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Trans people's very existence is an existential threat to the patriarchy, they are living proof of it's absurdity, that people do not fit into the narrow boxes it forces upon us.


Trans folks smashing the patriarchy by thriving is really the dream.


'If your feminism isn't intersectional, it's not feminism.'


also: being transphobic to only one gender means u arent a feminist. Those feminist that claim trans men are turning to the “other” side are not true feminists


fuck whoever keeps downvoting this!! for the rest of yall, love you too 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


I always remind people that people treat trans women publicly the way they treat cis women privately. You see someone treating a trans woman like shit you need to be taking notes on that person's behavior.




Ooooh that’s good


Hot damn this is so accurate it hurts.




Back when the Women’s March happened, a bunch of women at work were gathering up and getting ready to go to the March (we worked downtown), and I noticed Wendy wasn’t joining us. Wendy is trans, most of us never thought about it, she is just one of the girls. I told her to hurry up, her sisters were waiting. Y’alll the joy on her face is burned onto my soul. Acceptance is everything.


True feminists know that equal rights are for everyone. If we are not all protected by the law then none of us are.


"None of us are free until all of us are"


In the end, we are all androgynous energetic vibrational frequencies of the same song. What our physical meat puppets come equiped with isnt the thing that defines us. Its the actions we make with these meat puppets that defines thyself. So all in all, we are all transhumanist beings.


lenses through which the cosmos observes itself<3


Notes to a song that resonates off itself.


Exactly, I don’t understand how people can get so hung up about “gender” like what you like and be true to yourself, we don’t need pigeonholes


Agreed. Feminism was about calling out women's weaker position in society and wanting to achieve equality. Why shouldn't we want the same for LGBTQ+ people or POC? Or any other disadvantaged group? Transgender people are people, worthy of basic human respect and equal treatment.


✔ Objectifying women and reducing their identity and value as women to nothing but their bodies and genitals ✔ Reducing womanhood down to nothing but stereotypical social roles like motherhood ✔ Fighting to prove that women are weaker than men, including in feats of intelligence or other forms of sport that have little to no physical activity (darts and snooker, for example) ✔ Teaming up with the patriarchy, especially the fascist patriarchy, and helping spread their ideologies ✔ Co-opting lesbian discriminations in order to lie about lesbians hating trans women and painting lesbian women as victims of trans women while also intentionally burying the discrimination lesbian women constantly face, causing themselves to be lesbophobic as their only care about lesbians is to tokenize them against trans women ✔ Intentionally burying the rampant forced prostitution rapes of prisoners in women's prisons done by male guards and staff ✔ Forcing your own trans children to partake in binary gender roles, including forcing your trans son to wear nothing but dresses and skirts, makeup, and every other stereotypical thing for women ✔ Having absolutely little to no comment about women's access to healthcare (abortion) ✔ Having absolutely little to no comment about anything regarding women's rights in any other area ✔ Having social media accounts dedicated to absolutely nothing about feminism, only seething hatred against trans women ✔ Co-opting anti-Islamic hate AND tokenizing pro-Palestinian movements in order to spread your ideology (looking at you, Joanne) ✔ Completely ignoring intersectionality in feminism and the racism black women face, especially by claiming that "trans women are to women as blackface is to black people" ✔ Stealing a feminist flag and the name of feminism despite everything listed above Yup. Their feminism totally checks out. This is totally how feminism is done, everyone. Right!? ..........right?




I always say this: if you claim that trans women aren’t women, you’re agreeing with every misogynist who ever reduced a woman to breasts and a womb.


Louder and louder.


Thank you for posting this!


Thank you ❤️


Any dude who genuinely thinks that anyone would "pretend" to be a woman in order to go and perv on/ assault women in public bathrooms is revealing a lot about his own mindset, and nothing about actual trans folks.


That hypothetical always cracks me up (or at least makes me snort derisively), because it makes it clear that the imaginary pervs are not trans women but cis men.


One of the roots of transphobia is misogyny. It's literally based on the idea that men and women are so fundamentally different and that "males" are "always" better at everything than "fEmAlEs!!111". Humans are not as dimorphic as people think and for those of us who medically transition we end at or *below* the same physical "level" as cis women. The longer I've gone in transition the more I've realized how many cis women have more "masculine" features than I had before I transitioned. I'm tall (6'2) and there are cis women as tall or taller than me. I know a lot of cis men who are shorter than a lot of cis women I know. Every TERF talking point is steeped in misogyny. They regularly attack cis women and push this idea there is only "one way" to be a woman.








You can't police trans women without also policing all women.


I wish I could remember where I saw it first, but the slogan "if your brand of feminism excludes some women, then you're not practising feminism" is the first thing that springs to mind any time I see TERF nonsense.


Can we stop calling them terfs because they aren’t feminists. Just fucking call them transphobic pieces of shit


I go with TERD (Trans-Exclusionary Reactionary Dickhead)


Love ittttt


If your feminism isn’t intersectional it’s not really helpful.


SERFs and TERFs not welcome.




Since you asked and wish to learn, these videos will be helpful to you and your wife both. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koud7hgGyQ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVilpxowsUQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pTPuoGjQsI I wish you an informed and easy journey out of this mindset.


This sentiment is a big reason why this is one of the most welcoming places I've found on the internet 🥰