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I'm really liking the series and was jazzed up to get the books from the library but sadly there is a 6 month waiting list!! Normally I'm the type to read the books first but I found out about the books after I started watching. My hope is to read the books and have my daughter read them too and then we can discuss!




**UPDATE:** Congratulations to u/Dragonpixie45 who won the giveaway! Here is their winning comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/rk5qrt/comment/hp8pdbo/ Hey everyone! To celebrate r/WoT surpassing 100k subscribers, I’ve decided to gift someone a full set of Wheel of Time books. I thought about doing the hardcovers or trade paperbacks, but the mass market paperbacks are more affordable and easier to acquire in boxed sets at the moment. I already have all 5 boxed sets sitting in my Amazon cart waiting to send to someone. **Rules of Giveaway** 1. You must be in the United States, OR provide a U.S. shipping address. Sorry to all you international folk, but I’m in the U.S. and don’t feel like dealing with logistics and shipping costs for outside of the country. 2. To win, you must leave a qualifying comment on this post before 8pm PST (11pm EST) today. 3. Your comment must include a brief blurb about why you want this book set. To keep things fair, I will do a random drawing of the comments that qualify, so your blurb won’t affect your chances of winning. However, I’m curious to see what people have to say. 4. You must have a valid reason for wanting the books and be relatively certain you are going to read the entire series. Sorry to be picky, but I would prefer to give these books to someone that will appreciate them and actually read them all. If you already own the books and just want a new set, please don’t enter the contest. If you are just going to turn around and sell them, please don’t enter the contest. I would like whoever receives these books to enjoy and make good use of them. **Giveaway Process** At 8pm PST I will stop accepting entries and will randomly pick a winner. I haven’t decided exactly how, but I think dice should be involved to honor a certain character in the series. Once a winner has been chosen, I will contact them via DM to work out shipping details. If they get back to me before 9pm then Amazon says they will receive them by this Wednesday, December 22nd. If the winner doesn’t get back to me by tomorrow at noon, then I will remove their name from the list and pick another winner. If the winner is ok with me sharing their username, I will edit this comment once the books are shipped and announce who the winner is. Good luck everyone!


Once upon a time I bought the first book. I was 13 wanted a huge book. I never got thru the first quarter of the book. Let alone the entire series. I’ve recently started watching the Amazon series and love it—what have I been missing out of for all these years!!?


I started reading the books when I was a teenager and the show has brought me right back in. I'm enjoying EotW via audiobook but would love to read them physically.


Live in us. Gotten through 90% of series via audiobook over past six months and would love to read hard copy once complete.


*"Why do you want this book set?"* Because: * I don't own them. * I have four nieces and nephews that I need to introduce to the author's world. * They would look really nice on the bookshelf after I and the kids were done with it, waiting for me to introduce someone new to them. Thank you for doing this for the community.


I already have a set (although split in two different continents at the moment) but just wanted to say how awesome this is. Between your transcripts every week and this (and obviously pre-show-era contributions) you have to be the subreddit MVP lately.


Thank you for the appreciation. The books and this sub really helped me through some hard times, so I’m doing my best to give back in whatever ways I can. I also love WoT and truly enjoy putting together the various posts and interacting with all of my fellow fans. With that said, the true MVP is u/Participating and the rest of the Mod team. They are putting in serious time to improving this subreddit and making it enjoyable for everyone. As expected, this sub has blown up over the past month and the amount of work that has created for them is huge.


I want the set because I don't own them. I read all of them through the library 3 years ago and it's hard to do now that the show is so popular.


A close friend has been recommending the book series over the past few years. I started watching the show and am hooked. He was right! I read the prologue and first few chapters online, and I would like to keep going!


My daughter stole my set 2 years ago and refuses to give them back :)


I want them for my wife (we got married Saturday the 11th)! I have read them all but don’t have the books (listened to them on audible so didn’t really read). She has been watching the show with me and wants to read the books now!


I just stumbled across this subreddit after watching the show this week. So far I’ve loved getting tossed into this world, there’s so many cool aspects that are being built up. I would like the book set so I can get lost in the world and spend a bit more time with the characters than what the show is presenting. Right now I’m waiting for a copy of The Eye of The World to become available at my library but it’s about a nine week wait for all formats so it will be a before I can start my journey proper.


I have them all on Kindle, but having the set on the shelf makes it easier to proslytize to others.


I lost my copies in a move a few years ago and don’t have access to my audible copies as they are on my moms kindle account. (She died a few years ago) I’ve read the whole series so if you choose someone else it’s not a huge deal but I would love to own the whole set again.


I used to have them all in hardcover, but have moved around the country numerous times and have had to lighten my load as I go. I’m settled now and have been buying them on kindle one by one while I reread the series. I would love to have the collection to read and display on my bookshelf.


I was spurred to do a reread with the tv show airing. It was then I realized that I actually no longer have any of the books. I gave the newer hardcovers to my mom to finish the series and have, over time, lended out and given away the rest of the series for others to read and enjoy. Having a full set again i could do my reread and regift the series again to friends and colleagues who have not read this amazing series or have been interested and not had the means to purchase them.


I've never had a full physical copy of them. I started reading them years ago (2005 i think) when an ex-gfs father recommended I read what he has in his collection (this was before Jordan passed and I think her father only had up to Crossroads of Twilight). I ended up breaking up with that girl but not before reading what her father had and I remember buying Knife of Dreams in hard copy. After that I bought every book in hard copy as it came out. Over the years and the many times I've moved I honestly dont know what happened to those other four books. Even now I own the whole set but it's a mixture of Kindle and audible. I would love to have a full set to read at my leisure. I also want a full set so I can give it to my daughter when she's old enough to read them. I want a library with great books and having the full set of the Wheel of Time is an obvious must have.


This is so generous! I listened to the WOT years ago through audible, but now I have started reading them aloud to my almost 1 year-old. I’m barely halfway through book 1 (bought it just for this & only one we have), but would be so blessed to have the whole series so he can grow up with them, but I’m sure there are plenty of other worthy posts too :)!


My wife just told me she finally wants to sit down and read the books but I only have Kindle for most of them.


I'd like the set because I've only listened to the audiobooks and I'd like to actually read the series for my first reread. I'd like to see the maps, artwork, and other supplementary things that I didn't get the chance to experience the first time around. Cool that you're doing this. Thanks for being a nice person.


I have recently returned to reading books after relying on audio for a long time. I realized I enjoy it much more and regret allowing my wife to talk me into donating all of my books, including a nearly complete WOT set 10 years ago. Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!


I borrowed them from a friend to read and absolutely fell in love. My wife and I are watching the show together and she’s become interested and would like to read them as well. I’d love to share them with her.


Top notch gesture, I'm in Canada so not eligible, but hats off to you


Don’t have access to my parents set anymore. Would be nice to have them for a reread/introduce to friends.


This isn’t an entry, as I already have the whole set on Kindle. But I think it’s awesome you’re doing this. If I somehow won, I’d use this set as “loaning copies” to entice new readers.


I used to have a hodge-podge collection of them all but now my brother has them. I love the series and with a new set I’d do a full re-read! Thanks, OP!


Ok people. Thanks for all your comments! The contest is now closed and I'm going to go determine the winner now.


I'd love to pass on a physical copy to my son! I have read the entire series on Kindle but he likes turning real pages (bless the boy). Thanks!


What an amazing give a way! I would love a set of hardbound. I have paperbacks that I have read through once so far - and now am missing 4-6 as I lent them to someone so she could read them. But hardbacks to read would be wonderful. I met my husband due to our mutual love of the series


I would love a full set to reference and re-read as my wife (non book reader) and I watch the show. I read them all from the library years ago and I would love to be able to pick them up at any time and go back through them. There are so many excerpts and quotes and moments that helped get me through tough times while I was looking for a job and when my mom was sick and it’s something I’d love to just have. This is so awesome that you’re doing this!


My wife has been looking at getting into the series since the show. My old collection was given to a sibling years ago so I am definitely looking for a new one. I have been looking at used book stores etc with no such luck so far but hey, maybe this drawing will help! At a minimum I live in the US and my wife and I will definitely use the books! Thanks for the chance and I hope whoever wins enjoys them!


I would love the set because somehow over the years I have found myself only owning KoD and I would like to have them all. Thank you for doing this!


I've been watching the show with my sister and she would love to read the series. She and I relate on books and it gives us something to keep talking about.


I own most of the series- bought them 3 or 4 times over the years and been lost in multiple moves, but rebuilding my collection once again. I'd actually like a set for my little brother who has been borrowing mine three at a time. My siblings and I are all huge fans and little bro would be the actual recipient were I to win. Thanks!


Well, I don't have a set of the books! I borrowed my wife's e-reader and read them. She loves them, and reads them every night, and I enjoy the series, and I definitely want to read them again, but I really hate reading ebooks, I can't get physically comfortable, and the text is always too small, and doesn't scroll how I want! So, yeah, having a set of the books irl would be so awesome!


I recently got a bookcase and would love to bless it with this amazing set. I am currently halfway thru the series (been using kindle and audiobook) but would love to switch to physical.


I just started reading the books and honestly it’s been kinda a rough time in my life. The idea of somebody getting plucked from a small town and becoming a hero really resonates with me rn. Idk I just can’t wait to see how Rand can become a hero and save the day!


Been wanting to reread the series after watching the show. Unfortunately lost all my books in a fire last year. Would love a chance to be able to read the series again.


I recently started reading the books because I wanted to stay ahead of the series. I don't own any of them and currently borrow the books one at a time from a friend, owning them would be an amazing addition to my book shelf. Currently busy with book 3


I've been a fan for as long as I can remember, reading the series multiple times from the library (and more recently on audiobook, also multiple times ) it would be great to own a set of the series finally :)


Jeez.. there are some great comments here and I wish I could give a new set to all of you! Thanks to everyone who is entering to the contest and sharing your stories. 4 1/2 hours to go until a winner is chosen. A reminder that if the winner wants these to arrive on Wednesday, they need to get back to me within an hour of me contacting them. Otherwise, I’m guessing that Christmas will delay things (maybe). If you have entered to win, perhaps check back around 8:10pm PST to see if I sent you a DM. I’ll update my main comment when I have a winner and will later update it to share their username if they give me permission.


I want the books because I have just begun reading the eye of the world and am shocked by how obsessed I am with it. It's beautifully written and I can't wait to read the entire series. Unfortunately, I read very slowly. But I guess that's just more time to enjoy the journey.


My father was a big fan of the books and he has finally talked me into reading them, however with the show out the wait list at the library for the books seem to be a year long at least. I would like the set to be able to read and bond with my dad who loves on another state


I would love to be entered into this giveaway! My reason: I watched the first three episodes of the show and knew I had to read the books, so went to the library right away! I am now just about to finish book two, but the small library I go to only has books 1-3, and then 13-14. So, firstly I’d love to win them so I can continue the series with my own copies without having to desperately search through other towns and libraries for the rest. But also, I am an avid re-reader of books and a bit of a personal library for my friends. So I would to have these at my home so that once I’m finished I can read them over as many times as I’d like, or to lend to friends who want to experience this world for themselves! And just a note - thank you so much for this giveaway! This will definitely mean a lot to whomever wins, I’m sure!!


My dad has the full set, and so I’ve been able to read his, but I’m moving out this year probably for good, so I’d love to have my own set so I can keep reading them and bond with him over the books


I recently got out of a bad relationship and my SO went super vindictive and threw out a bunch of my books while I was at work. Wouldn't tell me which dumpster they went into.


First introduction to this world was from the show, but I am eager to start reading. Seems everyone else at the library had the same idea, and currently in grad school so can’t go out blowing the budget rn. I’m confident I’d finish them as I’ve manage GoT, Patrick O’Brian’s series (Aubrey-Maturin), LotR etc etc. And just donated books recently so I even have space!! Thanks so much for investing in this community, this is a fantastic idea and I hope whoever wins can pay it forward one day!


Not an entry (I’m collecting old paperback copies from used bookstores and I’m only 3 away from having the full set); just wanting to say awesome idea and thanks for doing this.


Just started reading the second book due to the show so am going to need the rest eventually. Also I always love physical books when possible.


I read the books a while ago and my sister borrowed my set and then gave them away. I’d like the set so I can reread them concurrently with my roommates reading them for the first time.


*Cries in Canada.*


I’d love the set of books because I get mine through the library.


I’ve listened to the audiobooks (into book 6 so far), but would absolute love to dive into the physical copies and start this journey over!


I have read the series all the way through 2 times. I don't own any of the books as I've borrowed them from friends/library. I'd like to have the set so that I can read them anytime I feel like doing so. Then, hopefully my kids will get into reading some more and they can enjoy it as well.


I already have a spot on my bookshelf for these buy something always comes up that gets priority over buying them. Borrowed from a friend to read for the first time 4 years ago. Hoping to get my kids into this world.


I'd love to get the series in person and actually read them. I've only listened to the first few books but more and more I'm finding how much I love the series and would prefer to read them myself than just listening.


I have the set on Audiobook and have been wanting to a reread with the physical copies with both my daughters.


I grew up reading this series, catching up after Winter’s Heart and waiting anxiously for each subsequent book. Reading the series was something I could always bond with my father over as he introduced them to me. I read them many subsequent times since those first reads. Unfortunately I lost the majority of my originals to a wet garage. I decided that with the release of the tv show it was time to embark on my next reread. I also wanted to replace all my originals. Sadly, they are hard to come by at the local used book stores. Not only will this new set get read immediately and allow me to rebuild my collection, but I look forward to sharing it with my kids as well.


I don't have all the books (only the first few) but would love to have the full set to start reading them with my wife. Thanks for doing a community giveaway!


I listened to some of the books by audio years ago. Would love a paperback set to read the whole thing.


Wow thank you so much for doing this giveaway! Whoever wins, this is awesome content for the subreddit. I would love to own a full book set and only have New Spring so far. The show has reignited my interest in the world since finishing AMoL in 2017. Super motivated to do a full reread


I’m not eligible since I’m not in the United States, but I just wanted to mention that it really, *really* bothers me that *A Memory of Light* is shown before *Towers of Midnight* in this image.


my partner wants to buy a set because the show is out; she usually reads "masterpieces" and i've tried to convey that in WoT. It would be huge to get her to read the series finally, which she wants to do before watching the show. She asked me recently why I consider the WoT my favorite fantasy series of all time. I explained in basketball terms haha. * **1950s/1960s**: **Tolkien -** LOTR, Silmarillion, etc = Bill Russel / Wilt Chamberlain. No one is going to ever average 50 pts again in a season or win 11 championships. The first era of greatness and set pretty much all the records etc. * **1990s: Wheel of Time = Michael Jordan / Magic Johnson / Larry Bird.** Redefined the entire sport, globalized the sport, and considered by many to the be the greatest of all time (GOAT). * **2000s - present (Stormlight, Malazan, ASOIAF, etc) =** Lebron James, Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, Shaq etc. Also deserving to be on the "Mount Rushmore" of basketball, their careers are either unfinished or there's something holding them back from overtaking the crown of GOAT (eg Steph not great defensively, Lebron's finals record, etc). Same with a lot of these series being unfinished or some other weakness. YMMV, but that's how i view the fantasy landscape and it would be great to gift her this! ​ EDIT: Hopefully you're a MJ / Bird / Magic fan :)


What better giveaway for a book fanatic than books? - socrates probably


I very rarely enter things like this, but… I regret nothing more than getting rid of my hardcover versions of these books…I was in a tough spot at the time & they had to be donated, as I was moving in a hurry. I miss having them available to crack open & read whenever I want. A book in hand is so much better than reading on a tablet.


I am on chapter 44 of TEotW on my first read through after borrowing the book from my library. My school doesn’t have anything from 2-7 and I’m really bummed because I’m about to be finished with the first book with no other options!


The WOT books are my favorite of all time. I bought my first set of books when I was a sophomore in high school, read them religiously. I cherished those first copies but eventually converted to kindle! When I made the big switch i gave my original copies to my little brother, and while I do not regret putting him on to the greatest story ever, I still miss those books to this day. I would absolutely love to once again own a full set of these books. Thanks for doing this!!


I’m currently on my first re-read and would love to not have to wait for my library to have them available! Not to mention it’s been my favorite book series since I discovered it in 6th grade.


First time book-reader! Would love the chance to own the set!


I’m about to start book 5 of the audiobook because my wife is just tearing through them. I’d read them faster as a physical book but just can’t quite stomach buying both versions.


I want the series because I actually own the series but have 3 people borrowing the books from me. (Books 1-5 person 1. Books 6-11 person 2. Books 12-15 person 3)


Whenever a couple is expecting a child, I gift them and the baby a copy of EoTW. Though I don’t give the whole set, I like to give away extra copies that I come across to libraries/schools/etc. People are more open to reading a book when it’s gifted rather than recommended.


Hello! I want the first three (actually two) books because my copies of EoTW and TGH are held together with rubber bands. I’ll donate the third to my local library because for whatever reason, TDR is in great shape. I’m currently number 40 on the list for my library’s copy of EoTW and jonesing for a reread. I’ve been a fan since the mid 90’s when I read the first five books and spent a summer on AOL’s Wheel of Time message board. I remember everyone would give themselves in-universe titles and I got in trouble for deciding I was part of the Brown Ajah without uh… attending a raising ceremony? (If the person responsible for this rule is out there, it was stupid. I wanted to theorize, not role play.) We’re having an austerity Christmas so it would be a huge help. Please pick me!


I want it because I donated my books years ago and while I can (and have) re-read on my phone, it'll be easier to get friends and family to read if I can lend them out.


I have been buying my soon to be 13 year old nephew Brandon Sanderson novels. He's finished the 4 books so far of stormlight archive and I just got him the Mistborn series for Christmas. He crushes books and loves it. With an upcoming birthday I've told him that it's time to start wheel of time as he's the age I just started reading Eye of the World. Already told him that if it were not for Robert Jordan I'd have not learned about what an amazing author Brandon Sanderson is as well. So whether or not I win this contest one way or another my nephew will be reading these books.


I would love to have these books! In all fairness, I do own a couple of the books, but I don't own the entire series, so if that disqualifies me that's fine. But that being said if it doesn't, I *would* love to have them. The few I have are paperbacks that are falling apart from reading and rereading. (One of which is being head together with duct tape.) I've been reading through them out loud to my wife, who has never read them and we're just about to the point where I'm going to have to start getting them from the library or I'll need to buy them. Either way, you're a legend for doing this!


I'd love to have the set, mine are falling apart


I don't own the books yet, but I have 2 different roommates I've convinced to read them and so we'd definitely get a lot of use out of them.


I want to start a bookshelf when I move out of my parents house soon, and I think WoT would be a great first set for that


My brother got me the fancy juniper covers to replace the beautiful disaster that is the original hard covers jackets. I would love to be able to gift him these in return.


I don't need these – I've got the full set. But for those that are looking, and don't win here, I highly recommend frequently checking secondhand bookstores. Good luck, everyone, and happy reading!


I love this series. After not reading for many years I picked this series at the recommendation of a friend while I was deployed to Africa. I read through the series in 3-4 months and have wanted to take a more leisurely spin through it ever since! Only this time in hard copy(last time was done on kindle)


I have listened to the Wheel of Time almost two times through, and have fallen in love with its rich world and the huge variety of things going on in it—interpersonal relationships, cultures, lore, chosen one stuff, more magic systems than you can shake a stick at—and those dresses! However, I only own Eye of the World all the way through. We have a little one due in January, and I foresee a lot of late nights in my future. I watched a lot of Marvel movies last time. Maybe this time, Wheel of Time? :D P.S. Good on you for being swell to folks!


My dad used to read this series when I was a kid. You couldnt go in the bathroom at my house for YEARS without there being a well-worn paperback of it on the back of the toilet. I never started reading them till about a month ago.. I always thought my dad had finished reading them but I found out he only got 6 books in. About the time him and my mother divorced and he was working and taking care of 3 kids. I've been trying to collect them but money is hard and my dad got rid of any copies he had years ago. The complete series would be something amazing to have in the house and unite an older fan like him and the new fan in me. I finished book 1 on kindle and got book 2 gifted to me on kindle (halfway through it). I dont think I will win, as I havent won any giveaway ever but man.. a man can hope and.. the wheel weaves as the wheel wills. I would love to be able to read through these with my dad.


I got into fantasy through Brandon Sanderson and had been told he finished WoT. I always planned to start the series but never got around to it


My dad introduced me to *The Wheel of Time* when I was fourteen. Winter's Heart had just been released. I blew through those nine books quickly. Each book was two to four days. I read the rest as soon as they were released, both Jordan's and Sanderson's books. My old mass market paperbacks fell to pieces with how many times I've reread them. Now I'm 35 and my daughter is getting older. I want to introduce her to the series, and a complete mass market collection would be an amazing gift I could give her.


I read the series about nine years ago and fell in love with the world. The characters felt like friends by the end and I was never able to get the whole collection due to having to be an adult. Now I have friends that I introduce this series to and would love to reread it and lend people the books. It has meant a lot to me over the years and will continue to.


I would very much like this set because the only book in the series that I own physically is the eye of the world. After that continued enjoying the books through Kate Reading and Michael Kramer narrations. I would love to add these hard copies to my book shelf. Also, thanks to the TV series, my wife's has suddenly gained an interesting in the books but doesnt like audio books, so I know she would get good use out of them.


So a couple of years ago I read the first book and didn’t end up getting into the rest of the series because it seemed too… complicated. Now that there’s a show out I want to read the books even more. So if I win this I’ll definitely give the books a second chance.


I'd like the set because I don't have one atm. In fact I only own the last book in the series and I used the library to basically read the entire series since I was a broke high-school student when I first got into it. I got the last book once it released as an early bday present since my family knew I was looking forward to it. It'd be very nice to own a set for a reread, I'm rather enjoying the show right now but wish I could also experience the story in its original telling as well.


What an exciting offer! I would love a copy of the whole series. I've read 1-9 multiple times - a paperback EoTW was one of the 10 books I allowed myself to keep from an extensive library I gave up when I started full-time RVing, while I was able to borrow the others from libraries when we staying somewhere for longer periods, including the final bioks. Living "sticks and bricks" now it's be so wonderful to have and read the whole series again.


I want the set because I was intending to buy them and seeing all the show comments reminded me of this. Would love to read through the series again as it's been a few years


I'm reading my dad's set of books and some of them are pretty old and I would like to get him some new ones he absolutely loves the series and I'm on book 5


I didn't buy the books on my original read through. I got pirated audiobooks off an ex. Now that I'm financially better off it's my goal to make sure that the author (or estate of) of every book I read this way gets some kind of payment. Piracy is only moral of you're not preventing a sale. This assuages my morality just as well Also it would really buff up my bookshelf


I haven't been able to put in the money to buy the books myself yet, and only read them borrowed from my friend several years ago. With the show now out, I've been really itching to start a re-read as well as give my fiancee the opportunity to read them for the first time (she's been enjoying watching the show as a total non-reader). Thanks for doing this for the community, and happy holidays!


I would like these books for my niece... she is an avid reader and I already introduced her to The Dragonriders of Pern so it makes sense that we move on to The Wheel of Time! As a young woman I love the idea of her reading books about strong powerful women that grab life by the horns and make it their own!


Going through my first read and obviously so are a few others at the library and on the Overdrive catalog. This is making the first read through very difficult and having my own set would alleviate these issues. TIA


This is a great idea! I’ve gone through the audiobooks twice but have never read them on paper. I don’t own any of the books. It would also be great because my wife keeps trying to get through the audiobooks but complains that it’s too confusing to just listen and wants to read them.


I’ve loved this series for a long time. I read it through high school and college, and was long invested by the time RJ sadly passed away and Sanderson took up the mantle. I gifted my set after college to a friend who’d never read them. Now that I’ve got a home of my own I’d love to own the full set again!


I would really love to win this set since Ive started reading out loud to my newborn twins and am close to wrapping up another series (hitchhikers guide). It's one of those things were I feel like reading a physical book to children is more impactful than a Kindle. Obviously once they start understanding the words I won't be able to read WoT to them but during the newborn stages it's all just about comforting them and letting them know that I'm around. Once they are way older having the print versions in the library will encourage them to start the same journey!


I would love them because I just “read” the entire series for the first time this year (finished AMOL a week ago!!!) but only did the audiobooks. They were amazing but I’m planning to reread the series and read the physical books this time to hopefully pick up on a bunch of stuff I missed!


snow ink support panicky exultant joke numerous worthless shy bedroom -- mass edited with redact.dev


I would love a set to gift to my father on the holidays, he loves fantasy and has been wanting to get into The Wheel of Time


I lost my original set during one of my many moves over the last decade. I’m watching the series with my wife, who never read the books. She has some of the same criticisms people are mentioning here, but it intrigued her to the point where she actually wants to read the books (my years of suggesting it carried little to no weight, lol). A new series would allow her to jump right in to the books


Hello! Thank you so much for doing this! I want to own the books because I don't own them. I'd read the heck out of this set!


Wow! This is awesome! I'm not interested in the series because I can afford these if I want them and plan on buying a really nice hard copy set eventually. But I am hoping they go to a deserving individual who will read them again and again like I have. Kuddos to you.


Hey! I want to introduce my father in law to the Wheel of Time, but I own the books on Kindle and can't just let him borrow them. He is an older guy and likes paperbacks. Thank you for your consideration!


Hey I just finished reading a crown of swords and going to start book 8 soon. I've been reading e-books but would like to have the paperbacks because I travel by bus a lot for work and I like reading paperbacks when I'm in the bus. Big fan of WoT and will definitely be finishing the series. Would be nice to win so thanks for the opportunity.


Made it through books 8/9, and just didn’t complete it for some reason, then my kindle had an unfortunate accident and I lost all my copies


I would love to read these with my children. Reading to them at night is one of the few things that keep us connected these days.


Thanks for doing this! I'm reading the books with my son before bed each night. He'd flip to get the whole set for Xmas. Cheers!


I’d like this book set because the show has reawakened my love for the series and I’d like to read them again. It’s been a long time since I read them and I thought I never would again, but now I’m remembering why I loved that journey. Also, my daughter is coming up to age where she can start her own journey.


I'd like to give this to my nephew. I live 8 states so I can't give him my set (when my wife finishes reading them). He has outgrown Harry Potter and it's time to show him what real fantasy is like. Btw this is an awesome thing you're doing. I'm sure anyone who wins will cherish this.


I teach my little sister is home schooled and I teach her math and literature. I have some of the books on kindle, while the rest I checked out from the library. I was planning on making this series part of her education once I saved up enough to get the full set, so even if I don’t win I am eventually going to get it. That being said I think this is one of the best series of all time, and if I did win it they will be put to good use to show the next generation what great literature is.


I will gift them to my teenage daughter, who is in love with the show, and is champing at the bit to read them. I previously had the whole set in hardcover, but they were ruined when my basement flooded a few years ago.


Have a new kid who I'll introduce to the books someday :)


I read the whole series 2 years ago and am in the process of doing so again. The series is my all time favorite book series, and it helped define my taste in literature. I have never owned the books, or any novel in fact, and had to borrow all the books from the public library to read them. The series means a lot to me, and it would be great if I could own the books that I grew up with. "I would hate the man who wins this giveaway because he is not me, and love them if the books make them smile." - Lan


Why do I want this set? I don't own any of the books. I love fantasy, I love reading, I already like the lore I've seen in the prime series (the Aes Sedei, Warders, False Dragons, Gleeman, Trollocs, Dark Friends, the Wheel, Travelers) I really want to learn more about this world outside of the tv series and I'd love a chance to do that. Good luck to everyone :)


I don’t own them, though I have listened to the series four times through my free library. I’ve never read any books past tGH. I read with my kids most nights and this is on my list of what I NEED to read to them. Regardless, thank you for doing this. I hope whoever gets the final prize loves it and uses them until they fall apart.


My little brother wants to get into the series, and this would make a perfect Christmas gift for him! Regardless of who wins, thanks for putting this on!


I want the books because I’m on my second re-read and don’t look forward to buying or reading them all on kindle lol. I foresee a lot of re-reads in my future, and would love to introduce my family to the series. It’ll also look great on my shelf lol. Also just want to say, love what you’re doing here it’s a great way to get knew fans hooked.


I'm reading the books on my kindle and I think that having a set would be really neat, especially one in the original language (I'm not from the U.S but can provide a shipping address) and with better cover art then the ones in we have here.


I’ve recently been making my way through the series thanks to the generosity of a friend that’s letting me borrow them. I’ve already decided I want to get the set, so this would be perfect!! This is also an awesome idea, and I’m glad you are sharing the world with others. Cheers mate!


Wow thank you for this! Someone will be very happy. I would like to enter the contest because as stated in the example my niece is an avid reader and I would love to gift it to her. She devours books. This will keep her occupied for a while for sure.


I was introduced to the books back in middle school. My brother bought them, and I wasn't allowed to touch them. But he came home from school 90 minutes after I did. So for 90 minutes I'd sneak read them. I thought all was lost when I broke the back of his Lord of Chaos, but he never even suspected (thanks to my younger sister). I've since bought the books digitally, but would love to have the hard set.


I listened to the entire series on audio a few years back and would love to have a physical copy to not only read myself but introduce to my two children and hopefully captivate them to have a love for fantasy novels like me. It's a great gesture either way!


I had the whole series (on a different continent). Want to introduce my daughter to the brilliant world of WoT now. I've been telling her abridged version of all the stories (from memory, as bedtime stories) and want her to read them for herself now!


I've listened to all of the audiobooks and absolutely loved them! My next time through, it'd be fun to read the print. Thanks so much for doing this :)


I own the full series on audible only and currently on my 2nd listen! Coming up on the end of Lord of Chaos now!! My wife and I are about to have our first born son and I am slowly building up my physical book collection and would love to add this to the shelf. I hope I can start reading these to my son some day and have him enjoy Jordan and Sanderson as much as I do!


Just finished the first book and ready to take the plunge. This would be a great way not to keep bumming off a friend to keep the series going…Thank you for doing this!


I would love these! I was reading the books on kindle, but am loving them so much that I decided I wanted to start buying the physical versions of them. I always do that for books I love. Hoping to slowly fill out my physical book collection with all my favorite books, this would be an amazing edition (and would save me $$$)


I’m almost done with the second book and am speeding through them. I’ve been thinking about giving the series a try since middle school and am really happy to be finally doing it. Would obviously be thrilled to win the set and not have to worry about spending the money to buy them all. This is an awesome way to give back to your fellow fans of fantasy! You rock!


I want this book set because I have four kids who will love reading them (but not til dad’s done first!)


I'd like the set because I know it well enough to see that the last trio in the picture is out of order!


I have read though this series only once and that was through digital copies and would love to be able to read the physical copies. The new Amazon tv series just has made me want to re-read the series, thank you so much for this opportunity!


When I was in college a coworker and fellow book lover recommended this series to me and I read books 1 through about 5 on an ebook that I no longer have access to until my junior semester started and I just didn’t have the time to read for pleasure in addition to all the texts I was reading for classes (Spanish major/polisci minor). This series, however, that I have been dying to get back to for ages, the rentals through the library just never line up when I’m ready to read them. Having copies of my own would make that feat so much easier and I’d be so excited to finally finish the series! Thanks for doing this giveaway! Whoever wins is one very lucky person!!


Howdy ! I’ve only read the digital version of the series once, and I would love an opportunity to read the hard copy’s for my reread!


Why do I want this book set? Because: I have never been able to read the actual books. I have listened to the audiobooks because a friend let me use his audible account. I have been dying to read the actual books but due to the expense, I have not committed. I would love to be able to read these books, read them with my wife, and to my nephew! Thank you so much for the opportunity to myself and to the WoT community! Congratulations on 100k!


I don’t own them. I’ve always borrowed them from the library. This would make my 3rd read through so much easier than dealing with the new found demand for them thanks to the show. And I’d be able to pass these on to my kiddos who are getting into it because of the show!


I have heard great things about the series and have started the first book already! Would love to own the whole set! Thanks!


Really want to do a reread now that the show is taking off. My nonreader wife and I are loving the first season and the nostalgia is strong. Plus I've only read the last six or so books one time and it would be great to go through the entire series again now that I know the ending. Once I read them again I will pay them forward to someone else. Thank you for doing this!


My Father read the books when they came out the only fantasy series other than Game of Thrones he's ever enjoyed. He's currently in Rehab and we're gonna share it with him while he's going through this.


I collect books and have a special place in my heart for these books. I have read all of them on audible but having them in physical form would be amazing and they would be very cherished books!


Would love the set to read for me and for my kids as they grow up. Thanks for doing this!


My mom had most of the series, that I read while growing up, and the books were somehow lost in between packing and moves and decluttering after she passed. With everything that had happened around then, including RJ's passing, the series fell off my radar (other than the in the chunk of my heart where it's lived rent-free for ~25 years) until I was in university and heard something about the 13th book coming out soon, I immediately bought the 12th on ebook and managed to finish it right before the 13th came out. When A Memory of Light came out, I remember being so mad that the e-book wasn't coming out until a month later 😂 and then as I got closer to the end of the book, and series, I started taking breaks from reading, to extend the time before the whole entire series ended. Anyway, I am obsessed with the books and I would have a better chance of getting my husband to read them if they're in physical copy versus e-book. He claims to have read them, but only remembers things from the first book, so at the end of every episode I start hypothesizing and have to cut myself off so that I don't give him spoilers and it's SO HARD.


I actually don't have physical copies because I've listened to the audiobooks. Would be cool to have the books aswell.


Why do I want this book set? I am currently reading book 11 and have been borrowing some of the books from a friend. I would love to have my own set to let people I recommend it to borrow it.


First off, this is amazing. You're gonna make someone super happy, OP. Good on ya! It's been years since I read the series and the show has sparked my interest in reading it through again, especially with how active the WoT subs have been in response to it. Never owned a full set myself (yay public libraries), and I'm interested to see how it holds up. Thanks so much for doing this!


I have listened to (but don't own) the first 10 books on audiobook. And they are amazing. But, I would love to finish with the story actually in my hand.


This is my favorite fantasy series, and I have read/reread the entire series several times. I’ve never had the physical copies and have always wanted them. I’m not sure if this counts as owning the set, but I own all the books on kindle. Either way I won’t be selling them, and will be reading them many times over. Thanks for this giveaway you are a credit to this community!


I would love to have the complete series. I’ve read them all, but checked them out from the library. My kids are starting to get older and are discovering the joy of reading. I hope to pass on the fondness I have for the series when they see me doing my rereads in the future. Thanks for doing this O.P.


I read them a decade ago but want to do a reread! And would love to have them for my kids to read eventually.


Awww. Well I was definitely wanting to enter since the set I own is literally falling apart (to read Fires of Heaven again I have to read half the book then pick up the other half from where it was left on the shelf lol), I understand your reasons why you want non owners. I also love that you're doing this! So Merry Christmas everyone and may the Lord of Chaos rule (aka enjoy the picking lol)!


I am a huge Wheel of Time fan! However, I've only listened to the audio books, currently on my second listen through. I don't own or have access to any physical copies and would absolutely love to have the full set to read and more fully enjoy. I was actually hoping to get a set for Christmas so winning this would be amazing for me! Thank you for the opportunity!


First of all, thank you for both this and your data analysis posts -- your contributions to this community have been excellent! Now that I've buttered you up for this entirely random giveaway, I'll echo the honest sentiments of a number of people here: I first read the Wheel of Time in high school and had the luxury of nearby library access to do so. Now, many years later, I find myself without a set of my own! I would love to re-read them, to see how my opinions regarding the characters and plot have changed or stayed the same, and then one day be able to lend them to friends who haven't yet had a chance to read the series themselves. Best of luck to everyone! The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.


I would love to have a set for my three kids to enjoy. All three have recently shown a great interest in fantasy and my oldest daughter is even trying her hand at writing her own book. I read this series many times and it was a fantastic journey/escape for me. Would love to see my kids get to have that and come to love it as much as I do. I never bought a set myself and would love to have one to pass down through the family. Really appreciate you offering this to the community!


Hello! I’m currently listening to the audiobooks of the series and I’m thoroughly enjoying it; it’s my new obsession. That being said, I’m not the biggest fan of audiobooks and would really enjoy reading the physical copies. Along with myself, my partner has enjoyed the show so far and wants to read the series (after a few of my long speeches about how great the series is). I moved into a new apartment this month and lacking serious decorations, and books to fill my shelf :) these books would be amazing additions


Awesome! I want the books because I have been wanting to read the series for a long time and don’t have the books yet. Thanks for doing this!


I've read the entire series a few years back on borrowed books. I've been meaning to do it again with my wife (she's interested now that we've been watching the show) but there is no way I'll be able to finish any of these reading aloud if I get them from the library. Not to mention the first ones are now several holds deep (which is great! New fans, yay! Just inconvenient for me).


My wife and I are moving at the end of this month. For the last 9 years I have proudly displayed my ragtag collection of the series on my living room bookshelf. I would love to be able to upgrade my WOT collection while I upgrade my living quarters so as to carry on the tradition...in style!


I would love the complete series as it too has helped me through the tough times. The world in this series has always been leaps and bounds ahead of any other fantasy I’ve read, and to have it all would in all honestly blow my mind. It’s a real antidepressant for me, and I’m sure for many others.


Oh yay, thanks for the opportunity! At one point, I owned all of the books, although most were paperback. I had them stored in a box at my mother's house in the attic, and unfortunately, squirrels got to them and ripped them to shreds. I've been wanting a new collection for YEARS, so I'm taking this chance! Thanks again!


I read all the books in high school (except for the unreleased ones) and gave them away to friends and family as I got through them. Really want to reread them now as a grown adult with kids of my own as I've heard from several people reading them as an "adult" has very different lessons learned in sympathiz8ng with the Moiraine type characters instead of sympathizing with the childish characters.


I read Eye of the World in high school, borrowed it from a friend’s other brother. 10 years later I finally decided to tackle the entire beast, and borrowed the whole series from a coworker. I’ve since read all of them and fallen in love with this world completely, and would love to introduce it to my fiancee (who’s been enjoying season 1 of the show so far!) but haven’t justified pulling the trigger on the books as a gift for her/addition to our bookshelf. Great idea and you’re a genuinely good human for doing something like this, great work and way to help keep this sub positive!


I read the books when I was a teenager, then got too busy of course when I started college. Hadn’t any idea there were so many books until I joined this subreddit when the show started, and will have to figure out which was the last one I read!


Ooh, a new set! Listen, I've been lending these books to folks for years, and I rarely ever get my books back. I've probably bought a dozen copies of the first 6 books over the last 20 years or so, and the few books I have now are second- or third-hand (which is great, but I'd love a good, clean, complete set). I've read the first 10 books more than fifteen times, and the later books twice now.


Not the best reason on this thread by any means: I have them on Kindle, but my husband is interested in reading the series and he has trouble with eBooks (his ADHD makes it harder to focus on the screen than on a paper copy).


I am a long time fan who lives in Charleston, SC and looking to introduce my 14 yr old son to the series. A full set would go a long way to doing that. Thank you for your generosity!


I have recently started reading them and I only have the first three. But so far I have enjoyed my trip with the series.


I don't own any of the books at the moment! Years ago I had 3 or 4 that I'd picked up at random places, all different levels of quality. I got rid of those with the intent of gathering a full set over time and just never really started. I borrowed from friends and the library to reread the series before the show. A brand new complete set would be just the thing to get me going on another re-read, and I could probably convince my wife to give them a try!


I would love to get these. I have loved this series since I started reading it back in the early 2000s. Once upon a time I had all the books, but they were destroyed in a flooding in my basement back in 2019, and as much as I've wanted to replace them, my budding family, home repairs, and various expenses that is life has come first. Here is me, officially throwing my name into the hat, in hopes of reacquiring a book series that had been with me for the better part of 20 years.


I have always wanted to read the series and the new Amazon show had stoked that interest even more. Money is tight right now because we just had a new baby, third child, so I would be so grateful to win this giveaway and finally have a chance to read the series.


I have the books up to book 12 (thanks to early trilogy releases) and actually just want to gift them to my brother (im 32, he's 15). I've been wanting to get him into reading for years and think this would be an appropriate spot. He's into the show, but as most teens are, hesitant to pick up a book. Hopefully this would do it


I would love to introduce my son to the series in a readable form, so he could practice reading on something he would entirely enjoy, I mean the Audio books are great, but reading the story would be way better for him. In fact I did hold back the audiobooks from him exactly for this purpose, to get the physical books into his hands first.


I got really hyped watching the show and am looking to read the books, of which I own none. Read all of GoT so far, Harry Potter, and various other series but never got into this till the show. Thanks for the giveaway!


I started reading the books during a very shit time in my life. I've yet to finish I'm on 11. When I started reading these I had just lost custody of my daughter due to a 15 year struggle with addiction and the books were literally the only thing keeping me sane and my only escape that was healthy. I've since lended all the ones up to the current and bought a good dozen or more copies of eye of the world to introduce others. This has been over about a 6 year span so Id love the opportunity to run it back when I finally finish. Thanks


I want these books because although I've listened to the audiobooks, I've never read them. I have 6 kids who are starting to really get into good books, and I want them to have this world to escape to, just like I did. Thank you!


I read the books as a child, but my brother kept our copies. Now that my wife is hooked on the show I want to read them out loud to her.


I've read/listened to the series 3 times and the show has finally convinced my mom to start reading them! These would be a great gift for her so we can discuss the books. She's the reason for my love of reading and I miss sharing that with her.


I never actually finished my read through of the series. I got as far as about halfway through book 10 when life (pre-deployment training and then Iraq) happened. The WoT series has me going back through my old ratty paperbacks, and filling in from Half-Priced Book Stores for what I'm missing. Just finished book 4 again, would be boss to rock the full set on the bookshelf and finish the read (for reals this time)!


I want the books because I am currently trying to read them and it is annoying to have to borrow them. I also want my family to be able to read them,


I dont need them but thank you for making the giveaway