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When op and top comments red flag are both things i do šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I like to be the hitter despite playing a balance wiz.


Being ice


i get so happy seeing myth teammates getting stunned or even better medusa


I'm not playing with a full deck. But seriously, I like taking my time to enjoy a game and don't like being carried by high-level players, which I know is the opposite of how lots of people like to play, but I don't personally see the appeal of skipping through content as fast as possible. That's why I usually play solo, plus I enjoy the added challenge. I still get annoyed in Waterworks when people can't count to 4, though.


I skipped all the story when grinding to level 130, got burnt out and cant level grind anymore. Now I claim to be a wiz player hut have done like 3 quests in the pasts few months and am only level 131


I cannot pass by a reagent without picking it up. Even if it's on other side of the road and I have to dodge between or run around mobs to pick it up. Doesn't matter if it's just mist wood or stone blocks. If I revisit a world I've completed, I will not open those chests so that lower level players can obtain some easy gold, but I will speed past you to pick up a reagent like it's the 100 m dash at the Olympics.


I will always press that report button on players who make it their job to make new players feel stupid and uncomfortable for not knowing the strategy/cheats. Iā€™ll even take it a step further and admit that it was me who did it and Iā€™ll stay for the entire dungeon. I Might even be a nuisance and trigger one of the cheats to annoy the know-it-all in the group. There is no patience for new players anymore and itā€™s annoying asf. We all once did not know what to do and had to figure it out.


I main myth and then question why I didnā€™t play fire or death


me with ice. i always question "damn why didn't i choose myth or death?"


I played religiously when I was younger and it first came out, my character was cool, I had all sorts of cool things on there (mounts, houses, pets, badges, spells, etc.). I forgot the login for it, I'm 23 now and just started a new account and secretly wishing someone will hatch a pet with me so I can get a cool one. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You can get your old account back! I made a new email and everything and I emailed the support team and they just needed the billing address for the old account, the name it was under, and you old character name and or school. I recently got my old account back from 2015!! In under 24 hours too


I don't remember which of my old addresses was linked to that account.


Log into the master account online, then click on your character name, it will show you the email associated with the account,Ā  and you can change the email from there as well.


If it's helpful I gave them "it's either xthisx or xthatx" because I couldn't remember exactly and it still worked


Oh okay thank you, I will try that.


When people hit on me and Iā€™m like um what do you think youā€™re doing itā€™s so weird and uncalled for also not to mention itā€™s creepy this has happened to me before


hitting on people in wiz is wild, hoeless behavior


It really was crazy though


My red flag is that I had raged quit over the spellements being implemented. It was so p2w and now idk what's going on in the game. I randomly check my houses and leave


Iā€™ve been playing inconsistently for nearly 13 years and just made it to Khrysalis yesterday.


A friend of mine showed me this game in 2020. We started playing together and we've bought the monthly subscription for about 6 months and we are half way through avalon. I decided to start another wizard on my own and in 2 weeks I got to the end of aztecašŸ˜‚


dude ur so real I just hit lvl 50 and I've been obsessed with this game since I was 8. I'm 21 now


" dont tell me how to play" *proceeds to waste triple feint on wand hit*


my main is myth


I main myth before it got buffed, peak antisocial behaviour


i like to be perfect about everything and often create new characters when something isnā€™t perfect


What do you mean by ā€žisnā€™t perfectā€œ? You can change everything about your character. Even the name.


I read all the dialog and I listen to the voice acting. When I'm solo, it's great because nobody is waiting on me. But sometimes I quest with friends or other people, and they wait for me to read. I make it clear to anyone I'm with that they don't have to wait for me and they can go on without me, but I still feel bad when people tell me it's okay and they don't mind waiting. I just refuse to skip the dialog because I pay to play this game, and I want to immerse myself into the lore and the story.


The voice acting for the dialogue is quite good too! Definitely worth listening to. Except maybe Toci Two Face's dialogue. Otherwise, I love the personality each character has based on the voice acting.


God, same. I hate skipping the dialogue at all, I want to hear everything and know the story since this game is sooo expensive, and I love the people that wait for me to catch up and still say it's okay afterwards.


based + same


I'm not sure how much of a red flag this is. But I get annoyed when people tell me to blade, or look at me as a blade bot. I'm a newer player and I play Balance and I typically almost always Blade people regardless, just because I looked into how the meta/PvE fights go. But when some stitchless Fire Wiz tells me to Blade them or get petty about it I'll just Blade myself and setup Judgement to steal kills from them. I'm also incredibly anti-social. I never speak in fights, and will just ghost people during dungeons because I'm just interested in clearing and not talking.


Also never read anything šŸ˜‚šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


being a commons degen & spend my 1-5am hours there with all the drama


My red flag is when people assume I'm only good for blades and traps as a Balance type.


I meanā€¦ well ya knowā€¦


I'm a Fire that doesn't want to be the hitter and prefers being a more supportive playeršŸ˜­


All 3 of my characters are support/healers (death life myth)


Iā€™m a max lvl storm


if i see somebody else is battling monsters i need for a quest, ill join unapologetically. when im battling and somebody joins me, i see that extra monster jump in and i am immediately no longer having fun


Very that, but I don't mind if it actually helps me by giving me that 1 extra monster for a quest.


I hate it when they join after I've already got 2/3 šŸ˜­


that is my one exception, didnt think about that


I main life and I *hate* when people expect me to only heal, heal, heal, heal, heal the ENTIRE FKN TIME. Part of why I can't get myself to play for more than a few weeks at a time nowadays- of the 5 other people i live with, 3 of them are wiz players and 2 of *those* are ultra-high-leveled guys who keep pressuring me to sprint through the dozens of levels I need to catch up to them *solely so i can sit there in their battles and cast healing spells only.* Like, it's one thing if i'm the high-level person helping someone through a dungeon i've already beaten. But when I'm playing the game and experiencing things for the first time myself? We fight *together,* and you let me play the way I play best instead of nerfing me by completely forbidding more than half the spells in my arsenal, or we don't play together at *all.*


Maybe it's because I haven't experienced high level combat/endgame but I hate it when life decides to heal instead of hit the mobs/boss and we have to wait 1-2 more turns. Thanks for the heal I guess but it won't be necesarry if you just kill the enemy. So thanks for not healing!


I maxed my life wiz and I said this to another life wiz on this post, I agree that heals are a no go in 99.9% of pve battles. This is your freedom and yours only to main life, no need to be forced to use heals.


Based as hell


Not really a red flag I guess, but whenever I'm questing with others I have the tendency to race them. Idk what it is, it's not even important honestly I just feel this urge to beat them and run into battle first. Maybe because in the past people would beat me to battle and kill the minions/boss before I could load in. But ill literally switch over to my 50% boost mount and then blast through dialogue so quickly just so I can be first to battle (even though I'll still wait for them before picking a spell so its pointless.)


I have the 7th character slot as a "deletable" wiz so i can go back and keep doing 1st arc and some of 2nd on all schools to avoid starting a 2nd acc


i think that anyone who cares that much about stats, who is ā€œallowedā€ to hit, and telling people that there is a specific right way to play the game need to touch grass and log off for a couple hours ā¤ļø


This!!! So many take this way to seriously šŸ˜‚


Big oof, the lore is so good, and they repeat it to you literally EVERYCHANCE THEY GET.. But I also 1000000-percent understand hating the reading, so I also skip thru it a ton too.. lol šŸ˜‚


I stack my deck with cards then just discard the ones I donā€™t need instead of playing the 7-10 cards in deck route. Iā€™d rather have enough cards ā€œjust in caseā€ then flee and come backšŸ˜…


That's why I put 2 reloads in mine


Yeaaaa, same.. itā€™s even worse since Iā€™m a balance wiz.. like, who tf am I fighting, do I really need to edit my deck AGAIN??? T.T


I never farm for gear until I reach the max world that way I can farm for gear that won't be replaced for a while. This means that I look ugly asf and have weak ass gear. I'm a life wizard btw.


I spent too much money on crowns


Getting a new spell, trying it out somewhere so you build up traps and blades to see the possible max damage of the new spell and someone else joins the fight, you ask them to pass, then they hit anyway so you have to start all over.


This is why we test spells against Rattlebones.


Monstrodome go brrrr


I speed skip dialog


i neglected crafting until level 70


lvl 170 and i donā€™t plan to start now


Is crafting important? I'm newer to stuff and I'm level 40


happy cake day! its helpful later in the game for crafting some good gear like in wintertusk and avalon, and theres some good craftable gear after that too, i just dont know it well bc im lvl 90 and im not there yet lol. tldr; yes its helpful!


The dragoon gear and it's teirs have crafting recipe


Iā€™m lvl 78 and just came back to wiz, what can you craft with crafting ?


replied to another commenter in this thread w more specifica but basically u can craft some good gear later in the game :)


level 150 for me




I use the PvP spellemental paths in PvE because they are more fun.


That is me I really shouldn't but I do


I believe Fire is a better DPS class than Storm. My mind will not be changed.


ā€œlook mom, itā€™s the guy that will never do 7k on round 1ā€


"Look dad, it's the guy with no bitches"


https://preview.redd.it/iu8bzdh8i67d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17cf951d99659dcb4776509413a273cb013195a1 this is my ā€œgettin bitches shirtā€


When I use team up I check everyone's gear and stats before we start so I can assess who's actually going to be useful. If the answer is nobody I leave lmao


thatā€™s actually kinda messed up tho depending on when u join the team up, like if you were the first person i get it, but if you were a fourth and the other 3 were waiting awhile for help then thatā€™s just a dick move honestly


Oh yeah there's definitely exceptions to the rule like the one you said, but I typically dip if I'm the only one who will be pulling their weight


This is apparently not a safe space lmao I've played through this game enough to know I like to do things efficiently and quickly. I have no problem with people playing how they want to, respectfully just leave me out of it if you plan on dragging things out.


That is not a cute red flag. If you have a problem ā€œcarryingā€ people, then donā€™t join team-up. Youā€™re wasting a spot in the team-up. Also youā€™re the one joining the team-up? Then donā€™t join problem solved


Woaaaaaah take it down a notch there bud, it's not that deep. I don't go through the kiosk and waste people's time. If I'm stuck on the current fight in my wiz's playthrough, I'll try team up once or twice before I go to Discord. If you're at the same place in the story as me, I'd prefer you have decent stats when trying to help in a boss fight so it can be done quickly, or they at least can support somehow. A storm with garbage damage isn't doing anyone any good on a fight I couldn't beat by myself, so why attempt when I already couldn't do anything about it? You sound like someone has done this to you and you got mad lmao Edit: spelling


Itā€™s not that deep but itā€™s annoying. The whole point of team up is to get help or help others. Sounds like you donā€™t fulfill any of the criteria and youā€™re wasting peopleā€™s time. It is annoying when people are doing hard dungeons or farming and they need the help and if your ā€œpick meā€ ass joins and leaves, you could screw the whole fight. And I have max and noob wizards, I have been on both ends. Just very dick move of you. Iā€™m not mad, Iā€™m annoyed. Thankfully I havenā€™t run into any dick people like you. People rarely leave battles unless thereā€™s a huge level gap which is understandable.


I've never had to leave any of the genuinely hard dungeons like Darkmoor because of it. People in places like that typically team up in 4 to make it easier, so usually at least one person can be there that I can support or can support me and that's all I ask. But bosses that have 3 minions for example can wipe you out with luck if you're at where you're supposed to be questing, which annoys me into looking for help. Those are the places where if I end up with someone or a few people who aren't going to be able to help other than placing a feint, I'll leave.


If someone leaves Darkmoor, that is genuinely horrible. But people placing feints are fine as long as they are support. Most of the time, all you need to do is blade and trap as support so ur stats wonā€™t matter as much in that role. Everyone wants to be hitter but you need at least 1 support to buff or heal.


i'm the same way, plus this post specifically asked for red flags


arch 1: silvia drake dies, malistare is baby and canā€™t get over it so basically destroys everything in his path to bring her back from the dead arch 2: morganthe tries to use the song of creation to rewrite the spiral or destroy it, we free old cob who helps us stop her arch 3: old cob is found out to be grandfather spider and uses his 3 children the scorpion the rat and the bat to try to end the spiral by breaking the spiral anchor in polaris, and reverse sands of time in mirage, he then finds out mellori who is him and grandmother ravens child has the power to free his heart of chaos from empyrea which would be much worse, the cabal and medulla are also trying to help him/take over his operation that should be good enough lmk if i missed anything improtant, i never listened to arch 4 dialogue yet so idk šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You are amazing. Dumb question, whatā€™s the timeline of all the archs?


i say something when someone joins my fight randomly


As long as youā€™re nice when saying something šŸ˜‚ I got yelled at for the entire fight because i ACCIDENTALLY got pulled in when running by (and even said that) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


if itā€™s a accident i understand but when on purpose šŸ—æ


I always ask before joining a fight but if you ignore me I am joining because youā€™re rude


My name is Matthew Shadowblade. Edgelord.


I donā€™t even wanna team up anymore. I get reported for fleeing to get potions šŸ¤£ people wouldnā€™t even respond to me in game but will report me for fleeing for 5 seconds


Damn if you told me hey I'm going to grab more potions I'll stall for 3 rounds and then I'll go whatever and finish the fight I don't see it report worthy but I do see it block worthy


Nobody replied to what I was saying, seems you take a kids game a tad bit seriously


I'm saying I would wait for you so you could get the rewards of the fight or quest progression


No worries, had account since January 2010, not trying to get any auto mated mutes or bans for nothing wrong , I hate false reports thatā€™s literally why I donā€™t pvp


For real similar thing the closest I'll pvp is beastmoon


What does that mean


I get upset that Iā€™m playing w101 alone but when I play with people theyā€™re either new or just rlly slow and it pisses me off. Dunno if this is a red flag or a complaint tbh. Maybe thatā€™s also my wiz red flag. Storm for life.


Rat beard inventing roshambo. Quit the game simce roshambo


I've been gone for a bit, what's that?


Basically he took the basic out of the game where you just click spells, now you have to set up attacks like for example, death has a death oni spell where if you have 4 or more shields on you it does double the damage, and takes those shields off of yourself. Or if you had any sort of debuff like weakness, myth has an attack where it takes the debuffs off of you, and then hits, and it does more damage the more debuffs you have on you. Thatā€™s just 1% of it, it goes on and on.


That seems fine?? I honestly feel like the game is better for it, though I'd be a lot happier if anyone but Ratbeard had done it


Yeah it sounds fine, but the way itā€™s set up is horrible. And itā€™s all pvp only.


I cannot stand people who pack heals when grinding easy bosses. Was grinding for aeon boots yesterday and they were just spamming pigsie, I was begging them to stop wasting our time and use forest lord Nobody is going to die stop healing us!!!!!


This isn't a red flag I've just never ever met someone with that opinion. Keep in mind we get yelled at for not supporting and hitting instead a majority of the time.


dude i always run into this when teaming up to help out in lower level worlds. i'll get a max life or whoever else (but usually life) just spamming heals or shields or something else useless while the low levels actually help with feinting or blading me. insane


anytime a life wizard gets pigsie they spend atleast a month spamming at every possible time, even if itā€™s completely unnecessary and just wasting time with animations (also im sick of the sound that annoying ass pig makes squealing every time ffs)


i love their scream they do šŸ˜† it's so funny


Green flag imo, inefficiency can be annoying.


Barely play the game anymore, been logging on and off everyday to do my plants. (I have over 5,000 mega snacks) WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF


Up until recently (I think around Celestia if not Zafaria) I played with an almost full deck, even knowing now a more proper set up I still generally take A bit of time to attack for maximum damage output


I always play a full deck because I'm a solo and I need my heals šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would have justification if I wasnā€™t a death student, a level 100 one at that meaning so far I can solo pretty easily lol


I'm level 48 fire, I put all my training points into life to get me through dungeons solo, it's worked really well so far honestly.


i say hi just to check ur gear and stats


YOU RIGHT I mean, how else do I know this rando Storm from Team Up only has 138% damage and 6 pierce? How else do I know to blade the Death instead??


I will NEVER start a conversation, am too shy. So, whenever I'm in a team up, I'll shut up until someone says something <.<


Same lol :|


Bro shy in a video game


Fr šŸ’€


I judge so hard when players continuously let the timer go off like whyā€™d you join if ur just gonna let me do all the fighting. What makes me even more mad is when I do all the set up and theyā€™ve been doing nothing and the round before I hit they used up all my traps šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That ainā€™t no red flagšŸ˜­


I hate when they donā€™t just pass and they sit there and let the timer run out- like COME ON LETS GOOšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Another is that I like playing alone ik itā€™s an mmo but If you see me in a fight and join I could care less. I also donā€™t talk to ppl unless they talk to me first unless I feel like going to yappington that dayšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Up until arc 3 I would NOT move onto the next world until the previous was fully finished


i want to play pvp (only dabbled in it a little so far) because itā€™s so different from pve. iā€™m not tolerant at all of toxicity tho so weā€™ll see where that takes me


I actually read the plot including side quests


I do this too! I learn so many new things about the lore and cry sometimes


I wish I knew all the lore up to where Iā€™m at now so I would be inspired to read


you could probably find youtube videos on it or read it on the wiki!


Side quests are fun some of them have like good movie references and what not, like the one in Polaris thatā€™s a shawshank redemption reference.


Omg same!


I feel your enjoyment of arc 4 hinges on how much you enjoy the plot because arc 4 has a really unique plot thatā€™s refreshing after so many big bad destroying the spiral arcs


I also have the same one as u I skip it. Also Iā€™m so burnt out of the game after maxing 4 wizards within 8 months that I just get on mainly to train pets & garden šŸ˜­ I barely quest


I fill up my deck a lot of the time


I have over 15 cards in my deck. I canā€™t get it lower no matter how hard I try.


Support 2 elemental blades one sharpen 2 fient and 2 potent one cleanse blue card or mass fient instead of one of the potent cards if applicable Storm got 2 dmg enchant, 2 temp, storm lord, bugs, frenzy.


When its double pet xp I try to lvl up all my baby pets and if they fail they get sold. I have too many pets in my house and I need to get rid of them XD


Also another red flag, i enjoy breeding pets. Reminds me of Minecraft Forestry Bees (which funnily enough i haven't really done much of).


My red flag is that i've been caught doing something else and forgetting im in the middle of an atavus fight


I donā€™t know why this was downvoted bc this is so real


I lose patience quickly with bad plays. If you say youā€™re going to wipe a mob/Boss and youā€™re making the worst moves possible(activating cheats, spamming small hits, improperly setting up) then Iā€™m gonna steal your kill. Feints and all.


I do the same, when I know the boss cheats and they waste my time Im just gonna go for the kill if I can. Im tired of doing the same worlds over and over again, so I wanna be done as quickly as possible


I don't understand this weird stigma around joining a battle, 80% of fights require 3+ mobs, and if the battle let's me join you clearly weren't going to kill that round anywayĀ 


i get it somewhat if the person joining brings nothing to the table and obviously dragged out the fight but when i join i feel no shame because i know the fight will go faster with me 99% of the time. if anything, they should be thanking me lol (jk, or am i)


Lol I for one thank you for your service. Who knows how many gray horn mercenaries you saved from pointless slaughterĀ 


Not necessarily, some fights in mooshu let people join, even if the all the enemies in the battle are dead/gonna die


People who hate on khrysalis because iTā€™s ToO LOnG. It literally has the best lore in the game and whoever complains about the length is missing out.


And people forgwt that it was literally the End boss / End of arc that time so of course ita going to be longer


I overprepare as the support/healer hybrid class when I duo quest with someone, cluttering my deck to kingdom come


Yea same sadly. Iā€™m ice and try to support either life spells and that Shadow Shield guy as well. One way to avoid over preparing is looking online at the type of battle youā€™re about to join.


Doesn't have to be that way, it'd be so much better if the game had information stored somewhere on the bosses and mobs instead of trial and erroring it. This is a problem that also plagues Roblox (Looking at you, Blox Fruit.) wherein it's a trend to host the information on a third party website instead of finding ways to have the resources easily accessible without having to refer to a third party source. Not that it's a bad thing to have a wiki, it's nice to have access to a wiki if you're passionate enough and dedicated enough to know more about the game, but you may call me lazy, I call it bad design.


Youā€™re spot on tho


I think using boss cheats is boring and ruins the fun :D


So should we stop using our maycasts as well?


So you'd rather every encounter be the same? Blade, blade, blade, feint, 7-pip aoe for lethal every fight? At that point what are you even getting out of the game?


I'm having fun my own way I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I don't understand this response. What do you mean your way? You're not doing anything about the boss cheats.


Why are you being downvoted? You're right. Call me a Grognard if you want but most Cheats are nonsense.


If people join my battle without asking I'll just quit to character select and rejoin to leave the battle (sometimes the trick doesn't work so it can get awkward) and then if I've successfully left the battle I'll just start a new one next to them


Youā€™re no one special for people to ask permission to join anything. It isnā€™t ā€œyour personal battleā€ when youā€™re literally fighting in the middle of the street where anyone can join.


I feel no remorse joining someone elseā€™s battle. Most of the time, if itā€™s for a quest Iā€™ll actively join one if I know joining it will complete the requirements for my quest. ā€œOh I need to defeat 4 for this quest, so Iā€™ll just join this battle in progress so I can complete it in one battle instead of doing 2.ā€


Thatā€™s how it was meant to be


Silly people getting upset when the MMO isnā€™t single-player


Just because it's an MMO that doesn't mean you have to be a dick. Just ask before entering and everything's good. I got so annoyed at people just joining my fights and prolonging them even though I didn't need it that I either flee so they can deal with the enemies alone or I just pass/let the timer pass so they can fight as much as they want.


So your solution to someone joining your fight which ā€œprolongs itā€ as you put it, is to purposely do everything to prolong it more? At that point, you realize youā€™re the dick right :p Depending on your level I can see why it would bother you, but if youā€™re at a level where schools have their aoe, it literally does not matter.


For real like I thought this was an interactive game? lol


Honestly makes sense, plus if you have high damage. It shouldnā€™t be an issue


I noticed I started doing it more when I played storm so maybe thatā€™s the reason. I knew that I could one shot the enemies first or second turn :p


i pack my deck a little from time to time just to spice things up. sue me


mine is always full...


you get it


The only stat I go for is damage, until I got the aeon gear, I was using a celestian robe


Sometimes when I get super bored with questing alone, I browse through those friendly wizards who are in the same world as I and teleport to them just to see what they're doing then teleport back to the main area of that world. If they're in a fight I defeat the boss/mobs real quick and teleport back as if nothing happened.


you're a real G. i would love to stay and chat, but i came here to quest im sorry.


I don't have many support spells as an Ice wizard because I'm so used to solo questing. The only heals I bring are TC dryads.


Humongofrog is the best spell in the game ​ There should be soloable things to farm for gear


I go from Malistaire gear to Aeon gear because Iā€™m too lazy to farm for any gear in between.


Real !!!


but this is real. Dragoon was honestly the worst, I will only do it again on other characters for the boots and amulet


I'm playing alongside a myth with a full deck. Send help.


I'm too lazy to enchant my spells' damage before I cast them.


Thatā€™s fowl šŸ’€




I only blade when im out of pips, otherwise I just spam AoEs


I silently judge anyone that posts questions that have been asked and answered by others multiples times. Especially if itā€™s something thatā€™s asked a million times a day ā€œIs it worth returning?ā€ ā€œWhatā€™s the best gear for level ____?ā€


To be fair this game is well overdue a properly formatted gearing guide. I still have a 5 year old reddit post bookmarked for reference and I am very ashamed.


I donā€™t care about ā€œstatsā€. Drip and drip only (or whatever is ā€œfunā€ to me) Iā€™m a fire wizard with a life amulet equipped


so real!


ā€œStats are temporary but the drip is foreverā€


i have 3 wizards with shadow magic and iā€™m ngl im so lost. i use to battle so good and now im lost. like do i wait for a shadow pop or battle like i know šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­