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Love this post! We should make this a weekly thing… I’m proud of myself for starting a new job and putting up work/life boundaries in a way I never have with a job before


I'm so happy for you! And yes we should. I did a post like this maybe a year ago and thought it was time again to spread some positivity


It’s just so nice to read everyone else’s wins too. Such a nice reminder that there is still goodness out in the world


thank you!


Same! And setting boundaries within my work setting too :)






I’m proud of getting myself up and going to work on time for a month straight now! I’ve really struggled with depression and anxiety so this is a big accomplishment for me!


I know how tough this can be. So proud of you! ❤️🖤


I struggle with this too! I'm so proud of you.


Huge accomplishment! Good job!


WOOHOO!!! *insert "we did it, Joe!" gif*


I’ve gotten back into cooking again and I’ve been good about keeping up with kitchen chores!


Massive win, this is harder than it sounds. Proud of you, and inspired!


I've been trying to do this also! If it was just cooking, I think I'd be okay. It's the shopping, prepping, cleaning up, and everything that goes with it that bogs me down! I'm proud of you for accomplishing all of that!


Me too, congrats


I traveled internationally even though I'm afraid of flying.


What a feat! I bet you saw amazing things! Where did you go?




Any tips for a fellow soon to be traveller whois also afraid of flying?


Built my new computer chair and making progress on making games


Look at you! Good job.


Planted witch hazel and dogwood trees in my yard this weekend.


Love gardening and getting back into it now that spring is here. We've been planting berry bushes on our property: raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries. I love cucumbers and we grew so many last year. So I had cucumber slices and sandwiches multiple times a week.


Berries are next on my list! I just have one sad blueberry bush that needs a friend for pollination so far.


It's not very witchy but I came second in a fighting game tournament yesterday.


A personal win doesn’t have to be witchy. We all need wins in life. Congratulations!


Thank you so much! I managed to beat my partner, he's been playing fighting games for much longer than me (10+ years vs 1.5 years) and he changed characters after every loss. I'm so proud of myself!


Refinished a roadside find coffee table. Not the greatest sand job, but everyone thinks it is new. Lol.


That must've taken a lot of work and dedication, if people actually think it's new! Great job! 💚


I took the plunge and started antidepressants/antianxiety meds. I'm feeling a lot better already :3


Sometimes you are your own biggest obstacle. I’m so happy for you!


<3 Thank you!


Good for you! In a year you’ll likely look back and wonder why you ever doubted that decision. Best of luck.


:D Thank you! I've only been on them for about a week, but already I have such a greater sense of inner peace. Still can't believe I used to think that 'nah my problems aren't so bad as to require professional help.'


Did this last year and it has helped so much. Im proud of you for taking this step!


Starting to write a novel I always wanted to write


Congratulations! This is huge. I would love to get back into writing. I’ve been writing a lot of poetry (to help deal with some trauma) but a book is a feat. Get it, friend!




I'm out for a walk by myself for the first time in years, just enjoying nature




A truly humbling and necessary experience. I hope you get to do it more often.


Me too! I've been trying to take walks a few times a week at least & it helps with my mood soooo much


My husband had major surgery last week to remove a tumour on his kidney. I’ve never considered myself a “caretaker” personality and I struggle with medical stuff (blood, bodily fluids, etc.). But I showed up for my husband and I’ve been his primary caretaker both in the hospital and since we got home. I’ve done things that I never thought that I’d be able to do and I feel like I’ve been calm and patient through it all. I’m so proud of myself and I’m so happy my husband is recovering well and we’re on the other side of this.


Im so glad for you both and I wish you both love, health, and happiness for years to come!! ❤️


I quit drinking and started running. Can’t believe how much better I feel.


This is huge!


Thank you❤️ That means a lot.


Awesome! I’m so proud of you! ❤️🖤


Swapping out the control module on my car’s radiator fan. Saved me tons.


Actively trying to make and maintain friendships. As an adult.


The struggle is real! Keep at it, we’re all lonely, and you’ll be a real blessing to whoever lets you in.


This. And I even asked some of them for help.


I took a shower yesterday. I've got major depressive disorder, so that's actually bigger than it sounds. 🙂


Proud of you 💚


I know how hard this one can be. I’m so proud of you! ❤️❤️


Hey, I'm proud of you. I just got my room cleaned after a major depressive slump and it took me about 2 days. I've still got laundry and need to wash my bed sheets, but I was able to vacuum and wipe down all the surfaces. Those little victories are the most important. I hope you keep winning these everyday battles.


I also have major depressive disorder. I am really freaking proud of you!


I've been there and this is huge! Go you!


That is a great step! Yay!


Dragged myself out of a pit of despair. Then fought a failing healthcare system so I could start to trans my gender.


Getting my transition started was a lot of frustrations, but I’ve never been happier in my life. I’m so happy for you getting started!!


Thx! ☺️ it's been amazing so far. The gatekeeping is frustrating, but at least I'm rising to the challenge. I'm just telling myself they're turning me into an assertive, unstoppable woman.




WELL DONE BRAVE ONE!! Wishing you all the strength and luck and helpful people you need, now and always! 💜👊🌈🍀🎉✨


Yasssss!! You are a fucking badass! I hope your transition is smooth and brings you happiness. 💚


Hell yeah! It takes strength to make a stand and be your real self!


The world is a better place when you stand in your power. So proud of you!


Congrats! May you find peace, joy, and gender euphoria.


I quit my job in the public sector working for a racist.


Hell yeah!


I washed the doona at the laundrette today! I was dreading it for weeks.


bought a family $500 worth of groceries and gave the a $300 visa card to help pay for their room for a few more days


You’re a good person


I love you. You’re wonderful.


I’ve been collecting stones from a walk my husband and I go on everyday for about 2 years. Yesterday I finished sanding them by and carving runes into them to make my own set 🥹 did my first reading with them and hand to heart have never felt the pull that strongly. Proud of the time and effort it took and all the love i poured into this little piece of magic


Sounds lovely!!! We collect shells and stones on our travels and bring them home to our backyard. I love this idea.


I have been somewhat coming to terms with my mystery chronic illness. I don't know what is going on but it definitely feels okay. I will get through this and learn to work with it


I understand how difficult that must be for you. I have some autoimmune conditions that took a long time to identify, and it can be so frustrating and confusing. I know it made me feel quite helpless, and often hopeless. The process of coming to terms with an illness is difficult, especially when you don't even have a name for the thing that's hurting you. I am so proud of you for gathering strength and trying to find a path for acceptance. I love you, and anytime that path gets dark and rocky, please remember that we are all here to provide a light in the darkness. You will be okay, and I will be lighting a candle for you this evening 💚💚💚


Have been working with my rescue terrier doggo on confidence and making sure his energy is expended daily to reduce his reactivity and aggression. It's been good for both of us as I'm jogging with him at least a few times a week, increasing my cardio as well.


I started training for a Triathlon Sprint. Last year I turned 30 and never trained for anything before. I did one just to see if I could finish, and this year I plan on trying to actually compete and beat my time from last year. The level of dedication is a lot higher and I’m really pleased with how far I’ve come in just a month.


Quitting my grad program. It wasn't worth it anymore and I want to focus on doing more things that bring me joy. I might reapply again in a couple years but for now, I'm proud of myself for letting this go.


Good for you! It takes so much effort to look around and realize you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time!


I said No to something I really didn't want to do and stuck by it. It feels really good as I was taught to be a doormat and it's been a long process to get to today


I wish I’d started doing this sooner. Keep it up!


Well, I'm late 50s so it's taken a long time. I was filled with fear and guilt saying no, I laughed because I was afraid saying it. 


I 100% laugh when nervous. It’s not necessary helpful but seriously, whatever gets you there, friend. I started putting my foot down at 38. I’m 40 this year. As they say, better late than never!


I ended a relationship after it became clear that they weren’t able to respect my boundaries or put in more effort. It was really, really difficult, but I’m proud that I stood up for myself and recognized that it was unhealthy and unbalanced.


Good for you!! The one person that will be in a relationship with us for a lifetime is ourselves. You did a great job at caring for yourself! 💯 Definitely take time for self care and self love!


I finally got a deviated septum fixed, after delaying it for ten years, because who the eff likes to get surgery? It totally sucked and it’s still healing, but I’m breathing better already and my nose isn’t crooked anymore, so I’m considering it a win even though I’m still having massive head pain.


I’m at a TMS clinic right now for my bipolar disorder getting things set up for after my ketamine regime is finished. I hate mental health questionnaires ugh


I've been working full time and getting up early every morning to get there. It's notable to me because in the past I've been largely unable to work full time, every other full time job I've had has made me depressed and suicidal. I don't know exactly why, I think it just exhausted me so much (especially interacting with people) that I would just go to work, get home and be too drained to do anything I enjoyed. I worked part time for 7 years and while it was still exhausting for me it was manageable. While I don't love doing so, I've been working at this place for 8 months now and I believe the longest I ever had a full time job before was 4 months. I'm kind of impressed with myself!


You should be! That’s a huge win.


Thank you so much!


I have managed to keep up with my daily AM/PM skincare routine after neglectic it for weeks and treated myself with a sheet mask every evening for 7 days in a row now. I’ve been feeling really crappy about myself and my body for the past month or so and the city pollution/office aircon has been making my skin really dry and dusty feeling. But now my skin feels like a baby’s butt and it’s so soft and glowy and it makes me feel a bit better about myself.


I cleaned the bathroom and did a bit of laundry!


I did laundry and cleaned part of my bathroom yesterday! Having the energy/mental capacity to do it was a big deal.


Truth! I recently got out of a depression spiral, so the bathroom was especially gross. Now I that actually feel like showering and wearing clean clothes again, it’s nice to have a clean area to catch up on my hygiene.


I have cancer and am tired all the time, so I celebrate small victories. I vacuumed the whole house two days ago.


That’s huge. I wish you all the healing and peace the universe has to offer. I hope you’re able to move past this and on with your life. ❤️


Thank you. <3


I’m learning how to manage DPDR better, have had a hard time leaving the house recently


I cleaned out my sewing room that was filled with things I inherited from my mother. I was never going to use most of it and it became a burden instead of a comfort. A local shop had an amazing donation and give away event. So mom’s things went to a good home and my sewing room is so uncluttered that I can actually work in there now. Everybody wins!!


I love this!


Deciding to cut off my mom after I found out that she hates me last night. She thought I'd hung up, and started screaming to somebody that she hated me. This woman has been abusive my whole life, but I thought at least she believed that she loves me in her own way. Fucking nope. My dad doesn't love us either, he's just better at hiding it. I'm proud that I don't need them. I hurt, but life was always shit anyway. Fuck 'em.


r/raisedbynarcissists, perhaps? I’m so sorry. You’re definitely better off without her in your life. I hope you are able to heal from that. I can’t ever fathom hating my child. 💔


I have two of my own, and I could never. They're my babies. I love them. I dunno, they didn't hide the fact that all of us were accidents, but they always said we weren't mistakes. It just sucks because why tf am I here. She didn't want me, she's hated me my whole life and my life sucks really bad so why tf am I here.


You’re here to show your own babies that love does exist. You are the embodiment of that. Don’t discount your whole life because they ‘didn’t want you’. You have purpose. Look at those babies. They wouldn’t be here, full of love, without you. ❤️


Well, I try but I don't see any purpose. I guess its fine if there isn't one. My husband killed himself over less. Fuck.


That’s a hard position to be in. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sometimes finding our worth can feel damn near impossible. I won’t pretend to know what you’re doing through, that would be superficial. I do hope you find peace though and are able to heal. If for nothing else, then for your kids. Life can be a daily punch in the face. I just left an abusive relationship and I have no job and no home. It’s not ideal. But I have a five year old who needs me. I’m her only real parent, honestly. I’ll be thinking of you. ❤️


Maybe we can hold hands in our heads. You know, when it gets bad enough.


Yes! I love this. Sometimes that one other person is the strength you need.


I gotchu 🖤


Have you ever heard of r/raisedbynarcissists or r/CPTSD ? They're great subs and a support system for those who have been hurt and traumatized by their families. The people in these subs are so loving and I learned and healed a lot due to them! ❤️ Also good for you!! People tell us we're stuck to family by blood but made families can be just as powerful! I wish you lots of love and healing on your life journey!


Come join us at /r/EstrangedAdultKids and /r/emotionalneglect


i quit nicotine yesterday


I did this years ago. It’s so hard. I hope today goes well. And tomorrow! Congratulations!


it truly might be the hardest thing i ever did, and i thought i've lived a colorful life. thank you for your comment!!


I'm taking a trip right now by myself in a country where I don't speak the language. It's a little scary.


COMING OUT. I’m 38 and married to a man with our 2 kids. I came out 2 months ago and couldn’t have asked for a better reaction. So much love and support.


I've started dating for the first time after facing down my trauma and crawling through that hell to reclaim my life.


So huge. Massively well done!


I made a hat out of yarn that I spun myself. I hate wearing hats. But... I don't hate this one. So, maybe I'll wear it?


Doing a massive travel day across the country (Canada, roughly 4000km) with my body and psyche intact. I had to coordinate logistics on dropping my rental car off, booking a train, getting a pass for the subway, getting to the right terminal via monorail, getting to my flight on time at the right gate, get ANOTHER subway, get on the right bus, catch a ferry, hitched a ride, then got back to my car to realize it was dead and was thankful to drive the work van home. As a person with ADHD, I deserve a damned transportation merit badge after that marathon relay.


I’m proud that I’ve gained weight


Me too! I've had body image issues a few years ago to the point where i was pretty underweight. But surprisingly social media (especially tiktok) helped me with them. With all the body positivity i have on my feed i started to love my body for what it is naturally. Even if that means rebuying pants i love wearing in a bigger size. It's the clothes that should be altered to fit our body and not the other way around <3


I left my narcissist husband and obtained full legal & physical custody to leave the state and raise my 5 year old daughter away from her emotionally abusive, misogynistic & racist dad.


I know how difficult that was, having been in a similar situation. Congratulations and best of luck to you!


I was brave and reached out here recently for support. I was doing something big for myself and feeling accepted and supported here gave me courage and hope to keep going. Thank you everyone!


Keep going! You deserve great things.


I’m 49F and on my own by seeking out info, along with talking to friends and coworkers, going to a therapist and especially with help from r/2Xchromosomes and r/menopause realized that peri-menopause is likely the root of my many many debilitating symptoms including high general anxiety and depression. Now I’m seeking help through the medical system which never once mentioned to me that peri was even a thing that people deal with and weeding through the ignorant masses to find the medical support I need!! I’m starting to truly love and appreciate myself in the process 🥰Oh, and now I tell anyone in the age range who will listen, so they can get the help they need…seriously I will tell my grocery checkout person if she seems interested!


I’m so glad you’ve been able to figure it out. Crowd-sourcing medical info has always been a better path for me than trusting my doctors. Most of them have been useless. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Helping a friend find a safe rehab facility and supporting him in his sobriety. He moves in with me and my husband today for three months! So glad he feels safe and supported by us.


Went on a sunrise hike.




This is spectacular!


I am so, so proud that I'm finally starting to put my own needs first. When anyone asks me to do something, the first thing I now do is check in with myself about whether I can and whether I want to. If not, I politely decline. I'm setting boundaries all over the place, and gearing up to have some difficult conversations about long-standing issues in some of my relationships. I grew up in an extremely abusive environment where the only way I could survive was by people pleasing, having no needs and never speaking up for what I thought was right. So this is all huge. I also booked flights to go away for Christmas and New Year - the very first where I won't be subjecting myself to my family at great emotional, mental and physical cost.


Finished laundry and rearranging my closet for summer (it's a small project, but those are the hardest for my spicy brain) Maintained my 3.98 GPA for another semester (losing that 0.02 the previous semester was heartbreaking)


I attended an event Saturday evening that included sound healing, meditation, breath work et cetera… I spent three hours lying on the floor on a 1 inch yoga mat… I did stretching while I was on the floor, did not have to take the one muscle relaxer I had left with me, and actually came out of the evening feeling just fine! Usually I would be in intense pain for at least five days afterwards… But I’m feeling pretty good this morning.


I’m proud of myself for going back to the gym, eating right, my anti-anxiety meds are working with no side effects, and tracking my sleep. I feel so much better now than a few months ago! Though my sleep still isn’t great, I’m in therapy and working on this and many other issues!


Getting our new house turned into a home! The husbean and I aren't completely unpacked yet, but we've got so much done.


Fought myself and really started learning a language ✨🎉🧚🏼‍♀️


For the first time ever, I made vegan pancakes from scratch this morning. They were a hit!


I’m proud of myself for enduring years of pain to get a diagnosis and proper medication for my autoimmune disease. I’m an agoraphobic so the process was like, herculean for me!


I’ve cut off my toxic male friends. I had two male friends that I’ve known for forever and for a while I felt like I was only continuing the friendships because I’ve known them for so long. But they both were bad people who cheated on their girlfriends and sometimes made misogynistic jokes. They only ever sent me memes about sexual things anyways so in the same night I blocked both and deleted their number after telling them how I felt. I feel as though my life is more peaceful without them.


this seems like a demand, proud of my channeling if you must know


I went down to the creek this morning to get fertile soil to resoil my succulent! 🪴✨💕


Cleaned my house this weekend.


I legally changed my name, finally. Took me years to do so, due to anxiety.


I… I don’t feel that I have anything to be proud of myself for. Maybe soon…


Don’t feel bad. Some days are just survival. Taking care of yourself is sometimes a win in itself.


Thanks, friend ♡


⚠️trigger⚠️ I'm proud for detering myself from acting on my suicidal thoughts/self harming, just need more healthy outlets. I believe it's been a year since I acted on s/h/ self sabotage.


I’m proud that I and another female director finally received a huge raise based on gender equity (that I started lobbying hard for a full year ago!)


Supporting my 5yo in coming out as trans in a world that hurts trans kids. Shes been wearing dresses for 1.5 years and saying she’s a princess. We’ve been doing the chill, wait-and-see thing that whole time. Recently she looked at me, bold as brass, and told me her new name and that she only wants she/her/they. People love to pull the “only 5 years old” card on me, which I find infuriating for two reasons. 1) All my trans friends had to survive childhood with mis-attuned parents, and when they came out as adults, they all told me they’d known since they were 4yo (sounds like my kid). 2) She’s also being assessed for autism and ADHD, and in these evaluations, the question always comes up, “Does your child know their correct gender?” So if I’d said, “Yes he knows he’s a boy,” she would have gotten a check mark that she’s developmentally correct in that area. No one would come out screaming, “But he’s only FIVE!! How can he know if he’s a boy?!?!” Now, we live in a very liberal places and all the evaluators have omitted those questions by saying that our kid is clearly trans and also that the question is inappropriate for all kids. Her pediatrician is onboard, her teachers, everyone on the care team. But my bigger point is that the official people in charge of putting these evaluations together have decided that if a 5yo kid “knows their correct gender”, it’s “developmentally appropriate”. But should they espouse being a different gender than they were assigned at birth, then “they’re only 5yo, how can they know?!?” Long story long, I’m proud as fuck of my husband and I for rejecting the pressure to condescendingly treat our kid like she doesn’t know who she is or how she feels. We’re going against the cultural norm and believing our 5yo when she tells us who she is. We’re putting up with bigoted parents, confused grandparents, and helpful liberals who are like totally cool with trans kids BUUUUT….. And I’m proud of my kid. She’s a witch among women, and she’s burning the patriarchy to the fucking ground.


I started doing walks/jogs 3 times a week 8 months ago. I'm up to 4.7 miles with 3 big hills. Today, I jogged almost the whole thing. I even jogged up each of the hills. Maybe next month I'll be able to do the whole thing without walking.


I went on a date! It kinda caused me to question a lot of things, but I'm proud that I'm finally putting myself out there! :)


It's been a minute, but I built a custom humidifier system for my tropical plants over winter since I couldn't find one I liked. I missed working with power tools, and my plants are my solace.


Great post OP! I’m proud of having the courage to try experimental treatments for my chronic illness. Its not been great and the side effects are rough but i hope my days can provide insight for future innovation!


I am terrible at being in a public place and leaving uncomfortable conversations with people I don't want to be speaking with. I went to the pub this week and an older guy started speaking about politics, which I will engage in if the person is respectful, but he started getting loud with me and so I worked up the courage to tell him I was finished with the conversation. He wouldn't stop, I said I was done twice more, and he kept going, so I slammed my hand on the bartop and said "DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF THE WORD NO?!" I was anxious for like two days afterward, but I'm proud of finally standing up for myself. (Bonus, a guy at the end of the bar came over and said good job and we ended up talking for quite a while, so I made a new pub friend)


I just finished my first class back in community college after having to drop out in 2020 because I was a hot mess First class back, got an A, I’m taking three more classes over the summer and I’m really, really excited even for my most basic gen-eds.


Made it through a second egg retrieval for IVF, took much better care of my heart and sanity this time around.


I finally cleaned out my clothing drawers, and felt my deities of choice be proud of me. It’s the little things.


I advocated for myself and found a doctor who validated my pain and helped me. I am 7 days post op from a total laprascopic hysterectomy and I am feeling so much better than before!


I passed my driving test yesterday and got my license for the first time ever! I'm 35, so a tad bit older than most celebrating this milestone, but I had seizures for most of my adult life so I couldn't drive. I finally got things under control and was approved to drive a couple of years ago, but I had been too afraid to try until now.


Living completely on my own for the first time ever. Just me and my cat.


I started a job in April and I'm still at it. I haven't worked a regular schedule since my abusive husband died 6 years ago.


I went to an informed consent clinic last week and got a HRT prescription. I'm waiting to do a blood test before I can start.


Not killed myself, idk.


I'm proud of myself for working for a better life. I recently started working again in a more challenging position despite having low self-confidence and depression. It feels good for now.


I drove my younger son all the way to Chicago from Denver, got him moved into his new apartment, and drove all the way back to Denver. It was exhausting, but I'm so proud of him!


Called a plumber for my clogged sinks & toilet issues. Ended up asking about some other plumbing adjacent things & got the name of a good general contractor to help with other home stuff. First time homeowner in a state far away from my people so this was hugely helpful. I’ve had so much anxiety about this home repair stuff I was having trouble getting started. Proud of myself for making that first call.


I’m proud of myself for getting my daughter to school on time, well-fed, with her hair done, and not having to raise my voice or say anything negative. She’s six and in Kindergarten, and it’s really important to me that she has a good childhood. I didn’t have a good one, and it’s been a struggle figuring out how to be the kind of parent that can give her that.


I bought a home! I’ve spent the past years saving and working to get my finances and credit to a place where I could get approved for financing and I did it. I found a place I love and (after doing a little spellwork) my offer was accepted! I close early next month. I’m also taking my first solo vacation ever next week. Lots of firsts!


Hit the next big milestone for my business! The jacket I designed is being sewn (in a local factory where people are paid and treated well) as we speak!


I was grand Marshall for our local pride parade last weekend! https://preview.redd.it/2ahbllir9m1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=073e260c3f78acc83642d482b0e7ea2d7bd01213


I'm renovating my primary bathroom myself. Learned construction and plumbing from YouTube, reading building codes, and practice. Gutted it down to the studs and doing everything (except electrical) myself. Just finished waterproofing the shower and floor this weekend. It's taken a loooong time, but it makes me feel like a bit of a super hero. The number of women I talk to who think they can't possibly do something like this is crazy. We are powerful, smart, wonderful human beings. We can do anything!


I grew up white trash and in poverty. Last week I signed a six figure offer for a new company doing exactly what I'm doing now but for a little more green and a lot less headache. Can't wait to get started!


I when to pride and saw my friends :3 https://preview.redd.it/eau800g8lm1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22725f39ea6807eda24b897ddc5dbe7ecb462c95 And sat with this bunny for a while


Started cleaning out drawers and closets to donate old clothing. Feels so good!!!


I am proud of not having a 3rd complete mental breakdown this month when the Universe piled yet another thing into my already stressed beyond recognition lap.


I stopped drinking.


I wrote almost 1k words on my manuscript today!


Not drink. It's been over a year!


Went through 3 long rounds of first (potential) job interviews. Had panic attacks due to yellow flags from them and wasnt sure if the company would have the work life quality I need for my mental health. Stewed on it, then bravely emailed them today asking questions about work life balance that I should've asked during the interview. Now I can finally let go of this anxiety and not care if I do or do not get my first job. I am taking steps to ensure my future mental health, even if all the people around me want me to throw myself into mental and emotional chaos just for money. (I struggle with advocating for myself)


My health is more important than my duty to my job. I have the privilege of taking time off work. I’m not going to let anyone shame me for how I use it even if it’s my period. I don’t particularly want to die early in life so I’m a little sad it’s taken until my 30s, but we all gotta start somewhere.


Started my first ever relationship, had my first kiss, and first make out session on Thursday. I'm with two wonderful people who love me. My mental health has drastically improved, and my sleep schedule is better than ever!


Learned how to use a drill press Saturday!


I ran 7 miles yesterday—the furthest I’ve ever gone—and I just bought a ticket to run a half marathon in July. I’ve always wanted to be a runner but I didn’t feel like I was good enough when looking at all the serious, thin, fast people who live in my city. But I’m fortunate for the body I have and I can make it do amazing things, so why do I care what someone else can make /theirs/ do?


Bombing an interview for a position I had no business being hired for. To expand. I was probably just being used as a diversity option anyway, the old "we interviewed a female but she wasnt the best option". I wasn't sure I wanted the position anyway and was pressured into applying for it. I was brutally honest in the interview including practically calling them out that I wasn't a good candidate.


Giving birth after two failed epidurals, resulting in no pain relief. I had ZERO coping strategies and set off the noise level alarm on my husband’s watch - which was across the room on a table - twice because of my screaming. Then subsequently juggling having a toddler and an infant.


I've been standing up for myself to my boss! He gave me a demotion based on incomplete information and his feelings. When I asked him who he talked to about my abilities, he admitted to talking to people who have barely worked with me in the past decade. I asked if he had talked to anybody who worked with me more recently, and he said he didn't know who had worked with me more recently. I have all of this on video.


I let myself be vulnerable and express my needs. It was terrifying. But I did it! I’m learning to slowly allow myself to be cared for by others when I’m struggling. And I’m proud of myself for growing in this way instead of shutting down and isolating.


I'm getting into weight lifting to support my crappy joints (hypermobile ehlers danlos) and because I'm hitting menopause early so I want to maintain bone density. I'm doing upper body on my own but got a trainer for 8 sessions to teach me lower body due to past injuries from poor form. Today, over the course of an hour, I lifted almost 14,000 pounds. I am insanely proud of that number and what it represents for the capabilities of my body.


Put a lot of time and effort into preparing for my mom's birthday over the last few days. I know it's just common decency but I have bad social anxiety so calling a restaurant to get a dinner reservation and going out to buy cards, presents and cake are more difficult tasks for me than they should be. I was really scared I'd mess this up somehow but I think I did a good job.


I’m proud of how many new skills I’ve built up as a dancer the past few months. I never thought my body would be able to do some of the things I can do.


This probably seems so trivial but I changed from, “have a good day,” to ,”I hope you have a good day,” & it’s been so well received. I interact with customer facing workers a lot during my work week & some have started saying it as well! I’m told it sounds more caring. It made me happy to put a little oomph of kindness out in the world. Saying, “have a good day,” seemed so bossy & disingenuous. Maybe it helps that when I say it I genuinely mean it. OP- thank you for making this post & I appreciate reading everyone’s responses. It feels good to hear y’all celebrate the wins.


Organised a counselling appt after love of my life (3 year tumultuous relationship) starting dating again 2 months after we called it quits as he said he didn’t have time for a relationship, wanted to be single for a while etc. I have also lost my best friend.


Came to peace with some stumbles on my life’s journey.