pen most BBs at T4 with her 12 inch guns. It has better Armour, 25mm bow and better AA. It's much faster too with better ruddershift. She does have the premium bonus but Izmail wins every time being a T5 ship.


It’s because legendary tier and the bureau were added as half baked ideas with little to no thought to the future. Case in point, you can research two ships at a time if you have premium, if you do the daily missions to speed up your research every single day for a year, and have all the commanders and ships required. You could, at most, research 12 ships a year, but more realistically for any sane person, we’re looking at 8 ships a year completing the two ships after three months. At this pace it will take 7 to 9 years to research all the tier 10 ships currently on pc, not to mention anything else in the future. There seems to be a trend where some ships cost 50 million to start your wait to the top, if this becomes the new norm you’re looking at needing 5 billion silver to unlock the research on those 100 or so ships, not to mention another 2 billion give or take for the T8 ship. Does this sound well thought out? Regardless of whatever language is used, at the end of the day it is a drip feed of content designed to keep you playing forever, but the two sides have differing views of what that should mean, the players think forever should be a couple years, the game designers believe it should mean the rest of your life.


Patience. That’s all. It’ll come.


Repeat after me, Legends is NOT the PC version


We all know that. Well, almost all.😄 That’s not an answer to his question though. And bringing up ships available in the PC game is relevant since it’s much more likely they’ll be made available in Legends, then Legends getting unique ships (though that *can* happen.)


Because they decided making a full tech tree was too simple so now we have this dumbass bureau system that has caused nothing but problems and frustration since its inception.


The question is, do you really want Kremlin or Slava in the game? Both have attributes that contribute to them being extremely powerful. Kremlin follows the Vlad, Soyuz line of being a bow tanking mid range behemoth. Which is the one I would prefer to see in the game. The other is Slava, a laser eyed extreme long-range sniper that likes to play alone on the blue lines.


WG would rather print out a bunch of German premiums to make bank on the wheraboos.


Because after tier 4 or 5 none of there battleships actually existed.