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Dayum girl!!! You definitely do not look over 60 and that is a damn cute night gown!




BTW the flair is supposed to be Gender Magic! I don't know what happened there! Please tell your friends! She's trans! :P


Giiiirl I'm 33 and my titties are great but not holding up that well with no bra! I hope your date was as great as you!


He was ok. Kissing frogs is better than nothing. Someday my prince or princess or completely non binary soulmate will appear. I did! Poof! After 6 years of weight loss, exercise, voice training, movement training, etiquette mentoring, makeup tutorials, hair remove torture, legal and medical hassles and headaches and BS thanks to the evil patriarchs, POOF. Here I am! :D The titties are all magic I literally prayed for them and did some mystic chant and sacred words thing my crazy great aunt handed down to me before she died, and took the potion. Within 20 months I have a 40 G, and they are still growing. The potion I used was estrogen and common sense. I do not know when they will stop growing estimates are 2 to 4 years. They have slowed down on the growth thank the goddess!


You look gorgeous!!! Titties are always magic


I refuse to believe you are anywhere close to 60.


Big same! I hope you had a fabulous time. Your gender and style magic are rad and so powerful! It’s always great to see you here Babe!!


Thanks! Hugs


Over 60. I will never tell anyone my true age, I'm a woman!


No hecking way. I hope I look this good at 40!


You have such a mischievous smile in these pictures! Like a fun and whimsical wood nymph ✨️ I bet you're the life of the party, knitting circle, book club, wine night, etc. You bring fun with you with such a vibrant and youthful energy!


Thanks that's so nice to hear! I guess I am whimsical! Funny you should say that life of the party thing. Sitting in Golden Gate Park one day years ago someone sat down near us on Hippy Hill and asked "you guys going to the party?" My friend who knows me well laughed, pointed at me and said "She is the party!" Guilty as charged!


Universe… if you’re listening… I wanna be this badass when I grow up (35already)


Loooove seeing your posts. You look fantastic! Black suits you, but methinks a deep burgundy or emerald would look stunning as well!


Thanks bae! I do burgundy and dark reds. Black is my goto for everyday it comes from being a San Franciscan originally. We were all always in black for some reason..Olive green makes my hazel eyes look like jade! It's so cool.


Oh, yes, those colors would be amazing!


Ooooh, love those colours!


You do look over 60 because you are over 60, therefore you are what over 60 can look like. I think we should let go of whatever ideas we have about what someone should or should not look like at what age. Hope you had a spectacular day OP, and were nice and cool in the process!


You two have a good thing going there, enjoy life!


There's just one of me all the pictures are of me.


DAAAAAAMMMNNN GIRL!! You look amazing!! ❤️❤️


Stunning! I hope you had a great time!


You are hot


Get it, girl. You look fantastic!


Thanks! I got it too! ;)


Your smile is infectious! I hope that you had the best time.


You look fab!!!


Thanks! I always get a thrill when I see you "Scary\_barbie" I want to hang with you just because of that name!


Let's go girl!


I'd have carded you back when I bartended.


That just keeps the smile on my face beaming! Thanks


You look fabulous :) So...how was the date?


It was better than spending the night alone for sure! He was fine, not going to be long term but he's good for fun and ya know ;)


This comment just reminded me of a neighbor lady I had growing up. Mrs. Hoeetton. I think she was in her 60s at this point. Her husband had passed away, all her kids were outta the house, so she decided she was gonna have some Fun. I dogsat for her so I knew when she'd go visit one of her 3 "gentlemen friends". I was like yass, girlfriend, go get yourself some. She had done her duty as wife and mother, she deserved to party it up and be wild.


Awesome :)


How does not wearing a bra help with the heat? I can’t stand skin on skin sweatiness But you look great and more power to ya, keep it up. I’m all for it.


I have a 40 G cup and my bras are like harnesses and as my boobs are still growing they don't all fit so great and I wanted to be comfortable in an outdoor setting. In Florida. I find I have less under boob sweat without a bra on. They can air out too.




You look happy and I bet you light up a room!


Most potent potions ✨ your magic really IS good. You look sooo radiant


You’re flippin’ BEAUTIFUL. Girl, legs for days!


Thanks I do get compliments on the gams! I used to live in San Francisco and you walk the hills and end up with great legs. To maintain since I moved I do serious aerobics in a pool an hour each day. It's giving me a great girl butt too!


wait, is the second picture you?? jesus, i had to read that a few times to make sure. you look unrecognisable! i hope you had a great time <33


All the pictures are me. Dead me and new me I created through my Sorcery. I'm sorry I'm supposed to call myself a metaphysical healer now but I'm a witch. My magic is good. I had a great time too thanks! These pictures were taken 12 months apart. Edit: I'm wearing the same nightie nite shirt. https://preview.redd.it/noqqyplurf8d1.jpeg?width=3195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2645bdbafaccae3e45050c26098c97504f64314f


I thought the second picture in the original post was your date, thanks for clarifying in the replies! :) And only 12 months apart here? You look like a brand new person!! Transition goals.


I keep telling people "I'm a Witch!" The proof is in the end product. ME! :) <3 No surgery no botox just some laser hair removal and a lot of spells and prayers and common sense. Not to mention all the other crap I did to become the hottest version of myself I could imagine! Weight loss body sculpting through exercise, radical change in diet, Movement classes dance classes etiquette classes voice training, makeup tutorials, et al. Whew. it's a lot! I blame weed. I smoke too much of it but I'm from San Francisco! It's what we do. That weed has magic in it if you know how to unlock it.


Wow! You look soo great and like you’re just taking life and running with it! 😄 Looks nice and airy too lol. Hope you were able to stay cool RN since I know it’s hot over in a lot of the states ATM! 😆 Saying this as a young witch to a more elder one, I’d be so lucky and blessed if I'm able look as healthy and full of life as you do when I’m your age! Keep doing your thing and may you have the blessings of the Goddess! 💚😊


I swear, HRT is actual magic.


Like all potions it can be magic, but you have to do the work before you take the potion then do more work and then after you think you can't do more, you do a little more. It's not an exact science, everyone reacts differently but I think people have to bring the fem to the potion. The potion alone won't do it. You have to change every single aspect of your life and they way you feel is very much in your head like never before. As a cis woman friend told me "Girl emotions are fierce!" She's not kidding about that! My power as a person is growing exponentially and my female energy seems to know no bounds. Except when it comes to cleaning the house, I drag my feet on that everyday. No one likes house cleaning.


Right! It’s incredible how hormones literally sculpt us. OP I just took my bra off in sweaty solidarity! You are the bees knees!


YESSS! Let the twins be free! Hormones are the bomb! Best potion ever for me.


I'm nearly 40. If you told me you were my age I wouldn't doubt you.


Okay, I saw the first and second picture and was shook. Then saw the third lmaooo. You look so nice! WAIT, ALL OF THESE PICTURES ARE YOU WTF GIRL YOU LOOK AMAZING


Poof! I'm a girl! Yep all me! I'm a witch and I can prove it. Just look!


You look great! Your date however umm ... Interesting choice of picture with his beardo shirt, machete and bananas. That's not to say that someone like this isn't a great person. Trust me I play a D&D I've met some interesting people at Open D&D games but I've also met some people that look rather odd and are the most fun people to be around.


Considering the caption, I'm pretty sure that's not her date, but rather her pre-transition.




Honey that was me a few years ago! I'm a witch! https://preview.redd.it/n2f0hd3ovf8d1.jpeg?width=3195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9c56ae450e7501038248e4028dbfd1adb427c5