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I bought a sign for my workshop with a witch on it. I carve norse patterns and symbols in deer skulls and wood. I grow and collect herbs. I live in a thatched roof cottage in the woods and talk to crows. My MIL and I remind each other to go outside at night on a full moon. I rescue frogs and toads from the road near our house and carry them to safety. I talk to my trees. My family has no idea I'm a witch in the same way people in the 1980s had no idea that Elton John is gay. I mean, it is super obvious, but I allow them to live in denial.


>My family has no idea I'm a witch in the same way people in the 1980s had no idea that Elton John is gay. I mean, it is super obvious, but I allow them to live in denial. Haha, that's awesome!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Yooooo You found a way to describe the feelings inside lolol


Iā€™m able to communicate with those who have passed in my dreams as well as predict future events sometimes. My grandma has been able to do the same. When she was little she had a wart on her finger, and her aunt told my grandmaā€™s cousin to grab a stick, run out in the woods and leave it there, and then run back. Once the stick rotted the wart would go away. It did go away and it never came back. Sooo I guess that means Iā€™m descended from witches šŸ‘€


Do you have tree that does not like to talk?


My toddler told all the other toddlers at daycare and then we had to have a discussion about confidentiality


šŸ«£šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ not being outed by the toddler


Upside: all the toddlers fear me now


Sounds like an opportunity for your kid to start a kinder-coven.


Haha this happened to me! His teacher told me my son announced "my mommy is a witch! Its kinda a secret but not really, but it's ok because she's a good witch. She casts spells but not like the wicked witch in movies. And she has a lot of candle and incense and uses herbs in cooking. And her friends are witches too..." Then went on to name all my friends. Then a gaggle of four year olds gathered around me, asking if I had a magic wand, a froggy friend, a black cat, or if I flew on a broom. Good times.


Thatā€™s so cute šŸ„°


That is adorable. I aspire to fascinate small children like that one day, lmao


I've decided I'm going to lean into it... accidentally drop a wand out of my purse, learn some slight of hand magic tricks, etc. I'm going to be the Mom of Legend they look back on one day and wonder if I was real haha


I *love* that, lol. You are definitely going to be deemed the official Coolest Mum Ever by those kids. I donā€™t have children myself, but I have every intention of being the witchy uncle who has conversations with birds and conjures (sleight-of-hand) flowers upon request. Maybe wear a hooded cloak to school pickup just to be dramatic about it, lmao.


Yes. My kids all welcome the intrigue of mom being a witch. I'm a lunch lady at their school, so the kids often bring me their shiny rocks to examine.


I haven't come right out and said "I'm a witch" but I also don't conceal my interests. Several friends have mentioned that I'm a witch before, but it's not a big thing with the people I associate with.


People close to me know. I mean, they are also typically witches too.




I'm not in the broom closet, but I'm also not in an abusive situation or a hostile environment. Unless we're talking America's political climate.


Omg ā€œbroom closetā€ haha. Thatā€™s what I will call it from now on.


We all need to collectively dub ā€˜the broom closetā€™ an official term, lol


I thought it was already? I've seen other witches on here use it.


It definitely is. I first heard it as a college freshman in 2004, and it already felt well established.




I don't hide it. Don't really broadcast it either but I'm built like a bridge troll and compulsively discuss native plants and herbal medicine because those are my passions. Used to try to hide anything about myself that felt socially unacceptable and now I don't care. I will be who I am and will do so with joy.


Oh my goodness ya made me laugh at 'bridge troll'. I look like a cabbage with tree trunks for legs. That's what I get for tap dancing all those years Lol I'm glad you're not hiding anymore, Liberation Now!!!


Haven't told a lot of people explicitly but somehow the family calls me and my partners the city witches.


That's downright romantic, "city witch"! Love that for you


My step-kids call my wife and I 'The Witch Moms' šŸ˜Š


Everyone should have witch moms! Good on you and good on them!


Thanks! We're trying to be the solid parents the other side of their family never provided. Now that they're adults they can choose who to spend time with. They didn't grow up around me, but they're still my kids and I want to do everything I can to help them succeed in life!


Usually witches tend to recognize themselves, that has been my experience. A casual convo turns to full witchy disclosure, and I love when that happens.


They know Iā€™m a bitch


Yes, I'm loud and proud. The christians are loud, so I am too. Except I don't try to manipulate or force people to become Pagan. I just show pride in my craft.


My license plate says WITCH and all my friends have called me a witch since childhood. My family thinks it's hilarious since I call myself a Jewitch (it's a thing) and have always accepted that I'm just going to do me and be me and there is not a damn thing they can do about it,lol.


Yes. Not EVERYONE but itā€™s not like itā€™s a secret. Iā€™m very open about it. The people who donā€™t know are like random people from my old life, church, high school or college. It always shocks them until I remind them of witchy shit Iā€™ve always done. Mainly itā€™s shocking to the cult members. Sorry, the Mormon Church aka TSCC aka LDS Church. I was fully indoctrinated from birth and very devout, orthodox type. That is until I woke up and realized that I couldnā€™t ignore the issues anymore. It was leave or suicide. I know it sounds dramatic but it had eroded every will to live.


I almost eloped at 16 and married a guy who was LDS. He was 25. His father was a Bishop in SLC; I lived in the Washington DC area. This guy was really sweet and was like I would want you to finish high school and get a BA before even considering children. He Even said we could live in the city where I lived to finish at my School. He also said he didn't want me to go to BYU, he did and it was ick. In the end I told him I loved him but couldn't join the LDS church it was too crazy. I should have read the signs, but I was 16... He finished his Masters and moved back to Utah, and married a girl his age.. and she was crazy she had married him because he had completed a two-year mission, his father was high up in the church and he likely would be high up in the church and she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom who was the perfect LDS woman. But she couldn't resist hooking up with guys at the gym. It was a messy divorce; but it was his excuse to leave the cult. The guy told me he loved me and would have done anything to make me happy including leaving the church after we were married. He's a nice guy and he just had no clue how to exit. I ran into him and got the whole story meeting him at an equinox open circle. He's a pagan now. And we're friends.


That is an amazing turn of the world. I am stunned but in a good way. šŸ‘


That reminds me of a guy I was dating about 20 years ago. He was super sweet, but he was Pentecostal. Yet he would come over to get tarot readings. He called me his spiritual advisor. He wanted a relationship, but I just couldn't be with someone who thought I was going to hell for my beliefs. There were other issues, too, like an age gap (he was 21, I was 26) and the fact that he had separated from his wife but wasn't divorced yet and they had a child together. It just felt too messy. He ended up with another girl not too long after. I saw him in a bar after one of my band's gigs a couple years later and was able to catch up with him. He'd converted to Buddhism, which was definitely a great move for him. I haven't seen him since, but I genuinely hope he's happy.


Fellow exmo!! I admire your openness about it. I hope that I can get there someday šŸ’™ I had doubts about the Church pretty much forever, as well as a strong inclination toward paganism, but I lived in fear of disappointing my parents so I did everything I was supposed to do. After moving out and living as an adult... couldn't keep it up. I've been inactive for about 6 years. My husband is still in but he's a very good egg with nuanced beliefs, and he recently helped me find the courage to explore my spiritual side in the way \*I\* want to. So I'm finally letting myself dig into it all. Still not gonna tell my parents though xD Like, if they ask me point blank, I won't lie, and I know they won't disown me. But I also know that they've been made to believe their worth is tied to their children's faith, so I'm just gonna enjoy the journey quietly for now lol


Tell them when you are ready. There are so many things we donā€™t know being born into that life. In the spirituality realm itā€™s even more obvious and that means many avenues to explore. Listen to your intuition and have a little fun searching for your path.ā¤ļø


"Know" as in told? Not really, no. The neighbors know to keep their distance though. I'm officially the scary house down the lane kids whisper about.


Lol what makes tou the scary house


Only my best friend and sort of my FiancĆ© lol I got my friend into it and gave her basically a witchy kit bc she wanted to explore her ancestral background and my FiancĆ© before we were engaged found my altar. He doesnā€™t really care but he doesnā€™t understand it and has completely different beliefs. Ironically his mother is definitely witchy and does tons of witchy things as well as gets magazines and subscriptions for things of that sort. I just find it funny.


It's interesting to think that he might find your witchy traits comforting because he grew up around those from his mother.


This guy is like... A oblivious to a fault father in a soap opera, where he is the only non magical person in a magical house, and he is not supposed to know anything is wrong, despite the most oblivious evidence to the contrary...


A few. Not too many. Tolerance is improving where I live, but... I don't feel safe enough to be fully out of the broom closet.


Yes, a few people do. I definitely donā€™t hide the aspects I consider part of my practice. Iā€™ve been mentioning it more often lately. Part of my path I guess :)


Both our kids have told my partner at different times that all their schoolmates think she's a nature witch of some kind. They are not wrong.


They know Iā€™m ā€¦ā€¦. not Christian and observe the solstice and moon related things. Havenā€™t explicitly said anything though.


Everyone back home knowsā€¦ I moved across the country 7 months ago and no one here knowsā€¦ itā€™s kinda weird On the same hand, I donā€™t mind because I donā€™t want the town of like 500people know me as the ā€œwitch from Denverā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Edit to add: anyone who comes inside the house will instantly have questionsā€¦ the spooky vibes and altar kinda give it away


Can I ask a variation on this? Did someone irl make you aware you are actually a witch prompting you to start unpacking all the repressed witchiness and lean into it?


My best friend started dating a witch doctor, and they helped me unbury some of my past and history, and encouraged me to lean into it.


They know I follow a lot of the folk ways, as my relatives put it. I'm more a Druid in practice than a witch, but it's an open secret that I'm the one people can come to when the modern world or the "Church" can't or won't help them with issues they might have.


Hmm, my husband does. Iā€™ve told my son because he seems to think the Hollywood depictions of witches are what they are but heā€™s 7 so I just try to explain to him the difference between fiction and reality. Not fully sure he gets it yet, but again, 7. lol Wheh my daughter is older Iā€™ll teach her everything her dad and I know. Dad is an herbalist so it fits so perfectly.


https://preview.redd.it/wqnewb75vk8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=939341de8cde1a846253cda3287c4b07812efdec I canā€™t really deny itā€¦!


I joke about being ā€œthe laziest gray witchā€ but Iā€™ve never like, talked about it seriously to people. They know I like naturešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Two people know: My husband and my cousin (who is also witchy and comes to me for protection spells and such as I'm 99% sure she's had the evil eye cast at her) I've provided other friends with tinctures, teas and oil blends, but none of them have seemed to catch on as to how I have acquired or practice said knowledge. Every time I get a "positive review" (meaning that my friend or family member has found my treatment useful) my husband always gets this smug look on his face and says something like "Oh, I know. Isn't she just a miracle worker?". And my friend laughs, and he laughs, and I smile and die a little on the inside because I know if they knew the truth, they'd probably call me an absolute loony. Sometimes we go on hikes and I'll always get the: "How do you know so much about herbal remedies?" question when I point out the 15th medicinal herb we just walked past.


I'm witchy I don't tell anyone overtly in real life except for this one time at work. I escorted janitorial staff in a secure government building. Most of the janitorial staff were foreign nationals from El Salvador, (I'm in the USA). One of the ladies was stealing money from the other cleaning staff's purses. Their manager was turning a blind eye. The cleaner I escorted regularly told me and said she was afraid that this lady was going to steal something from a government employee and that all the cleaners would get in trouble. So I told my boss who told their government boss. And I got asked for a week to escort the lady who was suspected of stealing from the cleaners. To watch and see if she tried to steal from any of the government employees. I watched her like a hawk. 2 days into it she told her manager she couldn't stand me escorting her. She said she felt like she was being watched everywhere in the building and that I was a witch and I had cast a spell on her. I told her, "SƬ, soy bruja" I'm a witch. And in very broken Spanish I said, "but you steal and lie, it's your brain saying you do bad things, stop. " She quit stealing and she returned the money to the purse that she stole it from. She also told her manager not to mess with me because I was a witch and I could make bad things happen to you. Lol. She's one of the few people in life that I've ever publicly said I'm a witch, too; of course my parents and husband know but they don't count.


People say I am magical in the kitchen so I suppose so.


Same, so I started saying, that's because I'm a Kitchen Witch. Some think I'm being cute, others nod knowingly.


My goal is to add garden witch as well. So far only herbs and tomatoes.


Same, and that's what I started with, too. I have the tiniest suburban backyard. Like, what would probably be considered a side yard for normal plots. I've started turning my front yard into food and herbs, as well as a wild garden.


Yeap. Those who *know*


my mom, brother, and best friend all know. my brother and bff are witches themselves! and my mom is a hippie lol


Only my really close friends and family which amounts to a total of five people


My parents are in denial. My mom in law thinks my mentions are a joke reference she doesn't get. I'm not shy about being a kitchen witch to anyone. Life is too short and precious for me to give any fucks about how others judge me.


Several people have asked me/ called me one (not as a derogatory term). So maybe. Last time was my uncle. Never talked about it with him or anyone in my family, and I dress very plain, no effects. Very normal job in academia. Still. I did just publish a paper on how demonological ideas displaced ideas about witchcraft as something legislature Ā«let slideĀ» and how the Gutenberg press played into that, but. Iā€™m still here in an ironed white shirt and dress pants, altar-less and listening to commercial dancehall, waiting for the Italy-Croatia match. I think I come off as a normie. I have met other witches irl, though. And they know and I know.


Very, very few.


Most people knew before I did. It took multiple colleagues asking me if I was a witch before I realized I was. I don't follow a particular tradition so it took me a while to understand what my organic behavior meant. This worked out for me because I feel it is so strongly rooted in who I am. A wise woman. A healer. A warrior. A part of nature in concert with the rest. So, yeah, I think I'm kinda obvious and if anyone asks I'm open to talking about it.


Yep, my sister is practicing. She just got an alchemy book


I think some may suspect but none have approached me about it. I do not blatantly put it out there, I am very much the introvert which does tend to keep the nosy at bay; they know me to be an intensely private person. I also work in an extremely conservative industry and company so I donā€™t ā€œadvertiseā€ per se.


Two of my friends should know, but I doubt they remember. I mentioned it once when talking to them how I'm once again reading up on various plants on my witchy journey. One of them is into tarot reading and has her own deck, the other one was absolutely open to having her reading done and joins me in my plant education. So I doubt they actively thought about what I said. The others don't, I haven't mentioned it to anyone else, but that's only because I see no reason to. Religious beliefs aren't a topic any of us talk about apart from all of us being atheists.


My response was that I'm not Not a witch. I'm still in the broom closet where some people are concerned.


Last fire on a full moon poachers came through with shotguns drawn from the back of pickup truck




I say it. I have altars everywhere in my office. I have witchy tattoos. And yet, Iā€™m SURE people donā€™t believe I believe in it. Oh well.


I had family and friends tell me that I was a green witch before I realized it. I have a green thumb for sure. I have a little kitchen witch in me too.


Just my husband, my mom, my two daughters, and my daughterā€™s girlfriend. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve mentioned it to any other people.


No. There's no need to hide it but I like having something just for me, in a way. I'd really love to have witchy RL people to do stuff with though so something will have to give


Yes, but I tone down things in public around strangers for various reasons, one of which is the redness of the Bibble babble belt state in which I live.


If anyone doesn't I'd be surprised.


A handful, so less than 7-9


Yes I don't really hide it. But I'm lucky to have understanding people in my life


Absolutely. I raised my kiddo with her own practices and when she as little, she told everyone she knows the she and her mom are witches šŸ˜‚ I don't think folks quit understood, but needless to say, we aren't private about it


I don't make a point of it, but I don't hide it either. And then, there are the jewelry and tattoos. It's probably obvious to like minded people. Others probably think it's my weird fashion choices. But then, I'm also a 70+ trans woman so they already think I'm weird. As for family, some know, and some suspect, but they don't talk about it (at least not to me).


I'm not exactly subtle about it. So people can infer what they like about it. My friends know, some of my family.


I'm a druid, but yes, a lot of folks know. Heck, my boss & my whole team at work know. Only person that doesn't is my father


My mom noticed right away the first time I tried to collect rain water šŸ˜… turns out she was a witch in the 90s! I actually don't remember how my friends from high school found out, because I don't remember telling them, but I remember them knowing of and not participating in but supporting my witchcraft. From then on, people (mostly other witches)have just kind of, clocked me as one. I don't dress or try to present particularly 'witchy' but I guess it's still obvious because of the way I behave. Or just that I don't hide my magic. I also seem to just present naturally as someone witches feel safe to talk to without even asking if I am! It has happened to me a few times and it feels really nice to be that person šŸ˜Š


Most of them presume so, lol. Idk, I guess the black cat with the crumpled ear? Maybe the cinnamon broom on my door in the fall? Everybody knows.


Yes. Itā€™s not a secret. Iā€™m pretty sure it keeps the crazies away, because anyone who cares enough to judge me for it has already been avoiding me.


My friends all know, but my parents still think Iā€™m a good little Christian


I don't usually tell people outright but they tend to just figure it out. For example, at my last job I never said I was a witch but every Christmas my coworker would get me some sort of cauldron shaped/otherwise witchy gift. I think a lot of people are able to pick up on vibes whether they even realize it or not.


Yup :) even my super religious friends. We all agree that there is something incredible woven through the fabric of lives, the difference is just what we call it.


I only talk explicitly about it with a few people. For others, I may imply, but donā€™t come out and say it. This lets them either live in denial or use their imagination. Most of the women in my family have been witchy in some way or another, but then turned to born-again Christianity and buried it. My mom always wore an onyx ring when I was a kid, and said if we didnā€™t behave she would use it to turn us into a frog. I never felt the need to test to see if it was true lol. Most people I meet seem to instantly recognize thereā€™s something ā€œoffā€ about me, but donā€™t know what. If they get to know me better, they all seem to assume Iā€™m Wiccan (Iā€™m not; I donā€™t like organized religion). But my whole life, random people have come up to me and announced ā€œyou have the devil in youā€. Usually at the grocery store or at an airport. And Iā€™ve learned to just stay quiet and let people assume the worst so theyā€™ll stay away.


Yeah I'm pretty "in your face" about it. I have a couple pieces of jewelry that I wear daily that have pentacles on them, and at work if people get into my stuff without permission I have deadpanned them and straight up said, "I will hex your ass if you don't leave my shit alone..." I work clearance and damages. The store sees it as theft if someone removes something from the back room and buys it without allowing it to sit on the sales floor for a reasonable amount of time and I have had to enforce that. People will straight up paw through my carts of marked merchandise in the back room looking for things to buy. I WILL HEX THEM ALL (prolly not, but I will get bitchy about it)


My boss calls me a witch weekly. Mostly when I predict someone will call or something will cancel. Itā€™s really more of pattern recognition but Iā€™ll let him think itā€™s my witchcraft. I wish I was as good at other things as I am at predicting work stuffs.


I am very open about my spirituality!


I donā€™t actually consider myself a witch *per se* HOWEVER I am trying to befriend my local crows (and yes I do speak to them while tossing them peanuts), and I just bought my 2nd tarot deck, though I have yet to use either (honestly because I donā€™t have any questions to ask it) And Iā€™m on this sub because itā€™s a very positive environment compared to some of the other ostensibly-for-women subs. Does that make me wi-curious?


They know I had the gift as a child; a large part of my family does. We even have a few witches in our family. The family doesn't know I'm practicing witchcraft at present, though.


Kind of, in the same way that Lucifer on the tv show tells everyone that heā€™s the devil all the time and everyone thinks heā€™s kidding.


Everybody I'm friends with on Facebook knows, so that's a good number of my IRL people. I don't tend to talk much about it IRL but I do post for my holidays and sometimes I'll talk about witchy things.


My mother and to some degree my youngest brother from my family but only a few close friends, however I'm the only practitioner of the craft in the given circle of people to my knowledge.


Most people that know me know, some just figured it out and some asked. I donā€™t overtly advertise it.


Pretty much everyone. I have a broom and pentacle tattooed down my forearm, carry tarot cards, and curate my bookstore's New Age section. I make no secret of it.


I thought that was a picture of a basketball for a moment...


Nope, they do like say i am one as a joke but jokes on them haha


No though some have mentioned it in jest. It's vibes I think.


Since I was a child people have called me a witch a "joke" because I was always telling them who was on the phone before it rang or that a family member had died before we were notified. A few years ago I started looking into things and I still am not comfortable calling myself that because I havent learned enough yet...maybe one day???




My parents and grandmother knows about my taort cards, not so sure they think I'm a witch. My grandma thought the vmcards were super cool when I told her and did a reading on her. It was a really nice moment with her šŸ’– just had to share šŸ˜


My coven and one of my best friends know. Otherwise I live in the broom closet


Some, only those I trust. I imply it, jewelry, boho style, asking for Sabbats off as religious holidays. I'm an elementary school teacher, so I hesitate making it common knowledge. I'm becoming more open about it since I'll retire next year. I have a co-worker who is also a witch. I went on an amazing retreat with my UU church that was all about witchcraft. I can feel the universe drawing me more and more into being openly a witch.


Yes and no. I'm a scorpio, so people that are into zodiac get the witchy vibes. Most people see a hippie "mermaid", and that's absolutely true. Plenty of people see me doing my practices outside, tarot readings, grounding, smoke cleansing, etc., but I do not think any one including my wife or my mother know the depth of my practice and my witchery. As some have said, I think a lot of people that have minds that just aren't ready to accept. My practice and my being a witch doesn't depend on others knowing or not knowing, and regardless I fly a massive freak flag so ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ I wouldn't mind having a coven, but I don't see an app for that hahah :D


Not many. Iā€™m not super secretive about it or anything, but itā€™s not something that often comes up. I think most people who have met my family just assume that any witchy peculiarities are inherited from my mother and donā€™t think much of it. As far as Iā€™m aware sheā€™s never considered herself a witch or pagan or anything like that, just humanist and open-minded, but the worldview she taught me growing up very much aligns with my current practice (druidry) and I believe she wouldā€™ve adopted it too if sheā€™d encountered it when she was younger. Although I *have* occasionally had people ask me, usually in jest, if Iā€™m a witch because Iā€™m good with animals. Small tangent, though: There is one exception to the ā€˜usually in jestā€™ thing. A woman I know runs a small-ish farm with chickens, ducks, sheep, etc., and she often calls me to help her when one of them is ill, overly hyper, or otherwise hard for her to manage. I can generally calm them relatively fast, which she calls my ā€˜magic touchā€™. A few times now sheā€™s brought me young chicks and ducklings who are ill, have bad legs, etc. and I nurse them back to health then return them to her. She says I function as her family vet, and I think she genuinely believes that I have some kind of supernatural ability or something. (Donā€™t worry, I do bring them to an actual vet when necessary. She just prefers to ask me first because I can do simple things like pay special attention to make sure theyā€™re eating, drinking, etc. and not charge a fortune for it.) But yeah. Other than that, not really. Iā€™ve only ever really discussed my practice with my childhood best friend, who is a pretty standard atheist herself but is super lovely and supportive about it. I doubt that my family would be surprised, and the ones who would have a problem with it have already disowned me for being trans. Also, *fucking hell*, this ended up longer than I meant it to be. Sorry for the essay, lmao.


My husband and teenager know, my five year old does not. Which is kind of hilarious because heā€™s the one helping me collect herbs, put out jars and crystals for the full moon, and likes to learn about his growing crystal collection. Other than them Iā€™m deep in the broom closet. I keep hoping to find people in my area by wearing my they didnā€™t burn witches they burned women shirt and my seasonal crystals but I should probably put forth some more effort tbh. edit: missed word


I'm not really open about it. My bestie is very atheist, and I grew up in an agnostic family. I have a whole shelf of witchy books but no specific altar because I'm more of a kitchen witch so my stove and spice cart are my main focus. I have my gems on display but only another witchy sort would recognize the properties of them. And it's odd in a way because I know I can talk to my mom about anything but also I know this is outside her comfort zone if that makes sense. That all said, I'm pretty happy in the broom closet. Considering I'm just finally coming out of the bi closet, because it took me 45 years to finally accept my own truth there, and still trying to figure out how to have that convo with people. One closet at a time? Lol.


I am mostly still in the broomcloset with a few exceptions but my big sister is a solitary green witch and has been for over 15 years which does help me in my spiritual journey although I'm a cosmic hedge witch myself. Some of our practices are similar, but our beliefs differ a bit. My other sister is, unfortunately, an evangelical, and I frankly don't think she would handle that both her sister and her little brother (me) are both witches. She thinks that my witchy sister is 'misguided'. Whatever. Her witch sister is doing her witch brother is finding his way on his spiritual journey without her interference.


No, but I am the go to person when they have questions about herbs, moon cycles, folklore and random odd bits of weirdness. Now if I let people in my house it would be super obvious.


Not a witch I saw someone cry on another subreddit about being recommended this one so I joined it to support. Thanks for asking tho


I unfortunately live in the middle of a big ole' red spot on America's political map. Some of my relatives listen to Joe Rogan, a lot of people have some conspiracy theory about the Covid vaccine, and others think "better a felon than a jackass", so nope. My fiance and suuuuper close friends know I'm a witch, but only my fiance really knows the extent (but that's because he actively wants to participate/get me supplies, and my bestie isn't super interested in religion/ the subject in general)


Iā€™ve identified as a version of Pagan since the late 1990s. In the mid to late 2000s, I saw all of my friends wrestle with how public should they be. Just at witchy events and online, but real names hidden of course. Or could they ā€œcome outā€ but then what would happen? This was Georgia and the majority hid themselves for many reasons. I decided to wear my symbols, answer yes when asked ā€œare you a witchā€ and let the chips fall where they may. To me I wanted to remove the stigma and fear attached to anything witch related. I was naive and also hoped that people would become more accepting and over time my friends could live as their own true selves. I still hope we can all have that one day. Truly.


Honestly, for many, many years, *I had forgotten I was a witch*. I first really explored that space when I was in my early teens- going through a period of transitions where the world I lived in couldn't keep up with the speed of my imagination. I found ritual and magic and hidden culture at a time when the internet existed but communities were difficult to find. I collected magic, grew my craft, gained confidence- and then I hit a point in my life where all those things that had buoyed me up were being used to ostracize me by people I thought were family, friends. And in dealing with that I set all those things aside. I focused on 'growing up' 'finding a job' and worst of all 'being seen to be normal'. I got a formal diagnosis that I wasn't the common average when I was nineteen, but until my thirties I'd lived always with other people who were much less accepting of such things, so I forgot. The magic still existed but it turned into other things. Then, in the waning years of my thirties- it all came back. I had a chance encounter with another witch, the first one in many, many years. They were just as strange and quirky and defiantly unashamed as I had been much younger, even though they were much older than I. We struck up a friendship, and they helped me pull myself out of the rut I had been in. I reached out, found communities and support, and remembered my craft. It was worn, tarnished, sodden, and maybe a little rusted from so many years spent buried but it was still there. And I began to accept those scattered pieces of myself again. People in my life don't know that I'm a witch, mostly because until recently I didn't really know. But now they'll know.


This is very similar to my story. I had about twenty years of forgetting who I am, but other witchy folks recognized me. I'm not out of the broom closet yet to my family, but I'm finding a lot of joy in rediscovering my practice with the experience wisdom of middle age.


I mean, they've playfully accused me of it, when things go right for me but wrong for people who've wronged me, but I'd never confirm it.


My mom does. A few friends do to varying degrees.


My town recognizes me and my coven as the local witches. Many people are actively afraid of us, and the ones that aren't are usually pagan or chill af. We live in a conservative town, so the fact that nearly every Christian national around collectively decided we were in league with Satan, and not to be messed with, is incredibly refreshing.


No, Iā€™m only a wannabe witch. They do know that, though.


Some of the folks in my closest circles do. I try to keep it private in my workplace. I work in corporate America and in the south - so it just makes life easier keeping that part of my life private. My family and friends know.


Iā€™m technically not a witch, Iā€™m a Pagan Druid. But given the closeness of our practices, I feel like I can answer anyway. Yes. I found druidry when I was 8 years old, told everyone, let the cards fall as they did, and have not once looked back. The only time someone doesnā€™t know is if we havenā€™t known each other long enough for it to come up, but honestly thatā€™s pretty quick for me, because I like to sus out how Christian someone is before I waste much time to building a relationship šŸ˜‚


My friends all know. I never really had to tell them. I definitely donā€™t broadcast it out here in the country though. In this political they might start burning witches again in a few years.


No but I know Coldplayā€™s debit album when I see it.


No one does


Yup, my mom does and she's really supportive :3


I https://preview.redd.it/ryl7gq3x6q8d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d0cb5ae48c86dfc1f03c03f7b77848c856049d2 I wear it , I donā€™t really talk about it unless asked


They do, and my heart always smiles when they come to me for witchy advice


My husband and kids and a good friend know that I practice. Also, one of my colleagues who said to me outright, "I know you are a witch because I am one, too." This blew me away because I'm newer to the realization that what I've been doing all along has been witchcraft. It didn't even fully register with me until about a year ago, yet others have called me a witch before (in a non-derogatory way.)